Ancient Civilization Research Project Your Research Project will include three parts: a historical artifact that you create, a presentation using technology based on your research, and a bibliography. Sources of information might include Social Studies textbook, an encyclopedia, books from the library and the internet. is a great website to start with! I will be giving you templates to use to help you site your sources for your bibliography. You will have class time to work on your research project. However, your historical artifact that you create will need to be done at home. You will also need to make sure you include a brief description of what your artifact is on a notecard. This way when we display them, others will be able to learn about your artifact. There will be mini lessons offered this week and next week with new ways to present your topics using technology. Presentations will take place February 17th, 18th, and 19th. Project Guidelines: You need to make sure that you have these essential components addressed in your presentation. The Big Idea Question: How can we understand the world around us? Ancient Civilizations have influenced the world as we know it. By the end of your research, you should be able to answer this question and explain how the ancient civilization you chose has changed the world around us. Historical Artifact: Create a three-dimensional model of an object which represents the civilization you chose. This could be a model of a building or structure, a tool, an article of clothing, something used in everyday life, something used in a religious ceremony - there are unlimited possibilities. You must also be able to present your artifact explaining why you picked it and also what significance it has to your civilization. Technology Presentation: 1.A title page which includes the name of the civilization, your name, and an appropriate, colorful graphic. 2. A timeline of the Ancient Civilization’s most important events, minimum of 5 events. 3. A map of the world showing the location of the civilization you have researched. 4. Choose 3 of the six cultural aspects for your civilization: 1. Environment - How did the people adapt to their land, climate (what type of climate), and natural resources? 2. Economic System - What were the jobs, technology, transportation, slavery, trade and money? 3. Belief System - What were the religious beliefs and practices, birth and death rituals, myths, values? 4. Political System - Who ruled, what type of government, how were they chosen, laws, how were conflicts resolved? 5. Social System - Was there a class system? What were the roles of men, women, and children? Describe family life and the people in it? Are there any traditions or customs for this group? 6. Aesthetic System - Describe the art, literature, architecture, leisure activities, and other items considered valuable and beautiful by the culture. 5. Choose one important person: Identify the roles and contributions they made 6. Writing style: Name of it and method; was it letters, numbers, symbols, pictures? Bibliography: You will be given a template to use to help with citing sources. Please type your bibliography and print out to hand in on the day of your presentation. There are a lot of components to this research project, so it is important that you make sure you stay on track. You don’t want to fall behind or wait until last minute to start your historical artifact. Remember, your historical artifact is to be completed at home and brought in the day of your presentation. Helpful Websites: Duckster - - Ancient Civilizations for Kids Social Studies for Kids National Geographic Kids - Discovery Education - There are many more websites out there, but these websites are a great place to start. Make sure you include some books, magazines, and other sources into your research. Don’t just rely on the internet! Happy Researching :)