Historical Project Listing

Master Educator Fellowship
Historical Project Listing
(Last Updated: 3/7/11; 2nd and 4th Cohort Listings Incomplete)
Cohort 1 Projects
Does teaching Type 2 DM using Evidence Based Medicine to family practice residents improve Patient Care?
(George P. N. Samraj, M.D and David B. Feller, M.D.)
Residents, Medical Students, and Feedback: Inevitable Problem or Simple Lack of Knowledge? (Harrell,
Heather, MD, Lind, D. Scott, MD, Smith, James, MD)
Creating Web-based Patient Education Materials: How Effectively Can Groups of First-year Physician Assistant
Students Use This New Medium? (Robert J. Philpot, PA-C)
Evaluation of Peer Rankings of Professional Competence by UF Medical Students (Wayne T. McCormack,
Comparing a classroom-based pediatric curriculum for pediatric residents to a curriculum containing
classroom and clinical experiences. Topic: Tobacco prevention and cessation (Maureen Kays, MD)
Clinical Guidelines for patient's on chronic anticoagulation requiring procedures. (Jennifer George, MD)
Cohort 2 Projects
My topic is to evaluate the effect of the 80 hour work week on the general surgery residents trained before,
during, and after the policy was instituted. I plan to look at: (1)the issue of resident competency ie how many
cases do they need to perform to be competent for different surgeries as evaluated by their attending for each
case and compared with self-evaluation; (2)how many cases of each type are required for the resident to feel
confident again self-evaluation vs attending evaluation. Comparisons would be made between the 3 groups:
before, during, and after instituting the 80 hr workweek; and how does this compare with the numbers of
those cases required by the RRC for board eligibility. (Chin)
“3D Interactive Imaging: Does it improve anatomical learning among medical students?" (Henn, Jeffrey)
Interactive web-based curriculum for pediatric residents - topic: constipation (Jolley, Christopher)
Assessing for the presence of "Ageism" among medical students before and after a rotation in Geriatric
Medicine. (Kallas, Henrique)
A Return to Yesteryear: The Educational and Medical Value of a Pediatric Home Visitation Program
Value of TEE image incorporation to the Anesthesia Simulator Core Curriculum training for medical students
in Anesthesia. (Urdaneta, Felipe)
I think I'd like to do a project that evaluates whether student characteristics upon admission to medical school
determines which competencies they will excel in. Or, a project that evaluates whether students do well (or
poorly) in the same competencies (Wint)
Development and evaluation of the effect of CD-ROM case reviews on resident performance in a simulated
resuscitation. (Zaritsky)
1- Interpersonal/communication skills and patient care skills evaluations, assessment in the clinic. 2- The effect
of personality and learning styles on success in resid" (Masri, Ghania)
Effects of high clinical demand driven by current economics on young faculty development, tenure career and
teaching attitude. (Ochoa, Juan)
Utilizing the internet to enhance a residency program's ambulatory curriculum (Palacio )
Strategies: To Achieve Resident Satisfaction with their Tr" (Sottile, Elisa)
Cohort 3 Projects
Ashfaq, Umna
Outpatient clinical teaching for geriatrics
Bimstein, Enrique
Assessing the educational and cultural impact of humanitarian
trips, to indigent areas in other countries, on undergraduate
dental students
Cohen, Marc
Are Student Verbal and Nonverbal Interactions With A Virtual
Patient Comparable to Interactions With A Standardized Patient?
Collins, Savita
Evaluation of a Web-based Module to Educate House Staff on
Teaching Methods for Medical Students
Deitte, Lori
The ACGME Knowledge Competency for Ultrasound in
Radiology Residents: Implementation of Learning Modules and
the Assessment of Resident Learning
English, Robert
"Have duty hour limits changed faculty attitudes toward teaching
and residents?"
Fricker, Frederick
Development of a resource for physicians and families: “Growing
up with a Heart Transplant”
Kerwin, Andrew
Improving morbidity and mortality conference; Improving
residents scores on the service exam
Malakhova, Olga
Incorporation of Formal Formative Feedback into First-Year
Medical Course: Identifying Potential Gender Differences
McCaskill, Quimby
Impact of "Rx for Learning" on Resident Education
Philpot, Robert
"Financial Returns to Society by Physician Assistant and Nurse
Practitioner Recipients of the National Health Service Corps
Rodriguez, Fabio
Assessing the Effectiveness of e-learning Modules in Inproving the
Neuro-anatomical Knowledge of the Radiology Residents
Rotating in Neuroradiology
Seibel, Brent
Establishing a curriculum for the residency program
encompassing the aspects of gynecologic endoscopy
Smith, Charles
Affect of Two Teaching Methods on Dental Students: Problembased Learning vs. Team Learning
Stevens, Amy
The Use of the Virtual Patient to Teach Medical Students
Tolaymat, Lama
Developing and Assessing the Effectiveness of A Web-based
Obstetrical Ultrasound Curriculum In Improving the Ultrasound
Skills of OB/GYN Residents.
