RHE Dean`s Meeting Notes 9/17/13

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
10:15 – 3:00 RHE Deans’ Meeting, Baker 514
10:15 – 12:00 Discussion Items
Facilities projects—Deans reviewed the Athens and RHE Six-Year Capital Plan
Global RHE Faculty List—Deans discussed a request to make a global RHE Faculty list available
and concluded that an ADC list would serve the purpose and provide an appropriate level of
university oversight.
RHEOP recommendations—Outstanding Professor: Deans are to review the recommendations
and send any changes to the Executive Dean. Deans agreed that there needs to be at least three
nominations in order for one award to be made and five nominations for two awards to be made.
BRSS v. BSRSS—Deans discussed the degree name for a new bachelor degree. The Deans are
leaning toward a Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Sport Studies, but will review the
curriculum and offer final comments to Bill before he submits it to RCC.
Heritage College meeting—Bill updated the Deans on the New Heritage College in Dublin.
Notifying department chairs of P&T outcomes—A Department Chair in Athens raised this issue
with Bill and asked that consideration be given to communicating the outcomes for P&T
decisions for the Regional Campus faculty. The Deans agreed that the appropriate chairs in
Athens should be notified of P&T decisions as a courtesy.
RHE insurance pool—Deans discussed the need to create a pool of funds to be used by campuses
in case of emergencies (e.g., facilities failures/destruction, major shortfall of funds, substantial
loss of enrollment).
Course releases & overload—Deans reviewed how course release and overload is typically
handled at each campus.
Faculty workload—Dan asked for clarification of the workload policy as it pertains to Group 1
release. In general, Group 1 faculty with a course release should not have overload that term.
However, Deans can make an exception depending on the campus teaching needs. Generally, the
overload should not exceed one course. Probationary Group 1 faculty who are on automatic
release the first two years of their appointments are not permitted to teach overload.
Associate dean procedures for hiring faculty from another campus—Deans were asked to remind
Associate Deans to talk with each other prior to hiring faculty from other campuses. Willan plans
to arrange a “Scheduling Summit” for the Deans and Associate Deans in December.
Teaching at multiple institutions—Deans asked for clarification about working at other
institutions. Bill planned to review the Faculty Handbook as well as institutional policies about
outside work and teaching at institutions (other than OU). He will get back with the Deans after
he discusses the matter further with Legal Affairs.
College Credit Plus—Tabled for future meeting.
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch Discussion
RHE Deans Learning Community—Deans to discuss the Derek Bok Book. Read Chapters 1 & 2
for next meeting.
Dean searches—OUZ is already posted and more than 20 applications have been received. The
OUS posting should go out next week. Committees have been identified.
International Education Week, Nov. 12-16—International Education Week will be celebrated at
OU from November 12-16. Tarig Higazi from OUZ is the RHE representative on the OU
committee. All campuses are encouraged to participate with appropriate activities.
Kennedy Lecture Series—Rosanna reminded the Deans that $1000 grants are available for each
Regional Campus through the Kennedy Lecture Series.
Staffing, capital, and strategic plans—Reminder: Due no later than January 1, 2014 to Executive
Permission slip scanning—Let Carissa know if you are interested in scanning permission slips
into OnBase.
Substitution guidelines—Deans discussed how best to insure that academic intent is met with
course substitutions for major requirements and transfer credit. The Executive Dean will discuss
and clarify the course substitution guidelines with RHECC. Deans will then vet their
recommendations with the campuses.
Appalachian scholars—Deans recommended asking Rich Greenlee to provide leadership
activities for RHE Appalachian Scholars similar to in the past. Bill will follow up with Rich.
Campus teaching/research/service awards—OUC is considering a variety of faculty awards and
asked what was being done at other campuses. Deans will get that information directly to Marty.
The Deans felt that faculty awards determined by student groups should use the term “Teacher or
Teaching” rather than “Professor” as students do not assess scholarship.
Campus scholarships/fee waivers—Rosanna distributed the fee waiver totals by campus.
Campaign—Tabled for future meeting.
1:30 – 2:30 Brian Hoyt, BSAM Honors Program / Business Analysis Center
Brian Hoyt made a presentation to the Deans about the possibility of creating an Honors BSAM track
using a Business Analysis Center and Business Project approach in the curriculum. Concept should now
be discussed with BSAM faculty for their consideration.
1:45 – 3:00 Discussion Items
P&L statements—Rosanna distributed RHE P&L Reports for July/Aug using the new RCM
OTO invoicing and processing protocols
Transgender facilities on the Regional Campuses were discussed. Bill will consult with Laura
Myers and get back to the Deans with recommendations.
Human resource challenges—no discussion.
Emergency notice backup personnel—Deans were asked to identify personnel involved in
emergency notifications to faculty/students/staff (email, voicemail, twitter, web, phone, etc.).
CTCH coordination—Concerns were expressed about coordination at Southern.
Word Press—Dean of Libraries recommends that the Regional Campuses continue with their
present software.
Hiring web designers v. using Athens’ designers—Deans discussed the possibilities of using
eLearning, individual hires, or central RHE to support faculty. No decision was reached.
IUC v. Foundation Board November 8th—Conflict so Deans will split the duties between the two.
3:00 Adjourn
Upcoming Items:
September 27 Academic Leadership Media Relations
October 15 Heritage College Leadership
October 17-18 Women of Appalachia: Sisters in STEM Conference at OU Zanesville
October 29 Provost Benoit 10:15-11:00
October 31/November 1 BOT Meeting
Note Taking Rotation: Tuck, Howard, Abraham, Willan, Evans, Smith, Fonseca, Anderson