
Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church
131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851
Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor
Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333
Web Site- sspeterandpaulmc.org - E-Mail: stsppmc@ptd.net - Fax 570-339-2715
Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565
Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.
Office Hours: Mon. Tues. Fri. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon
1st Collection: Candles 2nd Collection: Regular Offering
26th Sunday After Pentecost
Saturday 11-16-13
3:15 PM Confessions
4:00 PM For the Parishioners
Sunday 11-17-13
8:15 AM Confessions
9:15 AM + Leo, Sr. & Anna Berzinski –
Anniversary of Death - req. by Leo Berzinski, Jr.
11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
+ Boris Maksymuk req. by Mary Tracey
Monday 11-18-13
8:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
+ Daniel Whyne- 18th Year Anniversary req. by Wife, Helen & Children
Tuesday 11-19-13
No Divine Liturgy
Wednesday 11-20-13
Vigil of Entrance of the Theotokos
Solemn Holy Day
6:00 PM at Ss. Peter & Paul Church
+ Andrew Stelma, Sr. req. by Daughter, Abbie
Thursday 11-21-13
Entrance of the Theotokos
Solemn Holy Day
9:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
+ Boris Maksymuk req. by Mary Tracey
Friday 11-22-13
8:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
+ Charles Kent req. by Charles & Kim Guinther
Saturday 11-23-13
8:00 AM + Edward Adzema, Sr. – Birthday
Memorial – req. by Carol & Vince Leskosky
3:15 PM Confessions
4:00 PM + Joseph Wozney, Sr.
req. by Joseph, Jr. & Jocelyn Wozney
Sunday 11-24-13
8:15 AM Confessions
9:15 AM For the Parishioners
11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
+ Francis Jurgill req. by Wife, Barbara
8:00 AM weekday liturgies are at Assumption
B.V.M. Church until further notice
November 17, 2013
Welcome: We the people of Ss. Peter &
Paul/Assumption Churches, are a Catholic
community that worships God, spreads the Good
News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come
into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check
your failures at the door. There are no perfect
people here. You are invited: come. Come in
seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting.
Come into this house of companionship and
compassion. Come in. You are welcome here. Ss.
Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their
doors to you.
Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars and plan
to support the following events…….
November 20 – 21 – November Pyrohy Sale
November 20 – Vigil of Entrance of the
Theotokos - 6:00 PM at Ss. Peter &Paul Church Solemn Holy Day
November 21 – Entrance of the Theotokos –
9:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church –
Solemn Holy Day
November 24 – Altar Rosary Society “Traditional
Thanksgiving Dinner” for the homebound of our
November 28 – Thanksgiving Day –
Happy Thanksgiving – Church Office Closed
November 29 – Church Office Closed
December 2 – Church Office Reopens
Sunday Social: Sunday social is being held every
Sunday, immediately after the 9:15 AM Divine
Liturgy. Coffee and goodies are served. Everyone
is welcome!! Donations are greatly appreciated.
Entrance of the Theotokos:
Vigil of Entrance of the Theotokos will be
celebrated on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at
SS. Peter & Paul Church at 6:00 PM. Divine
Liturgy for the Entrance of the Theotokos at
Assumption B.V.M. will be celebrated on
Thursday, November 21st, at 9:00 AM. This is a
Solemn Holy Day please try to attend one of these
Divine Liturgies.
In Your Prayers: Please remember to pray for the
sick and the infirm of our Parishes.
Please Remember: To pray for vocations to the
Holy Priesthood and religious life.
Rosary Intention: For the week of November 17,
2013, for the people of the Philippines as they try
to rebuild their lives from the devastation of
Typhoon Haiyan last week.
A Beautiful Prayer
Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve
you as you deserve; to give and not to count the
cost; to fight and not heed the wounds; to toil and
not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for
reward; except to know that I am doing your will.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Ss. Peter & Paul Fund Raising Donations as of
November 10, 2013 are:
$ 250.00 – Joseph Wozney
$ 200.00 – Paul Kobi
$ 50.00 – Gloria Zaleski
$ 25.00 – Damian Zaleski
$ 25.00 – David Zaleski
$ 50.00 – Ellen Goretsky
$ 25.00 – Marie Sarisky
Non-Parishioner Donations:
$ 500.00 – Joseph & Marie Scott
$ 200.00 – Anonymous
Total To Date Fund Raising Donations:
$ 30, 503.73
Divine Liturgy and Healing Services: A special
Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Sunday,
November 24th at 3:00 PM for the intention of
healing of our soul and body. Very Reverend
Msgr. Myron Grabowsky, pastor of St. Michael’s
Church in Shenandoah and St. Nicholas Church in
St. Clair, will be the main celebrant. Msgr. Myron
will offer the homily at the liturgy focusing upon
God’s desire for us to be made whole both
physically and spiritually. At the conclusion of the
liturgy there will be an opportunity for all to come
forward for a personal anointing along with special
prayers for healing. Please plan to attend this very
special opportunity to receive the gift of healing
and invite all your family, friends, and neighbors.
