STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. 2014-2015 Proposal for Funding Kids First at Sunset View (updated April 2014) What is STEM at Sunset View? An innovative initiative which builds on the foundation of the current curriculum; while introducing learning opportunities that embrace STEM concepts. Overview Starting in 2011-2012 and expanding through 2012-2013, Kids First at Sunset View has created a STEM committee to address innovative learning opportunities. The initial concept for STEM at Sunset View was the consideration of creating a STEM lab or to convert the existing computer lab into a multi-functional lab. This concept embraced the scope of a technology lab and project based STEM learning opportunities. In order to find the appropriate solution for Sunset View Elementary the committee quickly decided to explore various options rather than solely focusing on the existing computer lab. The committee has taken a ground up approach to bringing STEM learning into the existing curriculum and teachers have found various ways to accomplish this objective. STEM learning will take place in various locations at the school and a part of this learning will be the science focus with the current FOSS kits provided by the district. The FOSS kits and current curriculum are one aspect of how STEM can be infused into the curriculum. As the future state standards address the need for STEM, it is the goal of the STEM committee to find the resources for Sunset View to have a cutting edge. An ongoing effort is to examine the computer lab. This will look at the current functionality as well as the opportunity to merge the computer lab into a “SmartLab” facility that can support both STEM and computer education. Currently the computer lab (including the staffing of a computer tech) is funded by Kids First. This position is included in our budget proposal although it has already been approved for 2014-2015. The holistic review is timed perfectly with the budget planning for Kids First. Some key points of success for 2012-14 (last two years): Computer Lab Refurbishment. This effort included furniture, paint, carpet, cabinetry, and a new color printer. This project is complete. All that remains is some decoration for the walls. Grade Level experiments/Science & Engineering kits Teacher Development – June, 2012 Technology conference Family Science Night – attended by 130 students and families 3 years in a row! Robotics at the 2nd grade (primary focus) through 4th grades (through lab repeated exposure) Microscopes purchased for all grades – 5 total Planning Days including analysis of integrating lab into future science curriculum. Status and Spending STEM spending to date has been limited to funding grade level meetings for teachers and the purchase of related resources for unique experiments. Additional funds have been spent for a family science night which included various scientific demonstrations. Capital funds, drawn from the Kids First reserves and not part of the regular expense budget, have been used to purchase new furniture, paint, carpet, and cabinets for the computer lab. The furnishings required for the lab were purchased and installed in April, 2013. Electrical work, new carpet and new storage furniture were completed in the fall of 2013. In the spring of 2014, we added 15 laptops for the lap to be completely independent in its ability to service the Lego WeDo robotics program. 15 netbooks purchased in 2013 will be allocated to the 2nd grade program for computer literacy and in-classroom WeDo Robotics. Strengths of Current Strategy Created by teachers to match the curriculum Careful approach ensures Sustainability Ability for creative control Potential Threats or Gaps of Current Strategy Addressing all the STEM disciplines (ie Robotics or Engineering) Consistency Volunteer Driven - limits the time commitment & expertise Challenge of creating a solid plan for scope & sequence of curriculum Recommendations & Proposed Budget Continue existing grade level work by teachers based on FOSS & other related teaching concepts Involve ourselves with the common core science curriculum as it emerges, to provide support via Kids First, whether it be through enhanced equipment and supplies or through the use of the lab. Invest in our teachers – various training opportunities Enlist experts in the design and curriculum development Establish before-school STEM elective program, with a faculty sponsor, open enrollment, and a lottery if needed to limit enrollment. Finish transforming the computer lab into a “SmartLab” that embraces both computer lab functions and innovative STEM future learning opportunities. * o Computer Skills – including keyboarding, visual multi-media o Snap Circuits – the science of electricity o Vernier Science o We Do Robotics o Collaborative Science & Scientific Method Project Proposal Grid and Formal Budget Request Project Title: Date Proposed: Project Contact: Phone #: Email: STEM Program, including Computer Lab April 21, 2014 Tim Lacey 619-459-0977 Proposal Description: Continue the efforts of the STEM committee as described in the above project overview and proposal for 2014-2015. Main points: develop additional grade level STEM programs, provide teacher training and support, encourage more use of the lab facilities, and provide technology support for Sunset View. Related or similar Projects/Programs at Sunset View and their costs (if known): The STEM program is absorbing the Garden efforts as a life science project. STEM include the computer lab and the budgets for technology hardware, software, and IT consulting. Amount your proposal would spend this year: $72,000, of which $46,500 has already been approved to maintain the computer lab tech. Above cost divided by 450 (cost/SVE student) $160.00 for STEM, including the computer tech. Percentage of students affected by this proposal: (or specify which students are affected) Please provide an explanation of the proposal and a justification for the level of funding requested: Example: a $9,000 project is $20/student 100% Example: third graders, or 20% of the student population The proposal is above. The justification is simply that STEM is a top priority for Kids First and for the parents of Kids First. The STEM program is a multi-year effort designed to improve the quality of science education at Sunset View, including computer skills, life sciences, engineering, and math programs. Continuity of the program is critical to its success. What are the measurable goals for this program? The program’s success can be measured directly by the increased exposure to science at all grade levels. We have completed grade level projects for K, 2, and 4, and we hope to address all grades in 2014-2015 as we support the common core roll-out in science. Another measureable goal is the quality of the science equipment and facilities at Sunset View. A final measureable goal is the adequacy of our ability to support technology purchases and maintenance at Sunset View. How can we objectively determine if this program, once approved, is performing as expected? What should we be watching for to determine success? We regularly meet with the teachers to determine the effectiveness of new programs and new facility changes. We will need to seek quality over quantity, and there is the possibility that a new program within STEM may be halted in the future if it does not provide a worthwhile improvement. Family involvement at Family Science Night provided positive feedback for our efforts, and the Bid Down at the Dinner Dance shows parent support for our goals. The success of STEM is best determined by the staff at Sunset View and by parents, who may be invited to take part in STEM activities in a manner similar to VAPA and who can then determine whether their children are receiving a benefit in line with the cost of this program. Also, participation in before school programs in 2014-2015 and interest in those programs will indicate whether they are a productive use of our time and money. Who can best evaluate it and using what criteria? Teachers and staff, ideally from within and outside the STEM committee, should be able to provide an assessment of how well the program is meeting its objectives. Has staff been consulted? If so, who? If this is being proposed by teachers, has the project been vetted with the staff and with the principal? Were any concerns expressed? A large staff contingent is on the STEM committee, which oversees all aspects of the STEM program. Jackie McCabe, principal, joins two or more teachers at each meeting. This year we have only had one STEM meeting, given the freeze on grade level spending associated with the common core roll-out. Next year regular meetings of the STEM committee will ensure that staff is constantly involved. We also meet with the curriculum development leaders at each grade level. Proposed Budget Detail Program Category STEM Family Night Description Supplies and Materials Before School STEM Club Lego After School Robotics Club 2014-2015 budget 2013-2014 Budget requested Funds Used 2013-2014 Budget Notes Family Science Night 2014 actually generated net $ 500.00 $ (200.00) $ 1,000.00 proceeds to offset amortized expenses $ 1,000.00 $ $ $ $ 1,500.00 Teacher Curriculum Development Costs - Planning Days Training and Planning Staff Training and Development through outside consultants, conferences, etc. Grade Level Grade Level Projects Programs Lego Robotics for Computer Lab Garden Life Materials and Supplies Sciences $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 $ $ 1,000.00 $ - $ $ 7,500.00 $ 350.00 $ $ 200.00 $ 2,154.00 $ 5,000.00 $1,500 per grade for 2014-2015 For spare parts as needed. Purchased 15 kits for 400.00 Grades 3/4 in 2013-2014. $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 Guest Lectures and Outside Programs $ STEM Software and Other General General - $ $ 250.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,750.00 Technology Software, NOT for STEM lab or grade level STEM Software activities, includes Learning A-Z and RAZ kids one year site license $ 2,500.00 $ 2,429.00 $ 2,500.00 2,000.00 $ 864.00 $ 2,250.00 Toner ca rtri dges 1,222.00 $ 1,750.00 Col or La s er Pri nter for the La b $ 1,000.00 Technology Hardware budget, including misc. Netbook Hardware accessories to complement i21 equipment (mouse pads, mice, headphones, stands) Color Printer (district procured) for computer lab projects, including 4th grade powerpoint Desktop Computer (potential for self-installed software) General $ This was proposed for 2013-2014 but not implemented. We have cut funding requested 750.00 for 2014-2015. Asset Tags to track STEM and computer purchased items Software for STEM Lab or grade level STEM projects General 250.00 5,000.00 Request 2 planning days for 2014-2015. Consulting, summer scholars program, conferences Computer Lab Assistant Tech. Support Contracted $ $ - $ $ - $ - Tech. for Computer/STEM Lab $ 46,500.00 $ $ 1,250.00 $ 43,000.00 $ $35,827 Approved at March 2013 KFSV Board Meeting. From Jackie: PeopleSoft HCM shows her current salary to be $22,960 based on 30 hours per week and a 3% pay raise. Avg. benefits for next year are $14,261 fixed (medical and dental), and 24.6% variable. The total should be around 43,000.00 $43,000 plus/minus benefit cost adjustments. IT Support for school staff and Computer Lab - $ 2,000.00 More computers a re now on s upport contra cts from the di s tri ct. . . IT cos ts s hri nki ng a s s hi fted to di s tri ct. 2014-2015 budget 2013-2014 Budget requested Funds Used 2013-2014 Budget TOTAL STEM EXPENSE BUDGET $ 72,000.00 CAPITAL BUDGET - Taken against Kids First Reserve Build-Out Capital Budget for furniture, electrical upgrades, carpet, paint, … Cabinets and Storage Systems 15 laptops for Computer Lab $ 56,369.00 $ 70,150.00 $ $ $ $ 5,455.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 $ $ 12,713.00 $ 2014-2015 budget 2013-2014 Budget requested Funds Used 2013-2014 Budget TOTAL STEM CAPITAL BUDGET $ - $ 23,168.00 $ 12,500.00 Unus ed ba l a nce from 2012-2013 to cover pa i nt a nd ca rpet a nd el ectri ca l , s i nce compl eti on i s pos tponed to l a te s ummer 2013. Money a l l oca ted from rema i ni ng unus ed budget i tems , a s per boa rd pres enta ti on a nd Di nner Da nce Bi d Down a ucti on.