1 APPENDIX S2 2 3 The LANDCLIM protocol 4 The LANDCLIM protocol was established by M.-J. Gaillard (coordinator), F. Mazier, A.-K. 5 Trondman, and S. Sugita. 6 7 Reconciling the spatial resolutions and levels of detail between the land-cover reconstructions 8 and the climate (RCA3) and dynamic vegetation (LPJ-GUESS) models 9 The spatial resolution of the “Regional Estimates of VEgetation Abundance from Large Sites” 10 (REVEALS) model-based reconstructions (ca. 100 km x 100 km) is appropriate for the study 11 of land-cover–climate relationships within the LANDCLIM project because the regional 12 climate model RCA3 and the dynamic vegetation model LPJ-GUESS models used in the 13 project perform well at a spatial scale of 0.5° to 1º. Therefore, we use a common grid-cell size 14 of 1ºx1º, which corresponds to an area of ca 100 km x 100 km or less depending on the 15 latitudinal location, for the REVEALS-based reconstructions of regional vegetation/land- 16 cover presented in this paper (i.e. grid-based REVEALS estimates abbreviated REVEALS). 17 18 RCA3 includes a description of the atmosphere and its interactions with the land surface 19 (Kjellström et al., 2005; Samuelsson et al., 2011). For this purpose, it uses a simple land- 20 surface description comprising three land-cover types (LCTs), (1) evergreen trees (ET), (2) 21 summer-green trees (ST), and (3) open land (OL, i.e. non-forested areas) (Table 1). The LPJ- 22 GUESS model simulates the climate-induced composition of plant-functional types (PFTs), 23 i.e. groups of species (often single genera) that have similar responses to environmental 24 conditions and affect ecosystem processes in comparable ways (e.g. Diaz & Cabido, 1997) 25 and, therefore, can be regarded as functionally similar (e.g. Wolf et al., 2008). REVEALS 1 26 reconstructs percentage cover of individual taxa at a taxonomical level that depends on the 27 possible degree of precision of the pollen identification (species, species groups, genera, 28 genus groups, family). Hence, to make comparison of the REVEALS estimates with the LPJ- 29 GUESS outputs possible, and to use them as alternative descriptions of land cover in RCA3, 30 the REVEALS estimates of individual taxa were grouped into ten PFTs and three LCTs 31 (Table 1). The PFTs follow Wolf et al. (2008) with some modifications needed for the north- 32 west European context and human-induced vegetation. Corylus (hazel) was added to IBS 33 (shade-intolerant summer-green trees) and Acer (maple) and Carpinus (hornbeam) to TBS 34 (shade-tolerant summer-green trees), Fraxinus (ash) was moved from TBS to IBS (shade- 35 intolerant summer-green trees), all herbs were grouped into GL (grassland), and a new PFT 36 AL (agricultural land) was created. 37 38 REVEALS test-runs 39 Before deciding on the criteria for selection of sites and parameters for the LANDCLIM 40 project, Mazier et al. (2012) used the Czech Quaternary Pollen Database (PALYCZ; Kuneš et 41 al., 2009) to evaluate the extent to which the selection of different input data and parameters 42 would affect the REVEALS reconstructions. The tested parameters were the number of 43 dates per pollen record used to establish the chronology (minimum of 3 or 5 dates), the basin 44 type (lake or bog) and size (site radius), the number of taxa (25, 28, or 35 taxa), the PPEs 45 (three different sets of estimates), and the value of Zmax (50, 100, or 200 km). Spearman’s 46 rank-order correlation coefficient rs (Siegel & Castellan, 1988) was used to compare the 47 REVEALS PFTs between the different model outputs, and the significance of the correlation 48 was tested. Spearman’s rank-order correlation is a non-parametric statistic test that measures 49 the degree of association between two sets of data, in this case REVEALS PFTs. 2 14 C 50 Table 1. Land-cover types (LCTs) and plant-functional types (PFTs) according to Wolf et al. 51 (2008) with modifications (see text), and their corresponding pollen morphological types. Fall 52 speed of pollen (FSP) and the mean pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) for standard 2 (st2) 53 with their standard errors (in brackets) are also listed. PPE st2: for each taxon, mean of all 54 existing PPEs for that taxon (Mazier et al., 2012); t = type. See text for more explanations) Land-cover types (LCTs) Evergreen trees (ET) PFT PFT definition FSP (m/s) PPE.st2 Shade-tolerant evergreen trees Plant taxa/Pollenmorphological types (25 taxa) Picea TBE1 TBE2 IBE TSE 0.056 2.62 (0.12) Shade-tolerant evergreen trees Shade-intolerant evergreen trees Tall shrub, evergreen Abies Pinus Juniperus 0.120 0.031 0.016 6.88 (1.44) 6.38 (0.45) 2.07 (0.04) Alnus Betula Corylus Fraxinus Quercus Carpinus Fagus Tilia Ulmus Salix Calluna vulgaris Artemisia Cyperaceae Filipendula Poaceae Plantago lanceolata Plantago media Plantago montana Rumex acetosa-t Cerealia-t Secale cereale 0.021 0.024 0.025 0.022 0.035 0.042 0.057 0.032 0.032 0.022 0.038 0.025 0.035 0.006 0.035 0.029 0.024 0.030 0.018 0.060 0.060 9.07 (0.10) 3.09 (0.27) 1.99 (0.20) 1.03 (0.11) 5.83 (0.15) 3.55 (0.43) 2.35 (0.11) 0.80 (0.03) 1.27 (0.05) 1.22 (0.11) 0.82 (0.02) 3.48 (0.20) 0.87 (0.06) 2.81 (0.43) 1.00 (0.00) 1.04 (0.09) 1.27 (0.18) 0.74 (0.13) 2.14 (0.28) 1.85 (0.38) 3.02 (0.05) IBS Shade-intolerant summer-green trees TBS Shade-tolerant summer-green trees TSD LSE Tall shrub, summer-green Low shrub, evergreen Summer-green trees (ST) Open land (OL) GL AL Grassland - all herbs Agricultural land - cereals 55 56 The results showed that the REVEALS PFTs were generally insensitive to the differences in 57 parameter settings, except when entomophilous taxa were included (Mazier et al., 2012). The 58 REVEALS estimates differed depending on what set of PPEs, site type (lake or bog), and site 59 size (large or several small) was used, but the ranking of the estimates did not change. 60 Therefore, we chose the parameter setting we found most relevant for the LANDCLIM study 61 (see also sections below for more explanations): 62 1. Because the REVEALS model assumes that pollen grains are wind transported, we 63 chose to exclude entomophilous taxa from the PFT reconstructions, although taxa with 3 64 mixed wind and insect transport, such as Compositae, Filipendula, Rumex, Plantago, 65 and Ranunculus species were included. 66 2. We selected pollen records from both lakes and bogs, small and large basins, with 67 chronologies based on ≥3 dates in order to maximise the number of sites to be used. 68 3. We applied the PPE set “standard 2” (for each taxon, mean of all existing PPEs for 69 70 that taxon, Mazier et al., 2012; Table 1). 4. Zmax was set to 50 km (corresponding approximately to the size of the project grid 71 cells (1° x 1°). 72 73 The PPE set “standard 2” was preferred because the causes behind differences in PPEs 74 between studies and regions are still not fully understood. Possible explanations are the 75 various types of pollen and vegetation data used for the calculation of PPEs (pollen data from 76 lakes, bogs, or moss polsters; pollen and vegetation data from modern or historical time) or 77 the different methods used in the vegetation surveys. Between-region differences might be 78 due to contrasting climate, species composition, or land-use management (Broström et al., 79 2008). 80 81 Selection of sites, chronologies, and size of time-windows 82 Five time-windows of the Holocene were selected for the study. They represent contrasting 83 land-cover in terms of vegetation composition and degree of vegetation openness (forested 84 land versus open/non-forested land) (Gaillard et al., 2010). Moreover, because the error 85 estimates of the REVEALS reconstructions will decrease (i.e. their precision increase) with 86 the increase of the size of the pollen counts (Sugita, 2007a), we chose to work with 500 year- 87 long time-windows (except for the two most recent ones) to maximise the number of counted 4 88 levels within a time-window. The five time-windows studied in the LANDCLIM project are 89 as follows (in calibrated years before present (BP = before 1950)): 90 91 1. x–0.1k BP (ca. 0.05k BP, “Present”/Recent past): industrial time (x = date of the core surface, e.g. AD 2005-100 BP if x= AD 2005), 92 2. 0.1k–0.35k BP (ca. 0.2k BP, end of the Little Ice Age): pre-industrial time, 93 3. 0.35k–0.7k BP (ca. 0.5k BP, Middle Ages): decreased human impact in parts of 94 95 96 Europe, 4. 2.7k–3.2k BP (ca. 3k BP, Early/Late Bronze Age transition): relatively strong human impact in several parts of the study region, 97 5. 