AH1 Unit 2 - 1733 to 1781

1 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools
American History 1
1733 to 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Conceptual Lens: Cultural Identity and Revolution
Author: Ken Cook
Unit Overview: In this unit, students will understand that colonists are building on a political identity that had developed
before the French and Indian War, while at the same time forging a unique American social and economic identity, separate from the
Mother country. Meanwhile, the British continue to view the colonists as a part and extension of the British Empire. Additionally, the
French and Indian War resulted in differing expectations between the British and the evolving Colonists. The colonists wanted
unfettered westward expansion and effects that came with it, the British, on the other hand, believed that the colonists should share
the burden and costs of their protection. The resultant clash between the differing beliefs ultimately resulted in the American
[Unit 2]
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
2 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Exploration, Settlement and Expansion
Proclamation of 1763 and its impact on colonists
Movement of Native Americans
Movement of Loyalists and Patriots around the
International Affairs and Foreign
Conflict and Compromise
The British economic policies toward the colonies
lead to American Revolution.
Salutary Neglect of American Colonies
Military spending in the French and Indian War led to
colonists being levied tax to help pay for the effort
1733 –
An Era of
European alliances with Native Americans
British support of colonists in French and
Indian War
Struggles between French and British led to
the French and Indian War.
French support of colonists in the Revolution
(importance of French Navy)
Native American Treaties
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Causes of the French and Indian War and the
American Revolution
Patriots vs. loyalists vs. British
nationalism, patriotism and participation in
warfare was reflected in American Art.
political leaders and citizens adopted different
tactics and justifications to oppose war
Freedom, Equality and Power
 Ideas that influence America’s revolution from
colonies to nationhood.
 Women, Native American and African American
roles in Revolutionary America
 Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations
 Committees of Correspondence
 Continental Congress and its impact on government
 “No Taxation without Representation”
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
Progress, Crisis and the American Dream
Evolution of American ideals, government, rights, etc
American identity during the era having a need for
freedom and equality.
The Declaration of Independence and its connection to
natural rights of man.
John Dickinson and Letters of a Pennsylvania Farmer
Thomas Paine and Common Sense
3 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Essential Understandings (Generalizations) and Guiding (Essential) Questions:
Wars affect social, political, economic, and cultural institutions.
a. How and why did the economic relationship between Great Britain and its colonies changed after the French and Indian War?
b. How and to what extent did various colonists protest British economic policies leading up to the American Revolution?
c. How and why did the political relationship between the colonists and England change after the French and Indian War?
The quest for equality and freedom can shape a society’s identity.
a. How did the ideals of mercantilism guide the economic development of the colonies, as well as their relationship with Great Britain?
b. How did the “Great Awakening” impact colonial religious, family and educational practices?
c. What were the intellectual origins and major ideas of the Declaration of Independence?
d. How did the role of women change as a result of the American Revolution?
e. Did the Declaration of Independence establish the foundation of American government?
Conflict and compromise can shape the politics of a society.
a. How can the American Revolution be viewed as a civil war?
b. Did Great Britain lose more than it gained from its victory in the French and Indian War?
c. Were the colonists justified in resisting British policies after the French and Indian War?
d. Was the American War for Independence inevitable?
e. Why did the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quartering Act outrage the colonists?
Geography may impact the outcome of war
a. How did the Battles in the Middle Colonies turn the tide in the American Revolution?
b. How did geography impact the outcome of the American Revolution?
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4 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Unit Vocabulary
Tier 1
Tier 2
Native Americans
Representative Democracy
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
No taxation without representation
Natural Rights
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
Tier 3
Key Events
French and Indian War
Proclamation of 1763
Pontiac’ Rebellion
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Boston Massacre
Committees of
Townshend Acts
Letters from a Pennsylvania
Declaratory Acts
Boston Tea Party
Tea Act
Intolerable Acts
Treaty of Paris 1763
Treaty of Paris 1783
The Wealth of Nations
Two Treatises of Government
Salutary Neglect
Trade and Navigation Acts
First Great Awakening
Albany Plan of Union
Common Sense
Declaration of
First Continental Congress
Second Continental
Olive Branch Petition
Writs of Assistance
Admiralty Courts
Inalienable Rights
Writs of Assistance
Bunker Hill
5 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Key People
Adam Smith
John Locke
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson
John Peter Zenger
George Washington
John Adams
Sons of Liberty
Sam Adams
King George II
Lord Cornwallis
John Dickenson
George Whitefield
Jonathon Edwards
Benjamin Franklin
Abigail Adams
George III
James Otis
By the end of this unit, students should be able to state…
I can … explain how the Great Awakening affected religious, family and education practices
I can … identify the British and Colonial actions that promoted an American identity
I can … explain how British and Colonial actions led to an American identity
I can … use maps and charts to determine American/British advantages and disadvantages
I can … explain the consequences of the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) and the overhaul of English imperial policy following the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
I can … develop a timeline of the critical events leading to the outbreak of armed conflict between the American colonies and England.
I can … analyze political, ideological, religious, and economic origins of the Revolution.
I can … analyze the motives behind the Declaration of Independence
I can … explain the major ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence and their intellectual origins.
I can … construct a sound historical argument regarding whether the American Revolution was justified
I can … explain how the role of women, African Americans and Native Americans changed as a result of the American Revolution
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
6 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Performance Task and Scoring Guides/Rubric
 Wars affect social, political, economic, and cultural institutions.
