Unit Overview Weather Instruments

Science Unit 1- Plan
Weather Instruments
4th Grade
Unit Length:
September 9, 2014-November 14, 2014
Grade 4
Weather Instruments Unit Plan
Table of Contents
Conceptual Flow
Page 3
Unit Overview
Page 4
Preconception and Misconceptions
Page 5
Materials Sheet
Page 6
New Jersey Common Core Standards in Science
Page 7
Next Generation State Standards
Page 8
Common Core State Standards
Page 9
Activity 1 and 2
Page 10
Activity 3 and 4
Page 11
Activity 5 and 6
Page 12
Activity 7 and 8
Page 13
Activity 9 and 10
Page 14
Activity 11 and 12
Page 15
Writing Prompts Overview
Page 16-18
Unit Resources
Page 19
Concept Overview
Big Idea
Scientists use various instruments to collect and record information about weather
patterns to formulate predictions about upcoming weather trends.
Weather is caused by energy from the
The Sun warms the land and water
on Earth’s surface.
Heat from Earth’s surface
warms the air.
Water exists on Earth in gaseous,
liquid and solid states.
Water changes from one state to
another when heat energy is added or
taken away.
Water vapor can only condense if there
is a surface for it to condense on.
The Sun heats Earth unevenly which
causes air to move and weather to change.
Unit Overview
Weather Instruments
Unit Overview
The Weather Instruments Module consists of twelve sequential investigations. They measure weather conditions using kit
tools and devices of their own making. Students begin with observations of temperature and then they investigate air
pressure and barometers, construct wind banes and record wind direction and wind strength. Experiment with evaporation
and condensation lead to humidity tests, cloud classifications, and indoor precipitation. The students will read about what
weather is and what factors cause changes in the weather.
This unit focuses on different types of weather which can be observed and measured. Students learn to use instruments
such as a thermometer, rain gauge, and wind flag to collect and record data. Along with their observations, students use
the data to give a weather report for each day. They also use the data to determine weather patterns over time. Students
come to recognize that weather affects their choice of clothing and activities.
Unit Essential Questions
1. How does weather affect all living things?
2. How do weather instruments help to observe and describe weather features?
3. How do the senses help provide information about the weather?
Enduring Understanding:
Students will understand that…..
1. Senses can be used to observe, describe, gather data and communicate changes in weather features (cloud cover,
temperature, precipitation, wind).
2. There are tools to measure changes in weather features (wind scales, thermometers, rain gauges), and these tools help
meteorologists to make weather forecasts.
3. The weather changes from day to day, week to week, and seasonally.
4. The weather affects decisions that people make about clothing to wear and their outside activities.
5. Meteorologists, use tools to collect data to report current weather conditions and predict future weather.
Students will know….
Student will be able to ….
1. How to conduct simple experiments
1. Generate questions and predictions using observations
2. How to collect, record ,and analyze weather data using
and exploration about the natural world.
simple tools (thermometer, wind gauge, rain gauge)
2. Generate, follow and share simple plans using systematic
3. Make observation of weather conditions (wind speed,
observations to explore questions and predictions.
precipitation, temperature, and cloud cover)
3. Collect data using observations, simple tools and
equipment. Record data in tables, charts, and bar graphs.
4. Meteorologists are scientist who uses technology to study,
Compare data with others to examine and question
observe, and record information about the weather and
who uses this information to forecast the weather.
Construct and share a simple explanation by analyzing
5. How to use weather forecasts to make decisions such as
observational data. Revise the explanation when given
choice of clothing or outdoor activities. Select and use
new evidence or information gained from other resources
appropriate instruments such as wind scales,
or from further investigation.
thermometers, cloud charts, and rain gauges to measure
Use mathematics, reading, writing, and technology when
weather conditions.
conducting an investigation and communicating the
6. Basic cloud types (cirrus, cumulus, and stratus) all of
which are made of water and/or ice.
6. Collect, organize and analyze daily records of weather
conditions (wind speed, type and amount of precipitation,
cloud cover and type, temperature) and use these records
to identify patterns over short and long periods of time.
Evidence of Understandings:
Assessments Due to District for Analysis
Pre- Assessment
Pre- Assessment
Notebook and Journal Entries
Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Notes –Activity 4
Writing / Reading Prompts
Notebook and Journal Entries –Activity 6
Teacher Observations/Anecdotal Notes
Reading Writing Prompt – Activity 8
Unit Assessments
Unit Assessments
Preconception /Misconceptions
Winter weather can be predicted by studying the thickness of the fur on some animals.
Very cold winters can be predicted by seeing how hot it was last summer.
Cold days are caused by the clouds covering the sun.
Snow and ice make it cold.
List other that you discover in your class:
• Raindrops look like tear drops
• Clouds go to the sea and get filled with water.
• Rain falls out of the sky when the clouds evaporate
• Rain comes from holes in clouds (like salt from a salt shaker)
• Rain comes from clouds sweating.
• Rain occurs when clouds collide.
• Rain occurs when clouds become too heavy
List other that you discover in your class:
The reason clouds form is because cold air doesn’t hold as much water as warm air.
Clouds (and rain) are made by God.
Clouds come from somewhere above the sky.
Empty clouds are refilled by the sea (water stays as a liquid through the entire process)
Clouds are formed by boiling - vapors from kettles or the sun boiling the sea
Clouds are made of cold, heat, fog, snow or night.
Clouds are mostly smoke, made of cotton or wool, or they are bags of water
Clouds are sponges that hold water.
Clouds are water vapor.
Clouds are dust particles.
List other that you discover in your class:
Before beginning unit administer pretest. (Week of 9/15/2014) Check that all materials are available, usable, and ready.
Unit Materials
The DSM kit comes with most of the supplies that are needed to teach the unit. Be aware that the classroom teacher or
school must supply a few items. These are indicated in the materials list for each part of the investigation with an asterisk
(*). Here is a summary of those items.
Act 1: Air Temperature
Act 2: Air Pressure
Act 3:Barometric Changes
Act 4: Wind Direction
For each team of two:
cm x 15 cm
felt tip marker *
pair scissors*
For the class:
fan, electric *
Act 5: Wind Strength
Act 6: Temp Changes
For each student:
Act 7: Changes in Water
For each student:
For each team of two
For each team of two:
10 cm x 30 cm
marker or crayon,
er or crayon, red*
For the class:
1 ruler, dual-scale*
2 rolls tape, transparent
Act 8: Humidity
For each student
dish, half
For the class
For the class:
For the class
container, larger*
1 pitcher*
ice cubes *
fan, electric*
For each team of two:
Water, tap*
plastic, fluted, 1-pt
Act 9: Making a Cloud
For each student:
Act10: Classifying Clouds
For each student:
For the class:
Act 11: Precipitation
For each student
sheet 11 A & B
Act 12: What’s Your Weather Like
For each student:
For the class:
For the class
flashlight (optional)*
For the class:
1 piece plastic wrap*
water, hot tap*
Standards Addressed in Unit 1
New Jersey Common Core Standards
5.1 Science
Strand A
Strand B
Stand C
Strand D
5.4 Earth
Strand E
Strand F
Strand G
All students will understand that science is both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, modelbuilding enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge. The four Science Practices
strands encompass the knowledge and reasoning skills that students must acquire to be proficient in
Understand Scientific Explanations: Students understand core concepts and principles of science
and use measurement and observation tools to assist in categorizing, representing, and interpreting
the natural and designed world. Who, what, when, where, why, and how questions form the basis
for young learners’ investigations during sensory explorations, experimentation, and focused
Fundamental scientific concepts and principles and the links between them are more useful than discrete
Outcomes of investigations are used to build and refine questions, models, and explanations.
Generate Scientific Evidence Through Active Investigations: Observations and investigations form
young learners’ understandings of science concepts.
Tools and technology are used to gather, analyze, and communicate results.
Evidence is used to construct and defend arguments
Reasoning is used to support scientific conclusions.
Reflect on Scientific Knowledge: Interacting with peers and adults to share questions and
explorations about the natural world builds young learners’ scientific knowledge.
Scientific understanding changes over time as new evidence and updated arguments emerge.
Revisions of predictions and explanations occur when new arguments emerge that account more
completely for available evidence.
