Word Bank

Finals Review Part 3
1. What are introduced species? Characteristics?
An introduced species, also called non-native, non-indigenous, or exotic, is one
that is introduced, accidentally or purposefully, into an ecosystem in which it
did not evolve.
 Spread aggressively
 Reproduce quickly
 Have short juvenile periods
 Tolerate a wide range of climatic conditions and habitats
 Compete efficiently against other species
 Thrive in disturbed areas
 Have no natural enemies in their new land
2. How can introduced species be removed?
Capture and relocate
Introduce predator
3. Fill in the blanks in order to explain how wastewater is treated.
The first steps are collectively known as ___preliminary__ treatment, in which large
objects are removed from the water stream with screens and large particles settle out as the flow
rate of water is reduced. In ___primary___ treatment, the wastewater is funneled into large
holding tanks (sedimentation tanks) and left undisturbed to allow heavy particles to ___sink___
out, and greases and oils to rise to the surface. The material on the top and bottom of the tanks is
skimmed away, and the water proceeds on to _____secondary____ treatment. In this stage,
bacteria are introduced and they begin consuming the small particles of _____organic_____
matter that remain in the water. To facilitate this, oxygen is pumped into the water to allow the
bacteria to feed continuously, as low oxygen levels cause feeding rates to slow. The water then
flows into another set of _____settling______ tanks, where most of the bacteria settle out and are
pumped back into the aeration tanks. The water is then ___chlorinated___ or exposed to
ultraviolet light to kill any remaining bacteria and pathogens. On average, this process removes
over 90% of the impurities that were in the water as it entered the plant.
Word Bank: primary
4. Provide 2 pros and 2 cons for the following alternative energy vehicles
a. Hybrid Cars
Less pollution
Uses less fuel
More expensive
Batteries are harmful to environment
Still uses fossil fuels
b. Electric Cars
No emissions
Does not use fossil fuels
Batteries are harmful to the environment
c. Solar Cars
No emissions
Does not use fossil fuels
Solar panels are not efficient, thus cars must be very flat and light
Batteries are harmful to the environment
5. What would you expect to find in a stream with good water quality? Poor water quality? (be
specific, provide macroinvertebrates, pH levels, DO levels etc.)
6.5 – 8.5
5 – 8.5 ppm
< 25 ppm
<0.3 ppm
<0.015 ppm
0-60 ppm (soft), 120-180 ppm
6. Describe the Clean Water Act.
Regulates the discharge of pollution in the waters of the US. Goal is to make
all rivers safe for fishing and swimming.
7. What is a watershed? Why should we be concerned about our watershed area?
It is all the land and tributaries that send water to a larger body of water. We
should be concerned because pollutants that are made in the watershed will
eventually make it to the larger body of water.
8. Describe the causes, effects, and solutions to acid rain
Carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide from the burning of fossil
fuels lowers the pH of rivers, lakes and oceans. Can harm organisms in the
water. Solution is to limit the burning of fossil fuels and to develop more
stringent standards for emissions.
9. Describe the climate of the following biomes
a. Tundra
Extremely cold, low biotic diversity, simple vegetation (no trees), low
b. Savanna
Low to moderate precipitation, warm to hot temperatures. Simple vegetation.
c. Rainforest
High precipitation and temperatures. Poor soil quality. High diversity of plants
and animals.
d. Deciduous forest
All four seasons. Hot in summer, cold in winter. Steady precipitation throughout
the year.
e. Desert
Hot daytimes, cold nighttimes.
Little precipitation.
10. Explain the following diagram
The diagram explains the process of
Biomagnification. It shows how the
concentration of poisons is magnified
as you move up the food chain.
11. For each relationship put a + for a positive effect, a – for a negative effect, and = for a mutual
Species A
Species B
Example of Relationship
Bee pollinating flower
Commensalism +
Golden Jackals eating leftover food from tiger
Tick on host
Bear eating salmon
Cheetah and lion fighting over antelope
12. Identify the silhouette
13. Some trees have a variation of larger leaves. How would this be beneficial for the tree?
Capture more sunlight for photosynthesis
14. What is the lining of a landfill made of and why?
Clay, to prevent leaching.
15. Describe the Forest Conservation Act.
Law designed to provide guidelines for the amount of forest land retained or
planted after the completion of development projects.
16. In the soils unit, what did we add to the soil samples to help buffer (keep the pH from
becoming too acidic) the pH?
Calcium carbonate
17. What are land capability classes?
Class 1-class 8
1 is best, 8 is worst
18. Define and give 2 examples of each
a. Renewable resource:
Resource that is replaced in a short period of time. Examples are corn
and water.
b. nonrenewable resource:Resource that takes millions of years to produce.
Examples are fossil fuels and minerals.
19. What step in pest management has the most negative impact on the environment?
Introduction of pesticides.
Which of the leaves pictured above is a maple leaf? ______B_____
Which of the leaves pictured above is an oak leaf? ____A_______
21. What is global warming, and how can we reduce it?
The accumulation of greenhouse gases such as Carbon Dioxide traps more
heat on the surface of the earth, increasing the greenhouse effect. We can
reduce it by reducing the amount of fossil fuel emissions.
22. What caused a “hole” in the ozone layer? How does this negatively impact us?
The release of CFCs in the atmosphere from refrigerants and aerosol cans
caused the CFCs to react with the ozone molecules. The ozone layer
protects us from the sun’s radiation. The destruction of the ozone layer
means that we are more likely to get skin cancer and cataracts.
23. Sketch the hydrologic cycle below