Bulletin-05-11-14 - Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic

Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church
131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851
Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor
Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333
Web Site- sspeterandpaulmc.org - E-Mail: stsppmc@ptd.net - Fax 570-339-2715
Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339-1565
Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home.
Office Hours: Mon. Tues. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Fri. 11:00 AM -12:00 Noon
1 Collection: Candles 2nd Collection: Regular Offering
Sunday of the Paralytic Man
May 11, 2014
Welcome: We the people of SS. Peter &
Saturday 05-10-14
3:15 PM Confessions
Paul/Assumption Churches, are a catholic
4:00 PM For the Deceased and Living Mothers of
community that worships God, spreads the Good
Our Parish
News of Christ, and serves those in need. Come
into the house. Bring all you are, no need to check
Sunday 05-11-14
your failures at the door. There are no perfect
Sunday of the Paralytic Man
people here. You are invited: come. Come in
Mother’s Day
8:15 AM Confessions
seeking, come in wondering, come in hurting.
9:15 AM For the Deceased and Living Mothers of
Come into this house of companionship and
Our Parish
compassion. Come in. You are welcome here.
11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches open their
For the Deceased and Living Mothers of Our
doors to you.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Monday 05-12-14
8:00 AM For God’s Blessings on Our Parishes
Tuesday 05-13-14
No Divine Liturgy
Wednesday 05-14-14
No Divine Liturgy
Thursday 05-15-14
No Divine Liturgy
Friday 05-16-14
8:00 AM + Michael Merikas req. by
Wife, Anna
Saturday 05-17-14
8:00 AM For the Deceased of Our Parish
Mother’s Day Prayer
3:15 PM Confessions
4:00 PM + Judy Wilt – 1st Anniversary of Death
O heavenly Father; we thank You this day for the
req. by Michael & Louise Pesarchick
very wonderful gift You gave us in the person of
Sunday 05-18-14
our mothers…..
8:15 AM Confessions
We know that you have chosen each for our
9:15 AM For the Parishioners
benefit and have given them the incredible power
11:00 AM at Assumption B.V.M. Church
to love us and to care for us and to care for us
+ Robert Marinelli req. by
beyond all measure.
Jim & Justine Fiamoncini & Family
Help us this day to give them honor by declaring
Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars and plan
our love for them. We ask You, O Father, to bless
to support the following events:
each of them abundantly on this Mother’s Day and
May 11 – Holy Name Society Sunday to always keep them in Your loving care. Bless
Mother’s Day – Mother’s Day Breakfast being
them Father and help them to know us as “loving
prepared by the Holy Name Society
and caring” children, now and ever and forever.
May 14 – 15 – Pyrohy Sale
May 29 – Ascension of Our Lord
Ss. Peter & Paul Replenish Fund Donations as
of May 4, 2014.
$2, 500.00 – In Memory of My Family Members –
Sophie & Justin Rusinko
Michael & Andra Rusinko
Leonard & Louise Rusinko
Donated by Dr. Henry Fesniak
$500.00 – Donated by Rose Dempsko
Total To Date Replenishing Fund Donations:
$ 48,109.80
Ss. Peter & Paul Church Additional Easter
$25.00 – Michael Adzema
$25.00 – Sue Adzema
$ 5.00 – Michael Timmins
$ 5.00 – Abbie Timmins
Assumption B.V.M. Church Additional Easter
$100.00 – Oakum Family
$ 25.00 – Georgine Nodich
Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector Schedule:
May 10 4:00 PM
Ed Cuff
May 11 9:15 AM
George Ann Katchick
May 17 4:00 PM
Brock Bridy
May 18 9:15 AM
Justina Eisenhart
Assumption B.V.M. Church Lector Schedule:
Sun. May 11 11:00 AM
Bryce Fiamoncini
Sun. May 18 11:00 AM
Bryce Fiamoncini
Altar Flowers: Altar flowers can be sponsored
weekly for $30.00 per arrangement. Parishioners
can sponsor these flowers in Memory of a loved
one, or for any occasion. Anyone interested in
sponsoring flowers may call 570 - 339-0650.