5.7k–6.2k BP (ca. 6k BP, Neolithic period/ Mesolithic-Early Neolithic boundary in 98 southern Scandinavia, northern Germany. and northern Netherlands): low human 99 activity. 100 101 The chronological control of the pollen records is essential as the synchronicity of pollen data 102 extracted from all records should be as good as possible to ensure that the reconstruction at 103 the regional scale represents the same time period. Therefore, the pollen records with the best 104 chronological control were selected. However, the number of sites strongly decreases with the 105 higher number of dates required for a very good chronological control. Also, the availability 106 of pollen records from large sites in the study area is limited, which means that the multiple 107 small sites approach (Sugita, 2007a) had to be applied. For these reasons, it was necessary to 108 seek a reasonable compromise between the best chronological control and a large number of 109 sites in order to get the best land-cover reconstructions possible at a large regional scale. For 110 the objectives of the LANDCLIM project, we considered that a reasonable strategy was to 111 maximise the number of sites to widen the geographical cover in the study area, but to check 112 carefully all chronologies to make sure that age-depth models based on only a few dates were 5 113 Table 2. Type of dating used – other than 14C dates – to constrain chronologies with few 14C 114 dates and their error estimates. 115 diagrams within the same region, 116 well-dated lithostratigraphical boundaries that are synchronous in a specific region, 117 dated and consistent changes in e.g. biostratigraphy of any kind, chemistry, palaeomagnetic 118 properties, * if original error estimates are lacking ± 500 years is used. 1 for the last 150–200 years, 3 2 dated by correlation to dated well-constrained and well-dated, e.g. the elm decline, Type of dating/control point Uncertainty Annual laminations (varve counting) Radiocarbon 210 Pb and 137 Cs1 Tephra Dendrochronological dates Pollen-stratigraphical events2 Historical events Biostratigraphical markers3 Biostratigraphical markers (less well constrained) Lithostratigraphical events4 Other stratigraphical events 5 Original Original Original Original Original Original* ± 50 years ± 250 years ± 500 years 5 4 well- ± 250 years ± 250 years 119 120 nevertheless reasonable in terms of the well-established ages of particular vegetation changes 121 in NW Europe (e.g. the age of the elm decline). Therefore, based on the results from the 122 REVEALS test-runs (Mazier et al., 2012), we used pollen data from sites with chronologies 123 based on ≥3 dates. The number of dates for the selected pollen records varies between 3 and 124 278, with ca. 210 records with <6 dates. The selected pollen records cover at least one of the 125 five Holocene time-windows above. When the chronology in calibrated years was established 126 by the data contributor or the database manager we adopted it. But when the chronology was 127 lacking or given in uncalibrated years, we used the available dates (from the literature or 128 directly from the data contributor) and established an age-depth model using the software 129 clam (Blaauw, 2010) that uses the IntCal09 calibration curve of Reimer et al. (2009). These 130 chronologies are specified as “LANDCLIM chronologies” in Table S2 in Supplemantary 131 Information. 6 132 133 Harmonisation of pollen types and their ascription to pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) 134 To maximise the number of useful pollen-morphological types and the size of pollen counts to 135 be used in the REVEALS runs we ascribed the available PPEs and related fall speed of pollen 136 (FSP) to as many pollen taxa as possible. The decisions were based on knowledge of the 137 pollen-morphological types and their corresponding plant taxa, and the morphology and 138 biology of the plant taxa represented by a pollen-morphological type, i.e. the type of flower, 139 number of flowers per individual, number of stamens per flower, and type(s) of pollen 140 dispersal (entomophilous or/and anemophilous). Examples of harmonisation are provided in 141 Table 3. 