RECYCLE MORE PLASTICS! All plastics coded 1 through 7 can

All plastics coded 1 through 7 can now be recycled in the Village of Mamaroneck. That
means you may include many more plastic items, such as take-out containers, yogurt cups, berry
boxes, shampoo bottles, frozen-food containers, medicine bottles, vitamin bottles, disposable
plates and cups, plastic egg cartons, squeezable bottles, as well as pails, buckets, flower pots,
plant trays, and more. Rinse them clean and make sure they are coded with any number between
1 and 7.
More good news: Plastic bottle caps and lids can also be recycled.
Reminder: All unwaxed cardboard is acceptable for recycling, whether it is corrugated or
gray/compressed/smooth cardboard such as that used in tissue boxes, cereal boxes, pizza boxes,
paper-towel rollers, shoe boxes, gift boxes, shirt cardboard, etc.
For more recycling information, see
The Committee for the Environment, Village of Mamaroneck