Quarter 2 Unit Project

For this unit, you need to choose one of the following options. For each option, make sure you read the
description carefully and make sure your project addresses all components listed. There is a written
component to each option. All writing components should be typed in 12 pt font, using a plain font type
(Arial, Comic Sans, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, etc.), single spaced (no double spacing between
paragraphs!!), and 1-inch margins. There should also be a cover page with a title, your name, and the
date which is not included in the length requirements.
Option 1: Research a resource saving product such as a hybrid car or a water-conserving clothes washer.
Find out how much gas the hybrid car will save you or how much less water is used by the new washer.
Calculate how long it will take for the new item to pay for itself. Provide a 2-page written explanation of
your work and how you made your calculations. Do you think the product is worth the price? Why or
why not? Make sure you list your sources (sources do not count toward length). Display your work and
calculations in a creative way.
Option 2: Create a plan to reduce your personal “Human Footprint”. Your plan must include at least 3
different and distinct changes. Provide a 3-page written explanation of what changes you will make to
your personal life/habits. What resources will you be saving and how much will your changes save? What
impact will these changes have on the Earth’s environment? Make sure you show all necessary
calculations. Display your plan in a creative way.
Option 3: Research another check digit scheme that is somehow different from UPC and ISBN numbers
(library partron’s library cards, UPS and Fed Ex to track shipping of packages, zip codes by the US Postal
service, supermarket club cards, etc.) Discuss the check digit scheme that is used and if the numbers in
the code have any specific categorization use. Provide a 2-page written explanation of how the scheme
works, the necessary steps for checking validity, background information such as when, how, & why it
was created, and at least 4 examples that verify how it works. Make sure you list your sources (sources
do not count toward length).
Option 4: Research modular arithmetic and find what jobs, careers use this type of arithmetic in real life.
Provide a 2-page written explanation of what jobs, careers use this type of arithmetic and how it works.
Cite your sources.
Option 5: Research the changing ISBN system from the current 10-digit format to the new 13-digit
format. Explain the reasons for the new system and determine the benefits and any problems that may
occur. Determine what types of entities are affected by this major change: businesses, schools, libraries,
publishing companies, etc. Finally, develop your own check digit equation for an imaginary credit card
company. Explain how the check digit scheme works, the modulus used, and the number of digits. Provide
a 2-page written explanation of your research and check digit scheme. Provide examples for your check
digit scheme. Cite your sources.
Quarter 2 Project Rubric
Project Due:
(20 points)
(20 points)
(40 points)
Real World
(10 points)
Creativity &
Work Ethic
D & below
Clearly links the
algebra to the topic
with examples and
pictures. Uses color
and visuals to make
the presentation
(18-20 points)
Written component is
proper length &
format. It is wellwritten with proper
grammar & spelling.
Clearly & thoroughly
the learning and
purpose of the
(18-20 points)
components are
easily visible and
incorporated into the
overall piece.
(36-40 points)
Connects information
learned in class to the
real world in a clear
and convincing
manner with a well
written example.
Link between algebra
and topic is still clear,
but use of color and
visual effects is not as
Link between algebra
& topic is unclear.
Use of color and
visual effects is
(16-17 points)
Written component is
proper length. Not all
requirements were
met. Minor spelling &
grammar errors.
of learning & purpose
is clear but somewhat
(16-17 points)
components are
present but their
inclusion in the piece
requires explanation.
(9-10 points)
Information is
displayed in a
creative way that
shows considerable
thought & time spent.
(8 points)
Project shows some
thought & effort, but
time spent &
creativity are
(14-15 points)
Written component is
proper length but
several formatting
requirements have
not been met.
Several spelling or
grammar errors.
is minimal &
somewhat confusing.
(14-15 points)
components are
present but their
inclusion in the piece
is slightly awkward &
(28-31 points)
Connection between
classroom learning &
real-world is present,
but irrelevant.
Example is
inappropriate to the
(7 points)
Project is neat, but
shows minimal effort
or time spent.
Creativity is missing.
Link between
algebra & topic is
barely apparent.
Project is visually
boring & uses no
color or effects to
aid the connection.
(0-13 points)
Written component
is short & does not
follow formatting
requirements. It is
poorly written with
many spelling &
grammar errors, is
confusing & hard to
(9-10 points)
(8 points)
(32-35 points)
Connection between
classroom learning &
real-world is present,
but incomplete &
lacks detail. Example
is confusing.
(10 points)
100 pts.
(7 points)
(0-13 points)
One or more
components is
missing. The piece
does not work with
the components.
(0-27 points)
Connection between
classroom learning
& real-world is
irrelevant and there
is no example given.
(0-6 points)
Project is boring and
shows no thought,
effort or time spent.
Project looks like it
was thrown
together at the last
(0-6 points)