Annex A

Annex A
Marine Noise Registry
To find out more about JNCC visit
September 2014
Annex A
Title of project:
Marine Noise Registry
Date and time for return of
Thursday 16 October @16:00 hours
Contract Reference No:
Address for tender
1 electronic copy to be sent to
(name of project officers), DORA IANTOSCA OR
Tender responses must be less than 10 MB in size.
On receipt of your tender, you will receive an automated
e-mail to confirm receipt by JNCC Support Co. If you do
not receive this automated email, please contact, in the
following order:
Sue Wenlock (00 44 1733 866880)
Chris Downes (00 44 1733 866877)
Contacts for technical
information relating to this
project specification:
Contact for any queries
regarding the tendering
Ian Mitchell, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Tel: 01224 266573
Paul Gilbertson, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Tel: 01253 675626
Dora Iantosca or Gordon Green
Finance Team
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Email: or
Tel: 01733 866894 or 01733 866806
Proposed start-date:
October 2014
Proposed end-date:
26 March 2015
September 2014
1. Joint Nature Conservation Committee
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the statutory adviser to the UK
Government and devolved administrations on UK and international nature conservation. Its
work contributes to maintaining and enriching biological diversity, conserving geological
features and sustaining natural systems.
Our role is to provide evidence, information and advice so that decisions are made that
protect natural resources and systems. Our specific role is to work on nature conservation
issues that affect the UK as a whole and internationally:
advising Government on the development and implementation of policies for, or
affecting, nature conservation in the UK and internationally;
providing advice and disseminate knowledge on nature conservation issues affecting
the UK and internationally;
establishing common standards throughout the UK for nature conservation, including
monitoring, research, and the analysis of results; and
commissioning or supporting research which it deems relevant to these functions.
Background to JNCC can be found on the JNCC website:
2. Project Aims
This project aims to create a website to help capture noise activity in UK waters. There has
been no requirement, up until now, to collect data on impulsive noise and as such,
information is either not currently available or not detailed enough to map the actual
occurrence of impulsive noise on a temporal or spatial scale. A number of activities produce
impulsive noise (e.g. seismic and geophysical surveys, piling and explosives) and the noise
registry will therefore be populated with data from a number of different sources.
It is important that all data conforms to a set standard and it is also important that there is
consistency in how this data is collected across these sources. Due to these requirements, a
web-based system is considered the most efficient way to ensure that the key information is
collated in a standardised, timely and cost-effective manner.
3. Project Background
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) 2008/56/EC requires all Member States
to work towards the achievement of ‘Good Environmental Status’ (GES) in their marine
environment by 2020. To further this target, eleven high level descriptors of GES have been
outlined, with Descriptor 11 relating to underwater noise: “Introduction of energy, including
underwater noise, is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment”. The
indicators used to measure progress towards GES under Descriptor 11 cover both low and
mid frequency impulsive sound (e.g. seismic airguns, pile driving and explosives) and the
frequencies of ambient noise dominated by the sound generated by shipping.
In order to construct an indicator of impulsive sound in UK waters a noise registry database
needs to be developed to capture data from the monitoring of relevant activities. The noise
registry will be a relatively coarse scale temporal and spatial record of activities that produce
loud, low to mid frequency (10Hz to 10kHz) impulsive noise. The primary objective of the
noise registry is to collate data on actual activities. Should a decision be made, however,
September 2014
that requires management measures to be implemented in the future, the registry could be
used as a tool to determine, through a ‘forward look’ approach, whether cumulative levels of
underwater noise are likely to compromise the UK’s ability to achieve GES for this
4. Project Objectives
To meet the overall aim of this project (Section 2), the objectives are to:
Implement the database in either PostgreSQL or SQL Server 2008
Develop a web frontend in either C# or Java, with web pages using HTML,
Javascript and OpenLayers
This development is subject to the Government Digital Service’s Service Design Manual
(, and must be developed following this approach. For
the purposes of the manual, this development is to be considered as Alpha and Beta
phases. The development must be performed using the Agile methodology.
