Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell treatments for dogs and cats with arthritis are now available at Forrest Hill Veterinary
Clinic and they are more affordable than you think
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are cells that have the ability to renew themselves indefinitely into a range of specialised
cell types. Stem cells act as a repair system for the body in response to disease or injury, as well as
replenishing cells in various vital tissues and organs. There is a smattering of dormant adult stem
cells spread throughout the body from birth
Stem cell technology is not new to medicine. Bone marrow transplants, for example, are a form of
stem cell therapy. What is new, however, is that scientists have found stem cells in many more
tissues than they once thought possible. It is now recognised that fat contains a very much higher
concentration of dormant stem cells than any other tissue. Conveniently, it is usually readily
available, as well as accessible
Use of stem cell therapy
Stem cell therapy has been used successfully to treat arthritis, ligament and tendon injuries and
severe bone fractures in dogs, cats and horses. Treatment of arthritis in dogs and cats is most
What does the procedure involve?
1. Assessment. All animals must be screened for their suitability, which includes an
assessment of their clinical history, a physical examination and a blood test
2. Xrays of all joints to determine which joints require treatment
3. Fat harvest. A small sample of fat (10-30g) is surgically removed from behind the shoulder
blade under general anaesthesia (other sites may be used)
4. Stem cell processing. The stem cells are processed and activated. this process takes
approximately 3 hours
5. Stem cell injection. The stem cells are injected directly into the affected arthritic joints
under sedation or anaesthesia
Why is using a dog’s or cat’s own fat stem cells such a successful
1. Fat tissue is easy to collect
2. Fat is rich in mature stem cells that help to regenerate and repair damaged or unhealthy
tissue. they also have anti-inflammatory properties
3. There are no side effects and there is no risk of rejection
4. The whole procedure can be completed within a few hours. The animal is admitted to the
clinic in the morning and discharged later in the afternoon
5. Rapid results are often seen, with an improvement often seen within 14 days
6. As the stem cells repair the arthritic joints, continued improvement is often seen several
months after treatment, with improved mobility and reduced pain
7. Results are long lasting
And the results?
While stem cell therapy is not a cure-all, most cases do experience a significant improvement. The
results range from pleasing to amazing! Some patients can come off all medication and live drugfree, while others will experience less pain and greater mobility. So far many thousands of dogs, cats
and horses have received the fat stem cell treatment and studies have shown that 80-90% of dogs
showed an improved quality of life
Arthritis is the Number 1 cause of chronic pain in pet dogs and cats, and for some pets, it is a
crippling disease that may result in euthanasia. Medical treatment focuses on reducing pain and
slowing the progression of the disease with anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery such as a hip
replacement may be able to help in some situations. Stem cell therapy offers so much more by
stimulating repair and regeneration of the damaged joints
Results include:
greater range of motion of affected joints
less obvious signs of pain
less difficulties rising and walking
What is the cost of treatments?
Although this process involves leading edge technology, we are able to offer this procedure at an
affordable price of $2,600. This is because the whole process, including the lab process of the fat
sample, can be performed in-house, thereby saving costs
For further information on this exciting new treatment option, please contact Forrest Hill
Veterinary Clinic on 09 4105169 or email