Altar Flowers: Altar flowers at Assumption
B.V.M. Church for the week of May 11, 2014 are
In Memory of My Mother + Bernice Smith
requested by Georgine Nodich.
Altar Flowers: Altar flowers and urn flowers at
Ss. Peter& Paul Church for the week of May 11,
2014 are In Honor of + Margaret Unger-Harris
requested by Christine Harris.
Next Pyrohy Sale: The SS. Peter &
Paul/Assumption Pyrohy Sale will be held on
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 starting at 9:00 AM,
and on Thursday, May 15, 2014 starting at
8:00 AM. We are still in need of help in all aspects
of this project please try to devote some of your
time and talents to this project. All are welcome.
Thank you.
Pyrohy For Sale: Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption
Churches have Pyrohy for sale. Please see any
pyrohy sale people, Brock Bridy, or call the church
office at 570-339-0650 if you wish to purchase
Mount Carmel Borough Police Community
Day: Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 10:00 AM to
3:00 PM at Mount Carmel Town Park, Market &
E. 3rd Streets (rain date: May 18th). Police
demonstrations & displays, free child
fingerprinting and giveaways (while supplies last),
local and state organizations providing
information, area police vehicles on display,
community Shred-A-thon (residential shredding
from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM), police memorial
service, games, petting zoo, music, food, and
much more! For more information contact 610842-7348 or email MCPDFans@gmail.com. Find
us on Facebook: Mount Carmel Borough Police
Community day 2013. Thank you in advance for
your support. We hope to see you on May 17th.
60th Annual Holy Dormition (Assumption)
The Sisters Servants of the Immaculate are hosting
the 60th Annual Holy Dormition (Assumption)
Pilgrimage on August 9-10, 2014 at St. Mary’s
Villa in Sloatsburg, NY. This year’s theme is
The Holy Family is the Guide for the
Evangelization of our Families: “ A Joy Ever New,
A Joy Which is Shared” – Pope Francis. Flyers and
registration forms are available in the parish office
or in the vestibules of our Parishes, or by
contacting Sr. Cecelia at 315-252-6356
stcelia@yahoo.com or Sr. Eliane at
ilnitskieli10@yahoo.com 845-499-9721.
Sunday Social: Sunday Social at Ss. Peter & Paul
Church will not be held on Sunday, May 11 , 2014
due to the Mother’s Day Breakfast after 9:15 AM
Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter & Paul Church Hall.
Sunday of the Paralytic Man
Let the heavens rejoice, * let the earth be glad.
* With His arm the Lord has won victory. * By His
death the Lord has conquered Death. * He has
become the first-born of the dead; * He has
delivered us from the depths of the Abyss * and
has granted great mercy to the world.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit.
With Your divine protection, O Lord, * as You
once raised the paralytic, now lift up my soul *
paralyzed with all kinds of sin and evil deeds of
wickedness, * so that, as saved, I may cry out to
You; * “Glory be to Your might, O Merciful
Now and ever and forever. Amen
Although You descended into the grave, O
Immortal One, * You destroyed the power of
Death. * You arose again as a victor, O Christ
God. * You announced to the women bearing
ointment: “Rejoice!” * You gave peace to Your
Apostles* and resurrection to the Fallen.
May Your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have
put our hope in You.
V. Exult, you Just, in the Lord; praise from the
upright is fitting.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
V. I will sing forever of Your love, O Lord;
through all ages my mouth will proclaim Your
V. Of this I am sure, that Your love lasts forever,
that Your truth is as firmly established as the
Instead of “It is truly proper…..”
The Angel exclaimed to her, full of grace:
“Rejoice, O pure Virgin, * again, I say “Rejoice!”
Your Son is risen from the grave on the third day *
and has raised the dead. * Let all nations rejoice.”
Shine in splendor, * O New Jerusalem; for the
glory of the Lord is risen upon you, O Sion. Sing
with joy and rejoice. * And you, pure Mother of
God, * rejoice in the resurrection of your Son.
