Jane S. Lebkowski, Ph.D. Present Mailing Address: 150 Gabarda Way Portola Valley, Ca 94028 Home Telephone (650) 854-4460 Work Telephone (650) 799-1685 Internationally recognized leader in the development of cell and gene-based therapies with direct management experience in the multi-disciplinary functions required to translate research discoveries to therapeutic products. Industrial Experience: Asterias Biotherapeutics: 2013-present 2013-Present President of R&D Responsibilities and Accomplishments: Responsible for All R&D Activities for Asterias Biotherapeutic’s Product Portfolio Including: Strategic Planning and R&D Management Research, Product Development, Clinical and Regulatory Development External Management of Strategic Collaborations and Partners. Independent Consultant: 2012 – 2013 2012- 2013 Independent Consultant for Academic Institutions, Biotechnology Firms, Government Agencies, and Foundations on All Stages of Development of Cell, Gene and other Biological Therapies Responsibilities and Accomplishments: Built and Managed Strategic and Operational Plans for Clients. Developed Preclinical, Product and Clinical Development Strategies for Biotechnology Firms. Authored FDA Regulatory Filings and Led Meetings with the Office of Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy for Clients. Developed Business Plans for Clients. Introduced and Implemented Project Management Functions for Clients. Interfaced with Current and Potential Investors to Detail Product Development and Commericialization Strategies for Clients Geron Corporation: 1998 – 2012 2011 - 2012 2001 - 2011 Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Geron Corporation, Menlo Park CA Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Regenerative Medicine, Geron Corp, Menlo Park, CA 1 1999 - 2001 1998 - 1999 Vice President, Cell and Gene Therapies, Geron Corporation, Menlo Park, CA Senior Director, Cell and Gene Therapies, Geron Corporation, Menlo Park, CA Responsibilities and Accomplishments: Built and Managed Geron’s Platform of Cell-Based Therapies for Cancer and Regenerative Medicine Indications. Built and Directly Managed All Research, Preclinical Development, Product Development, Device Development and Manufacturing Functions for Geron’s Cellular Immunotherapy and Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Products. Developed and Managed Program Operations Structure at Geron for Horizontal Integration of Multifunctional Project Teams to Ensure Efficient Execution and Achievement of Corporate Goals Responsible for Clinical Development of Geron’s Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Based Products. Successfully Led the Development of the First Human Embryonic Stem Cell Based Therapeutic Cleared for Human Clinical Testing. Directly Interfaced with Worldwide Regulatory Agencies on the Development of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Based Therapies. Responsible for Program Operations and Budgetary Management for the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Program. Member of Project Team to Successfully Complete Phase 1 and 2 Clinical Trials of a Telomerase Modified Dendritic Cell Immunotherapy in Prostate Cancer and Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Directly Interfaced with the Board of Directors, Investors, Industry Partners, Advisors, and the Scientific/Medical Communities on the Activities of the Human Embryonic Stem Cell Program. Successfully Raised Over $30M in Public Funds for Geron’s Projects in 2011. Managed a Team of > 90 Employees. Applied Immune Sciences, Rhone Poulenc Rorer (Currently Sanofi): 1986-1998 1996 - 1998 1994 - 1995 1993 - 1994 1991 - 1993 1990 - 1991 1989 - 1990 1986 - 1989 Vice President, Discovery & Product Development, Rhone Poulenc Rorer (RPR) (currently Sanofi), Santa Clara, CA (RPR acquired Applied Immune Sciences) Vice President, Research and Development, Applied Immune Sciences, Santa Clara, CA Vice President, Discovery