Ms - Lancaster High School

Ms. Liggins’
“Classroom Rules, Procedures, Expectations”
Attendance. Daily attendance to class is a critical component to achieving academic excellence. By
attending class regularly, you are more likely to keep up with the daily lessons, assignments, and take
assessments on time.
Bullying. Bullying will automatically result in student removal. School officials will determine
consequences of such action according to the LHS Student Handbook.
Cell Phones. School board policy states that students are to use electronic devices only for educational
purposes. They should not be talking, texting, surfing the internet, or playing games at any point on their
cell phone during class.
Classroom Behavior. Students are expected to follow the standards set forth in the Student Handbook
and Student Code of Conduct in addition to specific classroom rules and procedures set forth by Ms.
Classroom Cleanliness. Trash of any kind should not be brought into the classroom. If you have trash,
please place it in a trash can when you enter. Your work station must remain free of litter at all times. If
you need to place litter in the trash can, please raise your hand and ask for permission.
Electronic Devices. The use of electronic devices is prohibited unless used for the express purpose as
outlined in the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) policy. This includes cell phones, iPod, mp3 players,
digitals & video cameras, etc. Put electronics away for the entire class period.
End of Class Dismissal.
Stay in your seat until the teacher’s dismisses.
Clean up your workstation by picking up pencils and papers
Stay in your seat until the teacher dismisses you at the sound of the bell.
Push your chair in and exit the room in an orderly fashion
Entering the Classroom.
1. Enter the classroom in a quite orderly fashion.
2. Pick up your folder
3. Sharpen your pencil if necessary, and take your seat. You will remain seated throughout the class
period unless permission is granted by the teacher to move.
4. You may start on your bell ringer if you wish, before the bell rings. The bell ringer will be written
on paper.
5. Once the bell rings, and the door is closed, you must be in your seat working.
You are given 5 minutes to complete the bell ringer.
Extra Credit.
Available to students needing to make up assignments
Students needing or wanting to raise their grade.
Check with teacher about extra credit work before or after school
Grading Policy.
Daily work- 40%
Test and Quizzes- 40%
Cheating- a student found to have engaged in cheating is subject to disciplinary action and a
grade of “0” on the work affected.
Homework. Homework will be due at the beginning of class when assigned.
Late Work policy. Work will be accepted up to 4 days late with a penalty of 10 points each day. Late
penalty is applied after work is graded.
Make-up Work.
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when
they are absent.
Students who are absent will have the same number of days equal to the number of days missed
to complete make-up work.
Make-up assignments, quizzes and tests will not be made available to students when an
absence due to truancy.
Personal Grooming. Combing hair, putting on or repairing eyelashes, polishing nails, etc. is prohibited.
Physical Contact. Touching, patting, pinching, bumping, grabbing, cornering or blocking passageway,
kissing, etc. Is not permitted.
Restroom Procedure. Restroom passes should be used in emergency cases only. The student is expected
to use the restroom between classes. No hall passes will be issued the first fifteen minutes of class or
the last fifteen minutes of 2nd and 3rd period classes. No passes will be issued during 1st, 4th 7 5th period
classes. During class if a student must leave to go the restroom, the following steps apply:
The student will first sign the teacher’s restroom pass log book (name & time left).
The teacher will fill out the official hall pass for students.
The student has (6) minutes to return to class.
The student will write the time they return in the teacher’s restroom pass log book.
Only one student may leave the classroom at a time.
Any abuse of a restroom pass will result in the revoke of future restroom privileges.
Seating Assignments. Each class will have a seating chart. The seating chart will be used as part of the
attendance process. Therefore, it is imperative to be in your assigned seat or run the risk of being
counted absent.
Rule Violations- You start a clean slate every week. Consequences will be enforced only for the repeated
violations during that week. Parent/Guardian will be notified after two occurrences. Depending on the
infraction, Parent/Guardian will be notified after the first occurrence. After Parent/Guardian
notification, student will be referred to administration automatically for disciplinary act.
Pocket folder-any color
Spiral notebook
**** Pen and Pencil
**** Notebook Paper
**** The student is responsible for bringing these supplies to class each day.
Tardiness. The student is expected to follow the high school’s tardy policy.
Student Expectations
Respect for the teacher
Respect for each other
Respect for the classroom
Arrive on time to class
Stay in your seat
Raise your hand
Do your own work
Follow directions for the first time they are given
Substitute Teachers. Students are expected to give substitute teachers the same respect as the teacher
without excuse.
Visitors. All visitors to the classroom will be greeting by the teacher. Students are expected to follow the
usual classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the
visitor unless they need to speak to you directly.
Contract between
Student and Ms. Liggins
I have read Ms. Liggins’ 2015-2016 classroom rules and procedures. I understand that these rules and
procedures are established to provide the finest leaning environment and experienced possible for me
and my fellow students. I understand that following Ms. Liggins’ classroom rules, procedures and
expectations are my responsibility and failure to meet them may result in Disciplinary experience. I
further understand that mature behavior is expected from students who take this course. I will make a
concerted effort to support Ms. Liggins in her endeavor to make me ready to compete in a global society
and become a productive citizen in the world.
Name of Class_______________________________________
Student Printed Name____________________________________________________________
Student Signature_____________________________________________Date_______________
I have reviewed Ms. Liggins’ student guidelines as a way of supporting my child in this course.
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please return this form signed by November 21, 2014 which will be placed in the student’s file. The
student will receive 100 points for returning this form signed on or before November 21, 2014.
I look forward to a power-packed, fun-filled, purpose-driven year!
Let’s enjoy the journey,
Ms. Cynthia Liggins
Principles of Health Science, Health Science and Medical Terminology Teacher
Lancaster High School
972-218-1800 ex 5349