Anhel vopeeyahse blahodatnee/chistaya Deevo
raduysha/ee paki reku Raduysha/tyov syn voskrese
tridneven ot hroba/ee mertveeya vozdvihnuyvee
loodlye veselitesha. Sveetisha Sveetisha/novey
Yerusalime/slava Boh Hospodnee na tebee
voseeya/likoy nyni veselisha sione/ti zhe chistaya
krasooysha Bohorodice/O vostaneeye Rozhdestava
Communion Hymn:
Receive the Body of Christ! Drink the Source of
Immortality. Alleluia! (3x)
2nd Hymn: Praise you the Lord of heaven. Praise
Him in the highest. Alleluia! (3x)
Epistle: Acts 9:32 – 42
Gospel: Jn
5:1 – 15
Prayer for Renewal
Almighty Lord, we bow our heads in prayer
And beseech You to rebuild our House of God.
The psalmist reminds us,
Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Dear Lord, rebuild this house and guide the hands
of the architects, the contractors, the laborers;
May they perfect the imperfections, as they
recreate and renew this church, our Heaven on
earth, where we gather to lay aside all cares of life.
Almighty Lord, we are also reminded that we too
are temples, living temples of the Holy Spirit.
During this time of re-creation and renewal
May our imperfections also be perfected.
May the gifts of the Holy Spirit renew in each of
us our faith and our love of God and each other.
May we spiritually become the children of God we
are called to be Christian faithful who are forgiving
and caring, and welcoming. And may our patrons,
Saints Peter and Paul, always inspire us through
their courage and example to faithfully hear the
Word of God and live it.
Holy Name Society: Sunday, April 11, 2014 is
Holy Name Society Sunday. All members are
asked to pray together, receive the Holy Eucharist
as a group and attend a short meeting immediately
after liturgy. New members are always welcome to
join this society.
In Your Prayers: Please remember to pray for the
sick and the infirm of our Parishes.
Please Remember: To pray for vocations to the
Holy Priesthood and religious life.
Rosary Intention: For the week of May 11, 2014
for all Mothers of the world to have a wonderful
and very Happy Mother’s Day.
Ukrainian Seminary Day: The 80th Annual
Ukrainian Seminary day will be held Sunday, July
27th at St. Nicholas Church Picnic Grounds in
Primrose (just outside Minersville, Pa). This
annual event is sponsored by the 12 parishes and
faithful of the South Anthracite Deanery under the
leadership of their respective pastors. Plans for the
day already include a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
celebrated by Archbishop Stefan Soroka and clergy
of the deanery, delicious ethnic and regional foods
prepared by the parishes of the deanery, a concert
and dance performance by the Kazka Ukrainian
Folk Ensemble, performances by the Patronage of
the BVM Church (McAdoo) youth chorus and St.
Nicholas School ( Minersville) children’s choir,
polka music by the fabulous John Stevens’
Doubleshot Orchestra, a theme basket auction,
many vendors selling traditional Ukrainian and
eastern European items, a Pysanky demonstration
and class for the youth in attendance and more
exciting games for the kids. We invite everyone
from near and far to attend and support this annual
event in support of our St. Josaphat Seminary in
Washington, DC.. Again, we encourage the
participation and input from the faithful of all our
parishes. Your participation is greatly desired and
SS. Peter & Paul/Assumption Annual Easter
Dinner Thank You: We would like to thank
everyone who attended Our Annual Easter Dinner
on Sunday, May 4, 2014. Special Thank You to
Dr. Henry Fesniak, guest speaker for our dinner.
We appreciated Dr. Fesniak taking the time to
come to our dinner. The food was very good, and
enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who
prepared the dinner, helped with set up, clean-up,
desserts, etc. Your help was greatly appreciated.
May God Bless you!
Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches
Collecting Food Donations: Ss. Peter &
Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches are continuing
to collect food items to be donated to the Mount
Carmel Area Food Bank. Please continue to donate
to the less fortunate in our community.
Photographs and Memories of Ukrainian Days
Past Requested: This year, for the 80th Annual
Ukrainian Seminary Day, which will be held on
Sunday, July 27 in Minersville, Pa., the planning
committee is seeking your written personal
memories and photographs of Ukrainian Days of
yesteryear held in Lakewood Park or Primrose that
may be part of your family albums. The current
plan is to use all or part of what each of you share,
on pages throughout the 80th anniversary booklet.
In doing so, precious memories are being
preserved for future generations to enjoy. You can
write as little as one sentence or compose a
paragraph…whatever you wish to share will be
treasured by everyone who receives the booklet.
Photos and memories may be submitted in two
ways. If you wish to use U.S. mail, address them to
Father Michael Hutsko, 131 N. Beech Street,
Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851. Please make sure to
write your name and address on the reverse side of
all photographs you submit and include your name
and address on all written memories submitted.
You may also email photos and written memories
to: legger3147@aol.com. Please include your
name with all photos and memories that you send
by email. All submissions should be sent no later
than June 1, to allow sufficient time to prepare
them for inclusion in the publication. Thank you
for becoming part of the 80th Anniversary of
Ukrainian Seminary Day.
A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Heavenly Father, Your Son taught us
“Blessed are the Peacemakers for
they shall be called Children of God.”
At this hour, we fervently pray that
Your Holy Spirit may inspire men and
women in Ukraine to become Peacemakers.
May they seek reconciliation and dialogue
and end the violent confrontation and killing.
May they restore tranquility to their nation
and restore human rights, democratic principles
and religious liberty to their troubled land.
God, our Father, we beseech you to comfort
the suffering, heal the wounded and accept the
souls of the departed into Your Heavenly
And may the Most Holy Mother of God, extend
her Blessed Mantle of Protection over Ukraine.
And may each of us always live our lives
as instruments of Your Peace.
Memorial Day Services: Please remember the
following family members at Memorial Day
services at:
(Circle One)
Assumption B.V.M. Cemetery –
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Immediately following Divine Liturgy
SS. Peter & Paul Cemetery –
Monday, May 26, 2014 at 10:00 AM
Please remember the following Family Members
surnames only example:
John Doe Family. Also, the entire cemetery will
be blessed with Holy water.
In the event of inclement weather the services will
be held in the specific churches.
Donation $ _______
Please return by May 18, 2014
Religion Classes: Religion classes at SS. Peter &
Paul/Assumption B.V.M. Churches have ended for
the current year. A very special thank you to the
instructors for their time and effort this past year in
instructing our children of both parishes,
especially for those who have received their First
Solemn Holy Communion on Sunday, April 27,
2014. May the instructors and students have a
happy and safe summer. See you in September.
Christos Voskres! Christ is Risen!
Voyeestinu Voskres!
Indeed He is
80TH Annual Ukrainian Seminary Day
Benefit of the
St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic
Sunday, July 27th, 2014
Dear friends of Ukrainian Seminary Day,
Every year, for the past 80 years on the last Sunday
of July, members of the Ukrainian Catholic
churches in the South Anthracite Deanery, host an
annual social to raise funds for the support of St.
Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in
Washington, D.C. and to highlight Ukrainian
spiritual and ethnic heritage. Between 1985
through 2013, the parishes have raised over
$800, 000 for St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic
Seminary. This year’s social will be held Sunday,
July 27th, 2014 at St. Nick’s Grove, Primrose,
Minersville, Pa.
In conjunction with Ukrainian Seminary Day, a
Commemorative Book will be published, which
will be distributed to the hundreds of friends who
will attend Ukrainian Seminary Day on Sunday,
July 27th.
We will most sincerely appreciate your support in
the form of advertisements from your parishes and
parish organizations in this Annual Ukrainian
Seminary Book.
Prices are as follows:
FULL PAGE AD……………... $125.00
HALF PAGE AD……….. …. $ 75.00
QUARTER PAGE AD……….. $ 40.00
PATRON…………………… $ 5.00
Advertisers should furnish their own camera ready
cuts of artwork. A photograph may be included in
full page ads for which there is an additional
surcharge of $15.00.
