Ancient Rome Project

World History
Ancient Rome Project
Learning Target: To be able to summarize and place in order the major event in Ancient Rome history.
Students in groups of three will create a timeline of the history of Ancient Rome. Individually students will create a
separate project in which students will explore an event or historical person which shaped ancient Rome history.
Group Project
1. Timeline:
 Students in groups of 3 will create a timeline of Ancient Rome. There will be a requirement of 5 major
events plus 3 additional events chose by the students.
 Required events:
i. Foundation (beginning of the Roman Republic)
ii. Punic Wars
iii. End of the Republic (1st and 2nd triumphant)
iv. Jesus life/ Beginning of Catholicism
v. Final fall of the West
 The addition 3 event should continue to highlight MAJOR events in Ancient Rome’s
Events should include the following
i. Summary (in your OWN words)
ii. Dates
iii. Illustration (picture)
Individual Project
2. Pick one of the following mini projects to explain an event from the timeline. Group members cannot do the
same event
 A Facebook page
 Comic book
 Newspaper Report
The Mini projects should contain
i. Summary
ii. What
iii. Who
iv. When
v. where
vi. Importance of the event
Due Dates
 Students will be working on this project throughout the Ancient Rome Unit.
 The Mini project will be due a week after the Unit Quiz/test.
o Students will be submitting a an outline of their mini project before submitting their mine project
Project worth 100points
Peer Evaluation 20 points
World History
Timeline Summaries
1. Foundations (rise of the Roman republic)
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
2. Punic war
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
3. End of the Republic (1st Triumrant and 2nd triumrant)
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
4. Beginning of Christianity
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
5. Final fall of the West
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
6. Chosen Event number 1
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
7. Chosen Event number 2
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
8. Chosen Event number 3.
Significance of event:
Summary of Event
World History
Mini Project Summary
Directions: fill out the following sheet and turn in the day of the unit quiz/test.
Circle the mini project you will be completing
 Facebook
 Cartoon
 Newspaper
Fill out the chart below