Research, Applied Immune Sciences, Santa Clara, CA Senior Director, Research, Applied Immune Sciences, Menlo Park, CA Director of Molecular Biology, Applied Immune Sciences, Menlo Park, CA Group Leader, Molecular Biology, Applied Immune Sciences, Menlo Park, CA Senior Scientist, Applied Immune Sciences, Menlo Park, CA Responsibilities and Accomplishments: Managed Research and Product Development Activities to Advance Cell and Gene-Based Therapies in the Areas of Cancer and Infectious Diseases Directly Managed Research and Product Development of Cell Separation Devices for Ex Vivo Manipulation of Cell-Based Therapies for Autologous and Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation. Directly Managed Research and Product Development of Cellular Immune-Based Therapeutics for the Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma and AIDS. 2 Directed Viral and Nonviral Gene Therapy Vector Development Used for Clinical Trials of p53 Gene Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer and aFGF in Peripheral Artery Disease. Supervised Formulations and Delivery Methodologies for Cell and Gene Therapies. Managed Preclinical Development of Cell and Gene Therapeutics for the Treatment of Cancer. Directed Device Engineering for Cell Separation Devices. Participated in Multidisciplinary Project Teams to Advance 2 Cellular Immune Based Therapies Through Phase 3 Clinical Trials and 2 Gene Therapy Products To Phase 1 Clinical Trials Managed a Team of >150 Employees Responsible for Portfolio Planning, Program Operations, and Budgetary Management for Discovery Research and Product Development Functions. Education: 1982 – 1986 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 1980 – 1982 Graduate Student; Dept of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland 1977 – 1980 Graduate Student; Dept of Biochemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Ph.D. 1982 1976 – 1977 Undergraduate; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, B.S. Chemistry and Biology, 1977 1973 – 1976 Undergraduate; SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY Patents Issued: #8,426,198 In Vitro Differentiated Cell and Human Embryonic Stem Cell Populations #8,323,966 Differentiated Pluripotent Stem Cell Progeny Depleted #8,093,049 Differentiation of Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells to Hematopoietic Cells #6,652,850 Adeno-Associated Viral Liposomes: Their Use In Transfecting Dendritic Cells to Stimulate Immunity #6,576,464 Methods for Providing Differentiated Stem Cells #5,834,441 Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) Liposomes and Methods Related Thereto #5,861,171 Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) Liposomes and Methods Related Thereto #5,861,314 Adeno-Associated Viral (AAV) Liposomes and Methods Related Thereto #5,589,377 Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vector Manufacture #5,354,678 Production of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors #5,173,414 Production of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors #5,691,176 Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vector Packaging Cells and Methods for Use #5,681,731 Method for Producing Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors #5,780,280 Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors #5,807,686 Pluripotential Quiescent Stem Cell Populations Honors, Awards, Public Funding: 3 2011 California Institute for Regenerative Medicine Targeted Clinical Development Award: hESCDerived Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells for Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury 2011 Cancer Research UK New Agents Award: hESC-Derived Allogeneic Dendritic Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy 2010 East of England Development Association Funding: hESC Derived Chondrocytes for Cartilage Defects 1993 SBIR Phase II Grant, NHLBI, NIH - Peripheral Blood Stem Cells 1993 SBIR Phase II Grant NCI - Recombinant Adeno Associated Virus Vectors 1992 SBIR Phase I Grant, NCI, NIH - Recombinant Adeno Associated Virus Vectors 1991 SBIR Phase I Grant, NHLBI, NIH - Peripheral Blood Stem Cells 1984 Leukemia Society of America Special Fellow 1982 Stanford University Cancer Biology Fellow 1977 Phi Beta Kappa 1977 B.S. Summa cum laude, Syracuse University 1976 Phillis Roshkin Memorial Award 1975 Alumni Memorial Award, SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry Professional, Committee, and Board Memberships: Visiting Professor: University of East Anglia, Suffolk, UK International Society for Stem Cell Research, Co-Chair Industrial Committee International Society for Neural Regeneration, Member Board of Directors American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Committee Chair, Outreach Committee BIO-Safe Committee of BIO International: Subcommittee Chair University Washington Stem Cell Institute: Member Scientific Advisory Board Regenerative Medicine: Journal Editorial Board Stem Cells Translational Medicine: Journal Editorial Board American Association for Cancer Research American Association for the Advancement of Science American Society of Hematology International Society for Cell Therapy American Society of Clinical Oncology American Heart Association Selected Recent Invited Oral Presentations: Andalusian Conference on Cell and Gene Therapy: June 2012 FDA:BioSafe Annual Conference: June 2012 Interdependence 2012 Spinal Cord Injury Conference: May 2012 4 International Conference on Stem Cell Engineering: April 2012 University of Washington, Seminar Series: April 2012 Japanese Society of Regenerative Medicine Annual Symposium, June 2012 European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy Annual Meeting, October, 2011 European Parental Drug Association Workshop on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, June 2011 International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Society Symposium, June 2011 American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Annual Meeting, May 2011 FDA-NIH Joint Summit on Pluripotent Stem Cells in Translation, March 2011 NY Stem Cell Summit, Feb 2011 Phacilitate: Cell and Gene Therapy: January 2011 Symposium on Well Characterized Biologic Products: January 2011 CIRM/FDA Meeting on Development of Stem Cell Therapies, October 2010. 5th Brazilian Congress on Stem Cells and Cell Therapy: September 2010. Symposium:Spinal Cord Injury Research on the Way To Translation, August 2010 International Society of Stem Cell Research Regulatory Workshop, July 2010. National Academy of Sciences on Stem Cells and the Use of Emerging Science for Environmental Health Decisions, June 2010 ISSCR-CIRM Regulatory Workshop, June, 2010. ASGCT Clinical Trial Training Course, May 2010 ASGCT Annual Meeting, May 2010 European Medicines Associations Workshop on Stem Cell Therapies, May 2010 Jackson Laboratories Workshop on Animal Models in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, May 2010 DIA Stem Cells Conference, April 2010 London Translational Regenerative Medicine Conference, March 2010 JDRF: Workshop on Understanding Beta Cell Functional Maturation, March 2010 Center for Regenerative Medicine Grantee Meeting, March 2010 Phacilitate Cell and Gene Therapy Forum, January 2010 Selected Publications: 1. Laemmli, U.K., Lebkowski, J.S., and Lewis, C.D. (1981). In Developmental Biology Using Purified Genes, ICN-UCLA Symp. on Mol. Cell. Biol. vol 23 (Brown, D.D., ed.), 275-292, Academic Press, NY 2. Lebkowski, J.S., and Laemmli, U.D. (1982) Evidence for two levels of DNA folding in histone-depleted HeLa interphase nuclei. J. Mol.Biol. 156, 309-324. 3. Lebkowski, J.S., and Laemmli, U.K. (1982) Nonhistone proteins and long range organization of HeLa interphase DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 156, 325-344. 4. Calos, M.P., Lebkowski, J.S., and Botchan, M.R. (1983) High mutation frequency in DNA transfected into mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80, 3015-3019. 