For more information please call Ss. Peter & Paul
Church office at 570-339-0650.
Holiday Cookie Sale: The Holidays are a busy
time for all of us. Why not save some time and let
us do the baking for you? This year we’re taking
orders for cookie trays. Orders are due by
December 15, 2013 and may be picked up on
December 21, 2013. Cookie trays include an
assortment of different types of cookies and are
$13.00 a tray. To place an order call Amy Lapointe
570-205-9923 or Abbie Timmins at 570-339-3375,
or the church office at 570-339-0650 All proceeds
benefit the parish.
I Pad & Kindle Fire Raffle: SS. Peter & Paul
Church Holy Name Society will be selling tickets
for an I Pad, and a Kindle Fire. Drawing will be
December 15th, 2013. You need not be present to
win. Tickets are $2.00 ea. / 3 for $ 5.00. Please
contact any Holy Name Member for tickets. Thank
you for your support of this raffle.
Special Collection for Victims of Typhoon
Haiyan: Metropolitan Stefan has asked that a
special collection be taken up for the victims of
Typhoon Haiyan. This collection will be made in
our parish and all parishes of the Archeparchy at
the Divine Liturgies the weekend of November 23,
and 24. The donations will be used to provide basic
necessities-food, water, emergency shelter—to
those affected by this natural disaster. Eventually
funds will also help to rebuild the Catholic Church
structures which serve the people who are enduring
this crisis. This collection is coordinated by the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All
funds will be immediately forwarded to Catholic
Relief Services which is already on location
providing humanitarian aid to the victims. The
faithful may also send donations made payable to
“Archbishop’s Chancery” to: Ukrainian Catholic
Archeparchy, 827 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia,
Pa. 19123. You may also make payments through
Paypal located right below Archieparchial website
at ukrarcheparchy.us (the button is located right
below the HOME button.) Please use the option
marked Typhoon Haiyan to make your donation.
At this time, let us remember the words of Our
Lord, “Whatever you did for the least among you,
you did for Me.” Thank you for your generosity
and for opening of your hearts to our suffering
neighbors in their time of need.
Bulletin Requests: Any requests or any
information to be placed in the bulletin must be in
writing and submitted to the church office by 12:00
Noon on Mondays.
Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule:
Sat. November 16 4:00 PM
Brock Bridy
Sun. November 17 9:15 AM
Justina Eisenhart
Sat. November 23 4:00 PM
Ellen Goretsky
Sun. November 24 9:15 AM
Christine Bogner
Assumption B.V.M. Church Lector Schedule
Sun. November 17 11:00 AM
Bryce Fiamoncini
Sun. November 24 11:00 AM
Bryce Fiamoncini
Altar Flowers: Altar flowers can be sponsored
weekly for $30.00 per arrangement. Parishioners
can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved
one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in
sponsoring flowers may call 570 - 339-0650.
November Pyrohy Sale:
SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. November
Pyrohy Sale will be held on Wednesday,
November 20th at 8:00 AM & Thursday, November
21st, starting at 9:00 AM. Cost of pyrohy is $ 7.00
per dozen. We are still in need of helping hands in
all aspects of this project. Please come and join us
in preparing pyrohy, as this project means a lot to
our parish as far as fundraising to support the ongoing projects being done on our parish.
Halupki for Sale: Ss. Peter & Paul Church has
frozen unbaked Halupki for sale. Cost is $9.00 a
½ dozen, $18.00 a dozen. Please call the church
office at (570)339-0650 if you wish to purchase
Special Thank You: The Mount Carmel Area
Food Bank extends a special “Thank You” to all of
the parishioners of SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption
B.V.M. Churches for their generosity and support
of the food bank. We are currently feeding over
200 families with your donations. All items will be
given to area families in need, throughout the
holiday season. May God bless you!
Religion Classes: Religion classes at SS. Peter &
Paul Church have resumed. Classes are held
Monday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. All
children from pre-school age to 8th grade are
encouraged to attend. Children receiving the
Sacrament of Penance/Holy Communion in
Calendar Year 2013-2014 must attend these
classes. Registration forms are available. Please
bring along a copy of your child’s (children’s)
baptismal certificate if they have not been baptized
in either Mt. Carmel or Centralia. Instructors will
be available to register your child, and answer any
questions you may have. Children receiving
Penance and First Solemn Eucharist must be
ACTIVE members of our parishes and complete 2
years of instruction. It is expected that all children
of our parishes, along with any other interested
children from the area, will faithfully attend these
very important classes to learn more about Jesus
Christ and our faith-tradition.
