Bulletin-09-06-2015... - Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic


Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church

131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851

Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor

Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333

Web Site- sspeterandpaulmc.org - E-Mail: stsppmc@ptd.net

- Fax 570-339-2715

Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565

Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.

Office Hours: Mon. Tues. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

1 st Collection: Candles 2 nd Collection: Regular Offering


Saturday 09-5-2015

3:15 PM Confessions

4:00 PM – For the Parishioners


Welcome: We the people of SS. Peter &

Paul/Assumption Churches, are a catholic community that worships God, spreads the Good

News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect

Sunday 09-6-2015 –

15 th Sunday After Pentecost

8:15 AM - Confessions

9:15 AM – +Edward Grabowski – 84 th Birthday

Remembrance req. by Wife, Martha

11:00 AM – Assumption BVM - +George Mekosh

Family req. by Ruth Ann Crosley

Monday 09-07-2015

8:00 AM- +Rosalie Kuzo- Birthday Remembrance req. by Husband Joseph people here. You are invited: come. Come in seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting.

Come into this house of companionship and compassion. Come in. You are welcome here.

Bulletin Requests:

Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their doors to you.

Tuesday 09-08-2015

9:00 AM –Assumption BVM -+Michael Merikas req. by Wife Anna

6:00 PM – Ss. Peter & Paul -+ Fabian Filohoski,

Sr. 2 nd Anniversary req. by Anne, Mary Theresa &

Nicholas Steffanick

Wednesday 09-09-2015

8:00 AM - Health Intention of Diane Gragilla &

+Edward Gragilla req. by Joanne Gragilla

Thursday 09-10-2015

8:00 AM – No Divine Liturgy

Friday 09-11-2015

8:00 AM - +In Loving Memory of All Deceased &

Any requests or any information to be placed in the bulletin must be in writing and submitted to the church office by 12:00 Noon on Mondays. Thank you for your cooperation.

Upcoming Events:

Mark your calendars and plan to support the following events:

September 06

– Altar Rosary Society

September 07

– Labor Day in Honor of the Survivors of the 9/11/2011

Tragedy (14 Yrs.)

Saturday 09-12-2015

8:00 AM - +Charles Steffanick – 9 th req. by Wife, Anne & Family

3:15 PM - Confessions


4:00 PM - +Helen Cheddar Birthday Memorial req. by Son, Joseph

September 08 Birth of the Theotokos – Solemn

Holy Day

September 10 – 7:00 PM - Ukrainian Seminary

Day Meeting at St. Michael’s, Frackville

September 11 – 14 th Anniversary of the Attack on the United States

September 14 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross –

Solemn Holy Day

September 16 & 17

Ss. Peter &

Paul/Assumption Pyrohy Sale Resumes – Help is

Sunday 09-13-2015

Sunday Before the Exaltation of the Cross

8:15 AM - Confessions

9:15 AM - For the Parishioners

11:00 – Assumption BVM - +Mary Liptock - 51 st

Anniversary of Her Death req. by Son, Joseph needed in all aspects of this project, please lend some of your time to help.

Church Office Closed:

Due to Labor Day Holiday, Monday, September 7,

2015 the Church Office will be closed. Office hours will resume on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.

In Your Prayers:

Please remember to pray for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.

Please Remember:

To pray for vocations to the Holy Priesthood &

Religious Life.

Rosary Intention:

For the Week of September 6, 2015 for the sick & infirm of our Parishes.

Altar Flowers:

Altar flowers can be sponsored weekly for $30.00 per arrangement Parishioners can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in sponsoring flowers may call 570-339-0650.

Ss. Peter & Paul Replenish Fund Donations as of August 30, 2015

Total To Date: $66,330.44

Replenishing Fund: None

Rebuilding Fund: None

Your Stewardship: We thank you for your financial support of our parish communities

Weekly Parish Financial Report:

Ss. Peter & Paul Church

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Collection - $ 1,403.00

Expenses - $ 2,060.00

Sunday August 30, 2014

Sunday Collection $ 1,594.50

50/50 Total $37.00

Winner: Catherine Huratiak – Env. #71

Donated back to Church $18.50

Church - $18.50

Total Weekly Parish Financial Report:

Assumption BVM Church

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Collection- $ 450.00

$ 1,111.68 Expenses -

Sunday, August 30, 2014

Sunday Collection -

50/50 Total $22.00

$ 420.00

Winner: Gloria Apollo – Env. #2 –

Donated back to Church - $11.00

Church - $11.00

“Say What”

Let him who exhorts others to give, give himself.

Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule:

Sat. – September 5 th –

Lorraine C. Palko

Sun. – September 6 th

Justina Eisenhart

Sat – September 12 th –

Ed Cuff

Sun – September 13 th

4:00 PM

9:15 AM

4:00 PM

George Ann Katchick 9:15 AM

Assumption B.V.M. Church Lector Schedule:

Sun- September 6 th 11:00 AM

Kianna Rizzi

Sun – September 13 th

Bryce Fiamoncini

11:00 AM

Religious Instructions:

Registration and opening classes for our parish

Religious Education Program will be held on

Monday evening, September 14 th from 6:00 PM to

7:15 PM in the church social hall. Again this year, we will have classes for all youth of our parishes, both Ss. Peter & Paul & Assumption BVM from

Pre-K through 8 th Grade. Additionally, the Sisters will be with us to lead Adult Discussion and

Formation Sessions for any High School and

College Age students along with any and all Adults who are interested in deepening their knowledge of our Faith. Parents, you are reminded of your serious obligation before the Lord to bring up your children in the Faith. Please be sure they are registered for classes and attend faithfully each

Monday evening through the school year. In order to complete the registration forms, we will need a copy of the student’s baptismal certificate if they were not baptized in our parish.

Volunteers Needed:

We invite any adult who is interested, to “get involved” in our parish Religious Education program. No experience is necessary, except for a sincere desire to share the Faith with our young people. We will provide teacher manuals and all necessary items to assist you. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Michael at 339-0650


We offer our love, prayers, and sympathy to the family and friends of +Vincent Piechoski a member of Ss. Peter & Paul Church, who fell asleep in the Lord this past week. May Our Lord

& Savior Jesus Christ comfort Vincent’s family & friends and may Vincent’s Memory be Eternal!

Vichnaya Pamyat!

Mystery ( Sacrament) of Repentance:

Is available before each Divine Liturgy on

Saturday, 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM and on Sunday in

Ss. Peter & Paul Church 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, and at Assumption BVM Church on Sunday before

11:00 AM Divine Liturgy in the confessionals.

Wedding Anniversary Celebration:

Wedding Anniversary Celebration scheduled for

Sunday, September 13, 2015 at the Cathedral in

Philadelphia has been cancelled.

Daily Liturgy:

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest of your souls. For

My yoke is easy and My burden light. “Mt. 11,

28-29.” All are invited to be refreshed by the Lord on a daily basis by attending Divine Liturgy and receiving the Holy Eucharist! What a beautiful way to start the day! Your participation on a daily basis allows Jesus to refresh and renew your life as only he can.

World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015

Registration Open:

Mark your family calendar for the 8 th World

Meeting of Families. Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22 -27 , 2015. Registration is now open. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones and the world. Visit the official World Meeting 2015. org to learn more.

NYC Bus Trip

Ss. Peter & Paul Altar Rosary Society are sponsoring a trip on December 1, 2015 to see the

Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall in New

York City. Cost of the trip which includes show ticket and transportation is $98.00. Reservations can be made by contacting Jeanne Bergal at 570-

339-0513 or Christine Bogner at 570-847-4385.

Last date for reservations is September 30, 2015.

Ukrainian Day Meeting Change of Schedule:

A follow-up Ukrainian Day meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 10 th at St. Michael’s

Hall in Frackville beginning at 7:00 PM. The agenda for the meeting includes a thorough review of the recently concluded Ukrainian Day event including ways in which we can make improvements for next year’s celebration. Also, a full and complete financial report will be distributed and a decision made as to the deanery contribution in support of our seminary. All are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.

Adult Discussion Group:

Once again this year, we are offering an Adult

Discussion Group led by Sr. Natalya every

Monday evening from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM in

Ss. Peter & Paul Social Hall. Discussions will be

“free-flowing” from week to week and focus on topics such as faith, traditions and contemporary challenges to living the Gospel message in today’s society. Everyone, from High School age to

Senior Citizens, is cordially invited to attend and participate on a weekly basis. Please take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your faith and understanding of the call to discipleship Jesus extends to all of us. Discussions begin Monday,

September 14 th .

Work Around Our Church:

We have had a busy few weeks in & around our church. I’d just like to share with you that the hall kitchen was thoroughly cleaned and sanitized by a professional cleaning firm, broken and damaged items in the kitchen were disposed of and new utensils purchased and all the cabinets/storage bins were organized. All this was done in preparation for a new pyrohy season beginning in September.

