Causes of the American Revolution Study Guide – Answer Key You

Causes of the American Revolution Study Guide – Answer Key
You need to know the following information for your test on FRIDAY!!! You NEED to write out the
answer either in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
Topic 1: French & Indian War
1. French and Indian War was fought between what 2 sides?
a. French and Indians against the British
2. The French and Indian War was fought over disputed land. What was the name of the land?
a. Ohio River Valley
3. What was the primary reason the 13 colonies joined with the British to fight this war?
a. They wanted land
4. Who won the French and Indian War?
a. The British
5. The Proclamation of 1763 did what?
a. Prevented the colonists from moving west
Topic 2: Battles of the Revolutionary War
1. The first battles of the American Revolution occurred where?
a. Lexington and Concord
2. The Second Continental Congress appointed who to lead the Continental Army?
a. George Washington
3. What battle ends the Revolutionary War?
a. Yorktown
4. Even though the colonists lost, Washington’s retreat (escape) at the Battle of ____________ kept the
war movement alive.
a. Battle of Long Island
5. One the early morning of December 26, 1777 Washington launched a surprise attach upon a group
of German Hessians at the Battle of ____________________
a. Battle of Trenton
6. After realizing the war in the north was not going well, British moved to the South and fought
here. This battle gave the British a stronghold in the Southern Colonies.
a. Battle of Charleston
Topic 3: American/British Strengths and Weaknesses
1. Tell me 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses and the American side.
2. Tell me 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses from the British side.
Topic 4: Declaration of Independence
1. What three (3) truths were “self-evident”?
a. Right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
2. What does the Declaration say was “necessary”?
a. Dissolve the political bands which have connected them together
3. What was imposed on the colonists with consent?
a. taxes
4. What does the Declaration say the colonists are “absolved” from?
a. All allegiance from the British Crown
Topic 5: Timelining the Revolutionary Period
*Tell me what happened on each date.
1. February 10, 1763
a. Treaty of Paris of 1763 – Ends the French and Indian War
2. October 7, 1763
a. Proclamation of 1763
3. March 5, 1770
a. Boston Massacre
4. December 16, 1773
a. Boston Tea Party
5. September 3, 1783
a. Treaty of Paris – Ends the Revolutionary War
Topic 6: Vocabulary
The American Revolution was a war fought between Great Britain and the American colonies
for independence from 1776-1783.
Benjamin Franklin was a diplomat for the colonists who convinced the French monarchy to
help the colonists by sending troops to fight in the American Revolution.
The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson with the purpose of the
American colonies declaring their independence from Great Britain in 1776.
A form of government in which the citizens elect people to represent them is a form of
government known as a Democracy.
The war fought between the French and British was known as the Seven Years War.
The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonial men organized to stop East India Company from
delivering tea in port cities.
Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence.