American German Business Club Bonn e

American German Business Club Bonn e.V.
Martin-Luther-King-Strasse 15 D-53175 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 – 35 48 45 Fax: 0228 – 36 56 28
Administrative Office:
Am Beckmannplatz 4, 53340 Meckenheim
Tel.: 02225-7034991 Fax: 02225-7034999
Email: bonn@agbc de
Amtsgericht Bonn Vereinsregister Nr. 6791
Finanzamt Bonn-Außenstadt
St.Nr. 206/5850/0280
Freistellungsbescheid vom 09.05.2011
International Forum for Business, Science and Technology
cordially invites you to attend the
on THURSDAY, 24 January 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Maritim Hotel Bonn, Godesberger Allee, 53175 Bonn
Salon Liszt (ground floor behind the restaurant)
Nanotechnology - Truth or Fiction
Presented by Dr. Bernd Kramer
Managing Director of the German-French Association for Science and Technology in Bonn
The prefix "Nano" stands for the dimension of one billionth of a meter (in German: 1 Milliardstel Meter). Nanotechnology
deals with two phenomena which are currently changing our world:
engineering at the atomic level for the benefit of information- and communication technologies and
nanoparticles for the improvement of investment and consumer goods.
Nanoparticles are contained in all kinds of products such as sunscreen, cosmetics, food packaging, clothing, disinfectants,
household appliances, surface coatings, paints and varnishes. Nanoparticles are reported to lodge in lung tissue and skin
and are reported to potentially affect the immune system or to cause brain tumors.
What is this new technology and how do we distinguish truth from fiction?? Our speaker, Dr. Bernd Kramer who set up the
first European research program “nanotechnology” in1998, will explain for interested laymen
the key features of nanotechnology,
what the actual state of development is,
where nanotechnology already finds its commercial applications and
to what extent this technology might be dangerous.
The presentation will be given in English language, supported by power point slides.
A variety of dishes
1 Glas Wein/Bier oder 2 Softgetränke à 0,2L/0,25L
Please mail or fax this part for your reservation to the AGBC Bonn e.V. by Friday January 18, 2013
or send an e-mail to
The fee is € 23.00 per person for non AGBC Bonn members and € 19.50 per person for AGBC Bonn members payable to bank account 20011763 with Sparkasse Köln/Bonn BLZ 370 501 98 by January 18, 2013.
Reservations without payment are invalid.
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Guests' Names ………………………………..
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CV Dr. Bernd Kramer
Dr. Bernd Kramer is actually managing director of the German-French Association for Science and
Technology in Bonn, Germany. Before his retirement from government in 2005 he served for 6 years as
Minister-Counselor (Science, Technology and Environment) at the German Embassy in Washington, DC. As
such he was promoting the bilateral German-US cooperation in the areas of his responsibility, and organized
bilateral workshops and symposia such as in the field of Nanotechnology in Boston Massachusetts in 2003.
Before joining the German Embassy in July 1999, he was, for 8 years, head of the Office of Physical and
Chemical Technologies of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In that capacity he was
responsible for fostering research projects in physics and chemistry as well as at the borderlines to biology
and medicine which had the potential to improve the competitiveness of German industry. In this context, he
developed, in 1998 the first National Nanotechnology Program for Germany which, in turn was the first one in
With the intermission of two extensive stays in Paris (International Energy Agency (1978-1982) and German
Embassy (1988-1991), he was, since 1971, within the German Government in charge of developing tools for
the improvement the innovativeness of small and medium sized companies, for the acceleration of technology
transfer from the German Science System to industry and for setting up the process of “Technology
Assessment” in Germany.
He is a physicist, holds a doctoral degree in applied physics (solid state laser physics) and an international
MBA from INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France).
Please note that parking in the garage under the Hotel Maritim is only € 3.00 for attendees of AGBC events
There is also a parking lot outside of the hotel
Thursday, 21 February 2013 Talk by Consul General Stephen A. Hubler – U.S. Consulate General
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Talk by Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun - Director of the Center for
Development Research (ZEF Bonn) - Professor for Economics and Technological Change, University of Bonn
“Experiences from leading a Think Tank in Washington DC and in Bonn – the International Food Policy
Research Institute (Washington DC) and the Center for Development Research (ZEF, Uni. Bonn)”
Thursday, 18 April 2013 at 6:30 at Hotel Maritim
Talk by Lora Baker, Consul for Commercial Afairs – U.S. Consulate General Düsseldorf
“Trade Relation between Germany and USA”
Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 6:30 at Hotel Maritim
Talk by Chris Mahler – Program Manager Heavy Transport Helicopter – Eurocopter
“Helicopters – spearhead of globalization”