Name Date Hour Complete the review and get a parent/guardian


Name Date

Complete the review and get a parent/guardian signature and earn 20 points extra credit.


Draw and label a model of the water cycle. Include at least 5 parts of the water cycle (surface runoff, precipitation, condensation, evaporation, transpiration, groundwater, infiltration).

Explain the 7 parts of the water cycle listed above.

Surface Runoff—water flows on top of land (downhill)

Precipitation—rain, snow, sleet, hail

Condensation—water vapor cools and becomes clouds

Evaporation—liquid water heats up and becomes water vapor

Transpiration—water that evaporates from plants

Groundwater—water that is found underground

Infiltration—water that seeps into or enters the ground

Why does warm air/warm water rise?

It is less dense than cold/cool air

What type of heat is produced by the sun (convection, conduction, radiation)?


What is the atmosphere and where is it?

Gases that surround the earth, found above the Earth (in the air)

How are winds made?

Air moves from high pressure to low pressure areas

Movement of air from one place to another—warm air rises and cooler air moves in

What causes low pressure and high pressure areas?

Temperature, water vapor, and elevation—denser air has more mass than less dense air so it exerts more air pressure. High temperature areas usually have lower air pressure than places with lower temperature. Air with a large amount of water vapor exerts less air pressure than drier air. Air pressure decreases with increasing elevation.

How does a cold front form and what type of weather is associated with it?

Cold air mass meets and pushes under a warm air mass; violent storms usually occur, and fair, cool weather usually follows

How does a warm front form and what type of weather is associated with it?

A warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass and moves over it; rain and showers usually occur, hot, humid weather usually follows

How does an occluded front form and what type of weather is associated with it?

When a cold front overtakes a warm front—as war air is pushed upward, the cold air meets cool air, may also occur when cool air overtakes a cold front and warm air is pushed upward; less extreme weather is produced than a warm or cold front

How does a stationary front form and what type of weather is associated with it?

When a warm air mass meets a cold air mass and no movement occurs; rain may fall for days

How is weather and climate different?

Weather is daily events in the atmosphere

Climate is average weather patterns over many years

Describe an air mass.

A huge body of air with uniform temperature, humidity, and air pressure through out

What part of the Earth absorbs and stores the most heat (land, water, air)?


What percentage of the Earth is covered by oceans?


What type of winds move major weather features from west to east across the Earth?

Jet stream