5 5. Lebkowski, J.S., Botchan, M.R., and Calos, M.P. (1983) Spontaneous mutation of DNA transfected into mammalian cells in Cellular Responses to DNA Damage. UCLA Symposium on Mol. Cell. Biol., new ser. Vol 11. (Friedberg, E.C., and Bridges, B.R., eds,). Alan R. Liss Inc., NY. 6. Lebkowski, J.S., DuBridge, R.B. Antell, E.A., Greisen, K.S., and Calos, M.P. (1984) Transfected DNA is mutated in monkey, mouse, and human cells. Mol. Cell Biol. 4, 1951-1960. 7. Miller, J.H., Lebkowski, J.S., Greisen, K.S., and Calos, M.P. (1984). Specificity of mutations induced in transfected DNA by mammalian cells. EMBO J. 3, 3117-3121. 8. Lewis, C.D., Lebkowski, J.S., Daly, A. and Laemmli, U.D. (1984). Interphase nuclear matrix and metaphase scaffolding structures: a comparison of protein components. J. Cell Sci. Suppl.1. 9. Lebkowski, J.S., Clancy, S. and Calos, M.P. (1985). Efficient SV40 replication in adenovirustransformed human cells: replication antagonizes gene expression. Nature 317, 169-171. 10. Lebkowski, J.S., Clancy, S., Miller, J.H., and Calos, M.P. (1985). The lac I shuttle: rapid analysis of the mutagenic specificity of ultraviolet light in human cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 8606-8610. 11. Lebkowski, J.S., Clancy, S., Miller, J.H., and Calos, M.P. (1986). Determination of DNA sequence changes induced by ethyl methane sulfonate in human cells using a shuttle vector system. Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 1838-1842. 12. Lebkowski, J.S., McNally, M.A., Okarma, T.B., and Lerch, L.B. (1987). Inducible gene expression from multiple promoters by the tumor promoting agent, PMA. Nuc. Acids. Res. 15, 9043-9055. 13. McNally, M.A., Lebkowski, J.S., Okarma, T.B., and Lerch, L.B. (1988). Optimizing electroporation parameters for a variety of human hematopoietic cell lines. Biotechniques, 6, 882-885. 14. Lebkowski, J.S., McNally, M.A., Okarma, T.B., and Lerch, L.B. (1988). Adeno-associated virus: a vector system for efficient introduction and integration of DNA into a variety of mammalian cell types. Mol. Cell. Biol. 8, 3988-3996. 15. Hsia, H.C., Lebkowski, J.S., Leong, P.M., Calos, M.P. and Miller, J.H. (1989). Comparison of UV mutagenesis in E.coli and in human 293 cells. J. Mol. Biol. in press. 16. Lebkowski, J.S., McNally, M.A., Pletcher, S.A., Finch-Manzagol, S., Schain, L., and Okarma, T.B. (1990). Enrichment of murine hematopoietic stem cells: reconstitution of syngeneic and haplotype mismatched mice. Transplantation 50:1019-1027. 17. Lebkowski, J.S., Schain, L.R., Okrongly, D., Levinsky, R., Harvey, M., and Okarma, T.B. (1992). Rapid isolation of human CD34 hematopoietic stem cells: purging of human tumor cells. Transplantation 53:1011-1019. 18. Talib, S., Okarma, T.B., Lebkowski, J.S. Differential expression of human nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit variants in muscle and non-muscle tissues. Nuc. Acids Res. 21:233-237. 19. Lebkowski, J.S., and Hatzfeld, J., (1993) Isolation of CD34+ cells from umbilical cord blood. Proceedings of Cord Blood Stem Cells, 1992 Research and Progress Session, December 7, 1992, Anaheim, CA, J. Hematotherapy 2, 213. 20. Okarma, T., Lebkowski, J., Schain, L., Harvey, M., Tricot, G., Stour, E., Meyers, W.G., Burnett, A., Sniecinski, I., O’Reilly, R.J. The AIS CELLector: a new technology for stem cell purification. Prog Clin Ciol Res. 1992;377:487-502; discussion 503-4. 21. Collins, N.H., Lebkowski, J.S., O'Reilly, R.J., Okarma, T.B. T-cell Depletion of SBA- cells by adherence on the AIS CELLector-T Cell. In: Areman E., Deeg, H.J., Sacher, R.A. (eds) Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Processing: A Manual of Current TechniquesPhiladelphia, F.A. Davis Company, (1992) 205. 6 22. Lebkowski, J., Schain, L., Harvey, M., Moseley, A. and Okarma, T.B. (1993) Direct isolation and expansion of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells, Journ. Hematotherapy 2:339-342. 23. Cardoso, A.A., Li, M-L, Batard, P., Sansilvestri, P., Hatzfeld A., Levesque, J-P., Lebkowski, J.S. and Hatzfeld, J. (1993) Human umbilical cord blood CD34+ cell purification with high yield of early progenitors, Journ. Hematotherapy 2:275. 24. Biddle, W., Lebkowski, J., Wysocki, M., Dadey B., Pancook, J., Schain, L., and Daley, J. (1994) Cultivation and ex vivo expansion of human progenitor cells (CD34+) under serum-free culture conditions. Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 389:351-361. 25. Schain, L.R., Okrongly, D., Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S. (1994) Separation of lectin binding cells using polystyrene culture devices with covalently immobilized soybean agglutinin. J. of Hematotherapy, 3:37-46. 26. Philip, R., Brunette, E., Kilinski, L., Murugesh, D., McNally, M.A. Ucar, K., Rosenblatt, J., Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S., (1994) Efficient and sustained gene expression in primary T lymphocytes, and primary and cultured tumor cells mediated by adeno-associated viral plasmid complexed to cationic liposomes. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 14(4):2411-2418. 27. Lebkowski, J., Schain, L., Harvey, M., Moseley, A., Okarma, T.B. (1994) Isolation and culture of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells using AIS CELLectors®. In: Wunder, E., Sovalat, H., Hénon, P.R, Serke, S. (eds) Hematopoietic Stem Cells, The Mulhouse Manual, AlphaMed Press, pg. 215-230. 28. Knobel, K.M., McNally, M., Berson, A.E., Rood, D., Chen, K., Kilinski, Tran, K., L. Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S. (1994) Long term reconstitution of mice after ex vivo expansion of bone marrow cells: Differential activity of cultured bone marrow and enriched stem cell populations. Experimental Hematology 22:1227-1235. 29. Lebkowski, J.S., Schain, L., Hall, M., Wysocki, M., Dadey, B., Biddle, W. (1994) Rapid Isolation and serum-free expansion of human CD34+ cells. Blood Cells, 20:404-410. 30. Thrasher, A.J., de Alwis, M., Casimir, C.M., Kinnon, C., Page, K., Lebkowski, J., Segal, A.W., Levinsky, R.J. (1994) Functional reconstitution of the NADPH-oxidase by adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene transfer. Blood 86(2):761-765. 31. Goldrath, A.W., Chen, K.E., Weide, L.G., Pour, P.M., Lebkowski, J.S., and Alters, S.E. (1995) Retention of endocrine function in the SCID-Hu pancreas mouse-a model for the development of human fetal islet tissue. Transplantation, 59:1497-1500. 32. Wagner, J.E., Collins, C., Fuller, S., Schain, L.R., Berson, A.E., Almici, C., Hall, M.A., Chen, K.E., Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S. (1995) Isolation of small, primitive human hematopoietic stem cells: Distribution of cell surface cytokine receptors and growth in SCID-Hu mice. Blood, 86(2):512523. 33. Thrasher, A.J., de Alwis, M., Casimir, C.M., Kinnon, C., Page, K., Lebkowski, J., Segal, A.W., Levinsky, R.J. (1995) Generation of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) from an adenoviral vector, and functional reconstitution of the NADPH-oxidase Gene Therapy, 2:481-485 34. Lebkowski, J.S., Schain, L.R., and Okarma, T.B. Serum-free culture of hematopoietic stem cells: A review. (1995) Stem Cells, 13:607-612 35. Philip, R., Clary, B., Brunette, E., Kilinski, L., Murugesh, D., Sorich, M., Yau, J., Lebkowski, J., Lyerly, H.K., and Philip, M. (1996) Gene modification of primary tumor cells for active immunotherapy of human breast and ovarian cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2:59-68. 7 36. Berson, A., Knobel, K.M., Rood, D., Chen, K., Lamons, D., McNally, M.A., Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S. (1996) Selection of murine lymphoid and hematopoietic cells using polystyrene tissue culture devices containing covalently immobilized antibody. BioTechniques 20:1098-1103. 