Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Nausea and Vomiting:
This usually occurs during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy
and is often referred to as “morning sickness”. However,
these symptoms can occur any time during the day or night.
For some women, symptoms may occur throughout the
entire pregnancy. This is caused by the reaction of the
stomach and intestines to the increase in hormones related
to your pregnancy.
Caused by a bubbling of stomach acid into the esophagus. It
is usually described as a burning sensation, first in the
stomach and then rising into the throat.
Flatulence (Gas):
Slowing of intestinal activity leads to accumulation of gas.
Also caused by a slowing of the intestinal activity and
pressure of a growing uterus. Several things contribute to
constipation during pregnancy, iron supplements, not
drinking enough water, lack of exercise and lack of
adequate fiber in diet.
Swelling in Feet and Hands:
Pressure of the uterus on veins returning from the lower
part of the body interferes with normal blood flow. This can
cause swelling in the hands and feet. If you experience
sudden or unusual swelling that does not go away, call the
office. If one foot or hand is significantly more swollen than
the other notify our office immediately.
Varicose Veins:
This is due to the interference of blood flow by the
expanding uterus.
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum. They
are common during pregnancy and in the postpartum
period. Usually they shrink or resolve within the
weeks following delivery.
Shortness of Breath:
This is caused by a crowding of the diaphragm by the
Eat small frequent meals
Avoid greasy, spicy and fried food
Light snack of carbohydrates (crackers, bread, etc.)
before getting out bed in the morning
Stay hydrated with small sips of liquid
Avoid having an empty stomach
Eat small frequent meals
Sit upright for 30‐60 minutes after eating
Prop your head and shoulders up on a pillow while
Mylanta – all available forms, Maalox, Tums, Pepcid AC,
Pepcid Complete, Tagamet HB200, Zantac 75
Avoid gas forming foods (e.g. cabbage family, fried
food, carbonated beverages, very sweet desserts, any
food that normally does not agree with you)
Mylanta – all available forms
Increase fluid intake
Increase fiber intake by eating raw fruits and
vegetables, whole grain breads, and bran cereals
Daily exercise will be beneficial
Colace, Metamucil, Citracel, Effer‐syllium
Fiber One Cereal
Elevate feet several times a day
Lie on your left side to improve circulation
Restrict intake of foods high in sodium (salt). Do NOT
use table salt.
Increase water intake
Elevate feet several times a day
When on your feet, move around to encourage better
Support hose may be used to help relieve discomfort
Use the steps described to relieve constipation since
straining with bowel movements can make
hemorrhoids worse
Witch hazel compresses
Sitz baths
Increase water and fiber
Preparation H, Anusol HC, Tucks
Some relief may be given by extending arms above
Sleep with head elevated on pillows
This is due to several body changes in pregnancy, muscle
fatigue, change in the center of gravity and pressure from
the growing uterus.
Avoid undue strain by using good body mechanics
When standing for long periods, try to keep one foot
on a stool or book. Change elevated foot often
When sitting for long periods, get up and walk around
Heating pad (low to medium heat) applied 20 minutes
on 20 minutes off
Leg Cramps:
This may be caused by several factors: stretching of
muscles, circulatory impairment, or by a mineral imbalance.
Stand up or change position
Apply counter pressure at the bottom of the foot
If cramp is in calf, extend leg out and bring foot back
toward knee to help relax muscle
Os‐Cal or Caltrate
Urinary Frequency:
This is caused by pressure on the bladder by the enlarging
Drink plenty of fluids
Empty bladder often, to help prevent an infection
Call physician if burning with urination or
fever develops
There are many possible causes, including shortness of
breath, general discomfort, or anxieties about the
pregnancy and baby.
Vaginal Discharge:
Discharge is normally increased during pregnancy.
Use relaxation techniques to help induce sleep
Discuss any concerns with your provider
Itching and Stretching of Skin:
This usually occurs on the abdomen in mid to late
Use a non‐irritation, unscented soap and rinse well
Cream or lotion may reduce itching but will not
prevent stretch marks
Allergy symptoms may be worse, same or improved
during pregnancy.
Limit your exposure to anything that triggers any
allergy symptoms
Try saline nasal spray
Rinse your nasal cavity with a neti pot
Benedryl, Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec
Cold/Sinus/Nasal Congestion:
Pregnancy can cause mucous membranes to swell making it
difficult to get rid of coughs, colds, etc. Prevention is key.
Eat well, and get plenty of rest and exercise. Also avoid
people who are contagious if possible.
Increase fluid intake
Use a steam vaporizer to help loosen secretions
Fever of 101o F or higher call your physician
Saline nasal spray
Sudafed, Sudafed PE, Mucinex, Mucinex D
Most upper respiratory infections are NOT caused by
bacterial infections but by viruses which to not respond to
antibiotics. A virus may take several weeks to run their
Diarrhea may result from a number of causes during
pregnancy. The more common culprits include a lactose
intolerance, dietary or hormonal changes or sensitivities to
certain foods while pregnant.
Increase fluid intake
Cough Drops (avoid licorice flavor)
Robitussin plain or DM
Call your physician with fever of 101o F or higher
No treatment for normal pregnancy vaginal discharge
If yeast infection use Monistat 7 or Gyne‐Lotrimin
Call physician if symptoms worsen or do not resolve
Increase fluid intake
Drink a couple of glasses of Gatorade
Call your physician if diarrhea lasts more than 2 days