02-04-14 LinkedIn Partner Searches

Looking for partners
Follow Zsuzsanna
Zsuzsanna SzuchyOwner, Planet Design Bt.
Hungarian company is searching partner for the project WATER-1-2014/2015: Bridging the gap: from innovative water solutions to
market replication
The main idea is to disseminate GAZWATER method for collecting water from yet untapped sources, to start design of GAZWATER
devices and start manufacturing and marketing them for the benefit of people, to design models for applications different in size, mode
of application and capacity, including private, industrial and public. This can provide significant growth in the economy by creating
tremendous jobs globally and can help to save natural resources and environment alike, especially in arid areas, countries or regions or
at coast lines.
The first deadline for the concept notes is on 8th April, therefore we urgently need partners from the market research, marketing
Partner Search for H2020 call EE5: promoting energy efficiency in existing buildings via deep renovation
Follow Sarah
Sarah CollingsEU Fund Consultant at MIF advisoryTop Contributor
Dear all,
We are looking for partners to join a consortium currently under construction to collaborate on a proposal for the H2020 call EE5 on
promoting energy efficiency in existing buildings via deep renovation.
We are interested in partners who can offer expertise and experience in one of the following areas:
- Stakeholder engagement and the organisation of public-private round-table discussions;
- Competition organisation;
- Energy efficiency research and market analysis;
- Deep renovation market;
- Communication strategy.
We are also looking for stakeholders involved in the construction and building sectors including:
- Housing associations;
- Associations of builders/product suppliers;
- Investors (in building renovation or investors interested in building renovation);
- Landlord/tenant associations;
- Energy agencies/service companies;
- Other organisations involved in these sectors.
If you are interested in participating please contact me at sarah.collings@mifadvisory.com with a brief overview of your organisation,
your expertise and experience. I look forward to hearing from you.
Urgent partner request for Waste 1
Follow Katerina
Katerina Tzortzatou, PhDResearch Associate CERTH/NTUA
The proposal aims to develop utilities and processes to turn the waste of several industries into useful feedstock for another.
Additionally, waste management systems will be developed in order to estimate the composition, patterns of supply and quantity of
wastes in order to achieve reliable and predictable feed stock. We are looking for an SME partner with expertise in waste
management. Interested parties can send their organization capacities in the following email tzortzatoukat@gmail.com until 5th of
Looking for partners: SC5-04-2015 Improving the air quality and reducing the carbon footprint of
European cities
Follow Mantas
Mantas PranskevičiusResearcher at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)Top Contributor
Institute of Environmental Protection was established in 2002. Institute of Environmental Protection was one of the first institution in
Lithuania to start solving environmental problems. Institute of Environmental Protection gained international recognition by doing
environmental research, developing and applying innovative training methods. Institute of Environmental Protection employees
actively participate in various international projects and programs, carry out research and cooperate with foreign universities.
Looking for partners for H2020-LCE 2- 2014/2015: biomass conversion for renewable electricity
generation via Fuel Cells (SOFC &DCFC)
Follow Amal
Amal ElleuchAssistante chez Faculté des sciences de gabèsTop Contributor
Looking for participation in the project in the field of transportation planning, BRT
Follow Andriy
Andriy BilousPh.D., Lecturer, Transportation PlanningTop Contributor
Search of partner: leader in dissemination of R&D results on water innovative solutions for agriculture.
Follow Pilar
Pilar Joya ReinaDirectora en Ueproyectos.comTop Contributor
Dear colleagues, in the framework of an HORIZON 2020 project proposal under the topic Water 4a Harnessing EU water research and
innovation results for industry, agriculture, policy makers and citizens, we are looking for a partner with proved EU project experience
Further information upon request.
We are looking for partners in call LCE10. Our topic is CAES ( compressed air energy storage ). We
have to develop a high efficiency isothermal compressed reversible motor and compressor.
Follow George
George KourtisFounder at ED SCE
It is not so known that compressed air motors have very low isothermal efficiencies (25%-60%), and compressors too (50%-70%).
So a 3 stages compressor, compressing up to 300bar and a 3 stages expander expanding air from 300bar to 1bar present e very low
round trip efficiency ( e.g. 10% ).
But air is free and storage caverns too.
So advancement is possible in the field with the aim to arrive to round trip efficiencies over 50%.
Similar work is described in the sites of companies as: SustainX.com Lightsail.com and others.
What is different in our approach is the starting knowlege that drives to ultra simple solutions along the line of existing equipment and
of immediate applicability.
The design is immediately transposable to traction.