The manual must be applied in a manner that is commensurate with the small scale of the
project and that JNCC will be representing the site user base assisted by a User Group
consisting of project stakeholders.
The final development will be open sourced under the Open Government Licence
5. Project Objectives: Design
There is an outline set of ‘User Stories’ to be used as a basis for discuss of the design in
Appendix 2.
The basic user path is to allow a user to register or log in to the site, and create (or request
access to an already created) organisation. This is an organisation that represents a body
proposing to create noise events. If the user is an admin of an organisation (and the user
creating the organisation will automatically be an admin), they can accept or deny
membership requests.
Proposed Noise
Once a user is part of an organisation they may make Activity Applications on behalf of that
organisation. Each Activity Application creates an Activity Application Number, hereafter
referred to as AANs. Each AAN comes in one of a number of types: Seismic, Geophysical
(Non-seismic), Piling, MoD, Explosives, ADD, and MBES. All AANs have certain fields,
whilst some types of AAN have additional fields as laid out in Appendix 1.
When creating an AAN, the user will first need to fill in the required fields in a form before
moving on to identify the locations that they intend to create noise at. The user will need to
identify the locations using a number of available methods: by latitude/longitude point, Oil
and Gas block code, or by drawing a polygon on a OpenLayers based map. The system will
convert these input methods into Oil and Gas blocks that the noise event will occur in.
Where a polygon overlaps multiple blocks, all blocks will be identified.
September 2014
Actual Noise
A user may choose to close out an AAN. During the close out process a user may identify
the dates in which each block had noise events. These blocks were identified when the AAN
was created, or will need to be added at the close out stage utilising the same methods as
when creating the AAN.
Each previously entered block may either have none, one, or more days attached to it. Each
day must be individually identified, which means that date ranges must be decomposed into
individual days.
Technical Design
The site must be built around a RESTful API. This API would allow a third party site to create
and close AANs. This allows regulators to embed the noise gathering process into their
processes and systems. The site build must encompass the Database layer, RESTful API,
and HTML site utilising the web API.
6. Potential follow-on work
Tenderers should be aware that there is the potential for the successful contractor to be
requested by JNCC to undertake additional work on this contract into the financial year
2015/16 as follows:
To develop data mapping functions to produce maps of submitted data
To develop any required reporting functionality
Please note however that the potential for additional work to be undertaken is subject to a
continuing need, availability of funds, and satisfactory contractor performance. For the
avoidance of doubt, no guarantee can be given, that you will be asked to undertake the
potential additional work outlined within this Annex A document. Tenderers are not asked to
provide detailed project plans for these follow-on aspects at this stage.
7. Outputs
The contractor will provide all source code, scripts and any installation packages necessary
to allow JNCC to build and install the site and underlying database on their own servers. The
contractor will additionally provide copies of all documentation created as part of the
project’s development.
8. Timescale
Provisional dates for delivery of the contact outputs are set out below. Exact dates are to be
agreed at start-up meeting based on Contractor and JNCC staff availability.
Provisional dates
Alpha Release (Database, Users/Organisations, and
Proposed Noise)
16th January 2015
Beta Release (Full Functionality)
20th February 2015
September 2014
26th March 2015
Full Release
In agreeing exact dates please note that the potential for work under this contract to be
funded into 2014/15 is subject to availability of funds.
9. Health and safety
The Contractor is expected to follow appropriate Health & Safety procedures and undertake
appropriate risk assessments, evidence of which should be supplied to JNCC. (NB under no
circumstances should any work or service commence prior to the receipt of written approval
of the risk assessment by JNCC H&S advisor)
Any incidents occurring within the contract should be immediately reported to JNCC.
Project management
The Contractor shall nominate a project manager, who shall be responsible for ensuring the
project is completed satisfactorily and who shall be the main contact point for JNCC.
