Inquiry Lab: Identifying Bacteria using Morphology, Physiology, and Molecular Data Objective: Bacteria is a prokaryotic organism that can be found almost anywhere on earth. Identifying prokaryotic species can be difficult in a high school lab. The purpose of this lab it to use information that is known about bacteria cell wall composition, size, shape, arrangements, enzymatic activity, colony growth, and molecular data (DNA) to identify species of known and unknown bacterial samples. Background: Colony Morphology: Bacteria grow tremendously fast given the right type and amount of nutrients. Different types of bacteria will produce different-looking colonies. The characteristics of a colony (shape, size, pigmentation, etc.) are termed the colony morphology. Colony morphology is a way scientists can identify bacteria. In fact there is a book called Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (commonly termed Bergey's Manual) that describes the majority of bacterial species identified by scientists so far. This manual provides descriptions for the colony morphologies of each bacterial species. You can access the pdf by typing “Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology” on an Internet search engine. Although bacterial colonies have many characteristics, there are a few basic elements that you can identify for all colonies: • Form - What is the basic shape of the colony? For example, circular, filamentous, etc. • Elevation - What is the cross sectional shape of the colony? Turn the Petri dish on end. • Margin - What is the magnified shape of the edge of the colony? • Surface - How does the surface of the colony appear? For example, smooth, glistening, rough, dull (opposite of glistening), rugose (wrinkled), etc. • Opacity - For example, transparent (clear), opaque, translucent (almost clear, but distorted vision, like looking through frosted glass), iridescent (changing colors in reflected light), etc. • Pigmentation - For example, white, buff, red, purple, etc. Shapes and Arrangements: Prokaryotic organisms are single-celled organisms but come in a variety of shapes and arrangements. Bacterial cell shape is determined primarily by a protein called MreB. MreB forms a spiral band around the interior of the cell just under the membrane. It is thought to define shape by recruiting additional proteins that then direct the specific pattern of bacterial cell growth. Bacterial arrangement is determined by the interaction or separation of bacterial cells after division. Common shapes include coccus, bacillus, and spiral. Common arrangements include chains (strepto), clumps (staphylo), pairs (diplo), and single (mono). Cell wall composition: Most prokaryotic cell walls are made up of a polymer called peptidoglycan. The peptidoglycan layer in bacteria varies in thickness. This allows scientists to classify bacteria into two major subgroups- gram positive and gram negative. In gram-positive bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is thick. In gram-negative bacteria, the peptidoglycan layer is thinner, and the cell wall also consists of an outer membrane made of lipopolysaccharides. The names “gram-positive” and “gram-negative” come from the staining procedure used to identify the bacteria type. Gram-positive stain purple and gram-negative stain pink. Catalase Catalase is an enzyme found in some bacteria that can break down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. A simple test can be performed to test for catalase in bacteria. *see procedure Molecular Data (DNA): In Bacteria, there are many genes and other sections of DNA that are preserved from one species to another. One section of DNA known as the 16S-23S intergenic space varies among bacterial species. Because of this, it can be assumed that the number of nucleotides in this section of DNA is different in different bacterial species. The best way to estimate the number of nucleotide base pairs that are in the intergenic space of a bacterial species is to run a gel electrophoresis with a marker (standard or ladder). Once the base pair length is estimated, various resources can be used to determine the prokaryotic group the bacteria is found in. Before running a gel electrophoresis, the section of DNA of interest (in this case the intergenic space of the 16S and 23S rRNA genes) needs to be amplified using PCR. Specific primers need to be used to make sure just that section of DNA is amplified. This entire process of amplifying the intergenic region with PCR and running the sample through a gel to determine base pair