Participate Productively in Science: Science practices include drawing or “writing” on observation
clipboards, making rubbings, or charting the growth of plants.
Science has unique norms for participation. These include adopting a critical stance, demonstrating a
willingness to ask questions and seek help, and developing a sense of trust and skepticism.
In order to determine which arguments and explanations are most persuasive, communities of learners
work collaboratively to pose, refine, and evaluate questions, investigations, models, and theories (e.g.,
scientific argumentation and representation).
Instruments of measurement can be used to safely gather accurate information for making scientific
comparisons of objects and events.
All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected
systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe.
Energy in Earth Systems: Internal and external sources of energy drive Earth systems.
Land, air, and water absorb the Sun’s energy at different rates.
Climate and Weather: Earth’s weather and climate systems are the result of complex interactions
between land, ocean, ice, and atmosphere.
Weather changes that occur from day to day and across the seasons can be measured and documented
using basic instruments such as a thermometer, wind vane, anemometer, and rain gauge.
The biogeochemical cycles in the Earth systems include the flow of microscopic and macroscopic
resources from one reservoir in the hydrosphere, geo-sphere, atmosphere, or biosphere to another,
are driven by Earth's internal and external sources of energy, and are impacted by human activity.
Clouds and fog are made of tiny droplets of water and, at times, tiny particles of ice.
Rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation come from clouds; not all clouds produce precipitation.
Most of Earth’s surface is covered by water. Water circulates through the crust, oceans, and atmosphere
in what is known as the water cycle.
Next Generation Science Standards
Performance Expectations
3-ESS2-1 Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a
particular season.
3-ESS2-2. Obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world.
3-EES3-1. Make a claim about merit of a design solution that reduces the impacts of a weather-related hazard.
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to problems in 3-5 builds on
prior experiences and progresses to simple investigations, based on fair tests, which provide data to support
explanations or design solutions.
Analyzing and interpreting data from tests of an object or tool to determine if it works as intended. Represent
data in tables and various graphical displays (bar graphs, and pictographs) to reveal patterns that indicate
Asking Questions and Defining Problems builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to specifying qualitative
*Ask questions that can be investigated based on patterns such as cause and effect
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to
evaluating the merit and accuracy of ideas and methods.
* Obtain and combine information from books and other reliable media to explain phenomena.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Scientists record patterns of the weather across different times and areas so that they can make predictions
about what kind of weather might happen next.3-ESS2-1
Climate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions vary
over years.3-ESS2-2
A variety of natural hazards result from natural processes. Humans cannot eliminate natural hazards but can
take steps to reduce their impacts. 3-ESS3-1
Cross Cutting Concepts
Systems: Defining the system under study—specifying its boundaries and making explicit a model of that
system—provides tools for understanding and testing ideas that are applicable throughout science and
engineering. Systems in t he natural and designed world have parts that work together.
Patterns: Patterns in the natural world can be observed, used to describe phenomenon, and used as evidence.
Patterns of change can be used to make predictions.
Cause and Effect, Mechanism and Explanation: Events have causes, sometimes simple, sometimes
multifaceted. A major activity of science is investigating and explaining causal relationships and the
mechanisms by which they are mediated. Such mechanisms can then be tested across given contexts and used
to predict and explain events in new contexts.
Common Core State Standards
CCSS: English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.
Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including
what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
CCSS: WritingExplain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including
what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
CCSS: Speaking and Listening:
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats,
including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points.
CCSS: Mathematics
Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr,
min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit.
Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table.
Overview Activity 1 – “Air Temperature”
Students begin taking outdoor weather instruments twice a day. After an introduction to the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales,
they use thermometers to measure and record outdoor air temperature. In addition to recording air temperatures
individually, students also begin a class weather chart where they record gathered data..
 Weather is the condition of the atmosphere, the blanket of air that surrounds Earth, at a particular time and place
and can change from day to day, hour to hour, and location to location.
 Weather occurs in the troposphere, the lowest and densest of the atmospheric layers.
