Pregnancy Discomforts 113.5 KB

Discomforts and
Pain located in the upper or lower segments of the back
It is common to experience some aches and pains in the upper or lower regions of the back
because of the anatomic changes occurring during pregnancy. Enlarged breasts and a growing
uterus contribute to a change in weight and the center of gravity. Add to this poor posture,
inadequate muscle tone and an exaggerated curve of the lower back (lordosis). Aggravating
factors include a posterior fetal position, standing in place for too long and bending forward at
the waist.
Exercise - without overexerting!
Maintain good posture
Wear comfortable and supportive shoes and bra
Sleep on a supportive bed (one that doesn’t sink or sag) supported with pillows
Execute proper lifting techniques (squat don’t bend)
Belly band
Pelvic Rocks
Chiropractic adjustments
Use back support while driving
Ice packs
Warm baths/showers/compresses
Tiger Balm Salve
Castor oil pack: After soaking flannel cloth in castor oil, place on area of discomfort, cover with
plastic and apply a heating pad for 30 minutes
Apple cider vinegar: After soaking cloth in apple cider vinegar and ringing out the excess, place
cloth on area of discomfort for 15-20 minutes
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to
call. In the case of severe back pain that is not alleviated by any of the above recommendations,
call immediately! If the ache/pain is located at waist level we need to rule out kidney infection or
the possibility of liver or urinary tract infections.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Altered sensations, including tingling, numbness, pain, stiffness and weakness in the thumb,
index, middle and radial portion of the ring finger that can travel upwards affecting the arm and
While carpal tunnel syndrome can exist outside of pregnancy from repetitive hand/wrist
movements (typing), the weight gain, fluid retention from hormones and subsequent swelling
during pregnancy sometimes compress the medial nerve in the wrist.
Use of ergonomic keyboard (if applicable)
Periodic movement or breaks during periods of repetitive hand/wrist activity
Rest, being careful to avoid supporting head with hand/wrist during sleep
Splinting or stabilizing the wrist with a support at night and while typing
Warm, moist heat
Drinking fresh pineapple juice (anti-inflammatory properties)
Skullcap infusion, drink to heal affected nerves
Vitamin B6 (25 mg/day for two weeks) in addition to B complex supplement
Childbirth * Cases of carpal tunnel syndrome appearing only in pregnancy are typically
corrected after delivery!
St Johns Wort tincture 5-20 drops while symptoms last.
St Johns Wort Oil. Wishgarden has one I really like, ask me about it.
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to
Infrequent and/or difficult eliminations as stools become hardened and back up within the
intestinal tract
Although it is not considered normal, constipation in pregnancy commonly occurs as a result of
the hormone progesterone and its relaxing effect on the peristalsis of the stomach and intestinal
tract. The additional transit time allows more water to be absorbed in the intestines. A poor diet,
iron supplements and the pressure of a growing uterus, which displaces the organs beneath, also
contribute to constipation.
Proper diet & fluid intake
Regular bowel habits
Go with the urge/try not to hold it
Avoid foods known to cause constipation
Increase water intake
Increase fruits/veggies/fiber intake
Daily physical activity
Drink prune juice or black cherry juice
Drink a hot liquid then a cold liquid OR drink a warm liquid upon standing/rising
Move E-Z (TriLight Herbs:½ tsp 2-3x/day) for stimulation of bowels
Use of glycerin suppositories
Yellow dock root (a liver stimulant with laxative effects)
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to
call. In instances of persistent constipation with no relief from the above suggestions, it becomes
necessary to rule out the possibility of fibroids.
Painful sexual intercourse
Physical changes in pregnancy, abdominal growth and a descended baby can cause vaginal
crowding and impaired circulation. Emotional concerns of fear regarding trauma to the baby can
also play a role in dyspareunia.
Education to dispel misconceptions that intercourse harms the baby (in normal circumstances)
Trying alternate positions
Ice/cold packs
Swelling of the lower body extremities, legs and ankles (can include fingers) evidenced by
indentations (from footwear/socks) with possible feelings of tightness
Swelling can be caused by a variety of reasons. Typically the more common reason is due to the
normal, healthy expansion of blood volume and hormones. Other causes can be diet related (not
enough salt, fluids and/or protein), duration of standing/sitting and increased perspiration.