37. Smith, C., Lee, S-W., Wong, E., Gallardo H., Page, K., Gaspar O., Lebkowski J., Gilboa, E. (1996) Transient protection of human T-cells from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection by transduction with adeno-associated viral vectors which express RNA decoys. Antiviral Research 32:99115. 38. Lebkowski, J.S., Okarma, T.B., Philip, R. The challenges of recombinant adeno-associated virus manufacturing: alternative use of adeno-associated virus plasmid/liposome complexes for gene therapy applications. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1996; 218:51-9. Review. 39. Lebkowski, J.S., Schain, L.R., Okarma, T.B. Serum-free culture of hematopoietic stem cells: a review. Stem Cells. 1995 Nov; 13(6):607-12. Review 40. Kevin W. Page and Jane S. Lebkowski. Adeno-associated virus: a vector for high efficiency gene transduction. In: Encyclopedia of Cancer, Vol 1, Academic Press, (1997) 1-9. 41. Lebkowski, J.S., Philip, R., and Okarma, T.B. (1997) Breast cancer: cell and gene therapy. Cancer Investigation 15(6): 568-576. 42. Fortunel, N., Batard, P., Hatzfeld A., Monier, M.-N., Panterne, B., Lebkowski, J., Hatzfeld J. (1998) High Proliferative Potential-Quiescent cells: a working model to study primitive quiescent hematopoietic cells. J. Cell Sci. 111:1867-1875. 43. Miller, J., Tessmer-Tuck, J., Pierson, B.A., Weisdorf, D., McGlave, P., Blazar, B.R., Katsanis, E., Verfaillie, C., Lebkowski, J., Radford, J., Burns, L. (1997) Low dose subcutaneous Interleukin-2 after autologous transplantation augments in vivo natural killer cell activity. Accepted Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation. 44. Schain, L, Jain S., Wysocki, M., Hall, M., Dadey B., Pennathur-Das, R., Biddle, W., Wolf, J., Okarma, T.B., and Lebkowski, J.S. (1997) Animal serum-free culture of human purified CD34+ cells: amplification of progenitors for potential hematologic support. Journal of Hematotherapy 6:335-349. 45. Philip, R., Brunette, E., Ashton, J., Alters, S., Gadea, J., Sorich, M., Yau, J., O’Donoghue, G., Lebkowski, J., Okarma, T. and Philip M. (1998) Transgene expression in dendritic cells to induce antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells in healthy donors. Cancer Gene Therapy 5(4): 236-246. 46. Lebkowski, J., Moody, D., Philip, R., Schain, L., Talib, S., Pennathur-Das, R., Okrongly, D., and Okarma, T.B. Isolation, activation, expansion and gene transduction of cell based therapeutics using polystyrene immunoaffinity devices. In: Recktenwald/Radbruch (eds.) Cell Separation Methods and Applications, New York, NY 10016, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1998) 61-85. 47. Alters, S., Gadea, J., Holm, B., Lebkowski, J., Philip, R. (1999) IL13 can substitute for IL4 in the generation of dendritic cells for the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and gene therapy. Journal of Immunotherapy, 22 (3): 229-236. 48. Lichtsteiner,S.P., Lebkowski, J.S., and Vasserot A.P. (1999) Telomerase: A target for anticancer therapy. Ann N Y Acad Sci 886: 1-11. 49. Wright, S.E., Kilinski, L., Talib, S., Lowe, K.E., Burnside, J.S., Wu, J.Y., Dolby N., Dombrowski, K.E., Lebkowski, J.S., Philip, R. (2000) Cytotoxic T lymphocytes from humans with adenocarcinomas stimulated by native MUC1 mucing and a mucin peptide mutated at a glycosylation site. J Immunotherapy 23(1):2-10. 50. Philip, R., Alters, S.E., Brunette, E., Ashton, J., Gadea, J., Yau, J., Lebkowski, J., Philip, M. (2000) Dendritic cells loaded with MART-1 peptide or infected with adenoviral construct are functionally 8 equivalent in the induction of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in patients with melanoma. J Immunother. 23(1):168-176 51. Muniappan, A., Banapour, B., Lebkowsi, J., Talib, S. (2000) Ligand-mediated cytolysis of tumor cells: use of heregulin-zeta chimeras to redirect cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Cancer Gene Ther. 7(1): 128-34. 