Annex A


Annex A

Geological advisor for Methane Derived Authigenic

Carbonate (MDAC) survey

To find out more about JNCC visit

Annex A

Title of project:

July 2014

Geological advisor for Methane Derived Authigenic

Carbonate (MDAC) survey

Date and time for return of tenders:

Monday 22 June 2015 @16:00 hours

Contract Reference No:

Address submission: for

C15-0256-0946 tender 1 electronic copy to

be sent to






Tender responses must be less than 10 MB in size.

On receipt of your tender, you will receive an automated e-mail to confirm receipt by JNCC Support Co. If you do not receive this automated email, please contact, in the following order:

Sue Wenlock (00 44 1733 866880)

Chris Downes (00 44 1733 866877)

Contacts for technical information relating to this project specification:

Andrew Eggett (Marine Evidence Advisor)


Tel: +44 (0)1733 866946


Neil Golding (Offshore Survey Manager)


Tel: +44 (0)1733 866840

Contact for any queries regarding the tendering procedure :

Dora Iantosca or Gordon Green

Finance Team

Joint Nature Conservation Committee


Tel: 01733 866894 or 01733 866806

Proposed start-date: 29/06/2015

15/03/2016 Proposed end-date: or


July 2014

Geological advisor for Methane Derived Authigenic

Carbonate (MDAC) survey



Joint Nature Conservation Committee ........................................................................ 4


Contract Aims ............................................................................................................. 4


Contract Background .................................................................................................. 4


Contract Objectives .................................................................................................... 5


Contract Objectives: Detailed tasks ............................................................................ 5


Deliverables ............................................................................................................... 6


Dissemination ............................................................................................................. 7


Timescale ................................................................................................................... 7


Health and safety ....................................................................................................... 7


Product specification ............................................................................................... 8


Project management ............................................................................................... 8


Instructions for tender submission ........................................................................... 8


Evaluation Criteria................................................................................................. 10


Payment ............................................................................................................... 11


Additional Contractor requirements ....................................................................... 11


1. Joint Nature Conservation Committee

July 2014

The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the statutory adviser to the UK

Government and devolved administrations on UK and international nature conservation. Its work contributes to maintaining and enriching biological diversity, conserving geological features and sustaining natural systems.

Our role is to provide evidence, information and advice so that decisions are made that protect natural resources and systems. Our specific role is to work on nature conservation issues that affect the UK as a whole and internationally:

advising Government on the development and implementation of policies for, or affecting, nature conservation in the UK and internationally;

providing advice and disseminate knowledge on nature conservation issues affecting the UK and internationally;

establishing common standards throughout the UK for nature conservation, including monitoring, research, and the analysis of results; and

commissioning or supporting research which it deems relevant to these functions.

2. Contract Aims

JNCC are seeking to contract out a geologist with a sound and demonstrable understanding of methane derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) formation and associated geological processes alongside a proven track record of surveying MDAC and taking relevant measurements.

This specialist will provide expert advice to JNCC, and work with them to collect the first dataset in a monitoring time-series for the MDAC feature within Croker Carbonate Slabs cSAC/SCI 1 through the application of appropriate survey and sampling methodologies.

3. Contract Background

The Croker Carbonate Slabs marine protected area (MPA) proposal was submitted to the

European Commission in August 2012 for the following interest feature under the EC

Habitats Directive: 1180 Submarine structures made by leaking gases. Following submission, it was accepted as a Site of Community Importance (SCI). The data and evidence underpinning the submission of this area as a candidate Special Areas of

Conservation (and now SCI) are documented within the SAC Selection Assessment

Document (see footnote 1 below).

The last dedicated site survey was in 2008 2 . Since then, other surveys have collected data for the recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ) North St Georges Channel in 2012

& 2013, which completely encompasses the site. Groundtruthing samples and video transects were taken within and surrounding the site boundary, along with 100% multibeam coverage.




July 2014

JNCC in partnership with Cefas are scheduled to undertake a survey of the site onboard the

RV Cefas Endeavour in November 2015 with a purpose of monitoring the methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) feature within the site. Owing to the complexity of the MDAC feature, specialist expertise is sought to ensure the survey design is suitable in order to collect the first dataset in a monitoring time-series for the MDAC feature.

4. Contract Objectives

To meet the overall aim of this contract (Section 2), the objectives are to:

1. Provide expert advice on appropriate survey and sampling methodologies for methane derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) ( core objective );

2. Participate on a planned 15 day survey to the Croker Carbonate Slabs MPA on the

RV Cefas Endeavour in November 2015 acting as an MDAC survey advisor (optional objective – should be provided as a costed option)

3. Contribute to the reporting of the survey work specifically around the MDAC sampling, subsequent analysis undertaken and its interpretation ( core objective )

4. On behalf of JNCC, coordinate and run an external, independent peer review exercise on the final report resulting from this survey (optional objective – should be provided as a costed option).

