Edition 5 October 2014 Edited by Kial Norrie (P7J) and Katie Maclean (P7) Welcome back to another exciting year at Dyce Primary. Here are some of the things we have been learning about. The whole school had a ‘Lepra Workout’ and everyone enjoyed dancing ‘Zumba’ style. We are learning more about being healthy through having social snack every day. We loved seeing our family when they came to join us for Family Friday. We liked our experiments during Science week. We hope you enjoy our Newsletter and have a great October holiday! P1 – Miss Bennett, Miss Youngson, Mrs Hosea We have had a very exciting first term in P1. We had a lovely story called ‘The Kissing Hand’ about a racoon who was scared on his first day of school but then felt better after his Mum told him a secret. We have learned some new letters and numbers, and are getting very good at writing these letters/numbers. We have had a lot of visitors for our topic ‘Myself and My community’ We heard Mansen talk about his job at the church, Jim explaining how he cleans the pool and fixes things in school and the vet discussing how she helps sick animals. Mrs Dickson talked about her job, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Bavidge explained how they kept the office running efficiently and the lunch ladies told us about how they make our delicious dinners. We have had Mrs Paterson to teach us Maths, and she helps us with our numbers from 0-10. Miss McKnockiter teaches us P.E and we like to run and jump. 1/ 2 - Miss Smith 2 and 2/3–Miss Glynn & Miss Hardman We have been learning about Dinosaurs names, characteristics, and how long ago they lived. We have been enjoying doing lots of mental Maths and learning about numbers to 10, and to 100. We have written our own storybooks about our bucket full of dinosaurs. The Primary 2’s enjoyed their trip to Techfest. 3M– Mr Martin We have been learning about animals, their groups (mammals, reptiles, fish and birds) and we have looked at habitats. We have learned about living things, and we now know this is called biology. We investigated a frog’s life and the parts of a fish. We became explorers and created brand new animals that we discovered in the jungle. We have been using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a class novel. We have been using the book to write labels about the ticket winners in the book. We have been learning how to do perfect number adding using chimney sums. We have looked at bar graphs and made our very own. We asked each other questions to get information for our graphs. With Miss McKnockiter we have been keeping fit by doing relay races and we’ve used lots of equipment for these. With Mrs Paterson we’ve been doing number patterns and using clapping to help us count in sets of numbers. Primary 2 and 2/3 have been doing some common words and sounds. We have also been creating an old oak tree using our visualisation skills. We have been enjoying mental maths and tens and units. We made some posters about extinct animals and talked about dinosaurs. We are keen to continue working on the vegetable patch. We had lots of fun at Techfest. P3- Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Dickson We have been learning to add tens and units with carrying. We have enjoyed using Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to help with visualising and summarisation skills. Looking at our weather, we have been making autumn art pictures. We had a lovely walk around Dyce as part of our topic and wrote an information leaflet for Dyce. We wrote a report after Techfest. We are learning to join our letters in our handwriting. We carried out an experiment on how to build a bridge. P4H and 4M – Mrs Hamilton and Miss MacIver P5 – Mrs Casey-McKay We have been learning all about the Vikings as our topic. P5 have enjoyed learning about Nutrition and Food, and We have learned some adjectives, verbs and nouns as well as writing a diary entry. we performed a show called ‘Healthy Eating – The Musical.’ Linked to our topic on nutrition, we held a We have learned about rights and responsibilities, as well as drawing people accurately. We have been writing reports how to tell the time and doing work on friend ship. nutrition exhibition in our class for other classes to visit. We have enjoyed all sorts of maths. We had a trip to Techfest, and this was fun! Mrs Casey-McKay has been teaching us French, and we We have also enjoyed adding and taking away as well as are getting very good. doing a special assembly. P5/6- Miss Graham P6 – Miss Bowen This term P5/6 have being enjoying a Time travel project We enjoyed the potions and explosions show at Techfest. Our whole class novel is Holes and we have been writing letters about this. We have been researching Australia and have been making posters. We had a debate about zoos. We made a rights respecting class charter. using Tardis. In art we have been doing Victorian art work and ice age cartoon strips. In topic we have being learning about the Romans, Pompeii, Mount Vesuivus, the Great Ice Age and Victorians. In Maths we have enjoyed multiplication and division. In Literacy we have been reading Holes as a class novel. Writing focused around their topic and using great descriptions. P7 – Miss Petrie P7J– Miss Johnston This term P7 have enjoyed having Miss Petrie as a This term P7J have been enjoying their WW1 topic. We visited Dyce church hall and lit a fire to experience the conditions of a conscientious objector and wrote a newspaper article about this. We learnt about trenches, created recruitment posters and wrote a poem to enter into a poppy appeal poetry competition. We have learnt about current news issues like ice bucket challenge and the referendum. teacher, having PE with Miss McKnockiter, doing art and drama, doing BODMAS (Brackets of division, multiplication, addition and subtraction) and other new topics in maths. We loved visiting Techfest, especially the Potions and Explosions show in the afternoon. Here are our Pupil Council members. Faye Cromar (P1B), Samuel Shayo (P1H), Ross Gunn (P1Y), Owen Donaldson (P1/2), David Mowat (P2), Caitlin Sinclair (P2/3), Erin Wheeler (P3M), Arran Brown (P3), Cordelia Esson (P4H), Umair Khan (P4M), Murray Coleman (P5), Kate Cassidy (P5/6), Jack Mackay (P6), Katie Maclean (P7) and Kial Norrie (P7J). Chairperson = Kial Norrie Secretary = Kate Cassidy Vice-Chairperson = Katie Maclean Treasurer = Umair Khan