If you have any questions please contact Christine
Bogner at 570 -847-4385.
Fund Raising Donations Request from Church
Office: Please! When you are donating to the
new Fund Raising (Replenishing) Donation Fund,
the $250.00 fundraising donation request, please
enclose your donation in a plain white envelope,
mark it Fund Raising Donation. Also please
include your name and amount you are donating to
the fund. The green envelope which is in your
envelope box is the Church Renovation envelope
and is a separate fund raising project. Thank you
for your cooperation.
Thanksgiving Dinner: Members of the Altar
Rosary Society of SS. Peter & Paul Church are
preparing “A Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner” for
our parishioners who are homebound on Sunday,
November 24, 2013. Turkey Dinners will be
delivered by the Holy Name Society in the early
afternoon hours. Thank you to both the Altar
Rosary Society and the Holy Name Society for a
great job that is done every year.
Advent Season: During the time of “Christmas
Fast” the Psalm of Typica/Beatitudes found on
page 6 and page 10 respectively of the white
Divine Liturgy booklet will be responded instead
of the Regular Sunday or Weekday Antiphons.
This will begin on Saturday, November 16th, and
Sunday, November 17th, 2013 and will last until
the Sunday before Christmas.
Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches
Collecting Food Donations: Ss. Peter &
Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches are continuing
to collect food items to be donated to the Mount
Carmel Area Food Bank. With the holidays fast
approaching please continue to donate to the less
fortunate in our community. Thank You!
Ss. Peter & Paul Church Collecting Donations:
SS. Peter & Paul Church Altar Rosary Society will
be collecting donations for the Pregnancy Center in
Shamokin. Items needed are as follows: diapers,
wipes, formula, baby cereal, baby food, clothing
sizes newborn to 4t, bottles, and toys. New items
please. You may place the donations in the
bassinette in the front of the church. Donations will
be accepted until December 15, 2013. Collected
items will then be taken to the Pregnancy center in
time for Christmas. Thank you so much in advance
for your donations.
Divine Liturgy Intentions: All the Divine Liturgy
Intentions requested to date will be celebrated or
scheduled to the end of calendar year 2013. There
are Not any open dates available for the weekend
Divine Liturgy; but there are weekday dates
opened. Divine Liturgy Intention requests for
Calendar Year 2014 are now being accepted. Note:
Weekend requests are limited to two per person,
but weekday intentions are available. Please Note:
All Divine Liturgy Intentions are subject to
change only by Father Michael. Thank you for
your consideration requesting Divine Liturgy
Intentions. In addition, please remember that
although there are usually three (3) Divine
Liturgies on the weekend that one Liturgy
Intention must be for all parishioners.
Christmas Confessions: There will be additional
priests available in our parishes to hear confessions
in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of
Our Lord (Christmas).
They will be available as follows:
Monday, December 2, 2013
Assumption B.V.M. Church
Fr. Fesniak
SS. Peter & Paul Church –
Msgr. Melnic
Msgr. Grabowsky
Confessions will be heard from 6:00 PM to 7:00
PM. I encourage all of you to take advantage of
this opportunity to receive the sacrament at this
time. Please do not wait until the last minute to go
to confession.
Christmas Flower Requests: Once again we are
asking our parishioners to sponsor poinsettias
to decorate our churches for the holidays.
Medium flowers cost $15.00; large flowers cost
$20.00. This is a nice way to remember your
beloved family members during the Christmas
season. Forms are available in the bulletin, or in
the vestibule of the Churches. Place the order
form in an envelope and place it in the
collection basket. All requests are due by
Sunday, December 1, 2013. Your names and
intentions will be framed and placed in the
vestibule of our parishes.
Given In Memory of
Given in Honor of
Given in Thanksgiving to God for
Donated by_______________________________
No. of Poinsettia plants _____x $20.00
= _______________
No. of Poinsettia plants ______x $15.00
26th Sunday after Pentecost
Though the stone was sealed by the Jews and
soldiers guarded Your most pure body, You arose,
O Savior, on the third day, and gave life to the
world. And so the heavenly powers cried out to
You, O Giver of life: Glory to Your resurrection, O
Christ! Glory to Your kingdom! Glory to Your
saving plan, O only Lover of Mankind.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit:
You arose in glory from the tomb and with
Yourself You raised the world. All humanity
acclaims You as God, and death has vanished.
Adam exults, O Master, and Eve, redeemed from
bondage now cries out for joy: “You are the One,
O Christ, Who offer resurrection to all.”
Theotokion: Now and ever and forever: Amen.
When Gabriel uttered to you, O Virgin, his
‘Rejoice!’ – at that sound the Master of all became
flesh in you, the Holy Ark. As the just David said,
you have become wider than the heavens carrying
your Creator. Glory to Him Who dwelt in you!
