2. Notes

Unit 2: Communication Process
Components of Comm. Process
 Context - ______________________________________________________
 Physical Environment - Your surroundings. ___________________________________.
 ______________________- Emotional, attitudinal, and intellectual tone.
 Communicator - speaker creates ________________, sends and receives msg’s, &
exchanges meanings.
 Message ____________, ___________, & general ____________ from communicators.
 _______________ - space where the message must pass. Method of sending the message.
 Noise - interferes or disrupts communication.
– ___________________ – inside of the communicator.
– ___________________ – distraction of the physical environment.
 Barrier - ___________________ communication.
 Feedback - assures communication has occurred. Allows you to modify or adjust your
message. Provides insight.
The Communicator
 _________________________: the person who sends the message to someone. Also
processes feedback given.
 _________________________: person who receives the message. Obtains & provides
 Sensory Perception – taking in data of the message though the __________________.
 Encoding – mental process of assigning ________________________________ to data.
 Transmitting – physical process of sending ____________________________ messages.
Components of a Message
 ______________________ –the information.
 ______________________ – when you respond, you send your feelings along with the
actual text.
 ______________________ – how well you know or don’t know each other affects the
interpretation of messages.
Levels of Communication
 Intrapersonal – Communication _____________________________. The “A” is the
difference. Think of the “A” as being singular/one.
 Interpersonal – communication ______________________________.
– Can be three or more if the conversation is informal.
– Small talk, impromptu conversation, or planned.
 Small Group – with formal or informal _________________________. 5-8 people.
Normally accomplishing some task or goal.
 One to Group – involves a _____________________________________ who informs,
persuades, or motivates an audience. It is the role of a leader & communicator.
 Mass Communication – the electronic or print transmission of messages to the
– They try to reach as big of an audience as possible.
 Example types – internet, magazines, newspaper, television, billboards
5 Principles of Communication
 *Clear*
___________________ – you determine how you comm.
___________________ – Getting the lines of communication clear with understanding
___________________ – how you communicate (tone, rhythm, pitch), determines the
setting (climate)
___________________ – must take ownership of comm. you produce
___________________ – determines the type of comm. you have within each context/
Characteristics of a Competent Communicator
 Ethical – general nature of morals, or societies codes of conduct.
– __________________________________________________________________
 Responsible – each communicator has their own responsibility towards communication
choices & behavior.
– __________________________________________________________________
 Accessible – competent communicators value __________________________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
 ____________________
9 components of communication
 _______________- Provide the space, between communication
 Climate- influences the emotional, attitude, and intellectual tone. Atmosphere.
 Communicator- makes meaning, sends and receives messages, and also exchanges
 Barrier-____________________ communication
 Feedback- Allows sender receiver info and ensures communication also unavoidable
 Noise- __________________ and/or disrupts communication may be internal or external
between two people.
 Message- Conveys meaning, feeling and energy from sender receiver to __________________.
 Physical Environment- Influences the quality of interaction within the _______________________.
 Context- Provides the ____________________________________________________.