JNCC’s main contact points will be:
Paul Gilbertson, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Tel: 01253 675626
Ian Mitchell, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Tel: 01224 266573
Instructions for tender submission
The tender submission should include the following:
Details of those staff that would be available to carry out the development. This
should explicitly identify which of the technologies proposed which the individuals
have experience in and full details of the level of experience they have. Experience
with spatial developments and the Agile methodology would be considered
Details of how the development would be run in terms of Agile sprint lengths,
expected JNCC staff time, and preferred methods of contact and working
An indication of the capacity (number of days) that is available for the remainder of
the current financial year including outlining any constrains on when this time is
Overall quote for the contract, to include:
Daily rates for all members of the Project Team;
September 2014
Costs and time allocation should be clearly allocated to specific tasks within
this contract; and
VAT if applicable. The contractor is to specify whether VAT at the prevailing
rate would be applicable to this project and to provide their company’s VAT
registration number.
The following documentation:
Copies of health and safety policy statements where available or a note
regarding such items as lone working, emergency procedures and accident
Copies of current public and employer liability insurance certificates; and
Copies of any appropriate risk assessments.
Copies of any environmental policies should you have them
In addition, note that the tender submission should provide sufficient information to allow
assessment against the criteria outlined in Section 11.
Evaluation Criteria
JNCC are not bound to accept the lowest priced or any tender. Having the technical
expertise and experience to complete the work to a high standard, and being able to
complete it within the timescale, are of the essence for this contract.
1. Experience, (50% of the total)
Expertise and experience of team in proposed technologies
Agile development methodology
Knowledge of GDS Service Design Manual
Sub Totals
Max Score
Tenders will be evaluated using the following criteria:
2. Cost (50% of the total for the three assessment categories)
Daily cost of individuals
Cost of any software licences within the end product
Timescale and capacity to complete work within the financial year
Sub Totals
Total score
Payment will be made on completion of the objectives, following the submission of an
invoice(s); and based on satisfactory undertaking of the contractual elements to the agreed
standard of the JNCC Project Officer.
September 2014
Additional Contractor requirements
All tenderers are requested to carefully read the Terms and Conditions applying to this
contract. Payment will only be made upon delivery of key milestones.
It is assumed that all costs associated with the production of figures, reproduction of
photographs and the final report are accounted for within the rates and fees given.
The Contractor is expected to supply all necessary equipment, software, licences etc. to
carry out the obligations required under the contract.
September 2014
Appendix 1 - Marine Noise Data Structure
Principle Data to Capture
The main aim of the system is to capture noise events on a temporal and spatial scale, with
reporting against events within UK Oil & Gas blocks. Each event is either forward-looking
(proposed) or backward-looking (actual), and is recorded accurate to single-day precision.
Each event is attached to an Application Number, and Application Numbers are associated
with organisations and relevant regulatory bodies. Application Numbers with forward-looking
events have close-out report due dates.
Forward looking events can be captured as points, polygons, or Oil and Gas Block numbers,
which will be resolved to Oil and Gas blocks for reporting purposes.
The main elements of data are:
Each user is a person who can log in to the Noise Registry.
Full name
Email Address
Registered Date
Last Logged In Date
Organisations are bodies that plan work which may involve activities that generate loud
impulsive noise and have applied for licences/consents for this work. The contact point
should ideally be an organisational contact rather than a named person.
Contact Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Phone
Organisation Membership
Users belong to organisations and this structure holds these relationships. A user can be an
administrator for an organisation, or just an ordinary member. Rights for these roles have yet
to be determined.
o Admin
o Member
September 2014
Regulators are agencies that issue consents/licences that cover work which may involve
noisy activities as described above. The contact point should ideally be an organisational
contact rather than a named person.
Contact Point Name
Contact Point Email Address
Contact Point Phone
Activity Application Number
The Activity Application Number is the primary structure for holding noise event information.
The Duration is the projected noise duration in days, and must be less or equal to the
number of days between the start and end date. Closed date additionally covers closing the
application by cancellation.
o Proposed
o Closed
o Cancelled
Start Date
End Date
Due Date
Closed Date
Update Date
Activity Type
o Seismic
o Geophysical (NonSeismic)
o Piling
o MoD
o Explosives
Seismic Survey
Seismic Survey holds additional metadata for Application Numbers which describe seismic
activity. The Other Survey Type field is usually blank, but is intended to be used to capture
the survey details if the Survey Type selection is set to other.