Changing positions (not sitting/standing for prolonged periods)
Adequate salt, fluid and protein intake
Rest (this will alleviate the more common hormone/blood volume related swelling)
Improve diet (adding deficient items)
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your swelling or accompanying pain,
please do not hesitate to call. While swelling in the extremities is typically not a cause for
concern it should be reviewed and discussed at each visit in order to determine that it is not a
sign of something more severe. Specific things to look for include a generalized (all over)
swelling that increases and does not fluctuate with activity or time in the day. The inability to
note distended veins could indicate fluid is leaving circulation as it is drawn into the surrounding
tissues. Potential complications include: pre-eclampsia, cardiac or renal disease.
Drained, sluggish and general feelings of tiredness
(extremely common in 1st trimester)
It is common for women in their first trimester to experience fatigue as their bodies adjust to new
demands and hormone fluctuations. Fatigue can also be related to a decreased basic metabolic
rate, hypoglycemia, anemia, emotional stress and multiple gestation.
Nap(s) during the day
Social interaction to stimulate the mind
Improve diet (additional fruits & vegetables)
Yellow Dock root tincture (energy balancing effect)
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your fatigue, please do not hesitate to
call. If the fatigue persists into the second trimester or if there are other accompanying factors
that point to infection, dental or heart issues, referral will be made.
Sharp, dull, throbbing or steady pain located in the front, back or sides of the head
A headache can be caused from dehydration, hypoglycemia, anemia, eye strain, exposure to
toxins, exposure or recent withdrawal from caffeine & sugar and vasodilation of the blood
vessels due to poor tone.
Chiropractic adjustments
Increased fluid
Frequent intake of food
Relaxing teas (hops, skullcap, chamomile)
Soaking hands & feet in hot lemon water
Essential Oils
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to call. Sudden
onset or headaches not considered usual to you, along with those that increase in severity and are
unresponsive to pain relief efforts, are concerning and such cases will be referred. Additionally, any
headache accompanied by spotted vision please call immediately.
Burning sensation in esophagus due to reversed peristalsis
(may be felt in chest or neck)
Progesterone, a pregnancy hormone, affects the cardiac sphincter (top opening) of the stomach
by relaxing it and decreasing the movement of the stomach, which prolongs the emptying time.
This issue combined with the effects of a growing uterus that pushes and displaces the stomach
cause digestive fluids to enter the lower esophageal tract causing an uncomfortable, burning
Avoid consuming liquids with meals (drink throughout the day)
Avoid cold, spicy, over seasoned, greasy and fatty foods
Avoid eating large meals, especially before bed
Avoid poor posture or a position that puts pressure on the stomach
Avoid caffeine
Walk after eating
Raise the head of bed (30 cm) or use extra pillows
Eat small & frequent meals, slowly
Eat plain, baked potato
Chew raw almonds or cashews
Sip milk, hot water
Good posture
Stretching (give stomach room)
Use digestive enzymes or papaya enzymes
Take a calcium/magnesium supplement (1 tsp - 1Tbsp as needed)
Take comfrey tablets with pepsin
Slippery elm bark powder (capsules, as needed)
2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in 8 oz. of water
2 Tablespoons Baking Soda mixed in 8 oz. water
Though hemorrhoids can be present without pain, the abnormal dilation of veins located in
cushions around the anal sphincter can also protrude, swell, itch and become noticeably painful.
Hemorrhoids are most often caused by constipation, so many of the factors that lead to difficult
bowel movements can therefore also be tied to this discomfort. Additional contributors include
standing for prolonged periods, weakened blood vessels, lack of venous valves, pooling of blood
from backflow during abdominal pressure (such as repeated straining from constipation),
progesterone’s effects of relaxing vein walls and poor circulation from the increased pressure of
the growing uterus.
Avoid becoming constipated (see suggestions under constipation)
Avoid straining during bowel movements
Elevate feet on stool while using the bathroom
Cold compresses
Calendula, used topically
Witch hazel compresses
Rest & elevate hips/legs/feet
Rutin (50 mg)
Avoid heavy lifting
Warm sitz bath (can add magnesium sulphate crystals - Epsom salt)
Replace prolapsed hemorrhoids using olive oil and gloved hand, Kegels
Yellow Dock root tincture (1/2 dropper, orally 3x/day)
Vitamin E capsules (400 IU) placed in rectum to heal tissues
Nettle infusion (1 - 2 cups/day) - heals vascular systems
Collinsonia Root tincture or tablets (1 - 3x/day; up to 6/day if needed)
Vitamin C with bioflavinoids (500mg - 3g/day)
Hawthorne Berry extract (1/4 tsp - 2 or 3x/day)
Sleeplessness or difficulty falling asleep
Mentally it may be difficult to get good sleep because the mind is racing with thoughts, concerns,
anxieties and/or anticipation! Physically, insomnia could be due to hypoglycemia, deficient
intake of B vitamins, discomfort with growing uterus or an active baby.