Urgent : Looking for partner : business plan and market strategy plan
Follow Sylviane
Sylviane PascalONERA Representative in Brussels
Project deals with the development of a cost-effective commercial service for water leakage detection.
Horizon 2020 call "WATER-1-2014/2015: Bridging the gap: from innovative water solutions to market replication". Deadline April
8th (1st stage)
If interested , please indicate your profile. Thx
URGENT. Looking for a ICT partner related to recycling.
Follow Ferran
Ferran Marti FerrerHead of Research and Development en AIMPLASTop Contributor
For a H2020 Project we need a partner (no-Spain, no Nederland) with capacities on "advanced information and communication
technologies" to be used in complex recycling technologies.
General Interest Partner Searches
Looking for partner to join our consortium: a Health care provider
Follow David
David DangoorProgrammes Director
We are looking for a partner that could provide us with data on coagulation parameters of patients.
Urgent Partner request for ICT 31
Follow Stefanos
Stefanos KokkorikosR&D Project Leader and Proposal Writer
The main goal of the proposal is to provide an understanding of how everyday sections of our lives are affected by digital era, social
networks etc. We are looking for two partners that will undertake the two following sociological fields
a) research of how web users view issues of security in internet
b) research of how employment is affected by digital era
Interested parties please send their profiles until 7th of April to the following address stefokokk@gmail.com
Searching organisations working actively in autism intervention to join us as associated partners in a
ICT-H2020 proposal
Follow Roberto
Roberto Morán RamallalR & D Project Management Technician in European Centre for Soft Computing
The proposal aims to develop a novel and sophisticated virtual agent for its use in autism intervention (technology-enhanced
If you are interested please contact me: roberto.moran@softcomputing.es
Thanks in advance,
REMINDER: Looking for PhD candidates for MC ITN EUROMBR Deadline April 4 2014
Follow Adama
Adama SesayProject Manager at University of Oulu
Home - EUROMBR eurombr.nu
For more information please visit the website: www.eurombr.nu, All of the 10 positions and individual project titles are
listed there. PhD posts can be ranked by preference. DTU are the coordinators of the Whole ITN project.
Follow Lorenzo
Lorenzo SabatiniHead of R&D project area at ASEV - Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa
NANO-FACTORY project is proposed under NMP 8 – 2014: "Scale-up of nanopharmaceuticals production" by COLOROBBIA
ITALIA, an italian chemical industry, which will cover the role of coordinator. The project aims to set up a reproducible well assessed
scaled up process for the production of magnetic nanocarriers NC (see supporting document) which have the potentiality to be
employed for diagnostic scopes. The project is settled in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry, with an important contribute coming
from the chemical processes and a more limited input of pharmaceutical because the work hypothesis is the achievement of directly
injectable nanosuspensions for which the pharmaceutical formulation couldn’t be necessary. The pharmaceutical formulation will be
anyway studied to improve the stability, if it is needed, and to understand the best form for storage and preservation.
The consortium is seeking a GMP drug production quality management system, fully customized to the consortium business needs and
with strong expertise in nanosized material production for diagnostic purposes applications. Three production pilot lines are expected
as an output and a competitive advantage in helping the consortium to build and operate the proper manufacturing facilities that
comply with international GMP regulations is strongly needed.
The partner will therefore provide the consortium with:
- General GMP compliance advice on nano-pharmaceuticals, that is based on cost-effective and practical compliance, not just
compliance without regard to business demands.
- Establishing a robust, cost-effective quality management system that will support consortium’s GMP compliance objectives.
- Troubleshooting and solving specific GMP compliance issues
Interested people can write to: l.sabatini@asev.it AND niccolail@colorobbia.it
Partner search for HORIZON ICT-18: "Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries
Follow Rico
Rico PetriProject Manager presso Stargate Consulting & Training srl
The project is intended to develop and testing a highly innovative ICT solution for cost effective and wide scale nutritional education
and surveillance for individual and population health care and prevention.
Moreover our ICT solution is able to provide high technology marketing services for food retailers and producers.
We are interesting to participation as we need European SMEs involvement in the consortium for the system development and testing.
The best would be to have SMEs in the field of food distribution and food retailers.
We would kindly ask participation for:
-Providing your markets for testing the mobile software and the augmented reality with google glass
-Providing food products data
-Other project activities that you can be interested to be involved
Obviously your activities would be included in the budget project according to the H2020 call rules.
Please contact me.