Application Number
Survey Type
o Site
o Regional
o Reservoir
o Other
Data Type
September 2014
o 2D
o 3D
o 4D
Other Survey Type
Max Airgun Volume
Geophysical Survey
Geophysical Survey holds additional metadata for Application Numbers which describe nonseismic geophysical activity. This primarily covers sub-bottom profiler surveys; Multibeam
echosounders are covered separately.
Application Number
o Pinger
o Boomer
o Sparker
o Chirp
Piling holds additional metadata for Application Numbers which describe piling activity.
Application Number
Max Hammer Energy
The Explosives data structure holds additional metadata for Application Numbers which
describe explosive activity.
Application Number
TNT Equivalent
The ADD data structure holds additional metadata for Application Numbers which describe
Acoustic Deterrent Device activity. This will only apply to ADDs with a frequency below
Application Number
September 2014
Multibeam Echosounders
The MBES data structure holds additional data for Application Numbers which describe low
frequency, high power echosounder activity.
Application Number
Oil & Gas Block
This structure holds a full set of Oil and Gas blocks with their reference numbers and a GIS
polygon describing their outlines. Each block has a number of attributes determining water
type, if it is a split block, and if the block contains less than 5% water. It also contains a
pointer to the block that noise will be assigned to if it occurs in this block, normally this is
Five Percent
Water Type
o Coastal
o Transitional
o Border
Assignment Block
Proposed Activity
The Proposed Activity structure associates Application Numbers with the Oil and Gas Blocks
that proposed noise will occur in. The original spatial data that mapped to this block is stored
for further analysis. Temporal analysis would be performed using dates associated with the
relevant application number.
Application Number
Lat/Long Point or Polygon
Actual Activity
Once close-out reports are submitted, the Actual Activity structure associates Application
Numbers with the Oil and Gas Blocks that noise occurred in, along with the dates that the
activity occurred in each block. The original spatial data that mapped to this block is stored
for further analysis.
Application Number
Lat/Long Point or Polygon
September 2014
Appendix 2 - Initial Collection of User Stories for
the Noise Registry Site
This document contains a collection of ‘User Stories’ intended as a starting point for
discussion and development of the Noise Registry Site. The concept of User Stories is part
of the Agile development methodology and is described here:
This document uses the formal ‘As <x> I want <y> so that <z>’ format in order to convey the
most context to prospective contractors. The stories are collected into broad categories for
easy organisation.
Users and Organisations
1. As a staff member of a noise creator I want to register on the site so that I may
register my noise activity.
2. As a user I want my noise creating organisation to be registered on the site and for
me to become its first administrator so I may create Activity Applications on its behalf
and accept new users to my organisation.
3. As a user I want to join an existing organisation so I may create Activity Applications
on its behalf.
4. As an organisation admin I want to be able to accept and reject join applications from
users so I can distribute the work for my organisation across multiple staff members.
Activity Applications
5. As a member of an organisation I want to be able to create an Activity Application for
my organisation so that I can register proposed activity.
6. As a scientist I want different types of activity to be registered using different types of
information as described in Annex B so that I have the information to derive
environmental pressures information from.
7. As a creator of an Activity Application I want to be able to fill out the required data for
my Activity so that my application for licensable activity can be completed.
8. As a creator of an Activity Application I want to be able to identify the locations of my
proposed activity in a number of different ways (Lat/Long, Oil and Gas Block, and
drawn polygon) so that my application for licensable activity can be completed.
September 2014
9. As a member of an organisation I would like to be able to see a list of all my Activity
Applications, and look at their details so I can monitor that all activity has followed the
Close Out
10. As a member of an organisation I want to be able to close out my Activity Application
so that I can complete the process.
11. As a staff member closing out an application I want to be able to identify the days
noise events occurred on for each Oil and Gas block the locations were decomposed
into during the Activity Application process so that scientists know the impact my
activity created.
12. As a staff member closing out an application I want to be able to identify additional
Oil and Gas blocks along with the activity dates so that I can register extra activity