Convection Test

If you know the answers to these questions, you’ll make 100 on your test.
1. Why does warm air rise and cold air sink?
 Because warm air is less dense than cold air
 Because warm air is denser than cold air
 Because warm air has less pressure than cold air
 Because cold air is less dense than warm air
2. When the atmosphere is warmed by the sun, a change in air pressure results in the
 Clouds
 Humidity
 Precipitation
 Wind
3. Solar energy ---warm air rises --- air cools in upper atmosphere and sinks --- air currents
What is this process known as?
 Static electricity
 Precipitation run off
 Wind formation
 Cloud formation
4. Convection is the method by which most _____energy circulates in the atmosphere.
 Kinetic
 Thermal
 Solar
 Potential
5. What happens to the majority of the sun’s energy that reaches Earth’s atmosphere?
 It is absorbed by the ozone, clouds, and atmospheric gases
 It is absorbed by the land and the ocean
 It is reflected by clouds and air
 It is reflected by Earth’s surface
6. What produces convection currents in Earth’s atmosphere?
 Only warm air rising
 Only cool air sinking
 Warm air rising and cool air sinking
 Warm air sinking and cool air rising
7. Which description explains how convection currents distribute heat in the atmosphere?
 Warm air rises as cool air sinks
 Cool air rises as warm air sinks
 Warm air pushes cool air ahead of it
 Cool air pushes warm air ahead of it
8. Which object would feel the greatest air pressure?
 Car
 Mountain top
 Airplane
 Space station
9. What does uneven heating of Earth cause?
 Tides
 Air movements
 Volcanic action
 Earthquakes
10. Which form of energy results from radiation from the sun?
 Solar
 Chemical
 Nuclear
 Electrical
11. Which form of energy is not produced by the sun?
 Solar
 Light
 Heat
 Electrical
12. Warm air rises at the equator and carries its heat toward the poles by
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation
 Electromagnet waves
13. _______________energy powers the wind
 Earth’s rotation
 Magnetic
 Electrical
 Solar
14. Winds are driven primarily by what source of energy?
 Solar
 Electricity
 Earth’s mantle
 magnetic