Michael Yoo, Vivian Mante, Margaret Lee, Raven Moore Decision Analysis Project 1 Objective The purpose of this paper is to analyze three different Cloud systems, in order to determine which out of the three will best suit the needs of our company. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of each Cloud system through their features, quality levels, and relative costs. Introduction Cloud computing has become a popular tool for individuals to access information in different locations. The term “cloud” refers to the internet and the cloud process enables storing information and accessing data over the internet, without the use of a hard drive. On one end, it gives the user access to a cloud server; on the opposite end, it comprises the system of computers that act as storage devices that are connected to each other through the network and with the use of Middleware, which allows them to communicate information. Cloud computing reduces the use of hardware and software requirements and provides an easier and convenient method for file sharing and information accessibility. Scope The scope of this document is to evaluate Dropbox, Google, and Prezi to ensure which vendor is the best to subscribe to the cloud system. This document provides a detailed decision analysis that offers the necessary information for decision makers to choose the best subscriber for the cloud system. Background Belkin is a networking company that is currently looking for a cloud computing service for its information technology department. Currently, Belkin has no cloud computing service, but it has narrowed its choices to the following: Dropbox, Google, and Prezi. Belkin is using the program Logical Decisions for Windows (LDW) to help it in its decision. The purpose of LDW is to analyze information in order to choose the best decision and provide feedback .We selected the following attributes to evaluate relative performance among three potential solution options. Analysis The primary goal is to select which cloud system would be the best option. In doing so, three alternatives were chosen: Google, DropBox, and Prezi. Each of these cloud systems were compared between their costs and benefits, with the criteria that was given. In the selection process, two main sub goals were created, a “Benefits” sub-goal and a “Costs” sub-goal. The main function of these sub-goals was to maximize the benefits and minimize costs for the user. These sub-goals were further defined by having their own sub-goals with added measures. The “Benefits” sub-goal contained 3 additional sub goals, Performance, Security, and Storage, while the “Costs” sub-goal contained the sub goal Fees. Each of these sub goals were measured by: Benefits: Performance- Measured by Bandwidth (calculated in mph) and Speed (calculated in mbps) Security- Measured by Privacy (calculated in No, Low, Average, High labels) and Firewalls (calculated by three different types of Firewalls: ASA5510/Fortinet, NetScreen100, and Untangle labels) Storage- Measured by Information Sharing (calculated in Low-High labels), and Memory Size (calculated in Terabytes (TB)) Costs: Fees: Measured in Renewal Fees and System Upgrades (calculated in dollars $) In the table below, values were added in based on the research performed for each cloud system: From this data, “Most Preferred” ranges and “Least Preferred” ranges were entered and calculated for scaled values (excludes labels: Firewalls, Security, Storage, Privacy). These ranges included: Bandwidth Speed Memory Size Renewal Fees System Upgrades Most Preferred 60mph 100mbps 30 Terabytes 100$ 75$ Least Preferred 20mph 10mbps 10 Terabytes 300$ 150$ Once preferences were set, using the Direct Assessment tool (Common Units), a utility rating was entered for each measure and ranked each cloud system on a scale from 0 to 1 in each subgoal. Prezi DropBox Bandwidth Speed Memory Size Renewal Fees System Upgrades 0.2 Utility 0.4 Utility Privacy High Medium Low No Utility 0.1 0.3 1 1 Information Sharing 1 High 0.5 Average 0.3 Low 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 Google 1.0 Utility 1 1 0.1 1 Utility 1 0.5 0 Firewalls Utility NetScreen-100 1 ASA5510/Fortinet 0.7 Untangle 0.2 In addition, weights were applied and a number of tradeoffs were measured: Connection Speed vs. Bandwidth Connection Speed vs. Information Sharing Connection Speed vs. Memory Size Privacy vs. Firewalls In conclusion, the LDW ranked the three alternatives in the following order: Ranking for Best Cloud Computing Service Goal Alternative Utility Google DropBox Prezi 0.837 0.418 0.362 Benefits Costs Ranking for Benefits Alternative Utility Google DropBox Prezi 1.000 0.457 0.150 Storage Security Performance Ranking for Costs Goal Alternative Utility Prezi Google DropBox 1.000 0.350 0.300 Fees Preference Set = NEW PREF. SET The model suggests that Google would be the best option in selecting a cloud system. Google has the highest utility rating of .837, following DropBox (.418) and then Prezi (.362). In addition, it outperforms both DropBox and Prezi by greatly maximizing the benefits more so than the other two. While Prezi is the cheapest option and Google is the most expensive, the benefits Prezi provides was given a 0.150 utility rating, compared to Google’s 1.0 utility rating. From the LDW analysis, it is clear that not only is Google the best alternative, but it also leads in all the specified measures.