We encourage you to return the form with your ad
copy as soon as possible, but no later than June 15,
2014. Send your ad copy and donation to the
following address:
Ukrainian Seminary Day Committee
C/O Rev. Deacon Paul Spotts
20 South Third Street
Frackville, PA. 17931-1634
Please make all checks payable to Ukrainian
Seminary Day. Thank you in advance for your
support of our St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic
Ad Forms will be available in the vestibule of
our parishes!
Sunday of the Paralytic
The third Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha is observed
by the Eastern Church as the Sunday of the Paralytic. The
day commemorates the miracle of Christ healing a man
who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years. The biblical
story of the event is found in the Gospel of John 5:1-15.
Close to the Sheep's Gate in Jerusalem, there was a pool,
which was called the Sheep's Pool. It had five porches, that
is, five sets of pillars supporting a domed roof. Under this
roof there lay very many sick people with various maladies awaiting the moving of the water.
The first person to step in after the troubling of the water was healed immediately of whatever
malady he had.
It was there that the paralytic of today's Gospel was lying, tormented by his infirmity of
thirty-eight years. When Christ beheld him, He asked him, "Will you be made whole?" And
he answered with a quiet and meek voice, "Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to
put me into the pool." The Lord said unto him, "Rise, take up your bed, and walk." And
straightaway the man was made whole and took up his bed. Walking in the presence of all, he
departed rejoicing to his own house. According to the expounders of the Gospels, the Lord
Jesus healed this paralytic during the days of the Passover, when He had gone to Jerusalem
for the Feast, and dwelt there teaching and working miracles. According to Saint John the
Evangelist, this miracle took place on the Sabbath.
Icon of the Sunday of the Paralytic
The icon of the Sunday of the Paralytic depicts the biblical story of the Christ healing the
paralytic. Our Lord, accompanied by His disciples, is shown blessing the paralytic. The man
has risen and taken up his bed as commanded by Christ. The paralytic is bowing toward the
Lord in reverence and in gratitude for the great miracle that has been done. In the background
of the icon is the pool where the infirmed came for healing.
JULY 27, 2014---PRIMROSE, PA
Dear Faithful and Friends of the South Anthracite Deanery,
This year marks the 80th Annual Ukrainian Seminary Day, a tradition begun at Lakewood Park and
continues today at St. Nicholas Picnic Grounds in Primrose. Through the years many friendships and
memories have been established, families gathered for reunions, those who have moved away from
the Coal region return to see old friends and the bonds of faith and culture are renewed at this annual
event. Ukrainian Day is something truly unique and special among our people.
As we continue with our planning for this year’s celebration, we are inviting you and your family and
friends to share with us your cherished memories of Ukrainian Days of years gone by. Perhaps it is of
the tradition of “reserving” your family tables at the pavilions at Lakewood, or the festive Polka
Dance on Saturday evenings. Maybe you recall the old swimming pool and the exciting rides
Lakewood Park provided. More recently we have shared the Divine Liturgy at Primrose Hall with our
bishops or the cultural exhibits brought in each year. Whatever your memory may be, we would like
to make it a part of the Ukrainian Seminary Day Booklet which will be printed to highlight this very
special day.
In the next couple of weeks please take a moment to put your memories on paper, share them with us
and allow us to include them in the Seminary Day Booklet. Our plan is to use all or part of what each
of you share, on pages throughout the booklet. In doing so, we are preserving your precious
memories for future generations to enjoy. You can write as little as one sentence or compose a
paragraph….whatever you wish to share will be treasured by all of us. We are also accepting photos
of Ukrainian Days gone by. Please write your name on the reverse side and feel free to submit them
along with your written memories. While we may not use all photos and memories shared with the
committee, we will surely return them to you as soon as possible. We would like to have your
submissions no later than June 1st. You may give them to your pastor who will be sure we have them
in plenty of time.
Thank you for your support of this annual event. We look forward to hearing from you very soon!
Ukrainian Day Committee 2014