Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 1000–1140

Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 1000–1140
01 Data Driven Analytics
Terrace A-C
The session discusses the application of data driven models for failure detection, production and reservoir
optimization. The presentations will discuss application of neural networks, pattern recognition, streams
analytics and classification in specific case studies.
Session Chairperson(s):
Peter Ashton, Aera Energy LLC
David Shepherd, Chevron North America E&P
174015 Autoencoder-derived Features as Inputs to Classification Algorithms for Predicting
Well Failures
J. Liu, University of Southern California; K. Yao, Information Sciences Institute; C.
Raghavenda, D. Guo, A. Jaiswal, University of Southern California; A.N. Patel,
Chevron ETC; A. Anvar, Chevron ETC (BSS) (BO); C.M. Crawley, A.S. Popa, Chevron
173992 Application of Voronoi Partition for Identification of Production Increase
A.S. Popa, Chevron Corporation; J. Sharma, Chevron Energy Technology Company;
E. Grijalva, Chevron Corporation, Bakersfield, CA, United States; S.D. Cassidy,
Chevron Corporation
174044 Predicting Compressor Valve Failures from Multi-Sensor Data
O. Patri, University of Southern California; N. Reyna, Chevron Information
Technology Company; A. Panangadan, V. Prasanna, University of Southern
174074 The Development of Artificial-neural-network-based Universal Proxies to Study
Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS)
Q. Sun, The Pennsylvania State University; T. Ertekin, Pennsylvania State
174024 Interactive Web Based 3D Wellbore Viewer Enables Collaborative Analysis
W. Phillips, Wansco
173995 Prediction of Remaining Life in Pipes using Machine Learning from Thickness
M. Sharifi Sarabi, University of Southern California; k. Yao, Information Science
Institute; C.S. Raghavendra, I. Ershaghi, University of Southern California; R.
House, J. Blouin, Chevron
02 Reservoir Description and Dynamics
Terrace D-F
This session addresses a new EOR technology and improvements in the EOR prediction tool kits using
laboratory and a novel computer approach.
Session Chairperson(s):
Malcolm Allan, Aera Energy LLC
A M Sarem, Improved Petr Recovery Conslt
174032 An Experimental Investigation of Viscous Oil Recovery Efficiency as a Function of
Voidage Replacement Ratio
T. Kim, Stanford University; E.S. Vittoratos, Consultant to BP; A.R. Kovscek,
Stanford University
174065 Capillary Pressure Measurement Using Reservoir Fluids in a Middle Bakken Core
S. Karimi, H. Kazemi, Colorado School of Mines
174034 Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Interpret Flow Rate, Pressure and
Temperature Data From Permanent Downhole Gauges
C. Tian, R.N. Horne, Stanford University
174028 Imaging-Based Study of Relative Permeability Response to Temperature in
Diatomaceous Rocks
B. Vega, A.R. Kovscek, Stanford University
174017 Denoising of Seismic Data Using Curvelet Transformation: The Effect of Desnoising
on the Content of the Data
H. Dashtian, M. Sahimi, University of Southern California
174038 Modeling and Simulation of WAG Injection Processes - The Role of CounterCurrent Flow
M. Sherafati, K. Jessen, University of Southern California
03 Fracturing Technologies I
Royal A-B
The subjects covered in this session are advances in proppants, fracturing fluids, and diagnostic and
modeling tools for unconventional reservoirs.
Session Chairperson(s):
Ali Takbiri Borujeni, West Virginia University
Ray Clanton, California Resources Corporation
174060 Application of Microproppant to Enhance Well Production in Unconventional
Reservoirs--Laboratory and Field Results
J. Dahl, Devon Energy; P.D. Nguyen, R.G. Dusterhoft, J. Calvin, S. Siddiqui,
174054 Predicting Frac Stage Differential Stress and Microseismicity Using Geomechanical
Modeling and Time Lapse Multi-Component Seismic- Application to the Montney
A. Ouenes, FracGeo; Y.E. Aimene, J. Nairn, Oregon State University
174027 Frac Modeling of an Unconventional Stimulation Design - An Operator`s Approach
to Frac Model Workflow
J. Ndungu, O.A. Jaripatke, Pioneer Natural Resources
174026 Impact of Remaining Water in Hydraulic Fractures on Well Productivity - Field
Examples from Saudi Arabian Sandstone Reservoirs
Z. Rahim, A. Kanaan, Saudi Aramco PE&D; J. Pacheco, Halliburton Saudi Arabia
174023 Optimizing Fracture and Flowback Processes: A Field and Simulation Study
H. Dehghanpour, O.A. Adefidipe, University of Alberta; C.J. Virues, Nexen Energy
174040 Stability Analysis Of Multilateral Horizontal Wells In Unconventional Reservoirs
M.O. Ostadhassan, University of North Dakota; S. Zamiran, University of Southern
Illinois; H. Jabbari, University of North Dakota
Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 1330–1700
04 Health, Safety and Environment
Terrace A-C
All companies need to ensure they have a social license to operate from an increasing variety of stakeholders. The basis for the license is operating safely coupled with protection of health and the
environment. This session will cover a variety of topics that will help you understand what is necessary for
the license and the stakeholders.
Session Chairperson(s):
Malcolm Allan, Aera Energy LLC
Pamela Willis, Aera Energy LLC-EBS
Invited Presenter - Dr. Don Paul, University of Southern California
Physical and Cyber Security of Oilfield Operations
174048 “Fracking” or Hydraulic Fracturing: How Media Shapes Public Perception and
Regulatory Process
D. Tormey, Environ Corp.; M. Middaugh, M. Schwartz, ENVIRON International
174029 Energy Security in the Los Angeles Basin: “A New Look at an Old Treasure”
D.L. Paul, R. Asaithambi, I. Ershaghi, J. Crompton, D. Gautier, University of
Southern California
174049 A New View of Produced Water: Resource, Not Waste
D. Tormey, Environ Corp.; M. Middaugh, ENVIRON International Corporation; M.
Schwartz, EVIRON International Corporation
174051 Environmental Impact of Resin-coated Proppants
J. Shi, S. Liu, Saint-Gobain NorPro; A. Arnaud, Saint Gobain Research; T. Fuss,
Saint-Gobain Proppants
174059 Leading Safety, Health and Environmental Indicators in Hydraulic Fracturing
N. Jabbari, C. Ashayeri, N. Meshkati, University of Southern California
173996 Solar-Generated Steam for Oil Recovery: Process Integration Options, Net Energy
Fraction, and Carbon Market Impacts
J.S. Odonnell, M.A. Heisler, M. Chandra, Glasspoint Solar
174002 Modeling Fugitive Gas Migration in Unconventional D-J Basin Wells Under Lifetime
D.C. Wilson, A.W. Eustes, W.W. Fleckenstein, Colorado School of Mines
174020 A Systemic Risk Management Framework to Address Key Decision-Makers’
Interactions in the Oil and Gas Industry: Lessons Learned from a Major Accident in
Offshore Drilling
M. Tabibzadeh, N. Meshkati, University of Southern California
05 Drilling I
Terrace D-F
The session addresses the challenges and opportunities when drilling conventional and unconventional
reservoirs. Case studies are presented together with successful solutions.
Session Chairperson(s):
Shirish Patil, University of Alaska - Fairbanks
David Shepherd, Chevron North America E&P
Invited Presenter - Dr. Keith Millheim, Strategic Worldwide LLC
The Challenges for Drilling in the 21st Century
174009 Retrieval of Misfired Perforating Systems from Shallow Well Operations: Potential
Thermal Cookoff Hazard
J.M. Barker, J. Davidson, Halliburton
174036 Horizontal Milestone in Permafrost Drilled at -80° Fahrenheit
A.D. Sallee, Schlumberger; Z. Sayers, Linc Energy; J. Burton, M. Francis,
174016 New Rotary Steerable Drilling System Delivers Extensive Formation Evaluation for
High Build Rate Wells
A. Peter, R. Lamborn, A.C. Bowser, E. Biscaro, Baker Hughes Inc
174011 Hole-Cleaning Optimization: A Case History from Three High-angle Wells in Austria
J. Thompson, J. Wilkes, C.N. Marland, Halliburton; A. Martin, B. Bindl, M.
Brunneder, RAG Austria
173997 Miniminzing NPT - The Elimination of Cement Plug Failures in the Western US
M. Hudson, E.A. Sones, J.T. Eulberg, Schlumberger
174064 An Analytical Comparison of Wellbore Deviation and its Effects on Proper Isolation
in the Bakken
D. Fry, Halliburton Energy Services Grp; L. Albrighton, Halliburton; B.A. Pruett,
Halliburton International Inc
06 Production Operations
Royal A-B
The need for continuous innovations in well operations and well completions and production
optimization methods has never been greater. The papers in this session cover a span of topics including
innovative method for maximizing wellbore to reservoir contact to enhance the extraction of heavy oil. It
also includes a presentation on well design optimization methods in unconventional reservoirs and results
of the steaming of Diatomite reservoir type rocks in California. It will cover topics associated with
inorganic scales and decision making process using fuzzy logic to optimize liquid offload for cyclic steam
Session Chairperson(s):
Rakesh Trehan, California Resources Corporation
Nabil El Shaari, California Resources Corporation
Invited Presenter - Dr. Ganesh Thakur, Thakur Services Inc.
Practical Aspects of Reservoir Management and Production Operations
174004 New Approach to Heavy Oil Extraction on the North Slope of Alaska
C.C. West, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.; T.G. Krzewinski, Golder Associates Inc
174022 Analysis of 5-different Cyclic Steam Stimulation Projects in the California Opal-A
R. Elias, Santa Maria Energy LLC; R. Powell, Santa Maria Energy; M.M. Medizade,
California Polytechnic State University
174056 Fuzzy Decision Support Based on Exact Rule Matching for Liquid Lift Optimization
M. Rajati, J.M. Mendel, University of Southern California; A.S. Popa, Chevron
174047 Shifts in the Fundamental Frequency of a Fluid Conveying Pipe Immersed in a
Viscous Fluid for use in the Optimization of an Energy Harvesting System to be
Deployed in a Producing Hydrocarbon Well
E. Kjolsing, M. Todd, University of California, San Diego
174018 Combination Package Development of Scale Inhibitors and Hydrogen Sulfide
Scavengers for Sour Gas Production in Barnett Shale
Y. Peng, Multi-Chem, A Halliburton Service; Z.D. Yue, Halliburton International Inc;
L. Shi, Multichem, A Halliburton Service; C. Fan, Halliburton Energy Services
174057 Completion Optimization under Constrains - Eagle Ford Case Studies
K.C. Nwabuoku, I.U. Okeahialam, Penn Virginia Corporation; M. Yang,
Weatherford Houston
174067 Modeling Asphaltene Deposition in the Wellbore During Gas Lift Process
A. Abouie, The University of Texas at Austin; M. Shirdel, Chevron ETC (BSS) (BO);
H. Darabi, K. Sepehrnoori, The University of Texas At Austin
174053 Using Dynamic Simulations to Optimize the Start-Up of Horizontal Wells and
Evaluate Plunger Lift Capability: Horn River Shale Gas Trajectory-Based Case Study
C.B. Nascimento, Schlumberger Canada Limited; A. Becze, Schlumberger; C.J.
Virues, A. Wang, Nexen Inc.
Thursday, 30 April 2015, 1000–1140
07 Facilities & Water Management
Terrace A-C
In this session, oilfield water treatment, advanced computations of high frequency data, method to
generate 3D classified model, improved history matching method, propant conductivity under confining
stress, and method to forecast post fracturing in low permeability reservoirs will be presented.
Session Chairperson(s):
Mason Medizade, California Polytechnic State University
Ray Clanton, California Resources Corporation
174025 Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water for Surface Discharge at Freeport McMoRan
O&G Arroyo Grande Water Reclamation Facility, CA
L.A. Kerley, P. DeLorenzo, D.C. Wilbur, Freeport McMoRan Oil & Gas Co.; L.
Nagghappan, J. Korpiel, S. Smith, H. Wojnar, Veolia Water
173993 Data-Driven Analytics for Production Impact Assessment during Un-planned
Facility System Events
A.S. Popa, Chevron Corporation; H. Leon, J. Medel, T. Nquyen, Chevron
Corporation, Bakersfield, CA, United States; S.D. Cassidy, D.H. Tubbs, Chevron
174069 Automatic 3D Industrial Point Cloud Classification and Modeling
G. Pang, R. Qiu, J. Huang, S. You, U. Neumann, University of Southern California
174055 Improved Proxy For History Matching Using Proxy-for-Data Approach And
Reduced-Order Modeling
J. He, J. Xie, X. Wen, W.H. Chen, Chevron Corporation
174046 Conductivity of Proppant Packs under Variable Stress Conditions: A Coupled
Discrete Element / Lattice Boltzmann Model Approach
M. M. Shams, S. Farhadi Nia, K. Jessen, University of Southern California
174058 A Predictive Model for Improving the Efficiency of Frac Jobs
M.M. Korjani, University of Southern California (PTE); J.M. Mendel, I. Ershaghi,
University of Southern California
08 Digital Energy and Integrated Solutions
Terrace D-F
The Oil & Gas industry must be equipped to take advantage of the vast amount of data from its
operations in order to find and produce from more complex reservoirs and remote operation. Thousands
of sensors at the well head, hundreds of partners in the supply chain, fully instrumented global capital
projects and many highly-trained digital engineers and earth scientists create a data-rich environment.
The challenges of adopting digital energy solutions stems from creating, managing, linking, and
automating work process changes in core data environments. In accordance, they can be repurposed to
support advanced analytics and daily operations.
Session Chairperson(s):
Iraj Ershaghi, University of Southern California
Jim Crompton, University of Southern California
174042 Semantic Web Technologies for External Corrosion Detection in Smart Oil Fields
M. Saeed, C. Chelmis, V. Prasanna, University of Southern California; B. Thigpen, R.
House, J. Blouin, Chevron Corporation
174045 Virtual Metering in Multiphase Flow
M.J. Bartolomeu, Norwegian University of Science & Tech
174039 A Novel Efficient Workflow of Production Optimization and Forecast by
Integrating Constrained Production Optimization with Decline Curve Analysis: A
Field Case Study
P. Kritsadativud, B. Jafarpour, University of Southern California; P. Ekkawong, PTT
Exploration and Production Public Company Limited
174061 Shale Asset Production Evaluation by Using Pattern Recognition
S. Esmaili, Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation; S.D. Mohaghegh, West Virginia
University; A. Kalantari Dahaghi, Occidental Petroleum Corp.
174031 Practical Application of Data-Driven Modeling Approach during SAGD Operations
in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
E. Amirian, Z. Chen, University of Calgary; S.D. Zanon, P.J. Dzurman, Nexen Inc.
174062 Failure Prediction for Electrical Submersible Pump Systems
D. Guo, C. Raghavenda, University of Southern California; K. Yao, Information
Science Institute; M.J. Harding, Chevron; A. Anvar, Chevron ETC (BSS) (BO); A.N.
Patel, Chevron ETC
09 Drilling II
Royal A-B
We kick off this session by analyzing the history of more than 50 wells. We will then review spacer
systems for oil and water based mud and application of hollow-gas sphere in drilling fluids. Last we look
at managed pressure tripping operations through abnormal formations.