Also, all new toilets are being installed in both the ladies and men’s rooms. We have been having ongoing issues with the existing toilets and attempts to repair them have failed. In keeping with the requirements of the ADA the handicap stalls will now be compliant with all laws. Lastly, the carpeting was cleaned and sanitized in the church office as well. As you prepare your weekly offerings to support our parish, please remember it is only through the generosity of our parishioners that we are able to maintain and upkeep our facilities.

September Pyrohy Sale:

Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Pyrohy Sale will resume on September 17 th at 8:00 AM &

Thursday, September 18 th starting at 9:00 AM.

Cost of pyrohy is $8.00 per dozen beginning

9/17/2015 due to increase of supplies. Orders must be placed by September 9 th , 2015 by calling the church office at 570-339-0650 during normal office hours. We are still in need of helping hands in all aspects of this project, anyone interested in helping please come to the church hall on the above dates. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

84 th Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God:

Will be held on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2015 on the grounds of the Motherhouse of the Sisters of St.

Basil the Great in Fox Chase Manor, PA The theme of this year’s Pilgrimage is “A Reflection of

God’s Love”. Confession starting at 9:00 AM.

Divine Liturgy at 11:00 AM by Archbishop Stefan

Soroka. Homilist for Divine Liturgy & Moleben will be His Grace, Bishop Bohdan Danylo,

Eparchial Bishop at St. Josephat in Parma. Lunch available afterwards featuring traditional Ukrainian food. Day concludes with a prayer service

(Moleben) at 4:00 PM in the Grotto.

15 th


Angelic powers were upon Your tomb and the guards became like dead men; Mary stood before

Your tomb seeking Your most pure body. You captured Hades without being overcome by it.

You met the Virgin and granted life. O Lord, risen from the dead, glory be to You!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:


With His life-giving hand Christ our God, the

Giver of life, raised all the dead from the murky abyss and bestowed resurrection upon humanity.

He is for all the Savior, the resurrection and the life, and the God of all.

Now and ever and forever: Amen

Theotokion :

Undaunted patroness of Christians, O steadfast intermediary with the Creator, turn not away from the suppliant voices of sinners, but in your kindness come to help us who cry out to you in faith. Be quick to intercede, make haste to plead, for you are ever the patroness of those who honor you, O Mother of God.


Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.


Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

He who lives in the aid of the Most High shall dwell under the protection of the God of heaven.

V. He says to the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, in Whom I hope.

Alleluia (3x)

Epistle: 2 Cor 4:6-15

Gospel: Mt. 22:35-46

Communion Hymn:

Praise the Lord from the heaven; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia! (3x)

Altar Rosary Society Sunday:

Is September 6.2015. All members are asked to join in praying the Rosary before Liturgy, and receive the Holy Eucharist as a body. New members are always welcome.

Collecting Food Donations: Ss. Peter &

Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches are continuing to collect food items to be donated to the Mount

Carmel Area Food Bank. Please continue to donate to the less fortunate in our community. Thank you to everyone who has and continues to donate to this worthy cause.

Metropolitan Soroka Announces New Mission in Front Royal, VA:

Metropolitan Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian

Catholic Archeparchy of Phila. announces a new mission community is being formed in Front

Royal, the northern entrance to Shenandoah

National Park & Skyline Drive. Services at the new mission will begin with the celebration of the

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom celebrated by Rev. Petro Zvarych at 4:00 PM on Saturday,

September 12 th , in the chapel of Human Life

International, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal,

VA, 22630. The Divine Liturgy will then be celebrated every Saturday at 4:00 PM in English.

Organization of the mission was started after a request from local Ukrainian Catholics and other

Eastern Catholics was sent to Archbishop Soroka.

Preliminary work was undertaken to find a church or chapel to celebrate services on a regular basis.

After some searching, a site was found at Human

Life International in Front Royal. The mission invites and welcomes anyone who would like to make this faith community their new spiritual home, and to experience the liturgical and spiritual traditions of Eastern Christianity. For more information please contact David Hilt at




Clergy Appreciation Dinner:

Northumberland District Council of Catholic

Women Religious Appreciation Dinner

Wednesday October 7 th , 2015

At Masser’s Banquet Hall

Rt. 61, Paxinos, PA

Doors open at 6:00 PM – Dinner starts at 6:30 PM

Donation: $17.00

For reservations : Call the church office during regular business hours at 570-339-0650.
