Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn International Immunology Training Program Bonn (IITB) APPLICATION FORM Personal Data Last name: Given name: Middle name: Gender: Date of birth (dd/mm/yy): Place of birth: Nationality: Marital status: Number of children: E-mail address: Current address Street, No.: City: Postal ZIP code: Country: State: Telephone: Permanent address Street, No.: City: Postal ZIP code: Country: State: Telephone: 1 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Academic education Attended colleges or universities (current enrolment) College/University: City: State/Country: Attended from (dd/mm/yy): Attended until (dd/mm/yy): Degree awarded/expected: Date awarded/expected: Name and address of thesis supervisor: Title of thesis: Grade point average (GPA): Out of: Classification (e.g. first class with honours, with distinction): Major filed(s) of studies: Short summary of your Master’s/Diploma thesis (max. 1000 characters incl. space): 2 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Attended colleges or universities (earlier enrolment; if applicable) College/University: City: State/Country: Attended from (dd/mm/yy): Attended until (dd/mm/yy): Degree awarded/expected: Date awarded/expected: Name and address of thesis supervisor: Title of thesis: Grade point average (GPA): Out of: Classification (e.g. first class with honours, with distinction): Major filed(s) of studies: 3 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Merits/Honours/Scholarships/Awards Publications (peer viewed journals, book chapter, talk or poster presentations on conferences) Former higher/secondary education institutions attended Institution: Attended from (mm/yy): Attended until (mm/yy): Final grade: Date awarded/expected: Degree: Additional expertise Related work experience (max.250 characters incl. spaces). If relevant, please list your methodological background, laboratory techniques, computational skills...) Language competence English language test type (e.g. TOEFL, etc.): Date: Score: German language test type: Date: Score: 4 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Have you been studying abroad? (when? where? what?) Research preferences Please rank three research groups, which are listed on our web page (“Graduate Program -> Application & Requirements”) according to your research interests. Top priority: First alternative: Second alternative: Please summarize for your preferred research group (top priority), why the scientific focus seems most interesting to you, and how you would contribute to the ongoing research in that group (max. 4000 characters incl. spaces). 5 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Financing (if applicable) I have applied for a scholarship: Institution/date: Accepted: References You have to provide two letters of reference (please download the file from our web page “Graduate Program -> Application & Requirements”). Please list the two referees. 1) Family name: Given name: Title: Institution & Department: City: Country: E-mail: Telephone: 2) Family name: Given name: Title: Institution & Department: City: Country: E-mail: Telephone: Please understand that providing false information or withholding information results in immediate withdrawal of the application. You hereby declare your consent that all the information above is filed, saved and made available to the ImmunoSensation Cluster members. 6 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn For our own statistics, we are interested in how you learned about the ImmunoSensation Cluster and the International Immunology Training Program Bonn (several possibilities can be checked). Internet: Journals: Friends/colleagues/students: Faculty: 7 ImmunoSensation the immune sensory system Bonn cluster of excellence