Session Chairperson(s):
Rakesh Trehan, California Resources Corporation
Nabil El Shaari, California Resources Corporation
174030 Common Sense Reconditioning Experiences with Idle Wells in California
I. Ershaghi, N. Fotouhi Tehrani, University of Southern California
174005 Robust Spacer System for Water and Oil based Mud
A.K. Santra, R. Pernites, Weatherford
174010 Hollow-Glass Sphere Application in Drilling Fluids_Case Study
A. Minhas, Baroid/Halliburton; F. Shirkavand, B. Hucik, Seven Generations Energy
Limited; T.J. Pena Bastidas, 3M Canada Company; B.S. Ross, Halliburton; B. Friess,
S. Servinksi, Seven Generations Energy Limited; F. Angyal, Halliburton
174073 Case Study of Managed Pressure Tripping Opertion Through Abnormal Formations
in West Canadian Sedimentary Basin
E. Mammadov, Weatherford Canada; S. Sephton, N. Osayande, J. Risi,
Weatherford Canada Partnership
174013 Modeling Method to Analyze the Effect of Dynamic Cuttings Loading on the 3-D
Underbalanced Drilling Envelop
A. Kumar, G. Morales, R. Samuel, Halliburton
174068 Using Wireline Standoffs (WLSOs) To Mitigate Cable Sticking
J. Hall, Impact Selector; G. Wheater, Gaia Earth Sciences Limited
Thursday, 30 April 2015, 1330–1700
10 Fracturing Technologies II
Terrace A-C
In this session, sandstone multilateral stimulation technology, frac sleeve for multi-zone connected
lateral, acid frac in the Swan Hills carbonate formation, net to gross ratios in characterizing hydraulic
fracture deliverability, plastic Eagle Ford reservoir flow characteristics and high precision temperature
and logging tool applications in hydraulic fracturing will be presented.
Session Chairperson(s):
Mason Medizade, California Polytechnic State University
Obadare Awoleke, University of Alaska – Fairbanks
Invited Presenter - Dr. Fred Aminzadeh, University of Southern California
Induced Seismicity and Hydraulic Fracturing
174035 First Installation of Efficient and Accurate Multilaterals Stimulation Technology in
Sandstone Oil Application
J.K. Rice, Fishbones AS
174075 Frac Sleeve Designed for Multi-Zone Cemented Laterals
S.J. Chauffe, Team Oil Tools
174043 Simultaneous Propped Acid Fracs in the Swan Hills Carbonate Formation - The
Journey towards a Successful and Effective Execution
Y. Zotskine, K. Sinclair Smith, T. Mcloughlin, Calfrac Well Services Ltd.; G. Elliot,
Light Stream Resources; B. Lamson, Lightstream Resources
173998 Impact of Stimulation Net to Gross Ratio on Hydraulic Fracture Deliverability in
Unconventional Resources
S.V. Ganpule, G.A. Waters, Z. Al-jalal, Schlumberger
174014 Methods to Maximize Completion Efficiency in the Eagle Ford Reservoir
C. Smith, A. Bashkirtseva, Halliburton
174019 Characterizing Hydraulic Fracture Contribution in Unconventional Oil Wells Using
Spectral Noise Logging and High Precision Temperature Technology
B. Cheeseman, TGT Oil & Gas Services; M. Lawrence, TGT Oil & Gas Services LLC; S.
Brierty, E. Staples, Conoco Phillips
174037 Application of Nano-Proppants from Waste Products to Improve Hydraulic
Fracture Conductivity in Ultra-Tight Unconventional Reservoirs
C. Chempakathinal Bose, T. Jones, A. Gul, B.S. Fairchild, The University of Kansas;
R. Barati Ghahfarokhi, University of Kansas
11 Heavy Oil Recovery Technologies
Terrace D-F
This session focuses on technologies and processes such as slotted liner completions, CHOPS, SAGD,
solvent and polymer injection to enhance the recovery of heavy oils. Special cases of heavy oil reservoirs
that are naturally fractured, thin rimmed and having a bottom aquifer are included.
