Unit Lithosphere Question topic 2013 1a. Limestone 1b. Mass movement 2012 1a. Glaciation map evidence 1b. Draw glacial deposition 2011 5a. Identify features of coastal erosion 5b. Formation of one erosional feature 2010 1a. Scree slopes 1b. Corrie Atmosphere 2009 6a. Evidence from map of Limestone 6b. Explain formation of Limestone feature 2013 2a. Greenhouse effect 2b. Global warming 2012 6a. Distribution of energy 6b. Consequences of global warming 2011 1a. Air masses ITCZ 1b. Variation in rainfall 2010 1a. Human factors leading to global warming 1b. Consequences of global warming Urban 2009 5ai. Patterns of ocean currents in Atlantic Ocean 5aii. Describe how they maintain global energy balance 5b. Transfer of energy by wind 2013 3a. Residential environments 3b. Impact of out of town shopping centre on CBD 2012 8a. Changes in CBD Tick when done 8b. Urban land use characteristics for inner city or suburbs 2011 7a. Site and situation contributing to growth 7b. Land use changes in CBD or inner city 2010 4a. Evidence of location of CBD (map) 4b. Advantages of location and environment for residents (map) 4c. Conflicts Rural 2009 8i. Impact of out of town shopping centre on CBD 8ii. Other changes which have taken place in the CBD 2013 4a. Intensive v commercial 4b. Changes in farming practices 2012 7a. Shifting cultivation 7b. Recent changes in intensive peasant farming 2011 3i. Main features of shifting cultivation or intensive peasant agriculture 3ii. Recent changes and impact on people and environment. 2010 7ai. Mechanisation 7aii. Impact of mechanisation on the environment 7b. Changes in commercial arable farming Hydrosphere 2009 3a. Intensive peasant v commercial arable 3bi. Changes in intensive peasant farming 3bii. Impact on people and environment 2013 5a. Describe river and its valley 5b. Meander 2012 2a. Human activities affect hydrological cycle 2b. Draw lower course feature 2011 6a. Features of draining basin 6b. Hydrograph 2010 5a. Meander 5b. Physical and human factors contributing to flooding (map) Biosphere 2009 1a. Describe river and its valley 1b. Waterfall 2013 6a. Plant succession in sand dunes 6b. Brown earth profile 2012 5a. Describe soil profile or podzol or gley 5b. Explain how physical factors have created brown earth soil. 2011 2a. Climax vegetation 2b. Changes in plant type in a dune 2010 6. Changes in vegetation in sand dune Population 2009 2a. Podzol 2b. Brown earth 2013 7a. Population 7b. Consequences of growing population 2012 3a. DTM 3b. Problems with ageing population 2011 8a. How carry out census and why important to get accurate data 8b. Why difficult and less reliable in developing countries 2010 3a. Migration 3b. Impact on donor or receiving country Industrial 2009 7a. Changes in population structure 7b. Consequences of population structure 2013 8a. New industrial landscape 8b. Attract new industry 2012 4a. Decline of industrial areas 4b. Impact of industrial closure on area 2011 4a. Physical and human factors for locating industry 4b. Regeneration by EU and gvt 2010 8i. Reasons for industrial decline 8ii. Socio-economic impacts. 2009 4i. Characteristics of new industrial landscape in EU 4ii. Ways government and EU can attract new industry Rural land resources 2013 1a. Glacial features 1b. Opportunities 1ci. Conflicts 1cii. Solutions 2012 1a. Limestone features 1b. Socio-economic opportunities 1ci. Environmental conflicts 1cii. Resolve conflicts 2011 1a. Features of glacial erosion 1b. Opportunities 1c. Tourism 1di. Environmental conflicts 1dii. Solutions 2010 1a. Erosional and deposition features in coasts 1b. Socio economic opportunities 1c. Adv and Dis of SSSI on local people and environment 1d. Conflicts and resolutions Rural land degradation 2009 1a. Glacial features 1b. Social and economic opportunities 1ci. Environmental conflicts 1cii. Solutions 2013 2a. Social erosion by wind 2b. Humans causing degradation 2ci. Soil conservation strategies 2cii. Effectiveness 2012 2a. Physical factors leading to degradation 2b. Human activates leading to degradation 2ci. Soil conservation methods 2cii. Effectiveness of methods 2011 2a. Water and wind erosion 2b. Climate 2c. Human activities 2d. Conservation strategies 2010 2a. Processes