English 10 Syllabus Mr. Kimble Room 203 King WIlliam High School Email: mkimble@kwcps.k12.va.us Course Objective: The emphasis of English 10 is on the importance of writing, reading analysis, literature, grammar, research, and oral language. Students will advance with the skill and experience gathered from the previous year in order to broaden their comprehension of the English content areas that will be tested in the End of Course Standards of Learning test at end of their junior year. Textbooks: Holt-McDougal LIterature (English 10) Textbook Writing with Power (Grammar/Writing Textbook) *Other texts may be provided throughout the course of the semester. Materials: Pen/Pencil Notebook Three-Ring Binder Classroom Folder (these will be provided for you) *Everyone is expected to bring their materials with them to class every day. If you are not prepared, it will negatively affect your weekly participation grade. Grades Grades will be calculated every four weeks for progress reports with report cards being calculated and distributed at the end of each nine weeks. Grades can also be accessed daily on PowerSchool which is updated each Monday by 5 PM. Grade percentages: Tests: 40% Essays: 30% Quizzes: 20% Homework/classwork: 10% *It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades. If you have a question concerning your grade at any time, you must make an appointment with me after class, during lunch or before school. **Participation is counted as a portion of your classwork grade. You will be given a participation rubric weekly, which will assess your participation, preparation, attendance, and behavior in the classroom. Grading Scale Grades are calculated in percentages and then placed on an A to F scale for the report cards. The following scale is used in accordance with King William High School policy: A 93%-100% B 85%-92% C 77%-84% D 70%-76% F 0%-69% Instructional Plan Literature Study: ongoing throughout the year Guided, Independent, and Group Reading Various Post-Reading Activities Classroom Discussions on literature studied in class. Grammar: ongoing throughout the year Practice with multiple choice items reflecting SOL and SAT testing practices Break-out lessons on errors found in essays Various grammar-based classroom games. Various grammar worksheets (usually completed for homework) Writing: (journals and essays): ongoing throughout the year Daily journals Essays Vocabulary Development: ongoing throughout the year You will keep a vocabulary log in your binder, which you will fill out over the course of the semester. Classroom Procedures: Every day, you are expected to come into class and immediately go to your desk and begin the quick start. A folder will be provided on your desk at the beginning of the class every day that will include your quick start log. You will write your quick start on this sheet of paper when you walk into class. If you are not on task, you may receive a zero on that daily quick start. Also in your folder, you will have a vocabulary log, where you are expected to write the definition of vocabulary words discussed in class. You will also take additional notes in your notebook that you bring to class. During class, you may have a writing assignment to complete. You will be given a worksheet that will help you structure and outline this assignment. Other class work assignments include reading comprehension worksheets, grammar exercises, vocabulary exercises, and other various projects or activities planned by the instructor. You will complete any written work and put them in your individual folder. At the end of the class, you will complete an exit ticket. Like the quick start, a log will be included in your folder where you will complete your exit ticket. At the end of the week, the teacher will review each student’s folder and will grade the work they completed, in addition to filling out a participation rubric, which grades the student’s participation in class. This includes attending class on time, participating in class discussion, demonstrating positive behavior, being prepared for every class, and staying alert during the classroom discussion. You will be graded on this every week. A sample rubric has been provided in your folder. Course Plan Quarter 1: September 2-November 3 Literature Study: Short Stories, Informational Materials Writing: Paragraph and Essay Writing Vocabulary Development Grammar Practice Quarter 2: November 5-January 23 Literature Study: Drama, Poetry Writing: Research and Essay Writing Vocabulary Development Grammar Practice Quarter 3: January 27-March 26 Literature Study: Novel Writing: Essay Writing Vocabulary Development Grammar Practice Quarter 4: March 27-June 11 Literature Study: Novel Unit Continued Writing: Literary Review, Essay Writing Vocabulary Development Grammar Practice **The teacher reserves the right to make changes in the interest of maximizing student achievement.** Student Expectations: 1. Respect: this is the most important rule in order to have a positive classroom environment. In order for everyone to learn and have a positive experience in this classroom, showing respect to everyone in the classroom is vital to our success for the year. This includes: Raising your hand when you want to speak. Remaining in your seat. Listening to others and being respectful of their opinions and viewpoints. Treating others the way you want to be treated. Respecting the classroom environment, which also means cleaning up any trash left behind, not defacing or stealing school property, and keeping cell phones or any other electronic devices silent and put away. 2. Students will not commit an integrity violation by cheating or plagiarizing. Students who commit an integrity violation (including, but not limited to copying homework, cheating on quizzes or tests, plagiarizing essays or reports) will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Honor Code for King William High School. The MLA Handbook defines plagiarism as repeating: as your own someone else’s sentences, more or less verbatim […] other forms of plagiarism include repeating someone else’s particularly apt phrase without appropriate acknowledgement, paraphrasing another person’s argument as your own, and presenting another’s line of thinking […] as though it were your own. 3. Be an Active Participant: There will be many class discussions on the readings; come to class prepared with several questions or comments, and be prepared to share your ideas and viewpoints with the class. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and contribute; there are no “stupid” questions or “wrong” answers. This also means staying attentive and listening to the teachings and your fellow peers during class. 4. Be sure to turn in your work on time. Failure to do so will result in the grade being lowered depending on how late the assignment is. 5. If a student misses class with an excused absence, the assignments that were due must be turned in on the day the student returns to class. For multiple missed days, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time with the teacher to make up missed assignments. Please remember that work must be made up within the time outlined in the student agenda. All assignments not made up after the allotted time will receive zeroes. **Note: Unexcused /unverified absences forfeit the student’s chance to make up missed work.** 6. Students are expected to be in class on time and will be dismissed by the teacher. No one is to be out of his/her seat at the door prior to the end of class. 7. Food and drinks (except water) are not allowed in the classroom. Excessive reminders will result in after-school detention for the offending student. 8. The dress code policy will be enforced in this classroom. Also, I tend to keep my room cool, so if you are cold-natured, bring a sweater or jacket. 9. Bathroom Passes: When students need to use the bathroom, they will fill out a pass on the back of their agenda. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, excessive bathroom use will be monitored by the teacher, and this privilege can be limited or taken away. 10. Be prepared for class each day. This means having your binder, textbook, paper, and writing utensils in class every day. Locker passes will not be given. Periodic book checks will occur and your preparation will affect your score on the participation rubric. Lack of a textbook will negatively affect your participation grade. . 11. Bullying will NOT be tolerated. 12. The student should keep this syllabus in the front of their three-ring binder so that he/she can refer to it often. Please sign this contract and take home for your parent/guardian to sign. Bring to class by Friday, September 5, 2014. We, _________________________ and _________________________, have read and understood the (print student name) course descriptions, rules, and expectations. We will, to the best of our abilities, conduct ourselves in a manner of respect, dignity, and in accordance to the rules set forth in this document. _____________________________ ____________________________________ Student Signature Teacher Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature