LME 519 Scoring Rubric for Research Project: Research Novice Process 1 = Needs Much (20 points each Improvement section below) Introduction Very little or no description of (30 points) background What do we information is already know? provided. The background information is not relevant to the research question. The problem is not defined, specific, or valid, not is it focused in relation to the background. Very few definition of terms for your paper, but not all terms defined Little discussion of limitations for your action research The observations Research or descriptions Question / Hypothesis: (30 related to the research points) question are What do I want missing or to find out? incomplete. The research question is absent, inadequate or incompletely described. The research question is not answerable by experiment. The prediction (hypothesis) is absent or not Modified 8/27/07 Apprentice 2 = Needs Some Improvement Proficient 3 = Good or Acceptable Distinguished 4 = Excellent A limited A complete description of description of background background information is information is provided. provided. The background The background information is not information is entirely relevant to related to the the research research question. question. The problem is The problem is not defined, specific, clearly defined, valid, focused in specific, or valid, relation to the not is it entirely background. focused in relation Adequate definition to the background. of terms for your paper Adequate discussion of limitations for your action research An exemplary description of background information is provided. The background information is focused on the research question. The problem is clearly defined, specific, valid, clearly focused in relation to the background. The observations or descriptions related to the research question are very limited. The research question is incompletely described. The research question is described but many details are missing. The prediction (hypothesis) is lacks some assumptions or conditions. Exemplary observations and descriptions are used in determining and communicating the research question. The research question is described clearly, completely, fully and in great detail. The research question is answerable by experiment. The prediction (hypothesis) is based on assumptions with conditions. Page 1 Adequate observations or descriptions are used in determining and communicating the research question. The research question is described but some details are missing. The research question is answerable by experiment but lacks a few details. The prediction (hypothesis) is adequately based on assumptions LME 519 Syllabus based on with conditions. assumptions. There has been a There has been a There is an Literature very limited limited search of adequate search of Review (30 search of literature. There is a literature. There is points) literature. There lack of diversity in an adequate What does other is no diversity in sources. There is a diversity of sources research say sources. There lack of quantity in (books, magazines, about my is a lack of sources. Internet, particular quantity in The APA reference interviews). There problem? sources. format is is an adequate APA style is not inadequate with quantity of AASL Standards used. many sources. 1.1 inconsistencies. APA reference format is adequate with few inconsistencies. The experimental The experimental Methodology: The experimental design has small design is adequate (30 points) design has flaws or is but has small flaws How will I find serious flaws or incomplete in in answering the out? does not address answering the question. the research question. The independent question. The independent and dependent The and dependent variables are independent and variables are not adequately defined dependent clearly defined for for each research variables are not each research question. defined for each question. The information research The information collected by the question. collected is not procedure is The information adequate to answer adequate in collected is not the question. answering the adequate to The procedure question. answer the identifies and The procedure question. addresses some of identifies and The procedure the independent and addresses the fails to identify dependent independent and and address key variables. dependent independent and The control of variables. dependent variables is not The control of variables. clearly included in variables is The procedure the experimental included in the does not include design. experimental appropriate A description of the design. attention to methods of data A description of the control of collection is methods of data variables. incomplete. collection is A description of The information / adequate. the methods of data collected are The information / data collection is inadequate in data collected are Modified 8/27/07 Page 2 There is an exemplary search of literature. There is a high diversity of sources. (books, magazines, Internet, interviews). There is a large quantity of sources. The text citation and reference format is exemplary and consistent. The reference format follows APA guidelines. The experimental design includes a detailed experiment that answers the research question completely. The independent and dependent variables are clearly defined for each research question. The procedure identifies and addresses all relevant independent and dependent variables. The experimental procedure includes exceptional attention to control of variables. There is a highly detailed description of the methods of data collection. The information/data collect ed is comprehensive in answering the research question. The procedure makes innovative and appropriate use of tools and technology. There is an adequate attention to units of measure. LME 519 Syllabus absent or seriously flawed. There is an inappropriate selection of tools and technology. There is inappropriate attention to units of measure. The information Results and collected is Analysis: (30 incompletely points) displayed. What There is information did discrepancy I collect from between the my experiment? procedure and How did I the information organize the collected. information I The collected information/data collected is AASL Standards inappropriate in 4.3 answering the research question. There is an inappropriate use of units of measure. The organization of data and analysis of data is unclear and seriously flawed. There is no meaning in the information displayed. Incorrect statistical analysis of data. The organization of the data does not support the conclusion. The conclusion Conclusion: does not (30 points) Modified 8/27/07 answering the adequate in research question. answering the There is an research question. inadequate There is an selection of tools adequate selection and technology. of tools and There is an technology. inadequate There is an attention to units of adequate attention measure. to units of measure. The information collected is inadequately displayed. The information collected inadequately reflects the stated procedure. The information /data collected is inadequate in answering the research question. There is an inadequate use of units of measure. The organization of data and analysis of data is unclear. The researcher struggles to find meaning in the information displayed. The researcher does not use adequate statistical analysis of data. The organization of the data is inadequate to support the conclusion. The information collected is adequately displayed. The information collected adequately reflects the stated procedure. The information /data collected is adequate in answering the research question. There is an adequate use of units of measure. The organization of data and analysis of data is adequate. The researcher uses simple and valid statistical analysis procedures. Statistical analysis is limited to central tendency or simple graphs. The organization of the data is adequate to support the conclusion. The information collected is highly detailed and accurate. The results are clearly displayed. The information collected indicates the student followed their procedure well. The information/data collected are comprehensive in answering the research question. There is an excellent use of units of measure. The organization of the data is very clear and descriptive. The researcher uses the proper and sophisticated statistical analysis procedures. (central tendency, deviation, significance, correlation, charts and graphs) The organization of the data provides a clear and convincing evidence for the conclusion. The conclusion inadequately The conclusion adequately The conclusion communicates the Page 3 LME 519 Syllabus communicate the communicates the communicates the meaning of the results meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the with a high degree of results. results. results. clarity and focus. The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion makes fails to properly inadequately adequately sophisticated interpret compares or compares or comparisons, information or interprets interprets interpretations, make inferences information and information and inferences or deductions or deductions. makes some makes some from the research The conclusion inferences or inferences or information. fails to identify deductions. deductions. The conclusion any The conclusion The conclusion identifies patterns, shortcomings of fails to identify fails to identify concepts, meanings or the research some shortcomings some shortcomings structures in the data or procedure. of the research of the research information. The conclusion procedure. procedure. Shortcomings of the fails to relate The conclusion is The conclusion research procedure are back to the inadequate in relates back to the identified though a hypothesis. relating back to the hypothesis. sophisticated hypothesis. examination of the research results. The conclusion relates back to the hypothesis. Does not make a Makes suggestions Makes adequate Makes sophisticated Further connection to the for new research suggestions for new leaps in thinking related Research: next steps in new ideas which have research questions. to new research (30 points) research or in some flaws. Makes some questions. What do I do redesigning the Makes some suggestions related Makes suggestions next? existing suggestions for to the improvement related to the procedure. improvement of the of the existing improvement of the existing experimental design. existing experimental experimental design. design which are incomplete or flawed. Suggests some Recognizes some Recognizes the social, Social Action: Does not recognize solutions or actions social, political, or political, or ethical (30 points) Does my solutions or which do not relate ethical implications implications of the research lead to decisions which completely to the of the knowledge knowledge gained by any actions? follow from the research gained by the the research. knowledge conclusions research. Identifies proposed AASL Standards gained in the Adequately solutions based on the 4.3 research. identifies proposed research. solutions based on Identifies and plans the research. actions based on the Adequately identifies research and plans actions based on the research No discussion or Little discussion, or Adequate Comprehensive Reflection discussion on discussion on less discussion on all 8 discussion on all 8 Paper: (30 less than 5 than 8 topics, topics, writing is topics, writing is clear, points) What did I find out? Modified 8/27/07 Page 4 LME 519 Syllabus topics, writing is writing is unclear, unclear, many many grammar/spellin grammar/spelling g errors errors Only one part of All 3 parts of the the reflection reflection completed not completed not completed completed or parts left out References: (30 Listed at least five Listed at least eight references, used references, used APA points) APA format with format with some many errors errors What did I learn from this experience? Modified 8/27/07 Page 5 clear, few grammar/spelling errors All 3 parts of the reflection completed adequately no grammar/spelling errors All 3 parts of the reflection completed in depth Listed at least ten references, used correct APA format Listed ten or more references, used correct APA format LME 519 Syllabus