 The quest for equality and freedom can shape a society’s identity.
 Conflict and compromise can shape the politics of a society.
 Geography may impact the outcome of war
Why: To assess the students’ knowledge about the revolution by composing a broadside ballad and constructing a town hall meeting
How: The students will compile the information they received from the class as well as the information they gathered on their own about the Revolutionary period of American
history to create their ballad and town hall meeting
What: For this performance task you will be writing about town hall meeting and writing a broadside ballad (a song printed on a long sheet of paper that usually focused on a
dramatic event such as a battle, a crime, a disaster, etc. It was usually distributed like a newspaper)
Performance Task Summary:
Broadside Ballad: You will be writing a broadside ballad which will focus on the consequences of the Revolutionary war. First you need to determine key economic, political,
social, and geographic consequences of the war. You need to have 3 to 4 for each and make sure describe the impact (don’t just list a word explain why it is an economic effect,
a political effect, a social effect, or a geographic effect). After you develop your lists, use your lists to begin writing your ballad. There are many ways to write it – use rhyme,
repetitive phrases, use alliteration, or use the tune of a popular song or melody write your own lyrics. The main objective is to use at least 14 facts in your ballad; therefore it
should be 14 lines in length
Town Meeting: Imagine you are witnessing a town hall meeting where they are trying to persuade the Continental Congress to either agree that the colonies should remain
loyal, or go to war, or petition King George to come to some compromise. Many of the colonists had differing opinions. Loyalists wanted to stay with Great Britain, Patriots
wanted to break away from Great Britain and the moderates want compromise. You will be creating the dialogue for between a Loyalist, a Patriot, and a moderate.
There should be 4 pieces of dialogue for each person. Each piece of dialogue should be a statement of at least 2 sentences. Remember the dialogue will be between the three
and trying to convince the Continental Congress to see their point of view. You must include facts about the time period and it must be historically accurate.
Last, you will write a paragraph about which side you will take and why.
Performance Task Criteria:
Content: your ballad should include good information about the Revolutionary War make sure at you have included 14 facts. Make sure the information is accurate any
inaccurate information will result in a lower grade.
Creative Effort: You will be grades based on your attempt to make the ballad as creative and thoughtful as possible.
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7 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Performance Task Rubric:
Levels of Performance (Points)
Ballad includes at least 8 key
consequences of the
Revolution; all information is
10 - ballad includes at least 8 key facts; all facts are accurate 7 - ballad includes 7 or more facts; however some are inaccurate 5 - ballad
has a minimal number of facts; some are inaccurate 0 - ballad is totally lacking accurate information
A very good attempt to make
the ballad creative or 'catchy'
5 - excellent attempt at creativity 3 - some attempt at creativity 0 - no attempt at creativity
Group presents the ballad in
an informational manner;
presentation of the ballad
furthers the learning of
5 - ballad presentation is very informational 3 - ballad presentation is taken lightly; only slightly to the learning of classmates 0 - ballad is
not presented
Extra Credit
Group sings the ballad to the
best of its ability
Total Score
5 - a very good attempt is made to sing the ballad well 3 - group makes a moderate attempt to sing the ballad
/20 Possible
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8 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Unit Resources
Unit Number - 2
Unit Title- An Era of Conflict
Resource Title
Crash Course in US HistoryVideo
The Seven Years War and
the Great Awakening
Taxes and Smuggling
Prelude to Revolution
Who Won the American
Revolution- detailing
battles and results
Hip Hughes-Video
Triangular Trade and
Mercantilism Explained
Overview of era videos
French and Indian War
Albany Plan of Union
Idiot’s guide to Declaration of
Common Sense explained
Reading Like a Historian
Lessons centered around primary source analysis
Great Awakening, Stamp Act, Loyalists,
Declaration of Independence, Battle of
Lexington. Registration required
Original Text and Documents
Primary Source Documents with questions broken down by
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
9 – Unit 2 – 1733 – 1781 (An Era of Conflict)
Primary Source Lessons
Common Core Lessons
Revolutionary War
Articles, videos, and primary sources incorporating all aspects
and perspectives of the American Revolution from History
Channel. Best with Google Chrome on CMS computers.
American Revolution Timeline
American Revolution Timeline
PBS Revolutionary War
A timeline of important dates leading up to, during, and after
the American Revolutionary War. Most of the dates are
hyperlinked to take you to specific information for that
particular date.
A timeline with full articles about each important date
presented by the Library of Congress. Each article has a
hyperlink to primary sources related to that date including
maps, pictures, and documents
The PBS website has multiple links about the Revolutionary
War including a game to test student’s knowledge. Great
enrichment for advanced students as well such as what was
going on in the rest of the world during the time of the
American Revolutions
George Washington in
Revolutionary War
General Site for Revolutionary
Revolutionary Maps
Revolutionary Images
A resource focused on George Washington’s contributions to
the American Revolution. Videos with experts and links to
specific areas of the revolution. Great for enrichment and
extension when attempting teach in depth.
This website has amassed multiple resources such as videos,
primary sources, and interactive battle maps about the
Revolutionary War
Multiple maps about different battles important to the
outcome of the Revolutionary War
Numerous pictures from the Revolutionary War organized by
time period.
Myths debunked
This website debunks myths surrounding the American
Revolution and has links to additional information.
Declaration of Independence
CMS Social Studies – Revised 2013-2014
Video with lesson. All components of available on website. Free
registration required