 Climate is the average weather over a long period of time.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Atmosphere, degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, dual-scale
Weather forecasts
thermometer, thermometer, temperature, weather
Activity 1 “Air Temperature”
Teacher Preparations
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
 - Prepare materials for the week
-Pre- Assessment
2 sessions
- Obtain current atmospheric pressure
-Notebook Investigation Entry
(45 min each.)
reading from local weather station to
-Reading Prompt1/Journal Entry
calibrate barometer
-Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
- Read Background information
-Record data on weather chart
- Read Guiding the Activity
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 2: “Air Pressure”
Students explore what a barometer is and how to use one. They will observe the rise and fall of measured barometric
pressure through the reading of a barometer and observe that the barometer needle moves in response to changes in air
 Barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure also known as barometric pressure. The inner scale on the
barometer shows air pressure in millibars.
 Weather is different from climate.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Air pressure, barometer, millibar
Mercury, greater than, released
Activity 2 “Air Pressure”
Teacher Preparations
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
1 session
- - Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt1/Journal Entry
- - Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
- Record data on weather chart
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night)
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 3”Barometric Changes”
Students continue to investigate air pressure. They use the barometer to measure the air pressure twice a day and record
their readings. In addition, they observe, record, and discuss the weather conditions that accompany various barometric
readings and learn the importance of air pressure for predicting weather changes. They also add information on weather
conditions and air pressure to the class Weather Data chart.
 Air pressure is affected by temperature.
 Changing air pressure indicates changing weather.
 Differences in air pressure are responsible for the movement of air.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Teacher Preparation
- Prepare materials
- Read Background Information
- Read Guiding the Activity
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
- Notebook Investigation Entry
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
3 sessions
Observations continue then for another 16-18 days
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 4: “Wind Direction”
Students build wind vanes and use them to determine wind direction and add the data to the class Weather Data chart..
They will discuss the importance of wind direction for predicting the weather.
Barometer is an instrument used to measure air pressure also known as barometric pressure. The inner scale on the
barometer shows air pressure in millibars.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Wind, wind vane
Direction, prevailing winds
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Prepare materials
- Reading Prompt
- Read Background Information
- Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
FOSS Digital Resources: eBook, Audio Stories
 Informational Text -Reading
Suggested websites
Activity 5: “Wind Strength
Students construct an instrument to measure wind strength and use it in their daily observations of the weather. They
record the information collect on the class Weather Data Chart. They also observe the effects of winds of varying strength.
 An anemometer is an instrument used to measure the speed of strength of the wind.
 Wind speed is related directly to wind strength which is commonly reported on the Beaufort Scale.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Beaufort Scale
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 6: “Temperature Changes”
Students review the air temperature data from the class Weather Data chart. They graph and analyze the data, observing
short- and long-term temperature changes, and they discuss possible reasons for these changes.
 Temperatures change daily and seasonally. Daily temperature changes are caused by the cycles of day and night.
 Temperature is an identifiable pattern.
 Temperatures can also change with the seasons.
 Seasonal changes are also affected to a lesser degree by local geography.
 Weather changes accompany changes in temperature.
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
FOSS Digital Resources: eBook, Audio Stories
 Informational Text -Reading
Suggested websites
Activity 7: “Changes in Water”
Students experiment with the processes of evaporation and condensation and relate them to changes in weather. They will
infer that evaporation and condensation involve a change in the form of water, and that they are inverse processes.
 Water exists on Earth in gaseous, liquid and solid states.
 Water changes from one state to another when heating energy is added or taken away.
 The speed of evaporation is affected by the temperature of the liquid, the temperature of the air, and the amount of
water vapor already in the air.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Condensation, evaporation, water vapor
Water cycle
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
1 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 8: “Humidity”
After determining the effect of moisture on cobalt paper, students use cobalt paper to measure the humidity in the air, and
observe the effects of moisture on it. They begin to record humidity in their daily observation sessions.
 Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature and air pressure.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Cobalt, moisture
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
-Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 9: “Making a Cloud”
Students observe the creation of a cloud in the classroom and discuss how clouds form. Students learn the conditions
necessary for cloud formation. They will infer how clouds form in nature.
 Water vapor can only condense if there is a surface for it to condense on.