5. Contract Objectives: Detailed tasks

Contractors are requested to provide costings to complete each of the following contract objectives. Note that some objectives are optional and the completion will depend on availability of funding.

1. Provide expert advice on appropriate survey and sampling methodologies for methane derived authigenic carbonate (core objective): During the planning process ahead of the survey in November 2015, JNCC will hold a number of meetings with Cefas where survey design, sampling and associated activities will be discussed. JNCC will require the successful contractor to attend and participate in one or two of these meetings from July 2015 onwards; the contractor should provide a ‘per meeting’ cost in their proposal, and assume they are to be held at JNCCs offices in Peterborough. The contractor will be required to actively contribute, recommending scientifically robust methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) survey and sampling methodologies in order to collect an initial dataset in a monitoring timeseries. The contactor will also be required to ‘capture’ this input as text and provide it for inclusion within the survey plan document. Contractors should include travel and subsistence costs (as per JNCC rates) for the meetings.

Background materials to the site will be provided prior to the meetings. The contractor would be expected to familiarise themselves with these ahead of each meeting.

2. Participation on survey (optional objective subject to funding): JNCC may require the successful contractor to participate on the aforementioned survey to Croker

Carbonate Slabs MPA. The survey is currently scheduled for 10 th – 24 th November

2015 (15 day survey including mob/demob) although these dates may be subject to change at short notice. Whilst on survey, the contractor will act as an MDAC survey


July 2014 advisor , and work alongside the JNCC Lead Scientist and Cefas Scientist in Charge to deliver a successful survey, through the collection of robust scientific evidence with respect to MDAC. Whilst onboard and post survey, the contractor will contribute relevant written sections to the cruise report including survey rationale and sampling methodologies being employed for surveying the MDAC feature (1 day is estimated for contribution to the cruise report). Please note, the contractor will require an

ENG1 medical certificate, STCW95 Personal Survival Techniques (or equivalent) and Passport valid for the duration of the survey.

3. Contribute to the reporting of the survey work (core objective): The successful contractor will be required to apply their expert knowledge of MDAC in order to contribute to the final reporting of the survey work. In particular, this reporting will focus specifically on the QA of any outputs of MDAC analysis and a written interpretation of any results relating to the MDAC surveyed during the cruise. JNCC have estimated that 5 days should be allowed (and costed) to contribute to the reporting.

4. Coordinate and run an external, independent peer review process on the final report

(optional objective subject to funding): In line with JNCCs Evidence Quality

Assurance Policy 3 , the successful contractor will, on behalf of the JNCC, coordinate and run an external, independent peer review exercise (with a minimum of two independent peer reviewers) on the final report resulting from this survey. Following notification by the contractor, the JNCC project officer will approve the list of peer reviewers to be contacted. The contractor will then be responsible for running the peer review process, following the guidance contained within Evidence Quality

Guidance Note #2 4 .

6. Deliverables

The deliverables from the contract will be as follows:

1. Attendance and active contribution at relevant survey planning meetings and the provision of text detailing scientifically robust methane-derived authigenic carbonate

(MDAC) survey and sampling methodologies (to be undertaken) for the survey plan document (Core deliverable).

2. Participation on the survey to Croker Carbonate Slabs cSAC/SCI and a written contribution to relevant sections of the cruise report as detailed in Section 5 (2)

( Optional deliverable dependent on the related objective being progressed).

3. Written contribution to the final project report as detailed in Section 5 (3) (Core deliverable).

4. Provision of an independent externally peer reviewed final report and accompanying tracking spreadsheet capturing peer review comments and subsequent actions undertaken ( Optional deliverable dependent on the related objective being progressed).




7. Dissemination

July 2014

The report produced under this contract will be a joint JNCC and Cefas product completed under the JNCC/Cefas Partnership, and shall not be published or disseminated without the written permission of JNCC or Cefas. It may at some point be published on the JNCC website and all material supplied as part of this contract shall remain copyright of JNCC and


8. Timescale

Provisional dates for delivery of the contact outputs are set out below. Exact dates including a payment schedule are to be agreed at start-up meeting based on Contractor and JNCC staff availability.


JNCC award work to selected contractor

JNCC Project officer available for telephone introductory meeting (if required)

Provisional dates

29 th June 2015 w/c 29 th June 2015

Contractor attendance at survey planning meeting early July 2015 (TBC)

Participation in survey (Optional objective) 10 – 24 th November 2015 (dates provisional)

Complete cruise report Thursday 24 th December 2015

Undertake peer review process for final report

(Optional objective)

Anticipated to be in FY 16/17

In agreeing exact dates please note that the potential for work under this contract to be funded into 2016/17 is subject to availability of funds and satisfactory contractor performance.

9. Health and safety

The Contractor is expected to follow appropriate Health & Safety procedures and undertake appropriate risk assessments, evidence of which should be supplied to JNCC. (NB under no circumstances should any work or service commence prior to the receipt of written approval of the risk assessment by JNCC H&S advisor)

Any incidents occurring within the contract should be immediately reported to JNCC.


10. Product specification

July 2014

The cruise and final reports shall adhere to the JNCC report template and house style guidance unless stated otherwise. The draft and final reports should be provided electronically via email both as a Microsoft Word document and an Adobe PDF.

Copies of documentation associated with the case studies should be provided in electronic format, with an associated reference catalogue.

11. Project management

The Contractor shall nominate a project manager, who shall be responsible for ensuring the project is completed satisfactorily and who shall be the main contact point for JNCC.

JNCC’s main contact points will be:

Primary JNCC Project Officer: Andrew Eggett (Marine Evidence Advisor)


Tel: +44 (0)1733 866946

Senior JNCC Project Officer : Neil Golding (Offshore Survey Manager)


Tel: +44 (0)1733 866840

12. Instructions for tender submission

The tender submission should include the following:

 A summary of the Contractor’s experience in relation to the requirements of this contract including: o Evidence demonstrating a sound understanding of methane derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) formation and associated geological processes alongside a proven track record of surveying MDAC in the field.

A proposed approach for achieving the objectives of the contract (and delivering the detailed tasks identified within each objective). This should be sufficiently detailed allow assessment against the evaluation criteria (Section 13). The contractor should note the distinction between core objectives/deliverables and optional, which are dependent on funding. Nevertheless, contractors should provide costed options for all objectives ;

A detailed project plan (including Gantt chart), including the proposed work programme and an estimate of time required to achieve each objective;

Details of Quality Control procedures to be followed


July 2014

 Details of the Contractor’s own internal Quality Management System;

Details of the Project Team, including their roles and experience, an estimate of their time input into each task, and CVs of all personnel involved in the contract;

Availability of the Project Team for a start-up meeting ‘teleconference’ the week commencing 29 th June 2015;

Overall quote for the contract, to include: o Daily rates for all members of the Project Team; o Rates for attendance at survey planning meetings (please provide a ‘permeeting’ rate assuming they are to be held in Peterborough. Costs for travel and accommodation are attached and should be used. These rates are analogous to the civil service rates; o Costs and time allocation should be clearly allocated to specific tasks/objectives within this contract; and o VAT if applicable. The contractor is to specify whether VAT at the prevailing rate would be applicable to this project and to provide their company

’s VAT registration number.

The following documentation: o Copies of health and safety policy statements where available or a note regarding such items as lone working, emergency procedures and accident reporting; o Copies of current public and employer liability insurance certificates; and o Copies of any appropriate risk assessments. o Copies of any environmental policies should you have them

In addition, note that the tender submission should provide sufficient information to allow assessment against the criteria outlined in Section 13.



Evaluation Criteria

July 2014

JNCC are not bound to accept the lowest priced or any tender. Having the technical expertise and experience to complete the work to a high standard, and being able to complete it within the timescale, are of the essence for this contract.

Tenders will be evaluated using the following criteria:


1. Quality of proposal, (35% of the total for the three assessment categories)

Clear demonstration that the contractor understood the scope of work and provides a realistic and achievable submission, meeting all requirements listed in this specification.


Clarity of proposal (particularly work plan and deliverables) 7


Identification and proposed solutions to potential problems/risks 6

Serious weaknesses which threaten success and the resulting probability of success, for example, the ability to meet milestones as detailed (scored 0 for significant weaknesses and 7 for no weaknesses).

Sub Totals

2. Details of Contractor (40 % of the three assessment categories)



Has provided verifiable evidence demonstrating that the contract team has a sound understanding of methane derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) formation and associated geological processes alongside a proven track record of surveying MDAC in the field.

Risks if important team members drop out – what contingency is included to ensure the work can be delivered to the stated schedule?



Adequacy of subcontractors (if any)

Sub Totals



3. Cost (25% of the total for the three assessment categories)

5 Transparency and correctness of presentation

Fairness/reasonableness of cost for the level of work and expertise required. i.e. are costs considered excessive.

Appropriateness of ratio of senior to junior staff time

Clarity of each team member’s contribution and value added




Total score

Sub Totals

July 2014



14. Payment

Payment will be made on completion of the objectives, following the submission of an invoice(s); and based on satisfactory undertaking of the contractual elements to the agreed standard of the JNCC Project Officer. A payment schedule will be agreed at the start-up meeting.

15. Additional Contractor requirements

All tenderers are requested to carefully read the Terms and Conditions applying to this contract. Payment will only be made upon delivery of key milestones.

It is assumed that all costs associated with the production of figures, reproduction of photographs and the final report are accounted for within the rates and fees given.

The Contractor is expected to supply all necessary equipment, software, licences etc. to carry out the obligations required under the contract.

