Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Theme subject focus: Science Rocks and soils / volcanoes Visits / visitors / enhancements / WOW factor! Home links – family project about volcanoes You tube clip (see music) Investigate different kinds of rocks and soils (including those in local environment) What makes the Earth angry? Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts) Can I describe how volcanoes and earthquakes are created and why they happen? Can I locate and name some of the world’s most famous volcanoes? Can they explain how people’s lives vary due tho the weather? Can they name and locate some well-known European countries / cities? Can I describe how volcanoes can have an impact on people’s lives? Can I use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes? Can I compare / group together different rocks on the basis of their appearance / physical properties? Can I describe and explain how different rocks can be useful to us? Can I describe how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock? Do I recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Cross- curricular elements overview; English Record and present what they have found out using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams and tables. The story of Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii. Non-fiction reading and writing. Empathetic writing ‘Frozen in Time’– first person account. Beast Quest by Adam Blade (author work). – link Greek myths Theseus and the Minotaur. Computing Weather / natural disaster report. (Green screen) Slideshow presentation – Pompeii (information text, pictures and animation) Mathematics Using and applying their knowledge of graphs / Venn and Carroll diagrams to classify rocks and soils. Art + design Images of Mount Fuji by Katshshki Hokusai – creating pictures using pastels. Collage of erupting volcanoes. Music Music reflecting angry weather, tsunamis, natural disaster such as volcanoes + earthquakes. Video clips – pupils to create their own music to represent the images. The four seasons by Vivaldi. P.E. R.E. SMSC Languages Sports coach–games (acquiring and developing skills) Dance–compose Volcano dance in groups (link Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii?) The meaning of gifts at Christmas. Why do Christians and Hindus give gifts at Diwali? Awe/ wonder – investigating different rocks and soils. Artist – Hokusai, Musician – 4 seasons. The impact of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on people who lived in Pompeii (discuss feelings about the disaster) French language and culture Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: What makes the Earth angry? Theme focus: Science / Design Technology Focus Science Investigations with different types of rocks and soils Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: compare + group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance + simple physical properties (eg grains, crystals etc) describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock recognise that soils are made from organic matter. understand why buildings and gravestones change over time Resources Rocks and soils packs Magnifying / hand lens Internet search engine Visit to local churchyard (gravestones – made with different rocks such as marble, granite limestone, sandstone) Geography Locating volcanoes, countries and Pupils should be taught to: cities. describe and understand key aspects of volcanoes and earthquakes Locate and name the capital cities understand the reasons why people settle where of neighbouring European they do. countries use maps, atlases, globes and digital / computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied begin using four figure grid references recognise the 8 points of the compass explain why a locality has certain human features eg reservoir etc Atlases Globes Ipads (atlas app) Google maps Investigative opportunities Challenge Can the pupils decide how to record their findings? Can they use Venn or Carroll diagrams to classify the rocks? Can the pupils describe and explain the difference between sedimentary and igneous rock? Can pupils explain how natural disasters / severe weather can affect people’s lives? Can they identify physical and human features on a map? (own research) Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: What makes the Earth angry? Knowledge, Skills and Understanding breakdown for Working Scientifically Year 3 Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they use different ideas and suggest how to find something out? Can they make and record a prediction before testing? Can they plan a fair test and explain why it was fair? Can they set up a simple fair test to make comparisons? Can they explain why they need to collect information to answer a question? Year 3 (Challenging) Planning Obtaining and presenting evidence Considering evidence and evaluating Can they suggest how to improve their work if they did it again? Can they offer suggestions to other pupils about how they could improve their work?1 Can they record and present what they have found using scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, bar charts and tables? Can they measure using different equipment and units of measure? Can they record their observations in different ways? (labelled diagrams, charts etc) Can they describe what they have found using scientific words? Can they make accurate measurements using standard units? Can they explain their findings in different ways (display, presentation, writing)? Can they use their findings to draw a simple conclusion? Can they suggest improvements and predictions for further tests? Can they explain what they have found out and use their measurements to say whether it helps to answer their question? Can they use a range of equipment (including a data-logger) in a simple test? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: What makes the Earth angry? Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, art+design, music, P.E. R.E. computing Focus ENGLISH Recount – ‘Frozen in Time’ Writing from the point of view of a person in Pompeii (24th August AD 79) Myth – Theseus and the Minotaur (Link author work Beast Quest) Explaining their scientific findings in different ways Programme of study Pupils should be taught to: plan their writing by: discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar discussing and recording ideas use drama to give them more insight into character motives and feelings draft and write by: composing and rehearsing sentences orally (including dialogue), progressively building a varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing range of sentence structures (English Appendix 2) organising paragraphs around a theme in non-narrative material, using simple organisational devices [for example, headings and sub-headings] evaluate and edit by: assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing and suggesting improvements proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency, including the accurate use of pronouns in sentences proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors read aloud their own writing, to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controlling the tone and volume so that the meaning is clear. Resources Investigative opportunities Challenge Sample text type (recount) examples of story starts Can the pupils use more sophisticated conjunctions + connectives in their writing? Collection of ideas / vocabulary I can statements for different text types Can they create a picture of the setting using effective vocabulary and figurative language? Thesaurus Dictionary Spellchecker Peer marking criteria (steps to success) Can the pupils ‘mark’ a piece of text like a teacher? (teaching them how to assess objectively) Can they identify the ‘step it up’ for the pupils ot act upon? Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Focus MATHEMATICS Carroll and Venn diagrams RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Why do Christians give gifts at Christmas? Do Hindus give gifts at Diwali? ART AND DESIGN Images of Mount Fuji by Katshshki Hokusai in pastels Using a different range of materials to create a volcano collage MUSIC Music to represent different natural events + disasters and extreme weather. Create own ‘Volcano’ music What makes the Earth angry? Programme of study Resources Pupils should: be taught to interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and table continue to interpret data presented in many contexts Cardboard hoops (Venn diagrams) Carroll diagrams Images of different rocks (Actual rocks if necessary) Pupils should be taught: how to investigate different religions and beliefs how to ask relevant questions about the stories of Jesus (Christianity) and those of other religions to reflect on their own beliefs and values. Tameside locally agreed syllabus DVD /books Story of the Christmas gifts Hindu gifts (clips on BBC website) Knowledge Pupils should be taught to: compare the work of different artists explore work from other periods of time explore works from other cultures produce own work inspired by an artist Collage cut a range of materials accurately experiment with different colours and materials Pictures / photos of work by Hokusai Sugar paper Pastels Pencils Tissue, crepe, cellophane, Sequins, coloured papers of different thicknesses and textures, glue Pupils should: be able to recognise the work of some famous composers (Vivaldi) create repeated patterns with different instruments combine different sounds to create specific moods or effects. use musical words to describe pieces of music The ‘Four Seasons’ by Vivaldi ‘You tube’ clips of volcanoes with accompanying music Eruption at Bardarbunga – DJI Feats Kilauea Into the night volcan Pitch, dynamics, texture, rhythm, timbre and tempo. Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils use Venn or Carroll diagrams to sort different kinds of data? (own choice) How could pupils give the gift of love, joy or peace to another person? Can pupils choose their favourite ‘view’ of Mount Fuji and explain why they have chosen it? Can pupils find a creative way of producing lava on their collage? Listen to other piece of music and see what pictures come into your mind – which ones reflect weather, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes etc? Can pupils explain their reason Manor Green Primary and Nursery School Key Stage 2 Year 3 Autumn 2 Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning Theme Title: Focus COMPUTING Creating a presentation Presenting the weather (Green screen) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dance – linked to theme ‘Volcano’ dance in groups Weekly sessions of games (with Coach) What makes the Earth angry? Programme of study Pupils should be taught: to combine text, images and sounds and show awareness of audience create a presentation that moves from slide to slide reflect on their own learning / evaluate own and others’ work to save work to their own folder Games Pupils should be taught; to throw and catch with control to be aware of space within a games situation Dance to share and create phrases with a partner and small groups Evaluate their own and others’ performance Resources Computers Prepared presentation to serve as a model for the children Balls of different sizes Bibs for games Music to stimulate improvisation Ipad to record own dances Investigative opportunities Challenge Can pupils will include music in their presentations? Pupils will remember the phrases created to perform own dance ‘routine’ with partner or group