Lesson Plan Scoring Guide: EDEX 963 STANDARD NOT MET (1 pt

Lesson Plan Scoring Guide: EDEX 963
Goals and/or
Curriculum Standards
( CEC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
(1 pt)
The lesson plan sequence
provides limited
connections to
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications related to
intensity of the behavior;
addresses few academic,
affective, and behavior
management goals.
Objectives and Task
Analysis (10%)
( CEC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
The lesson plan sequence
identifies no or few
objectives that document
the task that the student is
expected to perform in
order to demonstrate
understanding in order to
measure mastery. The
objectives are not
behaviorally written.
They include few higher
order thinking skills and
are not developmentally
Procedures – Actual
Lesson Plan for
Instruction (40%)
( CEC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
The lesson plan sequence
includes very few of the
facts, concepts, and
strategies that the student
needs to perform
effectively and achieve
the desired results;
includes a limited range
of strategies for
reinforcement systems,
modifications related to
intensity of behavior,
academic instruction,
affective education, or
behavior management;
includes few statements
(2 pts)
The lesson plan sequence
provides connections to
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications related to
intensity of the behavior;
addresses appropriate
academic, affective, and
behavior management
The lesson plan sequence
identifies some
objectives (behavioral
and specific to
performance) that
document the task that
the student is expected to
perform in order to
understanding in order to
measure mastery. They
include higher and lower
(as appropriate) order
thinking skills and are
The lesson plan sequence
includes some of the
facts, concepts, and
strategies that the student
needs to perform
effectively and achieve
the desired results;
includes strategies for
reinforcement systems,
modifications related to
intensity of behavior,
academic instruction,
affective education, and
behavior management;;
includes implicit
statements about the
(3 pts)
The lesson plan sequence
provides detailed
connections to
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications related to
intensity of the behavior;
addresses appropriate
academic, affective, and
behavior management
goals; and clearly will
engage all students.
The lesson plan sequence
identifies many
objectives (behavioral
and specific to
performance) that
document the task that
the student is expected to
perform in order to
understanding in order to
measure mastery. They
include many higher and
lower (as appropriate)
order thinking skills and
are very developmentally
The lesson plan sequence
includes all of the facts,
concepts, and strategies
that the student needs to
perform effectively and
achieve the desired
results; includes detailed
strategies for
reinforcement systems,
modifications related to
intensity of behavior,
academic instruction,
affective education, and
behavior management;
includes explicit
statements about the
Assessment in
Connection with Goals
and Objectives (20%)
(CEC 1.1, 1.2)
Accommodations and
Instruction (20%)
(CEC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
Professional Presentation
(CEC 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)
about the methodology
and technology to teach
and/or model what needs
to be taught; and fails to
identify the materials and
resources needed to
accomplish these goals.
They are not organized
and in insufficient detail
for someone else to
follow the plan.
methodology and
technology to teach
and/or model what needs
to be taught; and
identifies the materials
and resources needed to
accomplish these goals.
They are organized and
in sufficient detail for
someone else to follow
the plan.
The lesson plan sequence
includes few or
assessments needed to
document problematic
social behaviors of
individual students.
The lesson plan sequence
includes very few
accommodations. The
lesson sequence plan
does not demonstrate that
the teacher is planning
and accommodating for
multiple learning styles,
multiple levels of reading
skills, multiple
backgrounds or
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications. The
sequence weakly
identifies and weakly
prioritizes areas of the
general curriculum,
affective education, and
behavior management
accommodations for
individuals with behavior
Does not use verbal,
nonverbal, and written
language effectively.
The lesson plan sequence
includes some
assessments needed to
document problematic
social behaviors of
individual students.
The lesson plan sequence
accommodations. The
lesson plan also
demonstrates planning
and accommodating for
multiple learning styles,
multiple levels of reading
skills, multiple
backgrounds and
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications. Identifies
and prioritizes areas of
the general curriculum,
affective education, and
behavior management
accommodations for
individuals with behavior
Use verbal, nonverbal,
and written language
effectively reasonably
methodology and
technology to teach
and/or model what needs
to be taught; and
identifies a variety of
materials and resources
needed to accomplish
these goals. They are
well organized and in
sufficient detail for
someone else to follow
the plan.
The lesson plan sequence
includes multiple
assessments needed to
document problematic
social behaviors of
individual students.
The lesson plan sequence
includes evidence-based
accommodations. The
lesson plan also
demonstrates effective
planning and
accommodating for
multiple learning styles,
multiple levels of reading
skills, multiple
backgrounds and
reinforcement systems
and environmental
modifications. Clearly
and comprehensively
identifies and prioritizes
areas of the general
curriculum, affective
education, and behavior
accommodations for
individuals with behavior
Use verbal, nonverbal,
and written language
effectively throughout
the instructional period.