Junior English Course Description and Syllabus 2013-14

Junior English Course Description and Syllabus 2013-2014
Coach Cockerham
Room 222
Welcome to English III! Please read the course syllabus and requirements for this class. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. It is very important to keep the lines of
communication open. After reading this, please sign and return the last page.
Course Description:
The fall semester focuses on literary analysis and writing about literature while the spring
semester focuses on nonfiction and argument analysis and writing about stylistic elements in nonfiction
and argument as well as writing persuasive essays and our Research Paper.
Students will demonstrate the ability to:
identify and analyze the elements of fiction.
identify and analyze the elements of poetry.
determine universal meaning in literary works.
write well about literature with concern not only for content but also with grammar,
style and structure.
identify and analyze the elements of nonfiction.
identify and analyze the elements of argumentation.
use the elements of argumentation and persuasion.
write effectively for many different purposes.
Write with effective characterization and dialogue
Widen their current level of vocabulary
Solve analogies on an ACT/SAT test level
++++++ All course selections are subject to change, and many times we will participate in MORE than
what is on the list. Students will be notified promptly when this situation arises++++++
First Six Weeks
short stories/novel
parts of speech, types of sentences, usage
responses to literature, narrative, expository
Reading-related vocabulary words (found in short story selections) and
SAT/ACT vocabulary words
Literary Works:
“The Lady or the Tiger?”
various heroic themed short story selections
Begin first novel- The Hobbit JRR TOLKIEN
Second Six Weeks
novel, short stories
compound, complex, compound-complex sentences
develop patience to carry an essay through deep/multiple meaning,
Persuasive/expository writing
Literary Works: Novel: continue THE HOBBIT
Project: we will participate in several theoretical geographical and historical projects and
timelines concerning The Hobbit
Third Six Weeks
Literary works:
Fourth Six Weeks
Literary works:
phrases and clauses, pronouns
persuasive emphasis
Analogies and Contextual grammar
“The Crucible” p. 880
non-fiction, biographies and essays
emphasis on preparation
proper usage/pronouns, verbs, etc.
to be determined
“I Will Fight No More Forever” p. 441
“I Am the Last of My Family” p. 443
“The Life You Save May Be Your Own” p. 834
“Brown v. Board of Education” p. 982
“Traveling Through the Dark” p. 1036
Fifth Six Weeks
Research Paper- Autism and Autistic Savants
ACT/SAT vocabulary level
Literary Works: various (and many!) poetry selections
developing, analyzing and writing various types and styles of poetry
Begin Research Paper using MLA
Sixth Six Weeks
expository writing
From selected works
Project :
Continue / Resolve Research Paper
SSR---All Students will participate in a reading program every week. Students will be asked to read a
selection of their choice every week, and will be tested for comprehension every Friday over their
selection both verbally and through written composition. This grade will count as several daily grades
each grading period. All selections must be approved by me prior to reading to insure accountability.
Grading and Evaluation
major grades = 60%
daily grades = 40%
Loose-leaf college ruled notebook paper (plenty of it)
Black or blue pens and #2 pencils
3 packages of ruled note cards (research paper)
Class rules:
Be in your seat when the bell rings
Bring supplies to class each day
RESPECT each other’s space, person and property
NO personal grooming
Food or drinks are not allowed in the classroom
No electronic devices… cell phones/ipods/digital camera or mp3 players
Do not leave your seat OR the room without consulting the teacher
Cheating or Plagiarism will not be tolerated… infractions will be in accordance with
school policy
Absences: If a student misses an assignment, he/she must make it up. Students have
the number of days to make up all missed assignments per accordance with school
policy. If students are going to be absent due to a school function, please let me know
in advance.
Discipline Management Plan:
Violations of the classroom/school rules will be addressed in the following ways:
Warning (verbal or non-verbal)
Removal from current seat
Last one to leave the classroom
Phone call to parent or parent conference
Office referral
Compliance with expectations will result in:
Verbal/written praise for class and individuals
Privilege pass
Classroom rewards
If you need to contact me, call 847-5729 ext. 229, or leave a message. You may email me at
Sign and return this section to Coach Cockerham.
printed students name
student’s signature
Parent signature______________________________________________