Valletta, Mary
Evaluation of residents’ PALS retention; Development of mock
Cohort 4 Projects
A Simulation-Based Training Program Using Landmark Identification and Ultrasound Guidance to Improve the
Safety of Subclavian Central Venous Catheter Insertion in Critically Ill Patients. (Lawrence Lottenberg, MD
Development of a Testing Program to Evaluate Anesthesiology Residency Applicants and Record Their
Progress during Clinical Residency Training. (Alexander S. Matveevskii, MD, PhD)
Cohort 5 Projects
* Indicates project selected for Poster Presentation at SGEA
Accuracy of ECG Interpretations by Emergency Medicine Residents and the Efficacy of Immediate Feedback by
EM Attendings
Mohsen Akhlaghi, MD (with Terrell Swanson, MD, Dustin Brimblecom, MD, Robert Wears, MD, MS, Colleen
Kalynych, MSH, EdD, Vivek Kumar, MBBS, MPH, and Michelle Lott, BS, CHES)
A Well-Structured, Timed Curriculum That Incorporates Simulated Laparoscopic Surgical Training Improves
Resident Education and Passage of the FLS Exam
Kfir Ben-David, MD, FACS
Assessing Education Modalities For VA Primary Care Providers Who Care For Female Veterans
Jessica Feranec, MD
Neurology Health Policy Curriculum
Glen R. Finney, M.D.
*Assessment of a Web-Based Audio-Visual Module for the Education of New Residents in Acute Pain
Linda Le-Wendling, MD, (with Baris Ihnatsenka, MD, Stephen Lucas, MD, Veerandra Koyyalamudi, MD, Clint
Elliott, MD, André Boezaart, MD, PhD, Adam Wendling, MD and Patrick Tighe, MD)
Utilization of a Healthcare Matrix Using Aims for Improvement & Core Competencies To Augment Resident
Case Presentations & Assessment of Patient Care
Ayesha Mirza M.D.
An integrated EM/IM “Introduction to Hospital Medicine” series: Results from 3 years of implementation
Tom Morrissey MD PhD (with Olga Petrucelli MD, Dave Caro MD, Jeff House DO, Arpitha Ketty MD)
Measuring Acute Stress In Orthopedic Residents During Arthroscopy Electives: Does Pre-education Lead To
Lower Anxiety Levels?
Michael Moser, MD
Assessment of a learning tool for first year radiology residents to aide in independent preparation for their
transition from internship to radiology residency, specifically to body CT.
Patricia Moser, MD
Evaluation of a Computer-Based Educational Module for Improving Anesthesiology Resident Knowledge in
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
Richard J. Rogers, MD, PhD
*Web – based learning is an effective method for educating pediatric residents about transition to adult
subspecialty congenital heart disease care
Arwa Saidi MB. BCh. (with John Reiss ,PhD, Petar Breitinger, PA-C, MPAS, Joseph Paolillo, MD, Erik Black,
PhD, Shelley Collins MD)
Resident education in Quality Improvement: Exploring physician in-training and teaching faculty’s
comprehension regarding Quality Improvement Processes
Sania Shuja, M.D., Ph.D. (with Cindy Davis, M.D., M. Ed.)
SOAP Note / Written Documentation Needs Assessment and Course Methodology Evaluation for an On-line
Ann Snyder, PharmD, BCPS
The Effect of Extra-Departmental and Subspecialty Rotations on Medical Student NBME Exam Performance
During the 3rd Year Surgery Clerkship
Matthew H. Steele MD
*Pediatric Resident Gender, Learning Styles and Temperaments And Their Relationship to Standardized Test
Tuli Sanjeev, MD (with Thompson LA, MD MS, Black E, PhD, Saliba H, BA, Ryan K, MD, Kelly M, MD, Novak
M MD, Mellot J, MD, Tuli SS, MD)
*Measurement of the validity of virtual patients for training and assessment of junior anesthesiology residents
Adam Wendling MD (with Shivashankar Halan BS, Patrick Tighe MD, Isaac Luria BS, Linda Le MD, Tammy
Euliano MD, Benjamin Lok Ph.D.)
*Transition to Practice (TTP): Small group teaching preparation for private practice in Anesthesiology
Gang Zheng MD (with Tammy Euliano MD, Myron N.Chang PhD, Michael E. Mahla MD)