of soil degradation 2b. Human activities causing soil degradation 2c. Impact of degradation on people and economy 2di. Farming adjustments to reduce erosion 2dii. Effectiveness River basin management 2009 2a. Describe the changes in rainfall 2bi. Human factors leading to degradation 2bii. Consequences 2ci. Measures to conserve soil and limit degradation 2cii. Effectiveness of these 2013 3a. Distribution of river basins 3b. Need for water management 3c. Problems 3d. Benefits and consequences 3a. Need for water management 3b. Human and physical factors for selecting site of dam 3c. Benefits and disadvantages of water control project 2011 3a. Need for water management 3b. Physical factors when selecting site of a dam 3ci. Benefits of water control project 3cii. Problems of water control project 2010 3ai. Patterns of river flow 3aii. Need for water management 3b. Physical factors when selecting a site for a dam 3c. Social, economic and environmental benefits and negatives of water management project Urban change and management 2009 3a. Need for water management 3b. Physical and human factors when selecting a site for a dam 3ci. Problems caused by the river flowing through more than one state or country 3cii. How problems can be overcome 3d. Social, economic and environmental benefits of a water control project 2013 4a. Distribution 4bi. Problems of urban sprawl 4bii. Solutions 4ci. Problems of shanty towns 4cii. Solutions 2012 4a. Distribution of major settlement 4b. Site and situation 4ci. Problems of urban sprawl 4cii. Resolutions 4di. Rapid growth of city 4dii. Socio-economic and environmental problems 2011 4a. Distribution of cities in developed world 4b. Advantages and disadvantages of development 4c. Reasons for traffic congestion 4di. Problems of population growth n developing country 4dii. Methods to tackle these problems 2010 4a. Number and distribution of mega cities 4bi. Growth of cities in terms or rural push/pull factors 4bii. Socio economic and environmental problems 4ci. Reasons for urban sprawl 4cii. Problems from growth 4ciii. Resolution European regional inequalities 2009 4a. Distribution of major cities in developed country 4bi. Social, economic and environmental problems in shanty town areas 4bii. Methods to tackle these problems and their effectiveness 4ci. Describe and explain why a city suffers traffic congestion 4cii. Why building a new road may lead to protests and land use conflicts 2013 5a. Why join EU 5b. Regional inequalities in UK 5c. Factors leading to it 5d. Solutions 2012 5ai. EU funding 5aii. EU initiatives 5bi. Inequality patterns 5bii. Physical and human variations in prosperity 5c. Steps to reduce inequality 2011 5a. Reasons to join EU 5b. North south divide 5c. Physical and human factors contributed to regional inequalities 5di. Government help 5dii. Effectiveness of strategies 2010 5ai. Distribution of convergence regions 5aii. Receive help from EU 5bi. Regional inequalities 5bii. Physical and human factors causing inequalities 5biii. Steps taken to reduce these Development and health 2009 5a. Differences in development between pre and post 2000 EU members 5bi. Distribution of regions eligible for grants 5bii. How EU initiatives might improve less prosperous regions 5ci. Physical and human factors causing inequalities 5cii. Steps taken to reduce these 2013 6a. Indictors 6b. Reasons for development variations 6ci. Factors contributing to disease 6cii. Measures and effectiveness 6biii. Benefits of controlling the disease 2012 6a. Indicators 6b. Reasons for development variations 6ci. Factors controlling disease 6cii. Measures to combat disease 6d. Primary healthcare strategies 2011 6ai. Different levels of development 6aii. Reasons for varying levels of development 6b. Measures to combat disease and effectiveness 6c. Primary health care strategies and their effectiveness 2010 6a. Variations in development 6b. Physical and human factors leading to low life expectancy 6ci. Physical and human factors causing disease 6cii. Measures to combat disease 6ciii. Benefits 2009 6a. Indicators 6b. Reasons for differences in development 6ci. Physical and human factors causing disease 6cii. Measures to combat disease 6ciii. Benefits