Dr. Xiaohong (Sharon) Wen Professor of Applied Linguistics & Chinese Language Acquisition, University of Houston Abstract Creating an Interactive Classroom Language learning is interactive by nature. Whether it is in input processing or output performing, a learner actively interacts with the material and connects linguistic features with his/her language repertoire. Instruction and learning materials, therefore, must be interactive to facilitate leaning. This presentation proposes that class activities should provide ample opportunities for learners to process input through form and meaning mappings in communicative situations. It addresses differentiated instruction by demonstrating how to flexibly create learning environments and materials that optimally enhance learning at different proficiency levels. K-16 instructors will all benefit from this talk. Bio Sketch Dr. Xiaohong (Sharon) Wen is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Chinese Language Acquisition. She is Director of the Chinese Studies Program at the University of Houston. She has established the Major (BA in Chinese Studies), the Minor, and a faculty-led Chinese Study Abroad program at UH. She has conducted a series of empirical studies in three areas: studies of affective factors, acquisition of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), and research-based curriculum design and instruction. Theoretically, she utilizes CFL learners’ language production, and survey/interview methods to conduct empirical studies to test hypotheses and construct theories of CFL acquisition. Practically, her research findings bear on issues such as learner factors, learning strategies, and how to connect research with classroom pedagogy. Her recently published books include Studies of Chinese Language Acquisition by English Speakers: from Theories to Practice (2008), and Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (2012). She has published more than 30 articles in refereed journals. Her articles have been widely cited, and translated into Korean and Chinese. Her research instrument has been adapted and used in other foreign language studies such as English, Spanish, and Arabic. She is Principal Investigator for grants from internal (e.g., $25,000) and federal (e.g., $100,000) sources. She is a recipient of three important teaching awards at the local and international levels. Dr. Wen is an AP Chinese Consultant for the College Board. She is a Guest Professor of three key universities in China and one university in Taiwan. She has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of CLTA for two terms, the Board of CLTA-TX for one term, and the Board of Directors of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching (世汉教学学会) for one term. She has, by invitation, conducted many workshops on teacher development and curricular design, and taught in AP Chinese summer institutes in the US, Taiwan, and China. 温晓虹,美国休士顿大学应用语言学教授,中文研究部主任。主要研究领域 为心理语言学与汉语作为外语的习得。主要著作有《汉语作为外语的习得研 究:理论基础与课堂实践》(2008),《汉语作为第二语言的习得与教学》 (2012), 核心期刊学术论文 30 余篇,如发表于 International Journal of Psycholinguistics,Foreign Language Annals, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, I.T.L. Review of Applied Linguistics,Heritage Language Journal, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, JCLTA, 世界汉语教 学,语言教学与研究 等期刊。 先后于美国两所高校任教,教授不同类型课 20 余种。获 Bowdoin 大学 “Karofsky Teaching Prize”、休士顿大学“Lence Award for Teaching Excellence”、中国国务院侨务办公室“海外优秀华文教师”等教学奖项。 获中国(如杰出华裔学者春晖奖)、美国联邦政府和休士顿大学等重要研究基 金。先后任北京语言大学、海南师范大学、中原大学(台湾)客座教授,中 山大学汉语教材研究基地专家,美国大学理事会顾问。