File - Idol and Book Week

Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)
Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing)
By the end of Year 3, students understand how content
By the end of Year 4, students understand that texts have
can be organised using different text structures
different text structures depending on purpose
depending on the purpose of the text. They understand
and audience. They explain how language features,
how language features, images and vocabulary choices
images and vocabulary are used to engage the interest of
are used for different effects.
They read texts that contain varied sentence structures, a
They describe literal and implied meaning connecting
range of punctuation conventions, and images that
ideas in different texts. They express preferences for
provide additional information. They identify literal and
particular texts, and respond to others’ viewpoints.
implied meaning connecting ideas in different parts of
They listen for key points in discussions.
a text. They select information, ideas and events in texts
that relate to their own lives and to other texts.
They listen to others’ views and respond appropriately.
Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
Students understand how language features are used to
link and sequence ideas. They understand how language
can be used to express feelings and opinions on topics.
Their texts include writing and images to express and
develop in some detail experiences, events, information,
ideas and characters.
Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
Students use language features to create coherence and
add detail to their texts. They understand how to express
an opinion based on information in a text.
They create texts that show understanding of how images
and detail can be used to extend key ideas.
Students create structured texts to explain ideas for
different audiences. They make presentations and
Students create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar
contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying
audiences. They contribute actively to class and group
language according to context. They demonstrate
discussions, asking questions, providing useful feedback
understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a
and making presentations. They demonstrate
range of resources and use accurate spelling and
understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and
punctuation, editing their work to improve meaning.
punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of
their writing. They use knowledge of sounds and high
frequency words to spell words accurately, checking their
work for meaning. They write using joined letters that are
accurately formed and consistent in size.
Building field knowledge: Find out about the Aboriginal peoples of the NSW south
coast using the Living Knowledge website. ACHHK077
Read and discuss the history of incidents which details contacts between Aboriginal
people in NSW and British colonies between 1770 and 1792. Hot seat imaginary
characters from both sides of each incident to in order to explore differing perspectives
about the events. ACHHK080 ACHHS085
Exploring the context of the text: Identify the narrator’s point of view in the text.
Discuss whether this point of view is sympathetic to the various indigenous peoples Cook
met, making references to the text. ACELY1675 ACHHS085
Read extracts (or the whole text) of Topsey Turvey World, compare and contrast with this
Copies of text excerpts
from websites
Topsey Turvey World
text and discuss how the two authors have chosen to recount the first contacts between
British colonisers, Aboriginal people and the fauna of Australia.ACELT1602 EN210C ACHHK080 HT2-4
Responding to the text: View a series of informative texts about Captain Cook from the
school library or online and compare and contrast with the hybrid informative/narrative
format found in this text. Ask students to explain which type of text they prefer and
Exploring the text: Examine the illustrations showing the locations travelled to in the
text. The author does not describe these locations in much detail, so how do the
illustrations work to build the setting? How would the setting change if the illustrations were
different (for example, photographs or a more naturalistic style)? ACELT1599
Although this is mainly an informative text, the author clearly characterises Captain Cook.
Find examples of this characterisation in the text and discuss how it helps to engage the
reader in the voyage. ACELT1605
Examining grammar: Examine the use of time connectives as a way of ordering the
events in the text. ACELA1491
Find examples of language that would have been more commonly found during Cook’s
time (including seafaring references). Why do you think the author included this language?
What effect does its inclusion have on the tone of the text? ACELY1686
Examining grammar: When the ship runs aground and the crew go ashore to make
repairs, the author deliberately describes the wildlife using noun groups that are linked to
the opinions and experiences of the sailors (including referring to ‘wolves’ and ‘alligators’ in
italics). How does this language help to characterise the sailors and their experiences of
an alien land? ACELA1493
Examining visual and multimodal features: The illustrations of Captain Cook use a
low modality style constructed using straight lines, with a gaze that is often closed,
squinting or looking down (for instance, an ‘offer’). How do these illustrations help to
characterise him? ACELT1605
Variety of texts about
Captain Cook
Samples of images from
Samples of
characterisation in text
Samples of time
Samples of language from
Noun groups
Copies of images of
Captain Cook from text
Examining visual and multimodal features: Discuss how the limited colour palette
affects the mood of the text. ACELA1496
Copies of illustrations from
Compare and contrast some of the illustrations with Aboriginal ‘X-ray’ style rock art, bark
art and ‘dot paintings’. Why has the illustrator incorporated some of these techniques into
his illustrations? How do they present a point of view which sometimes contrasts that
implied in the written text? ACELY1675
For more ideas download the Random House Teacher’s Guide (.pdf 606 kB) to Meet Captain Cook. Find rich resources for
Year 4 History and English in the E4AC unit 1788: Was life the same for everyone?
Students understand that texts are structured differently depending upon the purpose of the text (Week 3 & 4)
Students understand and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used for different effects and to
engage audiences (Week 6, 7 & 8)
Students express preferences for texts (Week 5)