The 12-13 Santa Rosa School-wide Student Progress Monitoring Plan -Elementary Schools Revised June 12, 2012 Overview Tier I- Review Core data every 9 weeks Tier II- Groups created in A3 - Group Interventions Tier III- SST A. Tier I- Monitoring the Core At the end of each nine-week grading period all school-based RtI teams will review recent core data reflective of every student. New students will be given additional scrutiny. Data sources used to monitor the core This list is not all-encompassing. Attendance Discipline Discovery Education Assessments Write Score FCAT FAIR A3 documents all students’ proficiency level in the core areas of reading, mathematics, science, and writing using the most recent data available. It also contains discipline and attendance information. Its Intervention Summary Report cites a level of proficiency and data source for every student, should verification of proficiency in a core subject be requested. B. Progress monitoring for students not demonstrating proficiency Criteria for non-proficiency is described in “Eligibility Rules for the PMP 2012-2013” During the first nine weeks of school all students meeting criteria described in “Eligibility Rules for the PMP 2012-2013”will be placed on PMPs via the group process. Student progress or lack thereof is documented on the PMP via the group process. The school principal will designate A3 Group Owners. Owners may create groups by grade-level, teacher, or proficiency needs. If a student on a PMP is making satisfactory progress, such progress is noted on the PMP. The school principal is responsible for verifying that no further documentation is required. After the conclusion of the first nine-weeks- October 19th Administration reviews the progress of A3 groups. Has progress monitoring data been applied? Are trends being established? Meet with teachers/interventionists of students showing negative/flat growth Review of Tier I Recent schoolwide data (Attendance, Discipline DEA, SME, AR, FAIR, etc...) Tier II Interventions Each school will convene RtI/MTSS team meetings on a regular basis. Best practices recommend weekly meetings. The RtI/MTSS team reviews PMP data from each group. Tier II instruction (the intervention and corresponding assessment data) is documented on the PMP through the group process. Prior to the end of the first nine-weeks (October 19th) the teacher will meet with the student’s parents to review the PMP, corresponding letter, and sign-off on awareness. Signed original is to be placed in the student’s cum. Copy provided to parent. Tier III Interventions The RtI team (including parents) oversees the implementation of all Tier III interventions. Responsibilities of the team: Review Tier II interventions/data Consider further evaluations/involvement of psychologist Identify and implement Tier III interventions – track using SST The team will meet with the student’s parents to review any changes to the PMP and its corresponding data. Signed/initialed PMP placed into cum. Copy provided to parent End of Year PMP/RtI Responsibilities Groups developed using “Eligibility Rules for the PMP 2012-2013” are not to be deleted. PMPs are to be closed by the responsible interventionist or school administrator as: a. Documented Closed- Still non-proficient- provide supporting data and comments b. Proficiency Achieved- Proficient in deficient area- provide two supporting data points from two separate data sources Copy of closed PMP filed in cum Parent advised of student status relative to deficiency noted in PMP …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………. Required Administrative Comprehensive Evaluations of Instruction in 2012-2013 Once per nine weeks the school administration will review: 1. The status of students receiving Tier II Interventions (A3-Student Groups tab - Student Group Reporting- Student Group Owner Report) 2. The status of students receiving Tier III Interventions (A3-Educational Services tab- SST Reports- REF Student Report) 3. The Student At-Risk Report- (SMART) 4. The status of high performing students