length is called ARISA. Amplify! Procedure: 1. As a class, practice identifying the characteristics of Ecoli (a known) using the information from the Background section. The class will perform a PCR, gram stain (to determine cell wall type, shape, and arrangement), colony analysis, and a catalase test. 2. Lab groups will then be required to design a lab using these lab techniques to compare and contrast bacteria species on different surfaces, or analyze species diversity in a particular environment. Students must also come up with one other test using the information from “Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology” Some suggestions include identifying bacterial species found in the mouth before and after using mouthwash, and identifying bacteria on the hands vs. what is found on a computer keyboard. a. Objectives, Hypotheses, Procedure, and a plan for data collecting must be approved by the teacher before testing can occur. It is important to check with the teacher about proper ways to collect and grow bacteria. b. Bacteria collecting will occur on a day designated by the teacher. Testing will begin the day after collection occurs to allow bacterial colonies to grow overnight. c. Students will be required to complete a lab write-up or a poster presentation of their results. Lab protocols: Gram Staining: 1. Put a one drop of water on a microscope slide 2. Using an inoculating loop, scrape a small portion of a colony from an agar plate (other portion of colony needs to be used for other tests) 3. Swirl colony in water, spreading it out on your slide 4. Heat fix 5. Add a few drops of crystal violet and let is sit for 1 minute 6. Rinse off the crystal violet with a pipette and water (do not complete this step at the sink with the faucet) 7. Add a few drops of iodine and let it sit for 30 seconds 8. Rinse off with water the same way you rinsed the crystal violet 9. Decolorize by washing the slide with ethyl alcohol at the sink 10. Add a few drops of safranin and let it sit for 1 minute 11. Rinse off with water the same way you rinsed the crystal violet 12. Dab the slide dry with a paper towel 13. Using a cover slip, (and possibly oil if you have an oil immersion microscope) look at your bacteria under the microscope or keep for viewing next day. Label your slide so you know what sample you are looking at. PCR (ARISA) 1. put 20 uL of master mix into each PCR tube 2. using a sterile toothpick, inoculating loop, or pipette tip, take one colony off the plate and stir in PCR tube (with master mix) 3. repeat step 2 for each PCR tube. 4. Run PCR with the following protocol 94 degrees Celcius – 5 minutes Cycle: 35 times 94 degrees Celcius – 30 seconds 53 degrees Celcius – 30 seconds 72 degrees Celcius- 1 minute Final: 72 degrees Celcius – 5 minutes Master mix: 20 uL total for each PCR tube 2uL of PCR buffer Possible primers to use: .8uL of MgCl2 1. .4uL of dNTP Card_ITSF .4uL of forward primer Card_ITSReub .4uL of reverse primer OR .2uL of Taq polymerase 2. 15.8uL of water SDBact1522bS20 LDBact132aA18 *the volumes listed above are for one PCR tube. If you plan on running 10 samples, for example, take the master mix volumes from above and multiply them by 10. Gel Electrophoresis: 1. Micropipette 4uL of ladder into the first well 2. Micropipette 5ul of PCR product and 2uL of loading dye into other wells. Make sure to mix the loading dye and PCR sample on Parafilm or well plates with a micropipette before loading 3. Use teaching instructions for setting up the electrophoresis chamber Information obtained from: Science Buddies. Copyright 2002-2012 Doc Kraisers Microbiology page. 28 June 2006. What are Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds?. University of Georgia, Department of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences l=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1154&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=sUaMOtfmDpPGM:&imgrefurl= Fpk_id%3D6018&docid=sAVDrcmgsdeK3M&imgurl= pplications/publications/files/html/B817/images/bacterial%252520cell%252520s hapes.jpg&w=915&h=603&ei=AFj_T4HkGYHo0QGw-u3dBA&zoom=1 The Gram Stain. &rls=en&biw=1154&bih=731&tbm=isch&tbnid=z5es4o4v5hXzM:&imgrefurl= ology/labs/rome/gram_stain.htm&docid=2_DxGiXLUnBcUM&imgurl=http://ww 526&h=442&ei=eHj_TvwIcLw0gGN8OT0BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=285&vpy=394&dur=303&hovh=16 3&hovw=211&tx=139&ty=98&sig=107095031745811268909&page=1&tbnh=16 1&tbnw=209&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:94 Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology