Faringoskopiya Objective: pharynx Instructions: pharynx of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi staple The implementation stages: № Events 1. Doctor and patient is the correct seating position: sitting cross -qarshi case Forehead reflektorini tie The right hand of the doctor and the patient's neck areas, holding his left hand "writing feathers" captures the condition of staple Lips is an integral part of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, wrinkles, teeth and salivary glands seen the opening of the corridor Is seen running down the inside of the mouth, his mouth wide open, and the language of these patients end up puts up with a spatula for the left and right Soft and hard palate mucosa is seen, it is for the patient's head leans back a little bit Interpret the results of the inspection Total: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The maximum score Namely points 10 10 10 20 20 10 20 100 Hearing to determine the vulnerability (test-whisper and speech). Objective: hearing to determine the vulnerability. Guidelines: hearing inflamed and a decrease in inflammatory diseases of the hearing. The necessary tools: S.K.Agzamovaning and G.I.Grinbergning Russian language statement, Otoscope, forehead reflektori. The implementation stages: № Events The maximum score 1. Otoscopes 10 2. Depending on the patient's physician listen to 6 m away from the inspection side is 10 3. Sharpens each ear separately investigated. To do this, the patient's ear and external auditory finger completely hidden by the 10 Namely points 4. Speak in a whisper, to check the correct pronunciation: doctor residual air flows out of breath sounds, and process words and numbers speaks in a whisper. 10 5. Hearing acuity distance (in meters) and tested at least three times to return 3 times. 10 6. .Shivirlab Talk verify the accuracy of the accepted norms 20 7. Conversational speech sounds, and sounds to make words and numbers are spoken, heard, and patients are required to repeat words and numbers. 20 8. Inspections to check the accuracy of the accepted norms of speech 10 Total: 100 Sulfur plugs washing. Objective: external auditory way olingugurt plugs. Guidelines: Sulfur or epithelial stoppered. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, Otoscope, Jane syringe, 1: 5000 diluted and boiled furatsillin, 3% solution of hydrogen perikis, oil drops, gauze turundalar, ear probes, kidney-shaped jomcha towel. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The doctor put the forehead reflektorini the patient during the procedure, and planted himself in front of what should be explained. 10 2. Performed to confirm the diagnosis Otoscopes 10 3. Drug selection and ordering, sulfur closing soothed (alkaline, oil droplets, 3% solutions of hydrogen perikisi put) The effects of a drop of oil drops, patient awareness (hearing can be affected) 10 5. Add drops of patient choice selection (B or head in the opposite direction). 10 6. 100 ml of warm (37 degrees), washed with water 20 7. Subject to back up the trestle of the left hand with the ear: towards an auditory way. 10 4. 10 Namely points 8. Janne syringe tip of the external auditory part of the highway will be directed back to the top of the wall and the water flow will be sent to 10 9. Potter will be cleaned or dried 10 Total: 100 Previous tamponade. The purpose: to stop the blood flow in the nasal cavity. Instructions: burunnning middle and rear parts of the bleeding. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi steril.dokali buffer 5/20 cm size, applikatsion anesthetic, cotton pad, an ear, nose pintseti enlarge. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. To determine the source of the bleeding and loss of blood volume prior rinoskopiya 10 2. Applikatsion anesthesia 10 3. Pintset gauze pad before the general way up the side of the pad first and then conduct towards the bottom of the nasal cavity, nasal cavity zigzaksimon filled in the series. 30 4. Nose nostrils with cotton pad is hidden 20 5. Faringoskopiya. 20 6. Prashchevidsimon is dressing 10 Total: 100 Namely points Back packing. Objective: To stop the flow of blood through the nose. Instructions: Before packing avail. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, sterile gauze pad, applikatsion anesthetic, rear bumper, Courtney, nose, enlarge, spatula, rubber catheter, leykoplastr, prashevidsimon Hay ball. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. Previous rinoskopiya be accomplished applikatsion anesthesia. 10 2. Short-short steps with the tip of the nose that introduced by the rubber catheter and tube behind the soft palate. 20 Namely points 3. Faringoskopiya removed from the card out of the tip of the catheter through the mouth, then its associated buffer strip 2. 20 4. Subject to the catheter through the nose. Bumper soft palate behind the index finger through the nose is throats. 20 5. 2 nostrils thread associated with the key pad on the front of the nose to strengthen the buffer 10 6. Third, the free yarn out of the mouth, puffing leykoplastr treat. (This will be spinning through the buffer) Bumper removed after 48-72 hours 10 Total: 100 7. 10 Xiqildoq edema, false croup. Objective: xiqildoq stricture emergency help. Instructions: xiqildoq narrow, xiqildoq edema, false bugma. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, oxygen bag, xiqildoq oynachasi, hydrocortisone emulsion, prednisolone, lazikom demidrol. The implementation stages: № Events The maximum score 1. The complaint of the patient and disease history collection 10 2. The patient is squeezed Coat 10 3. Place ventilation 10 4. Soaked in oxygen; 10 5. To identify the disease faringoskopiya indirect and direct laryngoscopes; 10 6. Xiqildoq tissue loss for the selection of drugs (hormonal drugs prednisolone, hydrocortisone, urine driver means, lazikom furasemid gipotiozid, desensitizing agents, 1%, 2.5% dimedrol suprastin pipolfen diazolin, antibiotic, detoxifying 10 7. Distractive therapy - foot bath, the muscles of the shin gorchichnik The patient sedative drugs - aminazin diprazin seduxen 10 For the prevention of cerebral and pulmonary edema oksibutirat sodium (GOMK), mannitol, droperidol 10 8. 9. 10 Namely points 10. The dynamics of the patient tracking, status or heavy mikrotraxeostoniya to traxeostomiya. Total: 10 100 Back rinoskopiya. Objective: nose-throats. Instructions: nose and throats, Konami, polyps, adenoid tumors, nasal throats derivatives. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, staple, nosethroats window, spirtovka cloth. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The patient's head, with a little taken back, the doctor put the forehead reflektorni 10 2. Held in the left hand with a spatula; 10 3. Pressed with a spatula language 1/3 10 4. .Burun Throats oynachasi spirtovkada qizdirilib, wipe it with a napkin and then into the mouth 20 5. Nose-throats oynachasini base of the rear surface of the tekizilib heat rate is determined 20 6. Oynachani pulling up in the corner of the arch of the palate, the root of the tongue and throats do not need to touch the back wall; 20 7. Interpreting test results 10 Total: 100 Namely points Laryngoscopes Objective: xikildokni. Instructions: xikildokning of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, larynx oynachasi, cloth, spirtovka. The implementation stages: № 1. Events The patient to see a favorable position in the selection The maximum score 5 Namely points 2. Forehead'll reflektorini team 5 3. Larynx window with a bit of gray Piero item 10 4. Part of the larynx glass of alcohol flame or mother at T = 45-50 ° C water upsets 10 5. The outer surface of the gray level through the outer surface of the larynx window heat detection 10 6. On the language Marlon cloth burned down the left gray without first holding a finger at the bottom of the language is subject to, and which finger moves with high 10 7. Larynx window is the window of the oral cavity on the surface of the ground at an angle of 30 ° C is added (without touched the root of the wall of the pharynx underside watts IL) Sent through the surface of the mirror reflector of light 10 Through the window corners, the roots of language change, language murtaklari, larynx pharynx side walls, colored larynx Sinus chair. 45 ° angle larynx kinds of chair 20 10. Before the larynx is the window of the oral cavity, and then sent to the lost language 10 8. 9. Total: 10 100 Previous rinoskopiya Objective: nasal cavity. Instructions: the nose of acute and chronic diseases, Bleeding in the nose, nasal cavity Usman diseases. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori enlarge mambayi ago. The implementation stages: № The maximum score Events 1. The patient to see a favorable selection.Forehead'll reflektorini team position in the 5 2. OF the top left of the gray and the patient's head, as well as the right to conduct a finger in the nose portion of the exaltation of moves, this is the case, the remaining bits of gray pie fingers in the area of the forehead 5 3. Reflex before daylight nose is an integral part yuboriladi.Bunda daxlizini skin and hair condition, crack, nose, trying to become a part of the occasion of the tenth 10 Namely points 4. The patient turned his head right and left nasal tone Kisselbax sector construction, as well as the color of the mucous layer and the state will be formed 10 5. Nose to the left of the gray box is the following item: a finger in the nose window handle on the remaining four fingers raised detained 10 6. End the top of the head of the patient-physician with gray whiskers sector captures Reflex daylight down 10 8. Nose window nose daxliziga into the closed position of approximately 1.0 1,5sm be made in parallel to the wall of the nasal foreign 10 9. At the same time, the first valid through Karachi is the case, the general and the bottom of the nose, the nose and the bottom of the chiganoklari shines. In the second case, the patient's head 30 ° recognized insurance through the nose and chiganogi shines. In the third case, the patient's head chip in Burgas, nasal tone shines through 20 10. Nose window nasal cavity is inaccessible to a call to the open 10 7. 10 position Total: 100 Otoscopes Objective: To configure the internal auditory Julius. Instructions: Dish and medium roar of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, ceramic funnel, Otoscope. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The patient to make a valid case: the patient's doctor right side of the sitting, the torso is slightly leaning towards it, and turning his head against the shoulder of Karachi 5 2. Defer to the foreign sector general exams, palpation. Defer part of perkussiyasi 5 3. Reflektorni defer to the correct team and Otoscopes funnel ashes 10 4. Hearings warm through the forehead reflektori clamp cylinder, and defer to the left with a bit of gray paint is subject to the exaltation and Back (children down and back) bits are subject to defer construction of the left gray 10 Namely points 5. Hearings ceramic funnel foreign Julius select the appropriate razmeri 10 6. Defer to funnel a valid arrest: three finger Piero turned to catch taps, sinks narrow part of the internal auditory Julius carefully into the action with a circle 10 7. Dish Julius is a direct evaluation of the hearings, the wall skins of wild 10 8. Suddenly the curtain'll see the familiar signs and evaluation 10 9. Suddenly the curtain normally valid for interpritatsiya 20 10. Pneumatic correct application of the funnel 10 Total: 100 ENT kasallialari practical skills evaluation criteria № Practical skills Coefficient Ball (%) The highes score (%) Wash the palate murtaklarini 0.05 2.75 Hearing to determine the vulnerability 0.10 5.5 (test-whisper and speech). 0.05 2.75 3. Sulfur wash gridlock. 0.05 2.75 4. Previous tamponade. 0.10 5.5 5. Back packing. 0.10 5.5 6. Xiqildoq edema, false Krupp assistance. 0.05 2.75 7. Back rinoskopiya 0.10 5.5 8. Laryngoscopes 0.05 2.75 9. Previous rinoskopiya 0.05 2.75 10. Otoscopes A 100-ball system will be evaluated on the ability of these points multiplied by the coefficient. The students' practical skills on the total score will be the total score for all practical skills. (Qualifying) score the highest score should be not less than 55% of the part. Department of ENT diseases Head of T. f. d., Professor: Shayhov X.E. Faringoskopiya Objective: pharynx Instructions: pharynx of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi staple 1. 2. 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 The implementation stages: № Events 1. Doctor and patient is the correct seating position: sitting cross -qarshi case Forehead reflektorini tie The right hand of the doctor and the patient's neck areas, holding his left hand "writing feathers" captures the condition of staple Lips is an integral part of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, wrinkles, teeth and salivary glands seen the opening of the corridor Is seen running down the inside of the mouth, his mouth wide open, and the language of these patients end up puts up with a spatula for the left and right Soft and hard palate mucosa is seen, it is for the patient's head leans back a little bit Interpret the results of the inspection Total: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The maximum score Namely points 10 10 10 20 20 10 20 100 Hearing to determine the vulnerability (test-whisper and speech). Objective: hearing to determine the vulnerability. Guidelines: hearing inflamed and a decrease in inflammatory diseases of the hearing. The necessary tools: S.K.Agzamovaning and G.I.Grinbergning Russian language statement, Otoscope, forehead reflektori. The implementation stages: № Events The maximum score 1. Otoscopes 10 2. Depending on the patient's physician listen to 6 m away from the inspection side is 10 3. Sharpens each ear separately investigated. To do this, the patient's ear and external auditory finger completely hidden by the 10 4. Speak in a whisper, to check the correct pronunciation: doctor residual air flows out of breath sounds, and process words and numbers speaks in a whisper. 10 Namely points 5. Hearing acuity distance (in meters) and tested at least three times to return 3 times. 10 6. .Shivirlab Talk verify the accuracy of the accepted norms 20 7. Conversational speech sounds, and sounds to make words and numbers are spoken, heard, and patients are required to repeat words and numbers. 20 8. Inspections to check the accuracy of the accepted norms of speech 10 Total: 100 Sulfur plugs washing. Objective: external auditory way olingugurt plugs. Guidelines: Sulfur or epithelial stoppered. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, Otoscope, Jane syringe, 1: 5000 diluted and boiled furatsillin, 3% solution of hydrogen perikis, oil drops, gauze turundalar, ear probes, kidney-shaped jomcha towel. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The doctor put the forehead reflektorini the patient during the procedure, and planted himself in front of what should be explained. 10 2. Performed to confirm the diagnosis Otoscopes 10 3. Drug selection and ordering, sulfur closing soothed (alkaline, oil droplets, 3% solutions of hydrogen perikisi put) The effects of a drop of oil drops, patient awareness (hearing can be affected) 10 5. Add drops of patient choice selection (B or head in the opposite direction). 10 6. 100 ml of warm (37 degrees), washed with water 20 7. Subject to back up the trestle of the left hand with the ear: towards an auditory way. 10 8. Janne syringe tip of the external auditory part of the highway will be directed back to the top of the wall and the water flow will be sent to 10 9. Potter will be cleaned or dried 10 4. 10 Namely points Total: 100 Previous tamponade. The purpose: to stop the blood flow in the nasal cavity. Instructions: burunnning middle and rear parts of the bleeding. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi steril.dokali buffer 5/20 cm size, applikatsion anesthetic, cotton pad, an ear, nose pintseti enlarge. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. To determine the source of the bleeding and loss of blood volume prior rinoskopiya 10 2. Applikatsion anesthesia 10 3. Pintset gauze pad before the general way up the side of the pad first and then conduct towards the bottom of the nasal cavity, nasal cavity zigzaksimon filled in the series. 30 4. Nose nostrils with cotton pad is hidden 20 5. Faringoskopiya. 20 6. Prashchevidsimon is dressing 10 Total: 100 Namely points Back packing. Objective: To stop the flow of blood through the nose. Instructions: Before packing avail. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, sterile gauze pad, applikatsion anesthetic, rear bumper, Courtney, nose, enlarge, spatula, rubber catheter, leykoplastr, prashevidsimon Hay ball. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. Previous rinoskopiya be accomplished applikatsion anesthesia. 10 2. Short-short steps with the tip of the nose that introduced by the rubber catheter and tube behind the soft palate. 20 3. Faringoskopiya removed from the card out of the tip of the catheter through the mouth, then its associated buffer strip 2. 20 Namely points 4. Subject to the catheter through the nose. Bumper soft palate behind the index finger through the nose is throats. 20 5. 2 nostrils thread associated with the key pad on the front of the nose to strengthen the buffer 10 6. Third, the free yarn out of the mouth, puffing leykoplastr treat. (This will be spinning through the buffer) Bumper removed after 48-72 hours 10 Total: 100 7. 10 Xiqildoq edema, false croup. Objective: xiqildoq stricture emergency help. Instructions: xiqildoq narrow, xiqildoq edema, false bugma. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, oxygen bag, xiqildoq oynachasi, hydrocortisone emulsion, prednisolone, lazikom demidrol. The implementation stages: № Events The maximum score 1. The complaint of the patient and disease history collection 10 2. The patient is squeezed Coat 10 3. Place ventilation 10 4. Soaked in oxygen; 10 5. To identify the disease faringoskopiya indirect and direct laryngoscopes; 10 6. Xiqildoq tissue loss for the selection of drugs (hormonal drugs prednisolone, hydrocortisone, urine driver means, lazikom furasemid gipotiozid, desensitizing agents, 1%, 2.5% dimedrol suprastin pipolfen diazolin, antibiotic, detoxifying 10 7. Distractive therapy - foot bath, the muscles of the shin gorchichnik The patient sedative drugs - aminazin diprazin seduxen 10 For the prevention of cerebral and pulmonary edema oksibutirat sodium (GOMK), mannitol, droperidol 10 10. The dynamics of the patient tracking, status or heavy mikrotraxeostoniya to traxeostomiya. Total: 10 8. 9. 10 100 Namely points Back rinoskopiya. Objective: nose-throats. Instructions: nose and throats, Konami, polyps, adenoid tumors, nasal throats derivatives. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, staple, nosethroats window, spirtovka cloth. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The patient's head, with a little taken back, the doctor put the forehead reflektorni 10 2. Held in the left hand with a spatula; 10 3. Pressed with a spatula language 1/3 10 4. .Burun Throats oynachasi spirtovkada qizdirilib, wipe it with a napkin and then into the mouth 20 5. Nose-throats oynachasini base of the rear surface of the tekizilib heat rate is determined 20 6. Oynachani pulling up in the corner of the arch of the palate, the root of the tongue and throats do not need to touch the back wall; 20 7. Interpreting test results 10 Total: 100 Namely points Laryngoscopes Objective: xikildokni. Instructions: xikildokning of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, larynx oynachasi, cloth, spirtovka. The implementation stages: № Events The maximum score 1. The patient to see a favorable position in the selection 5 2. Forehead'll reflektorini team 5 3. Larynx