Looking for a host institution to apply for a Marie Curie Action (innovation marketing/green marketing)
Follow Dr. Szabolcs
Dr. Szabolcs Nagy PhDMarketing Expert, Head of Dept. of Marketing Communication & Strategy, Associate Professor, Researcher
I am a marketing expert and an accomplished associate professor / researcher with tremendous hands-on business and research
experience in marketing, especially in innovation marketing, social marketing & sustainable marketing (green marketing). I am
extremely interested in participating in Marie Curie programs related to my fields of research. I have recently accomplished a research
project on the main influencers of product innovations. Moreover, I have been researching environmentally conscious behaviour and
green product development from the marketers perspective since 1994. Please take a closer look at my profile and if interested, do not
hesitate to contact me. I live in Hungary, but I am willing to relocate.
We are looking for PhD students at Semantic Technology Institute (STI) Innsbruck! Please spread the
word or apply at:http://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.details?asg_id_in=7897
Follow Anna
Anna Fenselat University of Innsbruck
Application deadline is 12 April, 2014.
For information about us, see: www.sti-innsbruck.at.
UniversitätsassistentIn - Dissertationsstelle Chiffre MIP-7897orawww.uibk.ac.at
Die Universität Innsbruck wurde 1669 gegründet und ist heute mit mehr als 25.000 Studierenden und über 4.000 Mitarbeitenden die größte
und wichtigste Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtung in Westösterreich.
One Research Fellow (PostDoc) position and one Research Associate position
Follow George
George MastorakisAssistant Professor at Technological Educational Institute of Crete
One Research Fellow (PostDoc) position and one Research Associate position are available for 2 years period, starting
immediately/when positions are filled, in order to work in a European Union funded research project.
The Research and Development (R&D) work will be conducted in the area of Cloud-based systems with emphasis on the
implementation of interfaces between a Media Distribution Middleware (MDM) and the end-users’ devices. More specifically, as an
R&D funded project, the potential candidates will work closely together with the research staff at University of Nicosia and a
reputable company. In addition, the design and development of models will be required to support the interfaces of the MDM and the
other modules of a novel network prototype.
The salary is highly competitive and the terms, as well as the duration of the contract will be taken for consideration for renewal based
on the candidates’ performance, activities and competitiveness.
Requirements for a PostDoc position:
-----------------------------------------------(1) Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science, or in Software/Computer Engineering, or in a related discipline;
(2) Excellent Research and Development experience in Cloud systems/ modeling and simulation;
(3) Excellent programming skills and good knowledge/experience on Software Engineering are an asset;
(4) Excellent English writing and speaking skills.
(5) Excellent record of relevant publications in the requested field of cloud computing.
Requirements for a Research Associate position (also the project covers a Ph.D. studentship in the case of excellent performance):
------------------------------------------(1) M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science, or in Software/Computer Engineering, or in a related discipline;
(2) Excellent knowledge and basic experience in Cloud systems/ modeling and simulation;
(3) Excellent programming skills and good knowledge/experience on Software Engineering are an asset;
(4) Excellent English writing and speaking skills.
Candidates may not be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus but should live during the project on a permanent basis in Cyprus.
Application Procedure:
----------------------------Interested applicants please attach your full CV and all relevant academic certificates to:
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie in the University of Burgos, Spain
Follow José Miguel
José Miguel GarcíaFull Professor
We are interested to host Global Fellowship holders in our Polymer Research Group at the University of Burgos, Spain.
We work on innovative and advanced materials for potentials applications as: naked eye sensory substrates for detecting chemicals
such us explosives, environmental polluting cations, biomolecules; polymers with anchored drugs for drug-delivery and as structural
materials, smart fibers, high mechanical and thermal resistance fibers (aramids), etc.
We are willing to tackle new challenges and open to discuss new research proposal in the field.
Please see our publications (http://publicationslist.org/grupodepolimeros).
PhD opportunities are available at Glasgow Caledonian University in a range of Engineering, Health and
Business areas. Find out more athttp://www.gcu.ac.uk/research/phdresearchopportunities/
Follow GCU
GCU BusinessBusiness Services, Knowledge Exchange and Research at Glasgow Caledonian University
Research gcu.ac.uk
Glasgow Caledonian University is seeking PhD applications from highly qualified individuals in areas which fit with our research
excellence. You will have a strong supervisory team, be part of our award winning Graduate School and be linked to a...
Partner Available in Portugal for Erasmus + Sport Projects:
Follow Paulo Jorge
Paulo Jorge AraújoSports Manager at Mirandela Municipal Sport Unit
Mirandela Municipality in Portugal is interested in joining partnerships for Erasmus+ Sport projects.
Please send us information about your Erasmus + Sport Projects to the e-mail desporto@cm-mirandela.pt