DEPARTMENT FR RABBITS & POULTRY JUNIOR DIVISION Ages 12 & Under POCKET PETS AWARD - $10.00 Sponsored by To promote and encourage exotic and unusual pets. CHICKENS Class 1 – Fryer Chickens Lot Number 1. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 3 lbs.) Only one can be entered as an individual fryer 2. Single fryer (approximately 3 lbs.) The following will receive a Rosette: Champion Fryer Reserve Champion Fryer Class 2 – Meat Breeds Class 3 – Dual Purpose Breeds (Meat & Eggs) Class 4 – Egg Laying Breeds Class 5 – Fancy Breeds Class 6 – Bantams Lot Number 1. Old Trio-one cock and two hens 2. Young Trio-one cockerel and two pullets 3. Old Cock-(Cockerel & Pullets) 4. Young Cock-male under 1 year 5. Old Hen-female over 1 year 6. Young Hen-female under 1 year 7. Three Pullets CLASS 7 – EGGS Special Rules: 1. Members may submit only one entry per class consisting of one dozen eggs of the same size, shape, and color in cardboard egg cartons. 2. Entries must be in the barn by Saturday at check in time or they won’t be allowed to compete. Lot Number 1. White Eggs 2. Brown Eggs 3. Colored Eggs THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Cock Reserve Champion Cock Champion Hen Reserve Champion Hen Champion Trio Reserve Champion Trio Overall Breeds Champion Cock Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Cock Overall Breeds Champion Hen Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Hen Overall Breeds Champion Trio Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Trio CLASS 8 - TURKEYS Lot Number 20. Trio-1 male and 2 females 21. One hen 22. One cock 23. Pen of three-market CLASS 9 - GEESE Lot Number 30. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 31. One gander 32. One goose 33. Pen of three CLASS 10 - DUCKS Lot Number 40. One hen 41. One drake 42. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 43. Pen of three CLASS 11 - PIGEONS Lot Number 50. Old Cock-male over 1 year 51. Young Cock-male under 1 year 52. Old Hen- female over 1 year 53. Young Hen-female under 1 year CLASS 12- RABBITS Lot Number 60. Buck over 1 year 61. Buck under 1 year 62. Doe over 1 year 63. Doe under 1 year 64. Doe and litter - three or more (about 4 weeks old) 65. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 4 lbs.) One can be entered as an individual 66. Fryer rabbit – 1 THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Male Champion Female Reserve Champion Male Reserve Champion Female SMALL ANIMALS SENIOR DIVISION (Ages 13 – 18) CHICKENS Class 13 – Fryer Chickens Lot Number 1. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 3 lbs.) Only one can be entered as an individual fryer 2. Single fryer (approximately 3 lbs.) THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: Champion Fryer Reserve Champion Fryer Class 14 – Meat Breeds Class 15 – Dual Purpose Breeds (Meat & Eggs) Class 16 – Egg Laying Breeds Class 17 – Fancy Breeds Class 18 – Bantams Lot Number 1. Old Trio-one cock and two hens 2. Young Trio-one cockerel and two pullets 3. Old Cock-(Cockerel & Pullets) 4. Young Cock-male under 1 year 5. Old Hen-female over 1 year 6. Young Hen-female under 1 year 7. Three Pullets THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Cock Reserve Champion Cock Champion Hen Reserve Champion Hen Champion Trio Reserve Champion Trio Overall Breeds Champion Cock Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Overall Breeds Champion Hen Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Overall Breeds Champion Trio Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Trio CLASS 19 - TURKEYS Lot Number 20. Trio-1 male and 2 females 21. One hen 22. One cock 23. Pen of three-market CLASS 20 - GEESE Lot Number 30. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 31. One gander 32. One goose 33. Pen of three CLASS 21 - DUCKS Lot Number 40. One hen 41. One drake 42. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 43. Pen of three CLASS 22 - PIGEONS Lot Number 50. Old Cock-male over 1 year 51. Young Cock-male under 1 year 52. Old Hen- female over 1 year 53. Young Hen-female under 1 year CLASS 23 - RABBITS Lot Number 60. Buck over 1 year 61. Buck under 1 year 62. Doe over 1 year 63. Doe under 1 year 64. Doe and litter - three or more (about 4 weeks old) 65. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 4 lbs.) One can be entered as an individual 66. Fryer rabbit – 1 THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Male Reserve Champion Male Champion Female Reserve Champion Female CLASS 24 – POCKET PETS The Pocket Pets Department will be located in the Poultry and Rabbit Department. ALL POCKET PETS MUST BE TAKEN HOME FOLLOWING THE JUDGING The owners of these small animals will be required to furnish an appropriate cage/aquarium with a tight lid to keep animals from escaping and to keep spectators from handling animals. If the cage is glass, owners must take extra precautions that the cages are not broken. Small wire cages are definitely preferred. Lot Numbers 1. Guinea Pigs 2. Rats 3. Mice 4. Hamsters 5. Gerbils 6. Any other small animal (no reptiles or snakes) Exhibitors may enter more than one animal in each category if they have a breeding pair and young. Animals must be identifiable by tattooing, tagging or some other form of identification. ADULT DIVISION (Age: 19 and older) CHICKENS Class 25 – Fryer Chickens Lot Number 1. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 3 lbs.) Only one can be entered as an individual fryer 2. Single fryer (approximately 3 lbs.) THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: Champion Fryer Reserve Champion Fryer Class 26 – Meat Breeds Class 27 – Dual Purpose Breeds (Meat & Eggs) Class 28 – Egg Laying Breeds Class 29 – Fancy Breeds Class 30 – Bantams Lot Number 1. Old Trio-one cock and two hens 2. Young Trio-one cockerel and two pullets 3. Old Cock-(Cockerel & Pullets) 4. Young Cock-male under 1 year 5. Old Hen-female over 1 year 6. Young Hen-female under 1 year 7. Three Pullets THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Cock Reserve Champion Cock Champion Hen Reserve Champion Hen Champion Trio Reserve Champion Trio Overall Breeds Champion Cock Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Overall Breeds Champion Hen Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Overall Breeds Champion Trio Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Trio CLASS 31 - TURKEYS Lot Number 20. Trio-1 male and 2 females 21. One hen 22. One cock 23. Pen of three-market CLASS 32 - GEESE Lot Number 30. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 31. One gander 32. One goose 33. Pen of three CLASS 33 - DUCKS Lot Number 40. One hen 41. One drake 42. Pair - 1 male and 1 female 43. Pen of three CLASS 34 - PIGEONS Lot Number 50. Old Cock-male over 1 year 51. Young Cock-male under 1 year 52. Old Hen- female over 1 year 53. Young Hen-female under 1 year CLASS 35 - RABBITS Lot Number 60. Buck over 1 year 61. Buck under 1 year Baker’s Jewelry 635 1st Ave N Glasgow, MT (406) 228-2532 62. Doe over 1 year 63. Doe under 1 year 64. Doe and litter - three or more (about 4 weeks old) 65. Pen of 3 fryers (approximately 4 lbs.) One can be entered as an individual 66. Fryer rabbit – 1 THE FOLLOWING WILL RECEIVE A ROSETTE: See Judging Awards Rule #4, Sec. 3 Champion Male Reserve Champion Male Champion Female Reserve Champion Female