142 143 REVEALS runs and calculation of PFTs and LCTs 144 This study uses the REVEALS program (version REVEALS.v4.2.2.Tallinn.wks.exe; Sugita, 145 unpublished) assuming neutral atmospheric conditions and wind speed of 3 m s−1 as in 146 Prentice (1985) and Sugita (1993, 1994, 2007a,b). Zmax is set to 50 km (see Appendix S1 for 147 more information on those parameters). The number of pollen records available for the 148 reconstruction varies between grid-cells and time-windows. For the REVEALS runs, pollen 149 counts from all samples in a given time-window are aggregated. The original pollen data files 150 (Excel files with chronology and the selected 25 taxa as columns, and levels with raw pollen 151 counts as rows) were reformatted into REVEALS input files using a conversion program 152 (File.format.conversion.for.LRA.12Oct09.exe; Sugita, unpubl.) before running the REVEALS 153 program. The conversion program sums up the pollen counts for each time-window defined in 154 the LANDCLIM project, and incorporates information about site radius. 155 7 156 Table 3. Examples of pollen-type harmonisation and assignment to pollen productivity 157 estimates (PPEs) and plant functional types (PFTs) (see text for further explanation). PFT PPEs IBS Betula AL Cerealia-type GL Rumex acetosa-type pollen-morphological types Betula Betula “alba” Betula pubescens Betula undiff. Betula/Corylus/Myrica Avena Avena/Triticum-type Avena/Triticum Avena-type Cerealia Cerealia (-Secale) Cerealia-type cf. Avena cf. Hordeum cf. Triticum diccocon Hordeum Hordeum/Secale Hordeum/Triticum-type Hordeum-type Triticum Triticum-type Oxyria digyna Oxyria-type Rumex Rumex acetosa Rumex acetosa/R. acetosella Rumex acetosa/R. acetosella-type Rumex acetosa-type Rumex acetosa-type/Oxyria Rumex acetosella Rumex acetosella-type Rumex alpinus Rumex cf. R. obtusifolius Rumex conglomeratus-type Rumex longifolius-type Rumex obtusifolius Rumex obtusifolius-type Rumex sp Rumex Subgen. Acetosa Rumex Subgen. Acetosa/R. Subgen. Acetosella Rumex undiff. Rumex/Oxyria Rumex-type 158 159 Hence, the REVEALS input files include raw pollen counts for each of the 25 taxa for the five 160 Holocene time-windows, and site radii for each time-window. REVEALS also requires one 161 input file with the PPE and FSP values for each taxon, and one input file with the variance8 162 covariance matrix of the PPEs (all the covariances of the PPEs between individual taxa are set 163 to zero). REVEALS was run separately for lakes and bogs using Sugita’s model for lakes and 164 ponds (Sugita, 1993) and Prentice’s model for bogs (Prentice, 1985, 1988). The REVEALS 165 program estimates the mean regional abundance in proportions (0 to 1, i.e. 0–100%) and the 166 standard error (SE) for each taxon in each grid-cell with available pollen data for a given 167 time-window (grid cell-based REVEALS taxon estimate (s), hereafter abbreviated REVEALS 168 taxon (taxa)). The SEs of the REVEALS taxa are calculated using the Delta method (Stuart & 169 Ord, 1994). The REVEALS estimates for PFTs and LCTs are the mean of the REVEALS 170 taxon of all taxa included in a given PFT or LCT (in proportions). Therefore, the REVEALS 171 taxa for either bogs or lakes are converted to grid cell-based REVEALS estimates for PFTs or 172 LCTs (REVEALS PFT(-s) or LC (-s) bog or lake) and their SEs using the “Plant-PFT 173 conversion program” (Plants.PFT.RCA.classification.22Nov10.v9.exe; Sugita, unpubl.). To 174 get a single REVEALS PFT or LCT for grid cells with pollen records from both lakes and 175 bogs, the mean of the REVEALS PFT bog (or LCT bog) and REVEALS PFT lake (or LCT 176 lake) and the mean SE were calculated with the program “Bog-Lake fusion program” 177 (bog.lake.data.fusion.24Nov10.v5.exe; Sugita, unpubl.), abbreviated REVEALS PFT(-s) (or 178 LCT(-s)) for simplicity. 179 180 181 182 References Blaauw M (2010) Methods and code for “classical” age-modelling of radiocarbon sequences. Quaternary Geochronology, 5, 512-518. 183 Broström A, Nielsen AB, Gaillard M-J et al. (2008) Pollen productivity estimates of key 184 European plant taxa for quantitative reconstruction of past vegetation: a review. Vegetation 185 History and Archaeobotany, 17, 461-478. 9 186 187 Diaz S, Cabido M (1997) Plant functional types and ecosystem function in relation to global change. Journal of Vegetation Science, 8, 463-474. 188 Gaillard M-J, Sugita S, Bunting JM et al. 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