Session Chairperson(s):
Abhijit Dandekar, University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Reza Rastegar, California Resources Corporation
Invited Presenter - Dr. Victor Ziegler, California Resources Corporation
Thermal EOR: Its Legendary Past, Economic Present and Challenging Future
Geochemical Correlation for Kinematic Viscosity of Heavy Oils
Y. Tang, Power Environmental Energy Research Institute; Q. Ma, ChemEOR; Z.
Zhang, ChemEOR Inc.; P.J. Shuler, ChemEOR
Analysis of Wellbore Failures and Redesign of Slotted Liners for Horizontal Wells
Applied in a Heavy Oil Field
T.J. Hallman, Bankers Petroleum Ltd
Addressing Challenges of Thin Heavy Oil Reservoir Production by Means of
Hydraulic Fracturing and Formation Dilation
M. Shahri, Halliburton Energy Services (Houston)
Steam Injection Schemes for Bitumen Recovery from the Grosmont Carbonate
Q. Song, Z. Chen, S. Farouq Ali, University of Calgary
Field Scale Simulation Study, Investigating the Effect of Geological and Operational
Parameters on Solvent Co-Injection Process in Athabasca Bitumen Reservoir
Y. Souraki, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU; M. Ashrafi,
Statoil ASA; A. Jahanbani Ghahfarokhi, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology - NTNU; O. Torsater, Norwegian University of Science & Tech
174050 Enhanced Oil Recovery of Heavy Oil in Reservoirs with Bottom Aquifer
E. Delamaide, IFP Technologies Canada Inc.
174012 A Critical Investigation of Optimization of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD)
in Naturally-Fractured Heavy-Oil Carbonate Reservoirs under Uncertainty
C. Temizel, Aera Energy LLC-EBS; S. Purwar, K. Urrutia, A. Abdullayev, Halliburton
12 Improved Oil Recovery: Low Salinity Brine, Waterflooding and Reservoir Definition Using History
Royal A-B
This session focuses on application of low salinity brines and other practical techniques to improve oil
Session Chairperson(s):
Anthony Kovscek, Stanford University
Stephen Cheung, Consultant
Invited Presenter - Dr. Norman Morrow, University of Wyoming
Wettability, Brine Composition, and Waterflood Recovery
174041 Low Salinity Brine Enhances Oil Production in Liquid-rich Shale Formations
C. Nguyen, R. kothamasu, Multichem, a Halliburton Service; L. Xu, Multi-Chem
Group; K. He, Multi-Chem, a Halliburton Service
174006 A Practical Approach to History-Matching Water Cycling in Waterflood Reservoir
Simulation - Method and Case Studies in South Belridge Diatomite Waterflood
Z. Yang, A.H. Urdaneta, Aera Energy LLC
173994 Mechanistic Modeling of Oil Recovery due to Low Salinity Water Injection in Oil
E.W. Al-Shalabi, The University of Texas at Austin; K. Sepehrnoori, G.A. Pope,
University of Texas At Austin
174063 Spontaneous Imbibition Study: Effect of Connate Water Composition on LowSalinity Waterflooding and Wettability in Sandstone Reservoirs
A.M. Shehata, Texas A&M; H.A. Nasr-El-Din, Texas A&M University
174033 Optimization of Novel Gravity-Stable Surfactant Flooding
J. Lu, G.A. Pope, The University of Texas At Austin
174001 Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Low-salinity Waterflood in a Low
Permeability Carbonate Reservoir
W. Alameri, T. Teklu, R.M. Graves, H. Kazemi, Colorado School of Mines; A.M. Alsumaiti, Petroleum Institute
174008 Practical Concerns and Principle Guidelines for Screening, Implementation,
Design, and Optimization of Low Salinity Waterflooding
C.T. Dang, University of Calgary; L.X. Nghiem, Computer Modelling Group Ltd.;
N.T. Nguyen, Z. Chen, University of Calgary
174052 Reservoir Waterflooding System Identification and Model Validation with
Injection/Production Rate Fluctuations
A. Rezapour, A. Ortega, I. Ershaghi, University of Southern California