Key Stage 2 Spring Term Topics 2013 Year 5 English Traditional

Key Stage 2 Spring Term Topics 2013
Year 5
Traditional Stories and Fables – identifying and classifying the features of traditional stories and fables, identifying different versions of the
same story, to write own versions of fables using structures and themes identified in reading.
Myths and Legends-reading myths and identifying key features. Cross-curricular link with History-looking at Greek myths. Using historical
knowledge and key features of myths to write own Greek myth.
Half year tests
Aspects of narrative-looking at use of language to convey mood.
Shakespeare-watching Young Shakespeare Company perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream and completing follow up activities.
Recounts; first hand and second hand recounts. Looking at gathering information then recounting events.
Mental arithmetic- on going. Doubling using money.
Developing calculator skills. To be able to use a calculator effectively.
Improper fractions and mixed numbers. Ordering fractions and mixed numbers. Addition and subtraction of simple fractions. Finding the lowest
common denominator. Rounding numbers and measures. Decimals- tenths and hundredths. Multiplication and division.
Half yearly Standardised Test.
Using coordinates. Shape and space- polygons. Area and perimeter. Time. Addition. Divisibility
End of term test.
Gases around us.
Learn: - that gases are materials and can be distinguished from solids and liquids by their properties – the uses of some important gases and
where gases are found.
Half yearly test on Science topics covered so far.
Processes related to change of state e.g. evaporation, condensation.
Changing state –
Evaporation of water
Evaporation of other liquids
Planning an investigation
Melting, reversible changes of state and the water Cycle.
(National Science Week)
Visit to Sudley House planned for – 07/02/2013
Completion of Victorians topic – focus on what the Victorians left behind; inventions, discoveries famous Victorian profiles (cross curricular
with ICT). Sports and leisure. Railways and travel.
Ancient Greece topic location, climate, religion etc. Timeline, who were the Ancient Greeks? Formation of the Olympics, comparison to
modern day.
Finishing topic on European countries. Using the land.
Local Survey – Allerton Road. To place locality in broader geographical context. Fieldwork planned 17/01/2013– collect and record evidence
about local traffic issues. To propose environmental change in the local area.
Mission – Focuses on the people of God gathered in Christ, united in the journey of faith, in care for one another, in sharing their story and in
celebration. Class Assembly 25/01/2013
Memorial Sacrifice – Focuses on the invitation to know Jesus, to live in communion with him and with one another.
Sacrifice – Focuses on Jesus’ loving self-giving on the cross, the Father’s love that raises him to new life and the challenge to Christian’s to
follow Jesus’ example of self-giving.
Talking textiles – explore how stories have been represented in different times and cultures.
Visit to Whitworth Art Gallery? Investigate and use a range of materials, techniques and textile processes. Practise weaving and then work to
make their own textile representation.
D/T moving toys. – using Cam mechanisms.
Data Handling links to history- Victorians/ Geography
Report writing links to Geography.
Power point presentations- Geography debate.