Hay fever - Stakes Lodge Surgery

Stakes Lodge Surgery
3a Lavender Road
Tel: 02392 239910
Fax: 02392 358867
No 1. 2015
Sister Clare Slater will be retiring on the
March, Clare has worked at the surgery for 15
years and will be greatly missed. We wish Clare
a long, happy and healthy retirement.
Dr Gadsden is sadly leaving. Due to family
commitments, she will be joining a new practice
where she will have less hours. We wish Dr Gadsden
all the of best luck for the future and hope she is
very happy in her new practice.
Service (EPS)
What is the Electronic Prescription
Service (EPS)?
EPS is an NHS-funded service in
England. It gives you the chance
to change how your GP sends your prescription to the healthcare
professional you choose to get your medication or appliances from.
What does this mean for you?
If you currently collect your repeat prescriptions form your GP, you will not
have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, you
GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time. You
will have more choice about where to get your medication from because it
can be collected from a pharmacy near where you live, work or shop. You
may also not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be more time
for your repeats prescriptions to be prepared before you arrive.
Is this service right for you?
YES – if you have a stable condition and you:
 Don’t want to go to your GP practice every time to collect your repeat
 Collect your medicines from the same place most of the time
 Already use a prescription collection service
NO – if you:
 Don’t get prescriptions very often
 Pick up your medicines from different places
 Travel or work away from home a lot
We would like to thank all
of our patients who have
completed The Friends and
Family Test.
The NHS friends and family
test is an important
opportunity for you to
provide feedback on the
services that provide your
care and treatment. Your
feedback will help NHS
England to improve services
for everyone.
If you would like to take
part in The Friends and
Family Test please go to
stakeslodgesurgery.co.uk or
there are forms on front
desk and in the surgery
waiting room.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a
week or an hour before. If
you need to cancel or can
no longer make your
appointment please let us
know so that the
appointment may be
offered to another
Hay fever
Hay fever is a common allergic condition that affects up to one in five people at some point in their life.
Symptoms of hay fever include:
 sneezing
 a runny nose
 itchy eyes
The symptoms of hay fever are caused when a person has an allergic reaction to pollen.
Pollen is a fine powder released by plants as part of their reproductive cycle. Pollen contains proteins that can
cause the nose, eyes, throat and sinuses (small air-filled cavities behind your cheekbones and forehead) to
become swollen, irritated and inflamed.
You can have an allergy to:
 tree pollen, released during spring
 grass pollen, released during the end of spring and beginning of summer
 weed pollen, released any time from early spring to late autumn
Please remember to put your requests for your hay fever medication at least 3 full working days before you
need them.
We are a self care aware practice, and are supported by the self care forum as
a source of information regarding common medical complaints, and how to
help yourself.
The following websites are useful sources of information and advice:
http://www.treatyourselfbetter.co.uk/ -advice re over the counter medicines and help from your pharmacist
http://www.selfcareforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/haynes-self-care-mini-manual.pdf - self care
manual for men
http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis-information/exercises-to-manage-pain.aspx approved exercises
for common musculoskeletal conditions.
Both websites above are links to CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) resources that you can use at home, for
anxiety and depression.
information on your local diabetes team, and how to manage your
diabetes well.
help with parenting young children
- Information on sexual health