ü when completed

Learning Contract –Weather 4
Homeroom _______________
Due Date 1-8-16
S4E3. Students will differentiate between the states of water and how they relate to the water cycle and weather. a.
Demonstrate how water changes states from solid (ice) to liquid (water) to gas (water vapor/steam) and changes from gas to
liquid to solid. b. Identify the temperatures at which water becomes a solid and at which water becomes a gas. c. Investigate
how clouds are formed. d. Explain the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation). e. Investigate different forms
of precipitation and sky conditions. (rain, snow, sleet, hail, clouds, and fog).
Curriculum Layers
Student Unit Learning Activities
Read and Comprehend
Reread p.132-133 in the science text book with a partner OR listen to
it online. Answer the questions on the back in complete sentences
independently. Use the book to answer the questions.
All students must complete this layer.
CHOOSE 1 assignment from this layer
and complete to grade level
expectations in your science journal.
 when
Vocabulary: meteorology, barometer, anemometer, hygrometer, air
mass, front, climate (see p.129)
Make a flash card for each vocabulary word. Write the word on
the front and the definition on the back.
Make a cross word puzzle with the definitions as clues.
Create a memory device for each word.
Draw a picture to illustrate the meaning of each word.
Make a vocabulary quiz.
Write a 4th grade sentence with each vocabulary word.
Explore the links in the weather folder on my website
Organize It!
CHOOSE 1 assignment from this layer
and complete to grade level
expectations in your science journal.
Create a graphic organizer with each weather instrument and
explain what it does. (thermometer, barometer, anemometer,
hygrometer, rain gauge, wind vane)
Create a cause and effect chart showing what causes different
types of weather. For example: red sunset  next day should
be sunny
No lab this week because we are not changing classes.
Write About It!
CHOOSE 1 assignment from this layer
and complete to grade level
expectations in your science journal.
Write an informative paragraph about meteorologists.
Pretend you are a meteorologist on TV. Write a weather report
on tomorrow’s weather. Include reasons why the weather will be
what you predict, what types of clouds we should see, and what
instruments you used.
Write a narrative titled My Life as a Drip. Imagine your life as a
drop of water going through the water cycle and write a three
paragraph story about it. Make sure you include each step of
the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation,
Directions: You must complete the Read and Comprehend layer and three other layers of your choice. All assignments are done in
your science journal unless it says otherwise in the directions above.
I understand that I will need to show mastery of content by completing the assignments listed above at grade level expectations by the
due date.
Signature _____________________________________________ Date _______________