Name: ______________________ Pg. ______ Rise of Feudalism – Correct your mistakes – Earn back half your points! Directions. Staple your original assessment to this paper or you will not receive credit. 1. Total points earned: ___________/65 = __________%. (Figure using your math skills). In general, when I look at my test I feel ____________________________________ because ______________________________________________________________________________. 2. Did you staple your original test and Study Plan behind this page as directed? If not, do it now. 3. Look at your test by target. Figure out about how you scored. Use a calculator if you want to be precise, but estimating is fine too. Which targets have you completely mastered? _____________________________ Which targets do you still need to work on a little? _________________________ Which targets do you still need to work on a lot? ___________________________ 4. Thinking back, were you thoughtful on your Study Plan? Yes No. If you didn’t do your study plan, think about how that impacted your growth and grade. If you did, go back to Step 2 of your Study Plan (back of your test). Did you show improvement between the study plan, target day and the test? Yes No. 5. If you didn’t show improvement, that means your study plan did not work. Look back at the list of suggestions on the Study Plan – also in Step 2. What is ONE thing you could do differently to show more growth during the next unit? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is your score for filling in the chart that answers the interdependence question. _____/6. If you didn't get full credit (6/6) on the question on the chart, answer the following questions and rewrite your thesis statement only. Use a dictionary if necessary. a. Define interdependence: _________________________________________________ b. Define independence: ___________________________________________________ c. Explain the difference between the two definitions. ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ d. Read this thesis/topic sentence written by your teacher: Two examples of interdependence in feudalism include monarch to lord and peasant to knight. Is this topic sentence better than yours? Yes No. If yes, why is this thesis/topic sentence better than yours? __________________________________________________________________________________ e. Read this example of interdependence written by one of your classmates: Knights and peasants were one example of interdependence on a manor. Knights were always busy training, running errands for the king and protecting the manor. They didn’t have time to farm food. Therefore, the knights depended on the peasants for the food. In return for the food, the knights protected the peasants . Is this explanation better than one of yours? Yes No. If you answered yes, why is this example better than yours? __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Did you miss question 23, 24, or 25. Yes No If you missed any of those questions, complete the following: a. Put one of these terms in front of the correct definition: Political Economic Social Hierarchy a. ______________ ranking system where one group is higher than another such as a feudal pyramid. b. ______________ characteristics: Anything having to do with resources, jobs, trade, money. c. ______________ Characteristics: Anything having to do with religion, games, entertaining, classes, education. d. ______________ characteristics: Anything having to do with power, military, government Now check your answers. A: Hierarchy B. Economic C. Social D. Political 8. For any other missed question 1-25, please complete this chart: one sample is done for you. Question Write out the entire correct answer Your answer Why you think you # – Yes, the entire correct answer. (letter only) made the mistake: Silly IGN: I get it now LOST: I’m still Why the correct answer is better – explain thoroughly. lost 1 D. Europe has many lakes and rivers b IGN I didn’t pay attention to the word Northern, so when I saw B, I figured that was true. Now I know the Med. Sea is SOUTH of Europe, but I also know there are many rivers and lakes. Note: If you need to correct more, use notebook paper -- use the same format.