Theme: Life in Asia Stage 1 Time Frame: 8-10 Weeks Key Concept: Figurative Language, Stereotypes, Importance of Science Knowledge, Visual Representation Focus for this unit - learning intention During this unit students will be summarising, visualising, making connections and visual representations and predicting through the study of texts related to Asian Experiences along with the study of the narrative text type and its conventions. Text Set Digging to China by Donna Rawlins Mulan *(Powerpoint retold by Lin Donn) *Disney DVD The Special Present by Sally Cole (Level20) Reading Bug book Variety of images of Ancient Chinese life from other texts or internet Film Speeches (youtube) Images Objective A Objective B Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context. Objective C Think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical. Speaking and Listening 1 Speaking and Listening 2 EN1-1A Communicates with a range of people in informal & guided activities demonstrating interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Listen for specific purposes and information, including instructions, and extend students own and others ideas in discussions. Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to & compose texts EN1-6B Recognises a range of purposes & audiences for spoken language & recognises organisational patterns & features of predictable spoken texts Develop & apply contextual knowledge -Recognise different oral texts eg: conversations at home, in the classroom and the playground. Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features -Identify organisational patterns and features of predictable spoken texts. Respond to & compose texts - Thinking Imaginatively & Creatively EN1-10C Thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to and composing texts. Engage personally with texts Develop and apply contextual knowledge Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to and compose texts Communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. Writing & Representing 1 EN1-2A Plans, composes and reviews a small range of simple texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers and viewers. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to & compose texts Compose a range of written forms of communication, including emails, greeting cards and letters. - Writing & Representing 2 EN1-7B Identifies how language use in their own writing differs according to their purpose, audience and subject matter. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to & compose texts -Make inferences about character motives, actions , qualities and characteristics when responding to texts. H’writing & Digital Technologies Reading & Viewing 2 EN1-3A Composes texts using letters of consistent size & slope & uses digital technologies. Develop & apply contextual knowledge -Understand that handwriting and presentation of work need to reflect audience and purpose in order to communicate effectively. Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to & compose texts -Construct texts featuring print, visual and audio elements using software, including Word Processing programs. EN1-8B recognises that there are different kinds of texts when reading and viewing and shows an awareness of purpose, audience and subject matter. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to, read & view texts - -Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, writing, performance and digital forms of communiation. Objective D Express themselves and their relationships with others and their world. Objective E Learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English. Expressing Themselves Reflecting on Learning EN1-11D Responds to and composes a range of texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own experiences. EN1-12E Identifies and discusses aspects of their own and others’ learning. Engage personally with texts Develop and apply contextual knowledge -Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences. Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to and compose texts Develop and apply contextual knowledge -Develop an understanding of how a rich text environment underpins learning. Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to and compose texts - assessing their own and other peoples presentation/compositions. -Jointly develop criteria for Grammar, Punctuation & Vocab Reading & Viewing1 EN1-4A draws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features -Understand how sentence punctuation is used to enhance meaning and fluency. Develop and apply graphological, phonological, syntactic & semantic knowledge. Respond to, read & view texts - Spelling EN1-5A Uses a variety of strategies, including knowledge of sight words and letter–sound correspondences, to spell familiar words. Develop & apply contextual knowledge Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features Respond to & compose texts -Isolate and write the initial, medial sound of a word. -Begin to use a dictionary for spelling activities and word meaning EN1-9B Uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the type of text when responding to and composing texts. Develop & apply contextual knowledge -Understand that ideas in texts can be organised using sentences and paragraphs. Understand & apply knowledge of language forms and features -Explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns incl. pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) Understanding & apply knowledge of vocabulary -Recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns. - Experiment with quoted (direct) and reported (indirect) speech. Respond to & compose texts - DIGGING TO CHINA Objective A Communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. Objective B Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context. Teaching/Learning Activities Speaking and Listening 1 Model ideal conversation – turn taking, eye contact, active listening, asking questions for more information. Students have a conversation with each other about a topic related to the text – grandparents. Focus on turn taking and active listening to each other. Report back to group three things their partner said about grandparents.. Writing & Representing 1 Birthday card (draft) Postcard (draft) H’writing & Digital Technologies Publish birthday card or postcard on the computer. Paint Chinese letters Reading & Viewing1 Proof read page from the text that has no punctuation. Student to suggest punctuation. Spelling Using Elkonan Boxes students sound out initial, medial and final sounds of selected words in the book. Teacher models use of personal dictionary. (Think Aloud). Students use personal dictionary in their writing. Speaking and Listening 2 Role play conversation between two people in various locations (playground, home, classroom, assembly) indicating a request. (eg: asking for a drink, to go to the toilet.) Examine a page from the text, looking at where the word said is in the sentence and finding words that replace said. Examine a page from the text looking at contractions. Writing & Representing 2 Matrix of main characters comparing motives, actions, qualities and characteristics. Grammar, Punctuation & Vocab Using a selected page students highlight nouns, verbs, adjectives and verbs. Sequence paragraphs from an extract of the story. Using highlighters match characters to their speech. Students highlight words with capital letters. Identify whether they are names of places or proper nouns. (people) Examine the difference between direct and indirect speech using examples from book. Note difference in punctuation needed. Students attempt own examples of direct and indirect speech on the same topic. Resources Copies of DIGGING TO CHINA by Donna Rawlin Prompts for conversation Samples of postcards and birthday invitations Map of the world showing China Personal dictionaries for writing Printed page from the book Contraction game Highlighter pens Objective C Think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical. Objective D Express themselves and their relationships with others and their world. Objective E Learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English. Thinking Imaginatively & Creatively In groups, students retell part of or the whole story in a self-selected form. (eg: drawings, visualising, role play, movement to music, digital Expressing Themselves In groups, students retell part of or the whole story in a self-selected form. (eg: drawings, visualising, role play, movement to music, digital Reflecting on Learning KWL on China before and after the unit. Develop criteria for assessing a birthday invitation. Students assess Brithday invitations based on criteria developed. Drawings from visualisation activity Props that can be used for scenes and characters Class set of birthday cards or postcards Assessment / Collecting Evidence Observation Anecdotal Records Checklist / Matrix Rubric (CTJ) Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Student Teacher Conference Journals Assessment task Pre and post reading of selected text Examination of birthday cards or postcards Students use their drawings or visualisations to retell main points of the story NEW TEXT - MULAN MULAN Teaching/Learning Activities Resources Speaking and Listening 1 Objective A Communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. Brainstorm background information about China and Asia eg. Maps, culture etc. Record on a Mind Map. Writing & Representing 1 The True Story of Mulan (PowerPoint) Other images of Ancient Chinese Culture (books, internet etc) The True Story of Mulan (PowerPoint) Look at structure of text eg. Paragraphs, sentences and text type. Reading & Viewing1 View the PowerPoint Presentation with a focus on aspects of the illustrationsdiscuss dress, hairstyles, buildings etc. Make predictions about what text will be about. Make connections to own experiences. Review other images related to Ancient Chinese culture to continue to build background knowledge. Read the text. Spelling Looking at high-frequency words within the text and unusual spelling (eg. American spelling). Speaking and Listening Objective B Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context. Overview Chinese languages eg. Mandarin, Cantonese Writing & Representing 2 Discussions about character’s actions and motives in various parts of the story. Discuss reasons behind why things were a certain way on Ancient Chinese Culture. Reading & Viewing 2 Prompts about adverbs, adjectives, verbs Grammar games , website Discuss grammar and the use of adjectives, adverbs and verbs and how they add interest to the story. Interactive activities Text structure; why the author has used specific words. Grammar, Punctuation & Vocab Review vocabulary used in the story. Identify grammatical features and punctuation. Thinking Imaginatively & Creatively Objective C Think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical. Express feelings about the text through discussion and questioning. Eg. How did Mulan feel about being dressed as a boy? How did she keep this secret for ten years? Role play a scene from the story. Expressing Themselves Objective D Express themselves and their relationships with others and their world. Re-write story based on a similar theme in groups. View ‘Brave’ DVD to compare and contrast the same story in two cultures in. Reflecting on Learning Objective E Learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English. Present writing to an audience. Peer assessment- kind and constructive peer comments on presentations. Watch ‘Mulan’ DVD to compare and contrast on similarities and differences between this and the PowerPoint. The True Story of Mulan (PowerPoint) Study of Chinese lettering Invite teacher to demonstrate the art form Brave DVD • Printed copies of The True Story of Mulan (PowerPoint). Mulan DVD Printed copies of The True Story of Mulan (PowerPoint). Assessment / Collecting Evidence Observation Anecdotal Records Checklist / Matrix Rubric (CTJ) Self-Assessment Peer Assessment Student Teacher Conference Journals Assessment task Pre and post reading of selected text Examination of Chinese letters Students use their drawings or visualisations to retell main points of the story Possible Links to Other KLA’s Mathematics History Ancient Chinese Culture Science & Technology Possible Links to Other KLA’s Mathematics CAPA Painting chinese letters History Science & Technology