Green Campus Committee February 7, 2012 Minutes In Attendance: Christina Adams Bonnie Bachman Ray Bono Cory Brennan Joel Burken Andy Careaga Randy Davis Jamie Feldhacker Donna Kreisler Sara Lindeman Jim Murphy Jim Packard Mark Potrafka Angie Rolufs Julie Wilson 64% Attendance! Guest: Dr. Kate Drowne, Associate Professor of English, Writing Center Director 1. Shared two stories about successful student green fees. ACTION: Send a success story to Julie for publication in AASHE and other newsletters. 2. Guest Speaker – Dr. Kate Drowne talked about the various programs in development around the One Book Project: No Impact Man. The intent of the program is to pick a timely subject that encourages students to ACT, and the point of No Impact Man is to become engaged. She passed out flyers for NIM Week and copies were sent by Kate. She explained how the No Impact Project provides information and guidance on conducting a No Impact Week on campuses. Kate sent information to the committee with more details. The committee agreed to support the efforts of the planning committee that will be formed to develop the programming for the next three semesters. Andy asked if any students have attempted a no impact week, and Kate said she would check with the various instructors. He will do a story on them if there are. A lot of discussion about a potential push to reduce bottled water on campus, culminating in the idea to build a large structure with the number of bottles we generate on campus in one week. Angie will talk to Richie Myers about building a frame to display at Earth Day. Christina will provide Julie with a list of Administrative Assistants to be contacted to determine the cost and volume of bottled water purchased on campus annually. This will include the water coolers. The idea is to put resources spent on bottled water towards the purchase of hydration stations. Sara reported that in her research, it was shown that hydration stations were extremely effective in reducing plastic waste. Gasland video – thoughts about whether or not to show? Interested in participating in panel discussion during NIM week? ACTION: Participate in NIM week (attend films, advertise events in class, participate on panel) 3. Current Campus Projects a. RecycleMania: The EcoMiners are organizing some events with the RHA to raise awareness. Julie is working with faculty and staff to begin using the Mini Bin program, which changes the responsibility of emptying trash and recycling from the custodians to the individual, which is a proven method of changing behavior and reducing waste. All GCC members should consider setting the example! ACTION: Recycle! Reduce the waste you bring to campus. Contact Julie to get your mini bin. b. Ground Source Heating/Cooling: construction is scheduled to being in April at 16th and Pine and work west. 7,000 feet of underground trenching will occur between April and October. Building modifications will begin in October. ACTION: Contact Tony if you have research ideas/opportunities Jim was successful in acquiring a 2% loan from DNR to work on the McClure Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs). These funds will go toward fume hoods and other improvements in McNutt, HSS, and ERL. Ted is doing a phone interview with a Chicago magazine regarding these projects Andy is developing a fact sheet with Physical Facilities to help with promoting our green initiatives. Ted is also developing building and design standards to be used in all future construction. c. Virtual Desktop Initiative Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Update: The CLC and Staff Thin Client pilots are going well. The week of Feb 6th, we are launching a new thin client CLC in the Havener Quiet Lounge, as well as Fulton 107. The Staff Thin Clients will be an option for the next Staff Desktop Enhancement cycle. The VDI technology will be in Production Mode in the Fall. ACTION: Participate in pilot program by contacting Cathy Allison; change your computer settings to be the most efficient: d. EMS objectives EMS External audit will by June 6-10; Management Review will be May 7; Internal Audits already in progress. 1. Monitor Energy BTU monitors have arrived. 8 will be installed in Civil, Fulton, McNutt. 65 others (1/2 energy, ½ water) will be installed across campus. 2. Improve SPCCP training Process complete 3. Develop Fuel Reduction Plan No progress 4. Reduce Solid Waste Waste audit will be conducted this spring to determine percent reduction. 4. Upcoming Campus Projects a. Green Roof-scheduled to being in March b. Commuting/carpooling support system c. Doe Run research opportunities d. Student Green Fund e. Sustainability Timeline f. Hydration Stations: student study shows S&T is throwing out approximately 600,000 bottles per year. Environmental Engineering is willing to purchase water bottles for new freshman in that department. Idea: Obtain grant for refilling stations for select buildings; solicit support from New Student Programs to identify funding opportunities from appropriate departments. ACTION: Stay engaged 5. Opportunities a. NSF STEM Scholarships - education Committee agreed to support a campus wide collaboration to apply. b. Textbook Reviewers Needed: Help Educate for a Sustainable Future AASHE is supporting partner organization DANS (Disciplinary Associations' Network for Sustainability) and the Mobilizing Disciplinary Societies on Behalf of our Students and our Planet initiative to answer the demand from educators and students for sustainability-related materials in all disciplines. Major textbook publishers Cengage and McGraw-Hill are currently looking for reviewers who can suggest ideas about how to educate for a sustainable future. These ideas will be used as examples and themes in textbook revisions by the publishers. Anyone involved in education for a sustainable future - in any academic discipline interested in this opportunity can email their contact information to (include contact's discipline in the subject line) and they will receive a follow up email with more details. Reviewers will receive remuneration for their work. 6. Save the Dates: a. Earth Hour – March 31, 8:00 pm: Turn off your lights for one hour b. Next Meeting - April 3, 2012, 10:30-12:00 c. Earth Day – April 20, 2012, 11:00-3:00