Spring 2014 - Argyll Communities

Spring Newsletter 2014
Directors: Alex Horn-Treasurer, Jane Cowen-Secretary, Anne Horn, Gwyn Abernethy, Melissa James,
Jim Curnyn, Bob Chicken, Jim Morrison, Sheila Campbell, David Hunt, Ali Jardine, Jonathan Arnot
Tarbert and Skipness Community Renewables
At the AGM in 2011 we announced the offer we had received the offer of a partnership share in Alt
Dearg wind farm phase 2 now named “Srondoire”
We have discussed this opportunity to meet the Community Plan agreed action of establishing an
income stream at almost every TSCT directors meeting and we have been regularly updated by the
Srondoire LLP on progress. Planning permission was granted on the 23rd of October 2013.
A trading company Tarbert and Skipness Community Renewables Ltd has been formed to allow us to
enter into partnership with Srondoire and, in the future, receive an income stream once electricity starts
to be produced. We are working in tandem with Tighnabruaich and District Development Trust and
this helps us reduce the costs of establishing the partnership.
We expect to have to borrow between £150 to 250K for our investment and could receive an annual
profit share of £30 -50K over 25 years. The precise methodology for a fair distribution of charitable
funds requires to be considered in the light of established models which exist; the overall objective
being to meet Tarbert Community Plan objectives and action plan. Every household in the community
of Skipness, including holiday homes, received a letter inviting them to adopt a given set of aims (or to
suggest alternatives) which would be used as a framework to consider any applications for the use of
funds from Srondoire wind farm. Skipness has agreed to accept the same aims as set out in Tarbert
Community Plan
Burness Paull solicitors are acting on behalf of Tarbert and Skipness Community Renewables and are
undertaking a Due Diligence exercise to ensure that all factors are considered and risks minimised
before the final partnership is entered into.
Director Bob Chicken is leading this stage with a sub group – Company Secretary Jane Cowen, Robert
McPhail, Jim Curnyn, Jim Morrison and Anne Horn.
Children’s Play Area
Tarbert Harbour Authority has agreed to lease an area of land to the Trust to develop a children’s
playground close to the area of the outdoor gym. The Trust is working in collaboration with Tarbert
and Skipness Community Council and funding applications are being prepared. We hope to bring
positive news soon.
Fuel Action Project
The Trust is in the very early stages of investigating a project based on using windfall trees as a source
of local fuel.
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, Woods Property and Financial Services, Knap Buildings,
Tarbert, PA29 6UA
Scottish Charity Number SC0 33379, Registered as a company number 233786
Tarbert Castle
Ownership of Tarbert Castle has now been transferred to
Tarbert Castle Trust. Tarbert Castle Trust now holds the
Castle in Trust for the inhabitants of Tarbert.
We currently have about 80 members and if you know anyone locally who would like to join please
pass them this newsletter which has my contact details.
Of course we prefer that local shops are used whenever possible but if you are using the internet
please use www.easyfundraising.org.uk as a portal for internet shopping. 14 members are using this
and retailers have donated over £60 in 3 months. If you need help to set this up let me know, it costs us
Scottish Charitable Incorporated
Organisation Charity No SC043056
Secretary and Treasurer Robert McPhail,
Sonamarg, Ileene Rd, Tarbert, Argyll PA29
E Mail sonamarg@btinternet.com
Tel 01880 820 643
Tarbert Castle Community Woodland
During 2013 a community woodland and nature conservation area has been established in the
sheltered valley just behind the castle. Volunteers have been clearing the area, opening up
blocked ditches, creating a wildlife pool, planting trees, forming paths, and fencing. Work will
continue throughout 2014 to complete seating, picnic tables etc.
Over 700 trees have been planted including birch, alder, rowan, willow and hazel. Yellow flag has
been planted by the waterside and other native species will be added. Several species of willow
have been used which are suitable for harvesting for basket making.
Work parties at the
community woodland take
place on the 1st Saturday of
the month from 10am until
around 1pm – all welcome
Tarbert and Skipness Community Trust, Woods Property and Financial Services, Knap Buildings,
Tarbert, PA29 6UA
Scottish Charity Number SC0 33379, Registered as a company number 233786