52. Nair, S.K., Heiser, A., Boczkowski D., Majumdar, A., Naoe, M., Lebkowski, J.S., Vieweg, J., Gilboa, E. (2000) Induction of cytotoxic T cell responses and tumor immunity against unrelated tumors using telomerase reverse transcriptase RNA transfected dendritic cells. Nat Med 6(9): 1011-1017l 53. Wright, S.E., Kilinski, L., Talib, S., Lowe, K.E., Burnside, J.S., Wu, J.Y., Dolby, N., Dombrowski, K.E., Lebkowski, J.S. Philip, R. (2000) Cytotoxic T lymphocytes from humans with adenocarcinomas stimulated by native MUC1 mucin and a mucin peptide mutated at a glycosylation site. J Immunotherapy 23(1): 2-10. 54. Majumdar, A.S., Hughes, D.E., Lichtsteiner, S.P., Wang, Z., Lebkowski, J.S., Vasserot, A.P. (2001) The telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter drives efficacious tumor suicide gene therapy while preventing hepatotoxicity encountered with constitutive promoters. Gene Therapy 8: in press. 55. Lebkowski, J.S., Gold, J.D., Xu, C., Funk, W., Chiu, C.P., Carpenter, M.K. Human embryonic stem cells: culture, differentiation, and genetic modification for regenerative medicine applications. Cancer J. 2001 Nov-Dec; 7 Suppl 2:S83-93 56. Frolkis M, Fischer MB, Wang Z, Lebkowski JS, Chiu CP, Majumdar AS. Dendritic cells reconstituted with human telomerase gene induce potent cytotoxic T-cell response against different types of tumors. Cancer Gene Ther. 2003 Mar;10(3):239-49. 57. Miura T, Luo Y, Khrebtukova I, Brandenberger R, Zhou D, Thies RS, Vasicek T, Young H, Lebkowski J, Carpenter MK, Rao MS. Monitoring early differentiation events in human embryonic stem cells by massively parallel signature sequencing and expressed sequence tag scan. Stem Cells Dev. 2004 Dec;13(6):694-715. 58. Xu C, Jiang J, Sottile V, McWhir J, Lebkowski J, Carpenter MK. Immortalized fibroblast-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells support undifferentiated cell growth. Stem Cells. 2004;22(6):972-80. 59. Brandenberger R, Khrebtukova I, Thies RS, Miura T, Jingli C, Puri R, Vasicek T, Lebkowski J, Rao M. MPSS profiling of human embryonic stem cells. BMC Dev Biol. 2004 Aug 10;4:10. 60. Li L, Baroja ML, Majumdar A, Chadwick K, Rouleau A, Gallacher L, Ferber I, Lebkowski J, Martin T, Madrenas J, Bhatia M. Human embryonic stem cells possess immune-privileged properties. Stem Cells. 2004;22(4):448-56. 61. Brandenberger R, Wei H, Zhang S, Lei S, Murage J, Fisk GJ, Li Y, Xu C, Fang R, Guegler K, Rao MS, Mandalam R, Lebkowski J, Stanton LW. Transcriptome characterization elucidates signaling networks that control human ES cell growth and differentiation. Nat Biotechnol. 2004 Jun;22(6):707-16. Epub 2004 May 16. 62. Elwood NJ, Jiang XR, Chiu CP, Lebkowski JS, Smith CA. Enhanced long-term survival, but no increase in replicative capacity, following retroviral transduction of human cord blood CD34+ cells with human telomerase reverse transcriptase. Haematologica. 2004 Mar;89(3):377-8. 63. Irving J, Wang Z, Powell S, O'Sullivan C, Mok M, Murphy B, Cardoza L, Lebkowski JS, Majumdar AS. Conditionally replicative adenovirus driven by the human telomerase promoter provides broad-spectrum antitumor activity without liver toxicity. Cancer Gene Ther. 2004 Mar;11(3):174-85. 64. Soto-Gutiérrez A, Kobayashi N, Rivas-Carrillo JD, Navarro-Alvarez N, Zhao D, Okitsu T, Noguchi H, Basma H, Tabata Y, Chen Y, Tanaka K, Narushima M, Miki A, Ueda T, Jun HS, Yoon JW, Lebkowski 9 J, Tanaka N, Fox IJ. Reversal of mouse hepatic failure using an implanted liver-assist device containing ES cell-derived hepatocytes. Nat Biotechnol. 2006 Nov;24(11):1412-9. Epub 2006 Nov 5. Erratum in: Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Feb;25(2):254. Zhao, Debaio 65. Li Y, Powell S, Brunette E, Lebkowski J, Mandalam R. Expansion of human embryonic stem cells in defined serum-free medium devoid of animal-derived products. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2005 Sep 20;91(6):688-98 66. Genbacev O, Krtolica A, Zdravkovic T, Brunette E, Powell S, Nath A, Caceres E, McMaster M, McDonagh S, Li Y, Mandalam R, Lebkowski J, Fisher SJ. 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