 In the atmosphere, water vapor condenses on the surfaces of particles in the air, such as dust, soot or pollen. If
enough water vapor condenses, a cloud will form
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Convection, water cycle, water vapor, droplets
Teacher Preparation
Prepare materials
Read Background Information
Read Guiding the Activity
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
- Notebook Investigation Entry
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Time Frame
2 sessions
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night),
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 10: “Classifying Clouds”
Students observe, describe, and learn to identify clouds. They will determine the amount of cloud cover, and classify by the
amount of cloud cover and clouds shape. Students will use weather symbols to describe current weather conditions and add
cloud data to the class Weather Data chart.
 Cumulus clouds are heaped-up, puffy clouds often said to look like cotton balls or cotton candy.
 Cirrus clouds have wispy tails rising upward, and appear generally patchy.
 Stratus clouds are layered or flat clouds. Nimbus refers to storm clouds.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Cirris cloud, cumulus cloud, stratus cloud, nimbus, cloud
Wispy, thunderheads(cumulonimbus) tropical
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
- Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
Rising Readorium (20 min/night)
 Word wall activities
Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Activity 11: “Precipitation”
Students observe the formation of precipitation from an indoor cloud and learn how precipitation occurs. They discuss the
water cycle in nature and relate it to what they have learned about evaporation and condensation. They begin to use a rain
gauge to measure rainfall during their daily weather observations.
Water that returns to Earth from clouds is called precipitation. This exchange of moisture, from surface water to water
vapor to clouds to precipitation, is called the water cycle. A rain gauge is a graduated vessel used to measure precipitation.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Millimeter, precipitation, rain gauge, water cycle
Drizzle, graduated vessel
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
-Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
Daily observations continue for about one week
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
 Rising Readorium (20 min/night)
 Word wall activities
 Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
 Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Time Frame
2 sessions
Activity 12: “What’s Your Weather Like?”
Students view all the weather data and identify any weather patterns they see. They discover re4lationships among weather
factors and look for short-term and long-term weather changes.
 Climate is the average weather pattern in an area over a long time.
New Vocabulary
Language Development
Teacher Preparation
Assessments and Grading Opportunities
Time Frame
- Prepare materials
- Notebook Investigation Entry
2 sessions
- Read Background Information
- Reading Prompt/Journal Entry
- Read Guiding the Activity
-Student Observation/Anecdotal Notes
- End of Unit Assessment
(You will have to take the students outside to answer
question #2 on the student worksheet.)
Homework/Center Activities/Extra Practices
 Rising Readorium (20 min/night)
 Word wall activities
 Spelling City(vocab)
 Cross Curriculum Extensions
 Suggested websites
 Informational Text -Reading
Culminating Activity: Assessment Activity for Activities 1-12
Writing Prompts Overview
This guide is intended to support the collection of Body of Evidence Opportunities. A student’s Body of Evidence should,
at a minimum, include work form the listed prompts and in-class investigations that demonstrate a student’s level of
proficiency. The DSM pre-assessment given at the beginning of the unit, and Grade 4 DISTRICT Check point Assessment
s given throughout the unit may also be included in the body of evidence.
Recommended Body of Evidence – Grade 4Weather Instruments
Concept 1:
Prompt 1(I&E) Activity 1 – Air Temperature
1. What is temperature?
2. What is a thermometer?
3. How is a thermometer similar to or different from other thermometers you have seen?
4. What does the word duel mean?
5. Why do you think this is called a duel-scale thermometer?
6. How do you use the thermometer to determine the temperature?
Use activity sheet 1
Prompt 2: (I&E) Activity 2 Air Pressure
Science Notebook
1. What do you see happening?
2. Does anyone know what a barometer does?
3. Why do you think the needle moves?
4. When is the air pressure greater: when the rubber sheet is pressed, or when it is released?
5. What do you think might be causing this air pressure?
Use activity sheet 2
Prompt 3: (I&E) Activity 3 Barometric Changes
Science Notebook
1. What does a barometer do?
2. What do you notice when you compare the air pressure column with the weather conditions column?
3. What weather changes do we observe when the air pressure changes?
Use student activity sheet 3
Prompt 4: (I&E) Activity 4 Wind direction
Science Notebook
1. How do we know the wind is blowing?
2. In which direction does a north wind travel?
3. What is a wind vane?
4. If you knew what the weather conditions in that direction were, what could you predict about the weather?
Use activity sheet 4
Prompt 5: (I&E) Activity 5 Wind Strength
Science Notebook
1. How can you tell if there s wind?
2. Does the wind blow with the same strength every day?
3. How can you tell how strong the wind is?
Use activity sheet 5
Prompt 6: Activity 6 Temperature Changes
Science Notebook
1. What is a graph?
2. What was the biggest change in temperature from one morning to the same afternoon? What was the smallest
change from one morning to the same afternoon?
3. What was the biggest change in temperature from one morning to the next? What was the smallest change from
one morning to the next?
4. Which changes are greater, the temperature changes between the morning and the afternnon or the temperature
changes fron day to day at the same time of day?
Use activity sheet 6
Prompt 7: Activity 7 Changes in Water
Science Notebook
1. Where does rain come from?
2. How does water get up in the sky?
3. What do you think will happen to the water in the dish over the next few hours?
4. How does the outside of the tumbler look? How does it feel?
5. What will happen to the ice (tumbler, and water)over the next few hours?
6. What happened to the water drop?
7. What do we call water when it is in the form of a solid?
8. What do we call water that is in the form of a gas?
9. What is evaporation?
10. Is water vapor something you can see?
11. Why do you think condensation formed on the outside of the tumbler?
12. What happened to th4e water vapor that was in the air near the cold tumbler?
13. How are the processes of evaporation and condensation related?
Use activity sheet 7
Prompt 8: Activity 8 Humidity
Science Notebook
1. What does humidity mean?
2. How does water vapor get in the air?
3. Where might the water vapor in humid air evaporate from?
4. If you were …(desert, beach, swamp, cold clear winter day) would you feel high or low humidity? Why?
5. How can you tell when there is high humidity?
6. Is today a low or high humidity day?
Use activity sheet 8
Prompt 9: Activity 9 Making a cloud
Science Notebook
1. What is a cloud?
2. Do you think we can make a cloud in the classroom? How could we do it?
3. How do you think the cloud in the jar is formed?
4. What happens to the water vapor in the jar?
5. What happens to the water vapor as it rises high in the jar?
6. What do you think water vapor high in the air can condense on?
7. How can we know that there are dust particles in the air?
Use activity sheet 9
Prompt 10: Activity 10 Classifying Clouds
Science Notebook
1. What are clouds made of?
2. Do all clouds look the same?
3. How much of the sky is taken up by clouds? Is the closest to none, one –quarter, half, three-quarters, or all of it?
4. Which term should we use to describe today’s cloud cover: clear, partly cloudy, or cloudy?
5. Do all clouds today have the same shape?
6. What color are clouds?
Use activity sheets 10 A & B
Prompt11: Activity 11 Precipitations
Science Notebook
1. Is there any precipitation outside today?
2. Where does precipitation come from?
3. Where do clouds come from?
4. Why do you think the water droplets do not fall to the ground as rain or drizzle?
5. Predict what we might do to make our cloud produce rain.
6. How can we make the droplets get bigger?
7. How does what vapor get in the air?
8. What needs to happen to the water vapor in the air in order for precipitation to occur?
9. How do you think we might measure precipitation?
10. What kind of storms bring weather that can be dangerous to us?
Use activity sheet 11
Prompt 12: Activity 12 Humidity
Science Notebook
1. What weather factors have we observed and recorded during the past few weeks?
2. Do you see any connections between air temperature and air pressure?
3. Do you see any connections or patterns when comparing the data for air pressure, cloud cover, cloud type, and
4. When comparing data for air temperature and weather conditions, do you see any connections or patterns?
5. When comparing wind speed and wind direction with the other factors, do you see any connections or patterns?
6. What short term changes have you witnessed during the course of weather instrument unit?
7. What weather factors are we likely to see during a storm?
8. What weather factors are we likely to see when the weather is fair?
9. What do you think climate means?
Use activity sheet 12
Unit Resources:
Content books DSM Student Book with Unit
 See Reading Extensions in TE
 DSM Reading Supplemental Books
Rising Readorium
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