window with a bit of gray Piero item 10 Namely points 4. Part of the larynx glass of alcohol flame or mother at T = 45-50 ° C water upsets 10 5. The outer surface of the gray level through the outer surface of the larynx window heat detection 10 6. On the language Marlon cloth burned down the left gray without first holding a finger at the bottom of the language is subject to, and which finger moves with high 10 7. Larynx window is the window of the oral cavity on the surface of the ground at an angle of 30 ° C is added (without touched the root of the wall of the pharynx underside watts IL) Sent through the surface of the mirror reflector of light 10 Through the window corners, the roots of language change, language murtaklari, larynx pharynx side walls, colored larynx Sinus chair. 45 ° angle larynx kinds of chair 20 10. Before the larynx is the window of the oral cavity, and then sent to the lost language 10 8. 9. Total: 10 100 Previous rinoskopiya Objective: nasal cavity. Instructions: the nose of acute and chronic diseases, Bleeding in the nose, nasal cavity Usman diseases. The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori enlarge mambayi ago. The implementation stages: № The maximum score Events 1. The patient to see a favorable selection.Forehead'll reflektorini team position in the 5 2. OF the top left of the gray and the patient's head, as well as the right to conduct a finger in the nose portion of the exaltation of moves, this is the case, the remaining bits of gray pie fingers in the area of the forehead 5 3. Reflex before daylight nose is an integral part yuboriladi.Bunda daxlizini skin and hair condition, crack, nose, trying to become a part of the occasion of the tenth 10 4. The patient turned his head right and left nasal tone Kisselbax sector construction, as well as the color of the mucous layer and the state will be formed 10 Namely points 5. Nose to the left of the gray box is the following item: a finger in the nose window handle on the remaining four fingers raised detained 10 6. End the top of the head of the patient-physician with gray whiskers sector captures Reflex daylight down 10 8. Nose window nose daxliziga into the closed position of approximately 1.0 1,5sm be made in parallel to the wall of the nasal foreign 10 9. At the same time, the first valid through Karachi is the case, the general and the bottom of the nose, the nose and the bottom of the chiganoklari shines. In the second case, the patient's head 30 ° recognized insurance through the nose and chiganogi shines. In the third case, the patient's head chip in Burgas, nasal tone shines through 20 10. Nose window nasal cavity is inaccessible to a call to the open 10 7. 10 position Total: 100 Otoscopes Objective: To configure the internal auditory Julius. Instructions: Dish and medium roar of acute and chronic diseases The necessary tools: a chink in the forehead reflektori mambayi, ceramic funnel, Otoscope. The implementation stages: The maximum score № Events 1. The patient to make a valid case: the patient's doctor right side of the sitting, the torso is slightly leaning towards it, and turning his head against the shoulder of Karachi 5 2. Defer to the foreign sector general exams, palpation. Defer part of perkussiyasi 5 3. Reflektorni defer to the correct team and Otoscopes funnel ashes 10 4. Hearings warm through the forehead reflektori clamp cylinder, and defer to the left with a bit of gray paint is subject to the exaltation and Back (children down and back) bits are subject to defer construction of the left gray 10 5. Hearings ceramic funnel foreign Julius select the appropriate razmeri 10 Namely points 6. Defer to funnel a valid arrest: three finger Piero turned to catch taps, sinks narrow part of the internal auditory Julius carefully into the action with a circle 10 7. Dish Julius is a direct evaluation of the hearings, the wall skins of wild 10 8. Suddenly the curtain'll see the familiar signs and evaluation 10 9. Suddenly the curtain normally valid for interpritatsiya 20 10. Pneumatic correct application of the funnel 10 Total: 100 ENT kasallialari practical skills evaluation criteria № Practical skills Coefficient Ball (%) The highes score (%) Wash the palate murtaklarini 0.05 2.75 Hearing to determine the vulnerability 0.10 5.5 (test-whisper and speech). 0.05 2.75 3. Sulfur wash gridlock. 0.05 2.75 4. Previous tamponade. 0.10 5.5 5. Back packing. 0.10 5.5 6. Xiqildoq edema, false Krupp assistance. 0.05 2.75 7. Back rinoskopiya 0.10 5.5 8. Laryngoscopes 0.05 2.75 9. Previous rinoskopiya 0.05 2.75 10. Otoscopes A 100-ball system will be evaluated on the ability of these points multiplied by the coefficient. The students' practical skills on the total score will be the total score for all practical skills. (Qualifying) score the highest score should be not less than 55% of the part. Department of ENT diseases Head of T. f. d., Professor: Shayhov X.E. 1. 2. 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5