Avoid stimulating or active events just before bed
Avoid caffeine and other stimulants
Aerobic exercise, morning or early evening
Warm bath
Sleep with extra pillows
Eat high protein snacks after waking
Vitamin B6 (50 mg)
Magnesium (250-300 mg)
Skullcap tincture (1-10 drops in hot water or under tongue) -mild sedative
Chamomile or Catnip infusion (steep for 1/2 hour)
Hops tincture or infusion (after 5 months gestation)
Valerian root (2-3g dried root) + Lemon balm (80mg) 45 min before bed
Cause for concern
If you are rising because of bathroom trips that seem extremely frequent a UTI (urinary tract
infection) should be ruled out.
Leg Cramps
Sudden pain causing a tight pulling sensation in the leg
Leg cramps can occur because of deficiencies in the diet, including inadequate salt intake. While
there is evidence that too little sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous can be
responsible, it is interesting to note that excess calcium has also been attributed to leg cramps.
Additionally, the weight of the growing baby and uterus exert pressure on veins and nerves from
the pelvis running below, which contribute to the possibility of leg cramps.
Maintain diet rich in variety of vitamins & minerals
(Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous & Potassium)
Avoid carbonated beverages
At onset: Straighten leg and flex foot (heel toward the floor)
Lift toes up - do NOT point toward floor
Elevate legs above the heart
Shift weight while standing
Walk daily to increase circulation
Apply heating pad and manual pressure
Cause for concern
Do NOT massage the cramp if varicose veins are present, or there is reason to believe they could
exist. In some instances this effort could unintentionally dislodge a clot! Reviewing additional
factors in addition to the occurrence of leg cramps may lead to the need to screen for anemia.
Nausea & Vomiting
Common between 4-14 weeks of pregnancy, this queasy unsettled feeling, which may or may not
include vomiting, can occur at any time of day or persist throughout the entirety of the day
Various influences can be attributed to the nausea and vomiting experienced by 1/2 to 2/3 of
pregnant women. In the first trimester the influx of hormones, such as estrogen and HCG (human
chorionic gonadotrophin), along with their concentration as the blood volume has not yet
expanded can negatively affect some women. In addition, changes in dietary needs versus intake,
decreased blood sugar and conflicting emotions have been linked to nausea and vomiting as well.
Late in pregnancy, nausea & vomiting can be caused by the increasing pressure and discomfort
from the growing uterus.
Avoid prolonged periods of not eating
Eat before rising each morning
Eat a high protein snack before bed
If up during the night, have a snack
Avoid spicy/greasy food
Avoid strong odors
Lower fat intake
Avoid taking supplements on an empty stomach
Eat boiled egg in AM
Reduce stress
Get support from family/friends
Eat small, frequent nutritious food every 2 hours
Raspberry leaf tea
Chew anise or fennel seeds
Consume foods that settle stomach
Prevent dehydration: Adding lemon to water to make more palatable
Use cold cloth on head (if dizziness occurs)
Take B6 (50 mg) in AM and before bed
Ground ginger capsules/Ginger root tea
Try wearing acupressure wristbands (seabands)
Cause for concern
Excessive vomiting is a cause for concern as it can quickly lead to dehydration. Please call immediately if
food/drink are unable to be consumed or held down. Nausea and vomiting that persists into the second
trimester needs to be reviewed as this is less common and could be a sign of another complication. It may
be necessary to call in a prescription of Zofran or Phenergan if you are unable to keep anything down
over an extended period of time.
Pruritis gravidarum
Intense itching, usually occurring in the third trimester, can begin on the abdomen and spread
generally all over; form of jaundice in pregnancy.
The increased amount of hormones, estrogen and progesterone can effect the liver’s ability to
excrete bile salts. As this condition is related to the liver, it can also occur if the liver has been
compromised because of other circumstances not related to hormones.