Glory to Him Who came forth from you! Glory to
Him Who freed us through birth from you!
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have
hoped in You.
V. Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
God gives me vindication, and has subdued
peoples under me.
V. Making great the salvation of the king, and
showing mercy to His anointed, to David, and to
His posterity for ever. Alleluia (3x)
Communion Hymn:
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in
the highest Alleluia! (3x)
Epistle: Eph 5:9-19
Gospel: Lk 12:16-21
Thoughts to Ponder…………………….
When someone praises you, listen; you may learn
Forgive. You get the warm pleasure whether your
aggressor knows it or not.
A Prayer for Renewal
Almighty Lord, we bow our heads in prayer
And beseech You to rebuild our House of God.
The psalmist reminds us,
Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Dear Lord, rebuild this house and guide the hands
of the architects, the contractors, the laborers;
May they perfect the imperfections, as they
recreate and renew this church, our Heaven on
earth, where we gather to lay aside all cares of life.
Almighty Lord, we are also reminded that we too
are temples, living temples of the Holy Spirit
During this time of re-creation and renewal
May our imperfections also be perfected.
May the gifts of the Holy Spirit renew in each of
us our faith and our love of God and each other.
May we spiritually become the children of God we
are called to be Christian faithful who are forgiving
and caring, and welcoming. And may our patrons,
Saints Peter and Paul, always inspire us through
their courage and example to faithfully hear the
Word of God and live it.
2014 Offering: We are in the process of preparing
the 2014 Church Envelopes. Every married couple
or single person 18 years or over is to be registered
and receive envelopes. To be considered a member
of our parishes, SS. Peter & Paul or Assumption
B.V.M. Churches, regular attendance and use of
church envelopes is required. If you are ill and/or
aged let Father Michael know. The neglect of
regular church attendance and regular use of
church envelopes can lead to difficulties at the time
of baptisms, weddings, funerals, etc. If you have
used your 2013 envelopes faithfully, no action is
needed. If you did not receive church envelopes in
2013 and would like to receive 2014 offering
envelopes, please call the church office at 3390650 during regular office hours.
Daily Liturgy: Come to Me, all you who labor and
are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Take my
yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
and humble of heart, and you will find rest of your
souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden light.
“Mt. 11, 28-29.” All are invited to be refreshed by
the Lord on a daily basis by attending Divine
Liturgy and receiving the Holy Eucharist! What a
beautiful way to start the day! Your participation
on a daily basis allows Jesus to refresh and renew
your life as only he can.
November 21
The Feast of the Presentation of the Mother of God in the Temple
The commemoration of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple is on
21st November. It has been kept at least from the 7th century in the
Eastern church tradition. Emperor Justinian built a splendid church
dedicated to Mary in the Temple area in Jerusalem. It was dedicated on
November 21, 543 but was destroyed by the Persians within a century.
Many of the early church Fathers such as St. Germanus, Patriarch of
Constantinople and St. John Damascene, his contemporary, preached
magnificent homilies on this feast referring to Mary as that special
plant or flower which was being nurtured for better things. "She was
planted in the House of God, nourished by the Holy Spirit and kept her
body and soul spotless to receive God in her bosom. He Who is all-holy
rests among the holy."
In the Byzantine Church this feast is considered one of the twelve great
feasts of the liturgical year, called the Dodecaorton. By the 9th century
it is celebrated in the monasteries of southern Italy which had been
influenced by the traditions of the Byzantine churches, and by the
14thC. it had spread to England. However it was not until 1472 that Pope Sixtus IV extended its celebration to
the Western church.
The source for the presentation is the Protoevangelium of James. Like Hannah, Anna has promised that any
child she had would be offered as a gift to the Lord and presented in the Temple to serve Him. Tradition tells
us that the Anna and Joachim took Mary to the Temple when she was three years old. In the Orthodox icon for
this day the high priest Zachariah in his robes greets Mary and her parents at the doorsteps of the Temple.
Behind Zachariah is the veil of the temple hiding the ark of the covenant. Mary is on the first step, and he takes
her through the veil. From now onwards she will be the living ark. So in the scene in the upper left corner of
the icon Mary is seated in the place of honor where only the ark should rest, alone as though in anticipation of
the same throne where in more familiar icons she will be holding the Christ child on her knees. Her parents are
in the outer courtyard making the traditional offering, but the whole focus is on the child who in the main part
of the icon is stretching out her arms in willingness to perform whatever duties the Lord has entrusted with her.
Mary is accompanied by twelve virgins carrying their lamps. Zachariah is shown to be both priest and prophet,
for he sees what God intends for her. Her name will be blessed by all generations, and through her redemption
will be revealed.
Mary served in the Temple where she was fed miraculously by the angels until she was twelve. Then
Zachariah, prompted by the message of an angel, betrothed her to one of the widowers who was indicated by
the Lord.