Oatmeal bath
Anti-itch creams
Massaging yogurt topically
Usually resolved within days after delivery
Dandelion root & Yellow dock root (liver support)
Consuming liver cleansing agents (beets, dark greens, lemon juice, olive oil)
Consuming foods rich in choline (egg yolk, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast)
Round ligament discomfort
Can be described as a sharp pulling pain or cramp, felt on one or both sides of the uterus
extending into the pelvic area (or solely occurring there)
The round ligament is made to stretch with the uterus; therefore as it grows the stretching and
pulling itself can be uncomfortable. Pressure from the enlarging uterus in addition to the
frequency of contractions toward the end or pregnancy, make triggering this spasm more likely.
Avoid sudden rising from seated/lying position
During a cramp: breathe deeply, relax and bend toward side of pain
St. John’s Wort tincture (5-20 drops with cramp) - for all spasms
Caster oil compress + heating pad (30 minutes)
Hot water bottle/Heating pad or warm bath
Maternity abdominal support garment
Pulling knees toward chest
Use pillows to support abdomen when laying
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to call. Before
treating with heating pad, appendicitis, gallbladder infection and peptic ulcer should be ruled out.
Irritation of spinal nerve, felt from the hip area to the back of the upper leg, described as sharp
pain, tingling or weakness
The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body and runs from the lower spine down through
the back of the thigh. Because it runs through an opening in the pelvis, pregnancy, more
specifically the growing uterus, causes shifting that can impede or encroach on this nerve
causing irritation and radiation of the pain.
Chiropractic adjustments
St. John’s Wort tincture (5-20 drops during pain) for spasms
Dull aching pain from enlarged blood vessels, typically located in the legs or vulva
Varicosities can occur because of the combination of expanded blood volume and the relaxing
effect of progesterone. Lack of vein wall tone and weakened valves from the lower extremities
compete with the increased blood flow from the uterus. In addition, family history of varicosities
can contribute to a person’s likelihood of developing the condition.
Avoid standing/sitting with legs crossed for prolonged periods
Avoid restrictive clothing
Avoid heavy lifting
Avoid constipation
Often improves after delivery
Rest with legs & bottom elevated
Moist hot packs
Warm baths
Support hose
Sit with good posture
Vitamin E (400-1000 IU/day)
Nettle infusion (1-2 cups/day)
Collinsonia Root tincture
Vitamin C with bioflavinoids (500mg -3 g/day)
Hawthorne Berry extract (1/4 tsp. 2-3X/day)
Rutin (50mg)
Witch Hazel bark compresses
***Many of my clients rave about this Essential Oils Blend for Varicosities of all kinds.
Blend 2-4 drops of each of the EO’s listed below:
Cedar Wood
Clary Sage
And a carrier oil such as coconut oil or EVOO by Young Living
Vulva specific: Wear supportive perineal pad; Kegel exercises
Cause for concern
In the event you have any questions as to the normalcy of your pain, please do not hesitate to
call. Never massage the location of varicosities as clot dislocation and subsequent embolism can
occur. Treatments/remedies should begin in order to minimize development of thrombosis. Extra
care should be used in daily activities as injury or puncture to a sight can result in hemorrhage.
Urinary Tract Infection
Burning while urinating or a strong need to urinate often.
In pregnant woman, hormones cause changes in the urinary tract, which predispose them to
infections. In addition, a growing uterus presses on the bladder, preventing the complete
emptying of urine. This stagnant urine is a likely source for infection.
Stay hydrated by drinking at least 6 glasses of water daily.
Avoid processed foods or foods that contain a lot of sugar.
Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge and completely empty bladder.
Wipe from front to back.
Don’t use bubble bath or bath beads.
Use cotton underwear
Urinate before and after sexual intercourse.
D-Mannose 500mg every 3 hours for 7 days.
Cranactin 1-2 tablets every 4 hours with lots of water.
Vitamin C 500mg every 3 hours.
Uva Ursi tea- 1oz tea to 1 quart water and steep for 10 hours. Drink 1 cup every 4 hours the first
2 days then 1 cup daily for 3 days after all symptoms have disappeared, do not take longer than
10 days.
Cause for concern
If you believe that you have a UTI please call me, if left untreated a bladder infection can turn
into a kidney infection as well as cause other problems. If you have a fever of 101 or higher, pain
or burning with urination, pressure or cramping in the lower back or cloudy or bloody urine its
very important that you inform me so that we can start the appropriate measures.